14822/MEIYA NO SAIKEN: Shinya no Kessen
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MEIYA NO SAIKEN: Shinya no Kessen | |
Date of Scene: | 05 May 2023 |
Location: | Main Foyer |
Synopsis: | In the dead of night, sinister figures invade the school in search of the Wolverine! Battle ensues! |
Cast of Characters: | Logan Howlett, Rhona Lauren, Monet St. Croix, Eabha Aine, Tabitha Smith, Jean Grey, Yukio, Scott Summers, Evan Sabahnur, Kitty Pryde, Marie-Ange Colbert, Noriko Ashida
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The Xavier School never truly sleeps, and even when the clock ticks past midnight there are some residents still awake for many and varied reasons. But they are few, and the corridors and foyers are dark save for the light of the moon casting an eerie, silver sheen over a blend of antique furniture and modern ammenities. The silence is almost oppressive.
The dull whoosh of air being displaced is heard, and in its place stands a man with black military fatigues. A heavy gas mask shrouds his features, leaving only the neatly-cropped black hair on the back of his head visible. Despite the modern look of his gear, a sword is sheathed at his hip. He moves silently across the floor of the foyer, moving towards the front door. He reaches out, and with a click it is flung open.
Waiting outside is a small army - twenty people at least, similarly dressed though the equipment they carry differs from person to person. They immediately begin to pour into the foyer, the man in the lead pulling two small cylinders from the harness he wears. He tugs the pin, rolling them off in opposite directions across the carpet. They spark, then smoke, and soon small fires are beginning to flare up in the foyer.
"Mokuhyou wo sagashi dase!" the man in the lead shouts, pointing as the soldiers in black hurry off up the stairs and down the halls. The fire alarms begin to ring throughout the Mansion, a piercing beeping noise.
- Rhona Lauren has posed:
Rhona was still awake. She was texting with her mother back in England. There was a lot going on 'back home' this weekend, and her mother is giving her guff for not making the airplane that her parents had paid for her to be on. Rhona had elected not to go back to stay with her parents for the King's coronation, she prefered it here. In the past year, Rhona had learned that she really didn't like it back at home, and prefered her friends here, her work here, plus the school year was letting out in a couple weeks and she was busy finishing up her classes.
Dressed in a white t-shirt with black lines going down the outside of her arms, around the sleeves and collar, a pair of black track pants on, the Junior is just lounging on her bed, sitting up and listening to music in the background...
That's when the fire alarms go off. This causes her to sit up straight, her heart to start to race, and her eyes to start looking this way and that. "What the hell..." she quietly says, throwing her feet off the bed, she is fast to rise up...
A click comes from her bedroom door, and her head pops out to see commotion out in the hallway.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
She had been going through the front hallways just pacing. Her own recent events on her mind, paying little attention to elsewhere. The Savage Land among them. So she's not particularly listening to anything going on. Something breaking along the foyer.. Fire? Oh, has one of the studetns gone to blow something up again? Irritating. So she's going to have to play referee and separate them. Something she loves doing!
But with position and power come resp..
She's not going particularly quickly over when the sudden bits of Japanese catch her slightly enhanced hearing. Then she goes to immediately send out a telepathic broadcast to anyone and everyone that she can get in touch wiht at this time. <<THE FOYER HAS BEEN BREACHED. LARGE NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PRESENT>> This is sent along on a high alert that she goes to try and broadcast to as many as she can reach - teachers, students.. Anyone in the area to call for backup and get others to cover. Her sending it at maximum broadcast - the equivalent of screaming over to everyone along as the fire alarms add to the fury.
- Eabha Aine has posed:
Eabha Aine were sound asleep and dreaming about an magical African elephant ride across the front lawn of the school. They'd worn a pair of green girl boxer style sleep shorts with a matching PJ top, socks on their feet and their long red hair was back in a single bread to keep it from going everywhere in their sleep.
They had grown up safe, protected from the negative of the world even up to the day they started attending Xavier's school. Not once had anything seriously dangerous happened to them, unless you count the earthquake in California that caused their powers to reveal themselves.
At the sound of the fire alarm the right eye opened first, at the same time the right hand was physically reaching to smack the left side of their face to ensure both were awake.
"What is that?" They ask out loud to the room, but they only shared the space with each other... two in one, they needed more room. That's when the psychic communication struck both of their minds and the next question out of their mouth was, "Breeched? What?"
Sometimes upon waking a teenagers mind needs a minute to register what is happening, for them it took even longer as there were two minds attempting to wrap around the concept of an invasion. When at last both minds were clued in and awake, they jumped out of bed and ran for the door. They remembered something about secret doors to secret hallways and talks about places the students were supposed to go if something like this happened, but their minds were thinking about one thing and one thing only: Evan.
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha had been down in the arcade originally but even she needed to go and get some sleep. The blonde woman currently in the foyer and heading for the door outside, hair pulled up in a messy set of pigtails with a bunch of her hair up front left to drape down her shoulders. A pink cropped tanktop with BOOM! in faded yellow across the front and a noticeable amount of tone to her midriff.
