14185/=Storytime at the Library
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=Storytime at the Library | |
Date of Scene: | 19 February 2023 |
Location: | Harbor Road and North Street |
Synopsis: | The seeds of the animal people revolution are planted. Or, just some storytime and conversation in a library. |
Cast of Characters: | Tawky Tawny, Detective Chimp, Shayera Thal
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
It's volunteer story time at the Happy Harbor library! This regular event is popular with the community and about a dozen kids have gathered in a semicircle in Storybook Corner while their parents chat quietly or browse the library. Sat awkwardly on one of the little kid-sized seats (which made the children giggle) at the center of their focused attention, the community's resident tiger-man is reading with gusto and dramatic gestures from a picture book about... you guessed it, a tiger family.
"The Mommy tiger tried to warn the Baby that chocolate wasn't really very good for cats, but he really, REALLY wanted to try some. See how much he WANTS it?" he asks, as he turns the book to show the picture to all of the kids in attendance.
One of the boys raises his hand. "Our dog got into the chocolate chip cookies once and then he had DIARRHEA all over the carpet." The D-word gets a round of titters from the other children, but Tawny just nods solemnly. "Yup, there are some things you shouldn't feed to your pets, even if they really want it. They don't know what'll happen afterward. Shall we see what happens to Baby next?"
All in all, just an average day at the library. There aren't even any protesters, as the cranky adults haven't yet thought up a reason to be angry about tigers reading books to kids.
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp heard Tawky was going to be here, so he took time to come by. As he got to the library he payed the cabby, and walked to the side of the building to stub out his cigar against the side of the building before putting it inside his jacket pocket. He sees it is kid story time, and takes his flask out and takes a big swig draining about half of it, before pulling a couple mints from another pocket, and picks the lint off them before tossing them into his mouth and crunching them up. Once he is prepared he heads towards the building. At the door he flashes something from his wallet, and heads on in without getting question, odd looks perhaps, but he is a talking Chimp after all.
- Shayera Thal has posed:
Honestly it is a worthy cause. And it is good for PR with the Justice League. Hawk Woman decided to volunteer for this duty and was expecting to be bored but to be honest Tawky has made it very enjoyable. Even the normal stoic Hawk Woman gets a slight giggle out of her.
Hawk Woman is not wearing her helmet, trying to appear more friendly with it off and put on a small shelf. Shayera gets a motion from the head mom of the event and stands up and comes over, fetching a tray of fresh chocolate chip cookies and small juice boxes and then begins to hand them out to the audience. Hopefully giving Tawky some space to continue his story with the kids happily sipping their drinks and munch on their cookies.
Once that is done she takes a seat not far off holding a small book she has picked out to read. It is a little book called the Happy Prince and the Sparrow. Least that is what she would of read but was told it waws a little to sad because the sparrow dices so she was given another book. Namely Green Eggs and Ham.
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
The story continues. Mommy tiger relents and buys a small chocolate bar, but insists that Baby wait until they're back home in the jungle to eat it. He greedily gobbles up it up, and it's not until he has the whole thing in his mouth that he realizes he doesn't actually like the taste very much. And then he has a tummy ache all night. The next morning at breakfast, he declares that chocolate is yucky and he doesn't want it any more. Mommy asks him what he'd like for dinner today...
"And Baby said, 'Ooh, I want to try ice cream! I've heard that's very good!'" Tawny displays the final picture, which is Mommy Tiger rubbing her forehead with a 'here we go again' look. "Hey, do you guys think this story had a moral?"
Again, he gets some engagement from the peanut gallery.
"Don't let your cat eat chocolate!"
"At least he just had a stomache ache and not DIARRHEA!" More giggles.
"Maybe Baby should learn to listen to Mommy's advice sometimes!"
Tawny nods at that last one. "When our parents say no, they're not just doing it to be mean. They're trying to keep us safe! Mommy decided to let Baby find out for himself this time, but it doesn't seem he's learned his lesson yet, does it?"
A chorus of "No!" and then general chatter. One of the girls sat closest to him reaches out to pet his long stripey tail. Tawny smiles - which should be terrifying but somehow isn't - and twitches it for her, bapping her in the face with the tip.
Then, he tries to get up. This takes some effort as his big tiger-man-butt is wedged into the tiny seat. He allows some of the kids to help him stand, and then turns to the volunteers to beckon the next person over as he delicately weaves through the small bodies.
