1462/Once a dino... not always a dino.

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Once a dino... not always a dino.
Date of Scene: 30 April 2020
Location: Hank's Lab
Synopsis: Marie gets de-dinoified thanks to Hank and also gets a possible glimpse into her own future!
Cast of Characters: Marie-Ange Colbert, Henry McCoy

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
The lab. The home of SCIENCE! Right now, the home of a tired dilophosaurus. Marie's been here for... she's really not sure how long. However long it's been since Jean brought her down. She's managed to collect herself largely on one of the medical beds, with only her tail left hanging off of the thing. Waiting. Hoping. Jean seemed pretty sure that Dr. McCoy had the cure...

...and Jean was living proof of that, in truth.

Marie was among the fortunate cases, too. She had prior knowledge that this would be happening to her, thanks to her prescience... so a point was made of getting her to come down /before/ the change and provide a DNA sample. If it hadn't been for that? Who knows. Especially given that the girl's only been a student at Xavier's for a scant few months!

Henry McCoy has posed:
Truth be told, Hank was working all hours anymore - she'd have seen that. Research, creating serum, and trying to nail down who the other culprit in the dino-gorilla war was. He looked tired, yet still worked with focus on these various tasks. He was a juggler, and his balls of choice were science! Henry had done what he could to keep the dilophosaurus comfortable - hospital beds were meant for different physiologies, after all.

At last, he's got the serum formulated and created - the Beast loading up one of those aerosol hypo-injectors. "All right, Marie." He moves carefully, with slow movements as to not startle anyone. The tool is set on the tray, while he reaches for a terrycloth robe. "This will feel like your initial transformation. If it hurt, it will hurt. If it was just odd, it will be odd. I've not gotten full stock of your gifts, so I cannot say one way or the other." He smiles, draping the robe over the dinosaur in the bed. "For modesty." Clothes likely aren't a part of the restoral transformation. "Are you ready?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
It's a good call to actively try not startle Marie -- she's a timid little creature, generally, and easy to frighten. Which, when if Jurassic Park is to be believed, while she can spit a most dangerous substance at people and things that offend her... probably isn't the best thing to do.

The red-ridged creature does little more than watch, occasionally making soft trilling sounds as she patiently waits. Unlike some of the others, Marie hasn't really grasped /language/ in this form, beyond sounds and movements. With most folks, it probably wouldn't have helped... since /first/ she'd have to settle down enough to translate her thoughts from French and /then/ try to speak them. With enough time, surely possible. Fortunately, or unfortunately for her, she doesn't appear fated to spend /too/ much time in this form.

As the robe is draped over her, she tries to bunch into as small a form as she can -- modesty is something that's important to the girl -- and as for the question? There's a brief rattling, but not flaring, of her hood... and then a slow nod. Oh, this was going to hurt.

...but she knew it had to be done.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Indeed spitter attacks are not what Hank is going for! And the language barrier is a concern, but at the same time - he's not doubting in his ability to restore her. He pauses, considering his patient. Switching easily to French. "After you change, you will need food, water and rest. Nothing strenuous for a day, understood?" He comments, swabbing the area on her upper rear leg with cotton and alcohol. "I will keep you from falling off the bed. Please, if you can, avoid biting me." The man grins, good-naturedly. He's still got a healing arm from Laura.

The injector is picked up, pressed to her skin. "Three... two... one..." Click. The serum is administered.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
There's another slow nod from Marie-Ange, and a happy trill as French is used -- she understands the English, sure, but that doesn't mean that she's still not more comfortable with the French! There's a slight freeze at the comment about biting. Almost indignant. As if she would BITE a person! ...although, given the way she tore through those hot dogs after her initial change... and the pizza the other day... well, maybe.

As the serum is administered, there's initially no reaction. That's the positive of a hypo-injection, no initial pain. Where the pain /comes/ is where bones start to constrict and reshape themselves. teeth snap at the air -- though distinctively /away/ from the good Doctor -- and she tries to thrash around. Worse yet? That hood flares quite suddenly, and with an angry rattle that inky substance is shot forth... but aimed at a far wall.

Inside, Marie /knows/ that Hank is on her side. Knows that he did what had to be done. Instincts disagree, but... the human part of her brain is far more non-combative than the reptile part. Not by choice, anyways.

...and the cards said nothing about hurting a friend today.

...eventually, though, the change is complete. Very pale girl huddles under the robe like a scared orphan, her hair frazzled and sticking out in all sorts of directions as if mimicking the flared hood from before. Her breathing is quick and ragged and her pulse is racing -- though, this is from fear of some kind of aftershock more than it is of anything actually /happening/ right now.

"Is it... is it done...?" she asks, still speaking French, because... well, that's just more natural to her, so in times of stress, it's her default.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He was ready for thrashing - he'd been there for Jean and Laura, he understood the agony. Hank guided her, kept from tossing herself off of the bed. Still - when that hood flared, it gave him pause. He kept close enough to help, but hopped over the bed to avoid being anywhere near the target wall. No sir, none for him! His face is pained, seeing friends and students in this sort of pain - it has to happen though.