A pair of red tinted raybans sitting atop her head while her lower half is covered, or hugged closely by some dark blue denim jeans, the wait bound up by a red leather belt with small stainless steel spikes embedded in the leather. Matching wrist cuffs and a collar at her neck. Red chucks finishing the colour coordination if not quite the colour matching.
She had a beer in hand and was half drunk when the noise starts going on.
"The shit is this?" she looks around. <<The hell guys. I'm not even hung over yet and like this racket is stupid>> she adds trying to get a mind link going.
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean is up. In fact, she's down in her office. Sometimes the bureaucratic backlog really piles up, and there's no telepathic shortcut for paperwork!
"Cell C17 is the subtotal..." Her head looks up from the screen, toward her door. She heard something, although being perfectly fair, there are alternate and valid explanations for 'random Japanese angry shoutings' around this place. The alarms, however, make it pretty clear that something is happening. She stands up from her desk and starts out, while lifting a hand to her temple as she takes stock of things around the mansion. She can grasp at a LOT of information at once, everything from surveying the students in their rooms, to rousing any teachers who the alarm hasn't already stirred and setting up communications, to searching for intruders.
The last two items go somewhat in tandem. <<We have intruders via the main foyer. About two dozen. Lightly shielded, so I can't quite isolate them all at range. Some are moving upstairs.>>
She clears a door, and moves out through another intervening room, the foyer the next stop. Any hostiles here yet? <<Scott?>> She pings him directly for feedback, and then goes broad again. <<I want to work top down - if you're in your rooms, move out and sweep through the student hallways toward the landing, then push back toward the main stairs and entrance. If you're on the ground floor, sweep toward the entrance. I'm coming in on the foyer from my office.>>
While the woman's stride is purposeful, she's not panicked. This isn't her first rodeo, and the last time, it was alien kill squads. So these guys are working on a bit of a grading curve, as attrocities go.
- Yukio has posed:
Yukio probably doesn't sleep enough. Too much sugar. Too much caffeine. Too much -energy-. This is why she's still awake at midnight. Of course, it's a Friday, so who doesn't want to sleep in on a Saturday? The best way to do it is to stay up way late.
Thusly, the part time kunoichi/full time kawaii gangstar is awake, bopping around her room to obnoxious J-Pop at a reasonable volume because she is still aware of the fact that others need sleep. Suddenly, for seemingly no reason, she stops. She frowns, turning the music off. She thought she heard words she recognized. That can't be, though, can it? Something feels wrong, and that answer comes when the fire alarms start to blare coupled with the stomping of running, booted feet.
She curses the lack of storage that her pink plaid pajama pants and long sleeved Hello Kitty t-shirt have.
Still, she grabs her meteor hammer hanging on the wall, and a couple other goodies that she manages to secret, and slips from her room. One hand extends to a nearby outlet, and she draws a little juice from it into herself in a blue arc.
She knows this place. Where to hide, how to be unseen. She slips through the night shadows, doing her best to place herself to ambush the ambushers.
- Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers knew the trigger times of the alarms based on which sensor is tripped, which is why he's already out the door of his room and on his way in the right direction. He tosses his glasses behind him as he straps on his visor, hearing the satisfying click of it going into place as he springs, wearing a pair of drawstring pants, barefoot and shirtless. His hair's gotten a bit long, streaming down behind him.
He knows the sound of home invasion. He's prepared himself for this moment.
<<I'm here. We need to give the kids a chance to protect themselves. General permission to act in self-defense.>>
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Evan has found that since his mutation activated, he doesn't need nearly as much sleep as he used to. He tends to be up pretty late at night, which is why when the alarm goes off, he's awake and dressed, playing a game on his laptop. He's out of his chair and to the door in seconds, laying a hand on the knob to check it's temperature before opening it to look out. No fire is visible, though smoke seems to be entering the hall from the stairs leading down to the foyer.
He takes two steps out of his room before Monet's warning slams into his head. He pauses for only a second before a look of determination crosses his face and he breaks into a run towards the stairs. Reaching the top of the stairs he leaps into the air, bypassing the stairs completely.
What lands in the foyer only vaguely resembles the young man who started the jump. As he raises from the crouch he landed in, he gleams in what light is filtering through the smoke. So yes, maybe he stole Piotr's trick, but metal skin sounded like a good idea if the school is under attack. He looks around, trying to get an idea of what he's gotten himself into the middle of.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
The roads up from New York were pretty quiet this time of night. Kitty is still wearing what she wore to work at Stark Tower. Her laptop is in a bag beside her as the LexCar maneuvers up the highways leading deeper into Westchester. She passes a police car parked alongside the road, but then she isn't speeding.
She's just looking forward to getting back to her room and getting in a hot shower, and maybe spending some time in front of the fireplace, when her phones makes a subtle beep. It's a very simple sound, like something someone might use for a text message where they don't want the sound to be intrusive.
But that sound is intrusive to the X-man who knows it means an alarm at the school has been triggered. Kitty slides her phone out and has it do text to speech on the alarm.
