14444/Fun and Games at X-Manor.

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Fun and Games at X-Manor.
Date of Scene: 18 March 2023
Location: Recreation Room
Synopsis: Friends Catch up
Cast of Characters: Rahne Sinclair, Samuel Guthrie

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne Sinclair is actually parked in one of the beanbag chairs in her holding what looks to be one of the Nintendo switches and currently playing a video game of all thing. The sound of the music can be heard and the little boops and beeps as well as sound of battle can be heard being issued from the digital entertainment. Not to far is a 20 oz bottle of soda that she often sips from while she maintains her trance like state in front of the IQ sapping game.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will look over and seeing Rahne there playing a game he is curious. He will ask "What ya playing red?" He is walking over bar, and stooping down to the mini fridge to grab him something to drink. He leans on the bar looking over to her after opening his drink. Seems him working as a bartender has made this position a natural for him.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahna is so focused on her game as the dialog in the game plays that when Gunthrie does speak she nearly leaps out of her skin, a pair of wolf ears appearing on her head for a moment before they vanish back as she looks over. "Oh Sam! Oh goodness sorry I didn't see you." She then looks at the switch and then smiles, "Ah Fire Emblem Engage. I got hooked on three houses so I wanted to see how the other one played." She pauses the game and then tucks it into a carrying case. "How are you doing? It has been awhile since I saw you.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "I am doing pretty good, don't think I have played that one yet. I might have to look into it." He says of the game "Yea been working a lot, so aint been around as much, what you been up to?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahna takes a moment to think about it. "Well aside from a trip to the savage land with the others, nothing much. We encountered these creature called the brood, it was infecting a T-Rex and I got splattered with gore when Storm and Tabitha blasted it.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie winces a bit and says "A Brood Rex does not sound fun to deal with." He admits. He sips his drink, and says "I was not at the mansion when it left out so Ah did not get to make it out to that one." He stands back up and says "You need a refill on ya drink or some snacks?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne Sinclair looks at her drink which is half full, she considers asking for another but wants to finish the one she has. "Not yet. Ah some pretzel if they got em.." She stands up from her beanbag and then asks, "Gabby was here last week, both her and I streamed Cocaine bear. I almost felt bad watching but then I looked up the actual story and no ever got hurt the bear just OD and ran itself to death.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and will fish around getting her some pretzels, and tosses her the little bag, pulling out some chex mix for himself "Yea been meaning to watch that one but aint seen it yet, heard Sci fi channel is done planning heroin shark or some such to play off it.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
That is just so stupid she has to see it. "Heroin Shark? Come on they missed out on Meth Badger or PCP Kangeroo.." She opens the bag of pretzel and finishes around inside of it before taking out one and popping it into her mouth and crunching it. "I hope cocaine bear doesn't start a trend of drugged up animal or I feel someone is going to try and see I'm looking on smack.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Someone tries to drug you, they going to have to get through me first." He tells her. Yup she changes into a werewolf who can rip someone's head off, but Sam still big brothers her. At least is comes from a caring place. "Besides, your scary enough on to much sugar, Ah would hate to see something harder." He teases her a bit

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne Sinclair aside from having some booze every now and them, what Scott could resist the sirens call of alcohol, she stays relatively clean. "Yeah I don't know that stuff. Shit will mess you up something fierce." She still has to boggle. "Heroin shark, I thought they peaked when they do Ghost Shark and Sharknado.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shakes his head and says "Na, Ah am sure they will put a shark or a sharktapuss in most movies. We are just lucky Jabberjaw has not had to go back into the past and save his parents." He mentions an old cartoon shark. So what ya been working on lately?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"surely we have not reached such a singularity of stupid yet." Says Rahna as she looks down at her pretzel and pops another in her mouth and then has to seriously think about it. "Then hollywood is remaking and remastering everything.." She sighs a bit as she pops yet another pretzel in her mouth.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "As someone said they should more look into bad movies that had good stories and try remaking those into better versions than remaking the good ones.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
There is a pause as Rhana thinks about all the bad movies she has views with some of the class mate, she fishes around in the bag of pretzel and just thinks for a moment. "I really can't think of any bad movies I think they should remake. Generally if the movie is bad I don't want anything to do with it." She then thinks. "Well maybe like House of the Dead, but that was Uve Baul film and you expect kind of a level of bad.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, Ah am sure we could figure out some, but unless we try talking Berto into buying a movie studio, don't really think anyone is overly worried about our opinions." He snaps his fingers and says "Oh I wanted to ask ya something, see if your interested into making some spare cash on an occasion.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahna takes a drink from her coca-cola and then lets her eyes roll over to Sam. "Well extra cash is always welcome, depending on where it is coming from." She get her allowance from the professor.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Would you be interested in working with the PD as an outside contractor? You know Ah work with Special unit in NYPD, Ah was thinking the captain knows Ah am a mutant, and keeps it on the low unless Ah decide to tell folks, thought if you wanted to could probably get registered for K9 duty and you could be a police wolf to others, but get some money and no one know you were more unless you wanted them to. Course if you wanted to join the force as Rahne, pretty sure if Ah spoke to the captain she would get you into the next class at the academy." He makes sure she understands it is not just cause she can change to a wolf, but thought of a way she could use that fact if she wanted to.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
There is a pause as she look at Sam. "The K-9 unit, there is kind of a problem with that, my wolf form is as big as a dire wolf so there is no way that I can fit in as a normal K-9." As fun as it be to be a sniffer dog she would really freak out the people if she got loose. "I'm not going to get flak for being a mutant am I? I figure with the meta humans and other super heroes they be over that little prejudice.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Not in the S.U. Captain works with the Avengers, Ah did not announce it myself. Figured unless Ah was using my powers, they don't need to know, plus going through the training was pretty easy compared to the Danger room. Fire arm training was main difference, and well Pa taught me to shoot when Ah was young. Our HQ is near Bushwick so Captain tries to keep any anti mutant folks away."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahna think aout it for a moment. "I have gotten comfortable with the fact that I am a mutant.." She says calmly. "I don't know if I could go working for a placet that won't let me be me or be who I am." She sighs a bit as she looks at her empty pretzel bag and then begins to neatly fold it up for disposal.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says Ah can understand that, and if your willing and wanting to go through as an open mutant, Ah am sure Sara would put in for ya to go through. You may get some harrassment, but you might also inspire some others. Ah was thinking more making sure had some friendly faces on the street when Ah started to be honest.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne Sinclair wonder just how friendly the people will think she is when the fur and claws come out. Would sure scare the hell out of the criminals that she ends up chasing down. "Well I guess I can talk to her, I honestly am not going to hide who I am anymore." Much different from the, Oh I'm born evil Rahna that is for sure.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods and smiles to her, and says "Ah'll talk to her and see if I can set up a meeting, see if your interested or not, worse case it aint for you.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahna nods and then lets out a yawn. She begins to gather up her trash and dispose of it, playing plastic in the bin and then paper in the cans before gives Sam a pat on the shoulder. "Thanks Sam. I'll see you around." She then heads back to her dorm.