As her body starts becoming more human, he's more able to control the flailing limbs. The robe is kept draped over her, kept there for her modesty. There's no need to add that worry to the odreal she's going through. Once the transformation completes, he nods - speaking in French to be more comforting. "Yes, through with it." He assures, looking to the wall for a moment and grinning. That'll be a new cleaning story. "How are you feeling, aside from sore?" He asks, peering back to her face. "Any odd sensations now that you are back?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Now that it is, indeed, over and confirmed to be so, Marie takes the moment to go ahead and slip on the robe as more than the blanket she'd tried to use it as; it wouldn't have survived, likely, if she'd kept it on her previous form.... but her current one? Is more than happy to have it. Wrapping the thing tightly around herself, and moving up to more of a kneeling position on the bed.

"Oh, good..." she starts, relieved that the pain wasn't just hiding and waiting to come back. Her thoughts are still a little jumbled, to be certain. "I... my thoughts. They're... they feel like a jigsaw puzzle with its pieces strewn across the floor." she tries to explain. "I wish to eat a horse... but I do not /want/ to eat a horse, you understand?" There's still some... remnants of what was there that don't entirely want to give up control. Or, just her normally weak will is just stuck on the ideas she had before, more likely. "Sore, yes. Thirsty, for certain." she admits, bobbing her head once. "...but also as if I had just thrown up." ...which probably, to be honest, is /not/ inaccurate.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a nod from Hank. "I have some ginger ale in my mini-fridge, it should help with the queasiness. And help a little with the thirst, but you will want a good deal of water today." He explains, moving over to grab her a drink. As she mentions the puzzle of her instincts versus rationality, he nods. "I understand that all too well, Marie. I have... to fight those urges when I am hurt or worn down." He admits, with a shrug - the drink offered over to her.

"The... stomach discomfort is likely from the poison you spat out." He explains, with no lack of humor. "Thankfully, you had the good graces to not spit at me." A wink. "Plenty of food - rest too. We can get food delivered to your room, if you are staying on campus."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Please." she replies to the offer of ginger ale -- that /definitely/ sounds like a good choice to her. She's had stomach aches soothed by the miracle drink in the past, and this definitely seemed like a good time to turn to it once again. She's quiet for a couple moments until she gets the drink, takes a long sip... and swallows before speaking once again. "That... must be quite awful, Doctor." she replies, lips curved into a frown, the drink kept close to her mouth. "Being of two minds has been difficult for these past days... but to have to deal with that always..." a shake of her head. "If there is anything I can do, please let me know."

That being said, she now moves to sit properly on the bed, reaching out for the little pouch that was kept on her 'bedside table', so to speak. Her precious cards. Never far from her sight. Even when looking through reptilian eyes. "Why would I do such a thing? I would never wish to hurt you, or anyone." She might do it if told to, though. But that's Marie. "I am, yes... at least for a little while longer." There's a slight frown on her lips at that thought; she's graduating soon. She knows it. There's internalized dread that this will mean being forced out of what to her has been a paradise, and back to the life she came from. Mental note; once she can, she needs to talk to the Headmaster. See if there's any way she can stay longer. Even if it means flunking all of her finals and retaking the senior year.

...granted, she'll know how the conversation will turn out before it's even had, but. Right now, there's still the worry of the unknown.

"I should go and begin this rest then, yes? I am certain there will be much to do, soon." A pause, and a brilliant smile passes across her lips. "Thank you, Doctor McCoy. It is... wonderful to be me once again."

...especially before Jennymas concluded!

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a wry smile. "It's a matter of my gifts and how they affect me." A slight shrug and a grin. "Think of it as being hangry, but mine is more animalistic." He finds a stool and sits down on it, relaxing a bit now that the worst of it is gone. "I appreciate the offer, I do. Thank you, Marie." He's still speaking in French, clearly fluent.

"Like you mentioned, you were of two minds. I doubt Laura meant to hurt me, but the beast took over." He says, with a smile. There's a note of her frown, the man canting his head to the side to regard her. "Something is bothering you, oui?" He asks, donning his bedside manner. He may not be an MD, but he's got the knack for this sort of thing. "I'm glad I could help - of course. You are family to us, all the students, the faculty." A chuckle. "One big weird family."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Feet dangling off the end of the bed, Marie doesn't seem like she's in a grand hurry to escape the lab. Instead, she's more happy to sit and converse. Happy to actually sit and talk now that she can again. Normally, her shyness would be overtaking her... but this makes for a special exception. "I see..." she trails off for a moment, picturing what he describes in her head. "I suppose I am fortunate then, that my gifts do not affect me so? Being able to take glimpses of the future... is very freeing." ...when you know how the book is going to end, there's a lot less anticipation and worry about those last few pages. Of course, those who've seen her use her gifts likely also realize that they affect her more than she realizes outwardly.