"Fire alarms have been triggered in the main foyer."
Kitty is just about to mutter a soft swear word under her breath and make a mental bet as to which student - or staffer - is responsible for it, when the phone speaks another alert.
"Intruder alert initiated by student James Hamilton.
Kitty sits up in her car seat straighter. "Ok, even Hambone is smarter than to set that off if it's not true," she says to herself. Her foot steps on the gas, the electric car surging forward even as she takes the offramp that will ultimately lead her to the school not too far away now.
- Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
o/~ Oh, don't give us none of your aggravation o/~
o/~ We've had it with your discipline o/~
o/~ Oh, Saturday night's alright for fighting o/~
o/~ Get a little action in o/~
Precognition. Sometimes, Marie wishes fate gave really direct answers. She was the sort of girl who struggled to live in the present, when knowledge of the future was just a draw of the cards away... but the redheaded seer didn't do visions, or have a book that she could literally turn the pages and see what was coming next. She could get a direct answer, sure. She just had to know the right question.
Today was not one of those days. Marie didn't know what was coming, but she knew enough to know that danger was headed her way in the wee hours of the morning and that danger probably *wasn't* final exams. So, she's been prepared. Hair tied into a long ponytail with a black-and-white checkered scrunchie, dressed for mobility rather than (her) comfort in a black sports bra and yoga pants, and she's already had the Four of Swords summoned. One by each hand, two hovering in circles around her.
The sound of the /fire alarm/ has Marie getting ready to drop the swords in favor of cups, but then Monet's telepathic message comes through, making her decide swords were the better choice afterall.
The redhead springs forth into action, charging out her door and into the hallway of the college house as Elton John's battle anthem continues to play on the stereo in her room. Lacking superspeed or teleportation, she won't make it to the battle immediately... but hopefully having been somewhat prepared will help to make up for it.
- Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko wasn't around to hear her native tongue. She was out in the stables visiting Pony when she gets the urge to try and play some video games. That's when some familiar headvoices come in. "Get out of my head Tabby!" she says more to herself, then wonders if Tabby can hear that too.
But the speedster heads into high gear. She races to the foyer to see what's up only to start coughing uncontrollably when she runs into a cloud of smoke. "What the fuck?" Instead of running from the fire, she runs to where it looks the worst. Those people need saving first.
As for the intruders, she actually kind of ignores them, knowing that the children are all stacked up in their beds like sardines at this time of night and are about to pile out because of the alarm.
<<I'm-with-the-intruders,>> Noriko thinks, wondering if anyone can just pick up her thought. It's fast though given she doesn't dare slow down just yet.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The small army spreads through the Mansion quickly, as though they had studied its layout but did not know where to find what they are looking for. They move in pairs at the very least, some with swords at their hips but most carrying what look to be compact and kitted-out sub-machine guns. Green laser sights sweep across the dark hall, even as the alarms blare out into the night.
<Kyoi de wa nai kagiri, kodomotachi wo mushi seyo,> the Leader's voice crackles over their shared radio frequency, perhaps audible to those with sharpened senses, <Arawareta teki ni wa chui wo harae.>
Even as students begin to pour out of their rooms, the soldiers seem to move straight past them. Christopher Johnson, one of the senior class, charges one only to be suddenly struck across the face with the butt of a firearm to collapse in a heap. It seems they only bother to interact with those that get in their way.
Meanwhile, in his room, Logan's eyes had opened the second the alarm had gone off. He's clad only in a pair of sweatpants as he moves towards the door, prowling out into the hallway. He's on the main staircase when a voice rings out from the darkness.
"Teki wo hakken!"
The deafening clatter of severel bullets being discharged in the same instant rings through the Mansion, adding to the atmosphere and terror and confusion. Logan moves swiftly, pulling one of the younger students out of the way and putting his body between them and the gunman. They scamper back up the stairs as the Wolverine, bleeding profusely from his back and shoulders, collapses into a slumped heap on the ground.
"Kare wa shindeinai. Chui shite sekkin seyo."
- Rhona Lauren has posed:
Rhona quickly sees the dark robed figures and knows this is not a fire alarm... Her head dashes back in to her room, with only a few seconds passing by again before the door flies open. With her shoes on now, the teen raises her hands up as a Ninja figure rushes her... Her fingertips burst in to beams of light with energy springing out from each!
Two disc-shields snap in to reality in front of the girl just as the robed figure strikes at her with a bladed weapon! The weapon collides with both of her disc-shields, the momentum from his swing instantly absorbed by the swirling pink-purple energy that makes up the circular protective fields!
Two more rapid strikes come from the Ninja before Rhona goes on the offensive now!
Her shield discs leap away from her hands, becoming battering rams, both of which slam the ninja across the hallway right in to one of the tables smashing it, and the flower vase sitting atop it!
She'd been learning new tricks with her shields in the past year too, one of which was controlling their motion in the spaces around her.
The shields both snap right back to her hands, leaving the Ninja crumpled up on the floor... and the young teen steps out in to the hallway, holding the discs one in front, and one behind her as she rushes toward the younger girls dorm bunks to check on them, at the sound of screams!
