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Date of Scene: 05 February 2023
Location: Workout Room
Synopsis: A sat talk about strengths and weaknesses in the weights room.
Cast of Characters: Rahne Sinclair, Samuel Guthrie

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne is struggling with the weight machines again.

She came down here alone, as she does. As one does when one is smaller, and often confused with a child. As one does when one is uncomfortable with their height, and how powerful some of their team have gotten.

How powerful all of their team has gotten, since coming here. Compared to her, who is still a tiny person who can't bench press a car. Cut one to ribbons, or shoot it with their eyes. Make it explode...

She bites her tongue to keep the curse from escaping as she pulls at the pin holding the weights in place. She wants to make it go lighter, but it seems to be stuck. "Son of a bitch," she says suddenly as it comes out, and hits her in the face.

Honestly some days a girl just wants to cry.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has just walked into the room, wearing shorts and a tank top planning to get some work out time in. He is there just in time to see the thing come undone and here the exclamation from his friend. He knows her well, and knows something must be bothering her. He reaches over to make sure the door opens and it sounds like he walked in right after the incident, and adds humming a song a bit that surely hid him hearing anything.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Getting her shit together, as the kids say, Rahne takes a moment. She hides her face behind the weight machine, calming as Sam's scent tells her who just came in. I am an adult, I do not cry over little things. I am an adult.

She is almost good when Sam gets closer, enough to see her again. "Hey," she offers, bending down to retrieve her lost pin. Which she gives a quick glance of reproach before putting it into the machine. At the same setting it was at before.

Distraction will kill her one day. "Ye hear tae work out?" Ah well, they can't all be smart questions.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and offers her a smile "Yea, figured Ah should get a bit of leg work in today. How about you, how you doing firetop?" He asks her. While Sam may see her as younger than most is more cause he sees her as a little sister. But more than most he does know his little sister can take care of herself.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The little sister who's at this very moment trying to pull down twice her body weight in the lats machine? She pulls at the cord, the pulley applying her strength to the machine, but there's no way in earth's gravity that she's going to be able to move it.

"I be...fine," she grunts, pulling all the harder, which ends up with her literally dangling off of the ground, spinning slowly from the handle.

She glares at the machine, then snarls out, "Jus' fine, yah." She tugs some more, not giving up yet. Reality be damned.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over at it and says to her "Think ya need to work up to that, looks more like what ya would be working out in your hybrid form." He offers her and says "Ya want to work out together, keep an eye out for each other and find the right spot for both of us?

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She sighs, then drops to the ground. Staring at the machine, she kicks it and then walks away from it, not answering Sam's offer right off. Something's definitely on her mind, she's normally super-polite.

Sitting on the bench press bench, she just sits, not moving. Until she says, softly, "Maybe ah should jus' give up." There's a lot to unpack in that statement.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie walks over to her and will squat down so he is looking at her more eye to eye since she is sitting "Give up what Rahne?" He asks and the concern for his friend is in his voice "Whats bothering ya?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne shakes her head a moment. Then, she looks up. "I be twenty-two now Sam. This be as big as ah'm gonna get. This is all ah get. I can tone it, but...I mean, even kids be stronger nor me sometimes." She's just not in the mood, apparently. "I cannae keep up wi' ye, I never will. You got some pipes, man."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and says "Just cause you aint huge and buff don't mean anything. One of the scariest people in this school is maybe an inch taller than you. You can do what you set your mind to, if you can't lift the weight by man handling it, you will find another way. Trust me, Ah know what is feels like to feel like folks are doing a lot better than me."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Sigh. "It not be jus' th' height. All th' others ha' skills. I hae tae turn wolf t' be useful." She seems to think that if she hasn't got powers while she's short, she's useless in that form. This form. She sits a moment, then shakes her head. "Y'know I started a fencing club? I think ah need t' learn how t' fight, bit more." A lot more. She's always fought as a wolf, never as a tiny human. Laura might be short, but she's LAURA.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and says "Ah know just a bit about sword fighting but more the long sword Ah got from the dwarves." He admits. "And you have skills girly, when we need someone who can get someone talking and make friends with them, your one of the best to call. Fighting is grand and all, but it aint the end all of usefullness."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She nods then. It's soft, but she's good with that answer. "I guess," she says in response. She pulls her legs in, then crosses them easily. Flexible, not something to be ignored. She's small, sometimes that's more useful. "Guess it be good tae not scare someone once in a while. Need a teammate who's nae so scary. Like you."

Okay, now she's teasing. Samuel Guthrie, scary? "Well, y' are gettin stronger. Toldja, y' got pipes on them arms dude."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shrugs a bit and smiles "Well, Ah am trying not to be scary, specially when Ah have the badge on. Training for that was no joke, mind you it was not danger room training, but they make sure ya can get through it at the Academy. And Ah didn't even have someone to make machine gun sounds as a roommate.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne smiles then. "Y' made me watch tha' entire movie. Was funny, gotta admit." She and Sam watched Police Academy one day, and she almost doesn't want that amount of her life back. Almost. But it makes Sam happy, so it makes her happy. He's a good guy. "D'ye want t' try more workin' out? No treadmill, ah cannee keep up even on slow." Short legs.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Sure, lets get some work in and then when we are done we can go spoil all the work and grab some ice cream from the kitchen." He smiles and offers her a hand up.