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will move to stand against one of the back walls. His brow does raise a bit at seeing Shayera, but offers a nod, while he has not met her, he does know of her. He does start to move, heading in the direction Tawny is heading so he might be able to speak to him. He is stopped by one of the parents, as she asks "Are you lost little guy?" Looking for the trainer for the Chimp. He starts to say something snarky, but sees at least one of the kids looking over, and says "No, I'm here to talk to someone..." and then he adds as a bit of an afterthought "And if I was lost, I would look for a police officer, a teacher, or someone like that to ask for help." He trys to be helpful, and smiles. Something that might not be the best for the lady as she does get to see the teeth and fang, but luckily only smells peppermint.
- Shayera Thal has posed:
Bird Nose joins in on the polite round of applause for Tawky and then stands up and gives the Tiger man a nod of the head as she sits down and pulls out the book. She clears her throat and one of the bright eye kid ask the question.
"What is it like to work with Super Man?"
Shayera pauses and then she thinks for a moment. "Superman is a really nice guy. It is hard to live up to the example he sets." She starts to open the book again and then another kid asks,
"Does is Robin Batman's son?"
ANother pause from Shayera as she then purses her lips. "Well I don't know if I should say?"
Another kid, "is the Flash faster than Super Man."
Shayera give Tawky a helpless look befoe she sighs. "How would you like to hear one of our stories?" The kids all ask for one of their favorite hero of course. So she begins to tell them about the formation of the Justice league and the children are quiet as they listen to the story. Trying to spice up one of her after action reports she would tell.
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
Fortunately, the parents of Happy Harbor have gotten at least a little accustomed to talking animals over the last few months. The woman who asked if the Chimp was lost even has the grace to blush and stammer an apology.
Tawny continues to grin happily, both as Hawk Woman finds a tale to enthrall the children, and as he overhears a gruff voice giving good advice to lost little ones.
Cats are obligate carnivores, but magical talking tigers... get a little leeway in that area. Tawny helps himself to a cookie - a sugar cookie though, not a chocolate chip one - as he returns the book to the front desk, and then looks around for the other animal person he was sure he saw come in a few minutes ago. He gives the Chimp a friendly wave, and gestures with a nod of his head toward one of the adult-sized tables where they can sit and chat.
Overheard from another of the kids: "Who'd win in a fight, Superman or Shazam?"
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and will stop by the table, and does pick up a few things a cookie but also some of the veggies most of the kids avoid. He even gets a juice box from the extra. He smirks a bit at hearing the question and says "Bats, would take em both." Yea Chimp is a Gotham Chimp. He finds his seat, and looks over to Tawny "You got a bit of time to talk?" He asks the Tiger.
- Shayera Thal has posed:
The Shazam vs Superman question gets kind of a odd look from Hawk Woman. "They wouldn't thought, they are way to much alike in terms of morals. They much rather fight together." She also happens to know that Shazam is a bit of a Superman fan boy. She continues her story before bringing it to close. Then as child are want to do and because their minds are few of these little problem begin to point out everything they did wrong, what they should of done and ask all sort of question which cause Hawk Woman to finally laugh and just say, "If we ha the hindsight you little ones did we would of did better.." The parents come to give Hawk Woman a break and she stands up to go over to join the Detective and Tawky. "I swear, it is the parents who are the real heroes...They are the one who get to shape those little dears."
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
"Sure!" Tawny replies cheerfully to Chimp - but not too loudly. It's a library after all. "You must be the guy I saw at that party a few weeks ago. I would've loved to introduce myself then but they really kept me busy." So, he takes the opportunity to do so now, thrusting out a hand to shake. "I'm Mister Tawky Tawny. You can call me any version of that; I'm not picky!" The semicolon in his comment is practically audible. He REALLY likes reading.
As Hawk Woman concludes her stint with the kids and joins them, he nods emphatically. "It sure is a lot of work. I babysit for some of them sometimes, but that's not really the same. I just play with 'em for a few hours before Mom and Dad come home to do the real work." Yes. The giant magical tiger man is a babysitter too. He is a tiger of many stripes.
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and shakes the hand, and says "Bobo, but most call me Chimp, or Detective Chimp." He says in introduction. "Yea, I saw you and seemed you knew Thomas." He says of someone he believes they both know. "I had been hoping to catch up with you, and then since then ran into a few more reasons, should talk to you." He admits. He looks over to Hawk Woman and adds "Most kids are decent, don't become little shits generally till teenage years." He smirks, maybe a bit cynical.