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
An attack at their home is the stuff of nightmares. Jean's instructions flood in. Monet is already too near the Foyer to go elsewhere and is striding towards there <<En route to the Foyer>> Is sent along the group link. Even as M goes to arrive, she gets the sense of Noriko moving faster than she can keep up - mostly due to the rapid glows coming from the girl's gautnlets like strobe lights. She moves to hear the sound of bullets, and goes to charge on in. First she goes to pick up one of the large sofas present in the area for those waiting around teh entryway as a guest to take a rest on it. She goes to then LAUNCH it through the air over at the nearest group of soldiers. Even as they go to dodge it as it smashes into the ground. That's fine wisth her even as some automatic rifle bullets pepper her in the chest. Rifle cartridges pepper off her, leaving marks over her skin from the impact, an array of bruises over her perfect form.
She's just here to make noise while the others evacuate and get the children to safety.
And Monet goes to just charge into the fray, fists swinging! On eo hfer targets evades, slashing out at her with a sword expertly. Her fist misses, the sword does not. Fortunately, her skin is made of stronger stuff as the sword deflects off. Her hand goes out to smash it, reaching the blade and crushing it.
All she has to do is get as much attention on herself as possible to lure as many attackers to her as she can.
- Eabha Aine has posed:
Chaos. The halls were filled with students running in several different directions, and the invading guys in black. Eabha Aine felt a wave of panic starting to rise as they realize just how real this all was. One or both of them would have lost it right then and started running had seventh grader Maya Klein not screamed when Christopher was struck.
"Go! Follow the others!" They scream to Maya, urging her away from the invaders with the other's, into the waiting hands of Victoria Forrester who took Maya's hand and both kept moving.
Still afraid, still panicking inside, they had to take a deep breath to keep from just running away, then immediately started focusing her will onto an invisible wall. Extending a hand to aim her energy the wall started small and spread upwards to the ceiling, creating a barricade that the invaders couldn't see or get past, but in a place that the students wouldn't be blocked. "Just keep going, no matter what..." they call toward the students. "We won't let any more of them get past this point!"
- Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers is just coming out onto the foyer, skidding into some of the first invaders charging up the front stairs, "Sorry, visiting hours are posted. NO TOURS!" he shouts.
He strikes one across the jaw and then leads with a thrust kick, shoving the first attacker back down onto a few of his brethren. Space to breathe. Space to see.
Space to fire.
Scott unleashes a hard, quick sweep, not going too broad to minimize coincidental damage, a tight concussive beam hard enough to send a body sprawling hard into the opposite wall.
<<Push them back towards the main foyer. They're spreading out from here. I'll keep sweeping them out if you round them up to me!>>
- Jean Grey has posed:
<<Get them organized and safe. Your call who helps. You know everyone's logged Danger Room hours.>> Jean echoes back at Scott.
It should be no surprise that the Xaviers student body and staff alike have all drilled for this kind of thing. The students will have procedures to follow, for the youngest mostly involving either sheltering in their rooms or finding the nearest teacher for escort toward a safe-point, depending on their present situations. And the teachers, in turn, will know their own priorities and objectives, which involve double-checking to make sure the students are doing what they're supposed to do, going where they're supposed to go, and clearing any threats as they encounter them while trying to establish secure safe routes through the major parts of the building.
That's all in theory, anyway. Kids never do exactly what you tell them, and in a place like this, the line between noncombatant and not can get pretty blurry. It cuts both ways, though: Woe be it to the ninja who stumbles on the wrong 'helpless' youngster.
As Jean presses out into the smoke, a pair of waiting 'unseen' ninjas open fire on her, 'ambushing' her in the teachers hall before she reaches the foyer. The bullets strike a telekinetic barrier, quite harmlessly, even as the cloud parts as if by some unseen wind. The woman isn't realy fooling around here, given the threat to her students. The guns fly from their hands, disassembling themselves midair. As they start for backup weapons, she looks to one, who simply crumples in place, unconscious. The other starts to lift into the air, held immobile, before she turns her attention on him.
This one, she takes slightly more time with, than the simple 'off switch.' The layer of mental defenses is shattered rather simply, and then she goes fishing, rifling through his thoughts with a great deal less concern for consent and privacy as she would normally exercise. What she finds is...
Yeah, not shocking at all, actually.
<<Right. Friends of Logan's.>> But there is a surprise, as she keeps going. <<...some of them are other mutants, so exercise heightened caution. I have the teacher wing secure and I'm moving out into the foyer.>>
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Several of the green laser dots play over Evan's metallic skin, followed almost immediately by the chatter of SMG's unleashing a storm of bullets at him. Given that they wouldn't even hurt him if he was in his normal skin, with the extra armor overlaying him bullets simply ricochet off him, punching holes in walls and shattering a vase and several of the sheets of glass protecting the art hung on the walls.
He turns to face his attackers, then from where he is simply stretches his arms out to grab the guns and yank them out of his assailant's hands. Tightening his hands around the guns, he crushes them into uselessness before letting them go. Pulling his arms back to the normal length, he charges the disarmed attackers.