"It is the least I can do, for all that you have done for me. For all that all of you have done for me." she admits, letting her gaze move towards the ground, taking another sip of her drink and letting her face hide, at least partially, behind it. "I... may I speak freely, Doctor?" she asks, still staring at the ground. Eye-contact isn't her thing. Once given permission, and /only/ if, she continues. "I... this is my final year of high school, Doctor. If nothing changes, I will graduate in May." It's a fairly terrifying prospect to her. "Professor Xavier was kind enough to bring me to this place, far from my home country, so that I could continue my schooling in an environment that was... safe, for those like us." she states, chewing on her lower lip for a couple moments as she considers her words. "I... do not wish to impose on such generousity as I have been shown, but neither do I wish to return to France. I like this place, Doctor McCoy. You say we are as a family, and I find that truer here than with those who gave me life. Even with..." A brief wave of her free hand to indicate all of the craziness that goes on.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry nods for her to continue, smiling. After listening, he gives a bit of a knowing chuckle at that. "Here you are free. There aren't any hysterical people afraid of you, for your gifts. Here you are unique, but normal." The Beast suggests. "You can always speak freely, to me. I don't want anyone burdened here, when we have so many shoulders to help carry the weight." He assures.

"The world is still adjusting to us, Marie. It will take a lot of time. It will have many bumps in the road, and there will be setbacks." A wry grin. "You likely know that - but here's the thing, I have faith humanity will come to an understanding."

"Call me a dreamer, call me naive. But I think the world will become more unified as time goes on. I have to believe in that, as the thought of the opposite drains me of hope and motivation." He pauses after that, thinking. "Ever thought of teaching?" The doctor grins.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Her gifts are, in many ways, a crutch of sorts to Marie. Terrified of not knowing what happens next, she takes her glimpses of the future and commits herself to that outcome. So while she listens to the words and advice given, one hand in her lap while the other is occasionally tilting the ginger ale towards her lips on occasion, her eyes occasionally flit towards the little pouch besides her.

"I wish... only for peace, you understand? I do not wish to be as the Empress, reigning high above her people but never among them." A slight smile, and her empty hand reaches ou to withdraw a card from the pouch -- it's face-down as she pulls it, but she turns it to face Henry; two sphinxes carrying a royal upon their chariot. Or more simply, The Chariot. She leans forward enough to see what the card is, and smiles a bit.

"Allow me to reinforce your faith, Doctor. It will not be an easy road; the Chariot must be carried to its destination. But like the mighty beasts which labour before it, we /will/ reach that end, and that precious thing we have fought for will arrive." ...as for the other question? she considers. Teaching? "I... have not, but I have not given much consideration to my life /after/ this." ...she's been scared to pull the next card, honestly. "Why do you ask...?" she hasn't really put the pieces of the puzzle together; more trying to figure out what she would teach if she did!

Henry McCoy has posed:
The future - such a variable in his mind. He's no doubt of her abilities, but it is hard to comprehend as a person who is so focused on science. There are so many wonderous things in the world, there's no way he can write precognition off. Still, it's the puzzle piece that doesn't quite fit in his overview of the whole image.

"There are precious few of our folks who look to lord over humanity, they paint a bad image for the lot of us, unfortunately. I would never think that of a student here, or any of the faculty." There's no doubt in his voice, not even the slightest. "People assume that is what we want, due to the actions of a few. Every society, every group has bad apples that cause others to react negatively to their group." A smile as she turns over the tarot for him, the man studying the artistry on the card.

"Then that helps bolster my faith. I look forward to hearing of the days where we are all simply as society, not mutants and humans." A wide grin. As she asks after the teaching, he chuckles. "Well, I know Charles is fond of good teachers. I know a few students looking to stay nearer to their friends and family here by taking up a term as faculty." A chuckle. "Even Logan works here, as much as he protests to being a loner." A wink.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Hank's optimism is infectious, really. Doubly so around Marie who's just about as malleable as they come. By the end of his words, she's back to smiling, and even moving to hop down from the bed; having waited until her feet were steadied enough to do so. "I hope, Doctor, that even the few who wish to crown themselves will see the error of their ways, and follow your way of thinking, instead." There's a brief glance at the little pouch as she places the Chariot back inside, a glimpse of another card.... no. There is a time and a place for everything. Jenny taught her that much. This wasn't the time to reveal /that/ card. Especially without doing more to narrow things down.

"When I learn what day that will be, I will tell you." she replies, bowing her head slightly. "Or not, if you would prefer the surprise." ....and then everything connects and her eyes light up. "OH!" she exclaims, a little too excitedly for a moment. "Once I have recovered fully, then, I will need to speak to him and see if he would consider allowing me such a position." ...it would be a way that she could give back, afterall... and, more selfishly, not have to go back home. "...thank you once again, Doctor. Your counsel is as valuable as your healing gifts, but for now, I shall endeavour to return to my room."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The doctor slowly stands, smiling to her. "Surprises make life so wonderful." He assures, nodding to her. "Unless I won't be around, due to old age." A wink to her. "In that case, tell me so I can know that my dream will happen, with or without me to witness it. "And I do hope that those with the incorrect attitude will see the light - they could do so much good for the world."

"You are quite welcome, Marie. Please, get some rest and relax today." A chuckle. "Sleep comfortably in your bed."