- Shayera Thal has posed:
And now we are talking to a chimp. She stares down at Bobo and can't help but wonder if this is one of Gorilla Grods people. "Hello Detective Chimp." She trying to be polite even if she kind of staring a little to much. "What brings you here today?" She glances over at Tawky and nods, "Yeah we only have to deal with them for a few hours, parent gotta deal with them all the time...
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
Tawny hides - not very well - a 'gosh I hope Mom didn't hear that' grin behind his hand when Bobo says a bad word. "Actually, I know some really nice teenagers. It really depends on the kid and their circumstances." He looks thoughtful for a moment, then seems to dismiss the topic as one not appropriate for this space. "But yeah, I know Thomas! Him and Rasputin. He let me crash at his place when I first got here and was finding my feet. AND he provided a good reference for me when I got my apartment." It's a basement apartment, dirt cheap, but that's just fine for a tiger on a budget.
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "Yea, I ran into him at a diner and he seemed like a decent fellow, felt bad sticking his foot in his mouth a bit, assuming a bit about me." He confirms on his meeting of the other. He looks to Shayera and says "Well, I like to know the other intelligent animals I might run into, and met a few Tawny here might want to meet recently.
- Shayera Thal has posed:
Shayera Thal is starring, she catches herself and then straighten. "My apologies I didn't mean to stare. You think in my line of work I would be used to it but. It still is amazing to me how earth seems to be the melting pots of aliens, meta humans, mutants and gods. I mean the closet Thanagarian had to a god we kicked off our planet."
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
Tawny's ears prick up. "Oh, really? Yeah, we talking animals ought to network! You know, I used to have to hide any time a human might've seen me, but it's so nice now that society's getting so much more accepting. I feel like, if me trying to be active and visible in my community might just help some mutant or other magical creature out there down the line... well, I was going to say it'd all be worth it, but I think I'd do this kind of thing anyway. I just like people!"
He cocks his head at Shayera. "Aren't you, like, half bird or something though? I don't think we're all that different, when you think about it."
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says "Hey I am just your everyday average Chimpanzee who happened to have a bit of a run in with magic, and can now talk to anything living. " He says to explain himself. He nods a bit and says "With more mutants and metahumans, has became a bit easier, but we still lack some major rights, luckily most don't realize it." He admits, though he has had some trouble with it in the past. "Yea I ran into a group of animals folks lead by a lioness recently, and then a mountain lion who has recently became more than a normal mountain lion and was still learning about being a more person type person.
- Shayera Thal has posed:
Shayera Thal glances at her wings for a moment and then rubs the back of her neck. "I suppose we could be called bird people. But we look more like those angels you see in the religious text.." It is not a stretch to confuse a Thanagarian for a angel that is for sure. She cocks her head a bit at the mention of the animal folks. "More animals folks? What is causing the change, do you think the meta human gene is active in animals where they are starting to evolve differently as well?
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
Not just talking animals, but more cats, even! Lions, of course, but that's not their fault. Not everyone can be a tiger. "Now that's an interesting thought. Meta animals, hmm..." he rubs his chin thoughtfully. "That could be amazing or, if I know people... trouble. But as for me, I was just a plush toy who got magically zapped." As if that's nothing all that interesting.
"Anyway though, I'd love to meet them. And if I can help your mountain lion friend-" he just assumes they must be friends, "like, offer any advice or anything? I'd be happy to."
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says "I find with animals it is more often magic, like myself, and it seems Tawky here." He does find it surprising Tawky was a stuffed animal and resists the urge to call him Hobbs. "Or science types.. excuse the term but Monkeying with genetics and trying to see what they can do, more concerned with can they than should they, or trying to make them to make them into disposable troops." He says from his own experiences. "Well, I have set up to introduce the lady to the fellow, but I figured another might be useful and you maybe able to help both or they you." He says to Tawny. "I had to convince Alderic I was not food, a bit of a finding nemo moment."
- Shayera Thal has posed:
Hawk Woman listens calmly, not much she can add to this conversation. She finds herself glancing to the window for a bit as she notices a pair of birds for a moment and begins to wonder about them and what it be like for them to turn into bird people. She snaps out of her little aside and goes back to listening in.
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
Tawny giggles. "Monkeying. That's funny, I see what you did there." Ahem. Serious tiger face again. "Sure, just let me know when and where, and I'll be there." And then another tangential thought. "For me it was the opposite. Everyone thought I wanted to eat THEM. And boy, did it take a lot of convincing otherwise."