They both pull out short swords and separate so he can only face one at a time. Evan moves toward one of them, giving the other an attack at his back. The sword rings out the sound of metal on metal as his assailant swings at his unprotected back. Evan ignores it, takes two more steps, ignores the sword his target swings at him that just glances off, and with one punch sends him sailing through a window to land on the lawn outside along with a cloud of broken glass from the window.
He slowly turns to the other attacker and says "You should really leave now."
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
Kids are being shot at, ugh, god damn that just pisses her off.
Tabitha herself getting aimed at herself while in the Foyer, having never made it inside. and once she finishes her eeking and yikes she managed to find some cover and starts returning fire. Almost literally.
It's plasma, in concussive and super hot stream. <<I can see that, jesus. I can zone some of them back but I gotta dial in how much force. Ninjas right, we can kill ninjas. They're like Nazis? Guild free boom? Just gotta watch for the last one cause they be all like final boss and shit. Standard ninjutsu rules. less they have the tougher they get?>> she beams out.
Nori gets a grumble. <<We're working. These asshole should totes be shocked when they meet you!>> she beams out while she works to blast ninjas and anyone shooting and leave the school and the kids running about standing.
- Yukio has posed:
Yukio flickers between shadowy alcoves and open doorways. She creeps silently, but incredibly -pinkly- through the halls. She slips into an alcove, using her size to her advantage when one of the armed men rushes by.
Her smile is cruel when she steps out.
Lightning races across the chain of her meteor hammer as she spins it, the air filling with violent pops.
"Oi rokudenashi! Anata wa konran suru basho o machigatte erabimashita!"
With an expert flick of her wrist, she hurls the weighted orb right at the small of the infiltrator's back. It hits like a truck, and the electrical discharge is, well, shockingly violent. He falls into a heap as she coils her chain back up.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
As Kitty makes the final turn onto the road to the school, she pulls out a comms piece and slips it into her ear. <<Lockheed, if you can hear me, go out and help the students,>> she sends over the X-men's comm frequencies.
And then the gates of the school are ahead, opening for her as Kitty slides her car around the corner, keeping her speed up as she races up the driveway to the mansion itself. Parked out front she sees a couple of military style vehicles. In the dark it's tough to make out their exact type, but one is definitely a light armored vehicle with armor, and another looks more like a foreign version of a Humvee.
Kitty pats her car's dashboard. "Thank you, you've been wonderful," she says as she adjust the steering, heading straight for the armored car as if to ram it, though slowing a bit rather than accelerating.
The nose of the electric LexCar passes right through the Komatsu LAV for the first few feet as Kitty phases herself and her car. But then she lets the car go. It immediately materializes halfway through the armored vehicle, making it impossible to drive. Kitty's momentum sends the phased X-man flying through the vehicle to sink into the ground, before she pops back up to the surface a few moments later. "Sorry Roberto," she says, wincing at the sight of the car only briefly before running towards the SUV-style vehicle.
- Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
<<I hear you, Tabitha! They have vehicles outside... I will slash their tires.>> Marie confirms as the mind-link is established, dashing barefoot across the grass and directing her blades to strike as she does, summoned-but-sharp metal weaponry being dragged across the tires of some of the surviving vehicles in rather indiscriminate fashion on her journey, before finally she bursts in through the front door.
While Marie might've normally been one of the 'kids' to be ignored, the fact that she's come barging in with blades at the ready earns her the designation of a threat, and one of the enemy soldiers assigned to guard against 'calvary' enacts a measure of revenge against the seer for ninjas of the past -- tripping the redhead as she tries to get into the foyer and sending her sprawling across the floor, floating blades clattering as they clash against the ground.
Fortunately for Marie, though, those blades aren't exactly 'carried', so making sure she doesn't cut herself in the process is easy enough, as is bringing the weapons into a defensive posture like a very French porcupine as she rolls onto her back.
"You have chosen the wrong school to attack, Monsieurs." she speaks, voice... probably calmer than it should be. But, she /has/ been fairly battle-tested over her time at the Mansion.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan lays still on the stairs, blood pooling from bullet wounds in his back. He's clearly visible to anyone moving through the foyer, and to those who don't know any better he looks dead. He doesn't breathe, he doesn't move. Already two of the soldiers are crouching by his body, one of them rushing to pull something from a hard plastic case.
The keen of sight may see the way the knotted muscles on Logan's back expel the bullets, popping free and then rolling to the floor as the wounds knit shut. The soldiers begin to speak to one another hurriedly but are cut short by a blood-curdling ROAR from the collapsed Wolverine.
He rises to his feet in one swift motion, bringing up his claws as he does. They meet the man to his right just beneath his chin, his gas mask swimming with blood as his body spasms and jolts. He's still hanging suspended in the air when the other man extends a hand, arcing electricity sparking from his fingertips and causing the Wolverine to recoil with pain.
<Honda!> comes the call over the radio, and one of the masked soldiers reaches up to remove his mask. Beneath it is a handsome but cruel face, black hair dyed red at the tips and fashioned into a mohawk. He opens his mouth wide, and from it begins to unfurl tendrils of green gas.
The gas spreads quickly, trailing along the floors and up the walls. The soldiers themselves begin to shimmer out of view, like a television stuck between channels.
Outside, the front yard is not completely bereft. Several armed men move across the lawn when they see what is happening with the vehicles. High above, the hum of helicopter blades can be heard approaching from a distance. But perhaps the most pressing thing are a pair of soldiers who appear to be unloading some sort of launcher from a case laid out on the lawn.
- Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers is coming down the stairs just in time to see Logan unleashing his inner murder machine on the bad guys. Well, couldn't happen to a group of nicer guys, far as Scott was concerned. He was absolutely out of patience with this crap.
One of them at least had an intact gasmask, however and Scott snatches it up, strappign it carefully in place around his visor.
"On your six, Logan. Don't skewer me," he barks sharply.
"Back to back? Or should I buy you dinner first?" he says to the Wolverine as he lines up for the two of them to defend the god damn property.
"Friends of yours, I take it?"
- Rhona Lauren has posed:
When Rhona reaches the girl's dorms for the younger grades, she finds its doorway is already wide open with two masked men just inside it. Further within the young girls are all waking up across their bunkbeds, with many of them already screaming in fear at the sight of the intruders.
One of Rhona's pinkish energy discs is launched right at the back of the closest Ninja to where she comes in behind them from. It slams in to the man's spine, knocking him to the ground, while the second Ninja turns to raise his weapon up, and fire off two quick rounds of bullets at Rhona's left disc-shield. The growling energy of protection absorbs the bullets, dropping them to the dorm room floor at her feet, while Rhona draws her right shield back in to her hand, her left flies out to smash in to the shooter!
Unbeknownst to Disco though, a third masked man is coming in to the room behind her, and instantly wraps his arms around her to try and restle the teenager with the shield-discs! The two instantly begin a all out grapple with Rhona trying to flip him over her shoulder, only to have them both end up slamming in to the ground!
Naturally, the younger kids watching this are all either screaming, or hiding, with two brave youngsters rushing to try and help Rhona!
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
The foyer is the center of M hurling about anyone/getting smashed on. There's quite a bit of damage - she's just going to smash and hurl about anything in arm's reach. It was something that any of the Amazons would be shaking their heads at her fighting this way, despite all the training that they had given her! Disappointment.
But, it's not about necessarily taking them down, but holding them at the front and not letting them pass. And outside as the -pssts- aren't audible to her - her enhanced hearing is nowhere near as good as many of the others.
She goes to tkae a swing over at someone and then suddenly they're.. Gone!? The hell!?
She's startled, even as another blade goes to hit her in the gut, then a slash to her face. She can't pick up anything! Not with her mind, not with her senses.. Wait.
<<They're deploying some sort of sensory blocker. Heavier than air>> Thicker than.. Sweat? Breath? Her enhanced senses can't pick up -that- much. They'r enot that good. Definitely not in the midst of combat.
M falls back, even as blades and bullets go to strike at her as she retreats. Being stabbed, slashed.. Then there's a -PWSSHT- as a fragmentation grenaded goes off in her face! She howls in pain!
Then, she falls back on training finally. She goes to grope around, eyes closed and lashing out not at her attackers but to find the.. THere, large sofa she had hurled earlier. She picks it up in her hands.. Then starts to spin faster and faster in a circle.
She's nowhere near Noriko's speeds. Or any halfway decent speedster. But she can handle whirling around like a small tornado.. Wielding a five meter long couch in front o fher smashing it like a club and a baseball bat.
WHAM CRACK SMASH. That's the sounds of things breaking. The couch.. Anyone and anything that it comes into contact with.. There are a half dozen that are not going to be moving after.
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
That gas starts kicking in when it's inhaled and the ninjas starts vanishing. "The hell is this crap?" she yells and pouts. She can't see where they went but Tarot did give some into on what's outside.
That should help as her last plasma streams just miss and hit walls.
<<Please don't have invisible vehicles Like screw that.>> she hopes and just makes a run out the front door. Her friends out there she can track. And work around them. But she also has room to move. Marie is inside, Kitty's car is.
That'll buff right out.
The blonde looks around, if the cars are invisible too, she's gonna be looking for tire tracks. Hopefully that works as she comes out of the house swinging bombs where she can. Mostly away from running kids and other school staff while she starts lighting up the night.
Maybe she can curtail any escape. Wasn't there a helicopter to be caught in some loud blast waves?
- Eabha Aine has posed:
As the green gas begins creeping up the stairs, Eabha Aine blinks a few times and fortifies the invisible telekinetic wall the ninjas are presently attempting to feel a way around to get further down the hall. They can hear the voices throughout the area, even some drifting up from the foyer, but they can't understand all the conversations taking place.
This was /not/ what they came to the school for, and honestly they never believed that something like this would actually happen. It was just drills, right? Like in a normal school were fire and gun drills take place, but the actual fires and guns never happen. Yet as they stood there watching the last of the kids disappear down the hall to safety, they realized it was real... and they also became keenly aware that the ninjas who had made it past the wall point before it was in place now knew who was doing it.
One mutters something in Japanese, not a language either of them has learned and starts to rush toward them. The scream that ripped out of them was loud enough to wake the dead and a wave of terrified telekinetic energy exploded out from her. The energy sent ninjas rolling backwards down the stairs and crashing into walls, broke out windows in the hall and the rooms with open doors, ripped doors off hinges and of course the best of all... the entire mansion shook for one brief moment in time.
Then they ran... it didn't matter the direction, just away.
- Jean Grey has posed:
After relaying the info, Jean's next 'thought' is to search out Logan in particular. It would have been a reasonable guess that he's involved, but now she knows for sure. Maybe he can tell her more. Maybe she can get him to lead these people away....
As it turns out, she doesn't have to go far to find him, in body as well as mind.
She's just making it out into the foyer herself as he's gunned down, and perhaps, mentally, she gets the last of some of the second-hand pain, although it's the kind of thing she's long-since learned to filter, given how often she ends up 'housing' others in her thoughts. She also knows better than to worry too much for his condition, although it doesn't stop from wincing out of reflex. She knows well that it still hurts, even if the overall effect is MOSTLY that she has to wait a while longer to get useful information out of him.
<<Logan, who the hell are these people.>> Pause. That's information she actually has, even if her instinct is just to badger him for answers. <<Ammendment: why are JGSDF special forces looking for you?>>
The gas she can hold at bay, precisely the way she can seal herself off from outer space or worse. Increasingly, she's more concerned with information she's getting elsewhere, as she pulls intel from those in different areas, and especially those outside. Hellicopters, rocket launchers, those are a bit more concern.
She pauses to 'help' Logan, if only very briefly, sending a telekinetic thrust at Mr. Electricity. But it's only passing aid as she heads for the doors out toward the grounds. <<Clean up after yourself, old man. I'm going to make sure that helicopter doesn't blow up the building.>>
And that's where her attention turns as she reaches the open ground, reaching out with her mind to find that big metal whirlybird.
And start pulling it down.
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Evan gives the ninja guy the count of three before picking him up and yeeting him out the same window his friend turned into an exit. As the attackers have spread out through the school searching for whatever they are looking for, this leaves Evan with sole possession of the foyer for the moment. He collects a couple of students who are running around scared and sends them out through the back door and away from the combat.
When the scream rips through the mansion Evan blinks and runs for the stairs, ignoring anything along the way as he pounds up the stairs looking for Eabha. One ninja gets hip checked into a wall as Evan rushes by, but he's not currently dealing with ninjas anymore.
He also ignores the gas, simply suspending his breathing as he runs through the clouds. Another ninja get clotheslined as Evan passes him, since he doesn't have to slow down for that kind of attack. Seeing a bunch of students peering out of their rooms as well as a number of them actively in the hall, he shouts, "Everyone back into your rooms and lock your door. There's no fire but there are bud guys here. Get in your rooms now!"
- Yukio has posed:
Yukio has a problem. She needs to breathe. Getting the targets invisible via gas is, well, annoying. She doesn't have heightened senses, nor superhuman stamina to hold her breath. Hence, a problem. Though, from what she's seen, these goons are not exactly after the students.
Interesting. And they aren't after her either, so it's not her grandfather's doing. Who else could they want?
She slips into the nearest room and opens a window, slipping out of it and climbing down the side of the manor and into the yard. Just in time to watch Jean try to tug a helicopter from the sky.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Shadowcat quickly scans the outside of the mansion, easily identifying the men setting up the launcher as the worst threat. Kitty's wearing a pair of slacks and a nice blouse, not exactly the best clothing for a fight, but at least she isn't in heels today.
She takes off at a zigzagging run towards the men with the launcher. The other gunmen lift their weapons and start firing. If they missed some of Kitty Pryde's entrance maybe they don't know she's able to phase, so she runs evasively to try to make them think they are just failing to hit her.
One man lunges in front of Kitty, pulling out a sword as she is at close range. Kitty dives right through his body, grabbing the sword and phasing it out of his grip and in her hand as she rolls to her feet. He turns in time to get sliced across a leg and an arm, falling over as Kitty turns, phasing again to charge the launcher while bullets whine through the air all around her.
The men have just loaded a round into the launcher. The second man turns and draws his sword while the other aims it at a group of students caught where they couldn't get down to the base, running along the edge of the building to get out of the area.
Kitty jumps right through the sword swing of the ninja who tries to stop her, then unphases just in time to slam into the barrel of the launcher. It swings about as he hits the trigger.
The entire launcher shakes as the recoilless shell streaks through the air, the recoilless shell barely missing the mansion and exploding in some trees further in the distance. Kitty lets out a howl of pain as some of the blast of the shot caught her while she was unphased trying to push the barrel aside.
- Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
<<Not invisible, Tabitha. Please apply the appropriate punishment for parking in a no parking zone, yes?>>
Marie-Ange Colbert is known for being a gentle, polite, unassuming young woman who wouldn't hurt a fly.
Fortunately, ninjas aren't flies.
The one who tripped her is already starting to approach when he has to leap out of the way of a blade that flies towards him, narrowly leaping out of the way as it thunks into a wall (through a rather expensive looking curtain!).
Thanks to her variety of martial trainers -- and multiple, mind-directed weapons -- she's putting up a better fight than she normally would. Blade against blade, steel meeting steel but her overpowering numbers not quite besting the superior ninja skill.
Fighting and dodging out of the way takes oxygen. Which means that Marie's definitely breathing in the gas, and the rather sudden disappearance is enough for the seer to let her guard down for just a moment, causing her to get slashed along the thigh and shrieking out. Fortunately, Eabha Aine's shockwave hits about at this time and sends her attacker back and into a wall, though she can't see it.
Her swords /don't/ vanish, though. She's been working on keeping her concentration. Getting through battles like these unscathed isn't common, so one -- rather painful, bleeding gash isn't going to break it. It does, however, impact her mobility, so she draws /her/ swords back in towards herself. Quickly levels them at different heights... and starts them moving around her form. It's an effective shield, although her blades are pretty uncaring about anything /but/ Xavier's residents as they spin. So that's a loud crash as a vase is knocked from it's surface. Fabric of various seating being torn into. Marie's moving slower given the injury, but she's moving and causing damage in the process.
...but, hey! At least it's not /just/ to the school's property, as one blade connects with an invisible arm that was brought up to keep it from being a neck-slash, causing more blood to splash against the floor.
All this as the man's partner is preparing to seize an opening in the makeshift shield, but Marie doesn't realize they're working in pairs-or-more, yet.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"I got no idea who these punks are," Logan growls aloud for both Jean and Scott's benefit, still shaking off the feeling of being hit by a twenty ton bus made of electricity, "But they're sure as hell not local yokels with a hate-on for mutants - ughh!"
The bullet wounds are still healing, and Logan is visibly discomforted by them.
"Tokushusakusengun? Haven't had anythin' to do with them. Long after my time. But if they're after me like Jeanie says, then I gotta lead 'em out of the School."
He glances sidelong at Cyclops and gives him a wink: "If I make it back, you can owe me a steak."
It's then that Logan gives one last mock salute in Jean's departing direction and heads down one of the side corridors. It's not long before he's spotted moving out on the side lawn, and the focus of the soldiers begins to shift all at once.
The helicopter is close enough now, buffeted by sonic waves before tendrils of telekinetic power ensnare it. It struggles, as though some other being with similar power pushes back against Jean to try and break them free.
Inside the Mansion, the plucky students of Xavier's School have shown these invaders that they're not be trifled with. Only a handful remain, and they've immediately begun to leave the building in pursuit of their quarry.
- Rhona Lauren has posed:
Rhona is tumbling with the Ninja ontop of her, the two rolling around near the closet within the girl's dorms. Finally the heavier Ninja gets his legs ddown on to Rhona's wrists, pinning her to the ground, with his own gloved hands going to her throat! He starts to choke the teenager, whose fingers glow brightly upon the floor. The two girls who rushed to her aid are slapping the Ninja with pillows to his head and shoulders, but he just ignores them as they back off to try and come up with another plan.
"Let them out!" One of the younger girls shouts from across the room, spurring the two with the pillows to rush toward the closet door. Earlier in the evening they'd been playing around with a couple of the School's more famous 'little friends' and when the pair pull the double doors open, two figures step out from inside.
One yellow.
One purple.
The purple little buddy flashes his wings, leans his head forward and billows a plume of fire toward the Ninja's face who is pinning Rhona down! The ninja looks up and screams as he's engulfed in fire!
The yellow little buddy, wags his tail and rushes toward the Ninja to bite down on his ass, pulling him hard off of rhona and freeing her wrists from beneath the Ninja's knees!
With Jeepers and Lockheed at-play now, the young Disco raises her hands up, her fingers blasting bright energy right in to the burning man's body, and both of her summoned shield-discs slam right up in to him, sending him cartwheeling out of control across the room and out one of the windows!
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Evan turns a corner and sees his quarry running down the hall. "Eabha! Stop, it's me!" he yells, still running along after her, each stride closing the distance between them "It's ok, I think they're leaving."
He continues to close distance until either she stops or he catches up to her. "I can protect you if we run in to any more of them, but we should get out of the hall in case any more of them come along. I don't think they were actually interested in any of the students. Comon, let's get out of the hall and let the teachers straighten things out."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Beaten and battered, Monet is -reasonably- sure that anyone still in the Foyer is neutralized. Though there's not much of a way to tell if her attackers are still there but have gone quiet. <<No further hostiles in Foyer. Unable to confirm>> She put that along the mental link, tracking the sounds of explosions out front. Keeping the large sofa firmly in a grip, spiraling about a little easier now as chunks would fall off of it - so much for the ever so expensive leather cushions. But, if someone was still in here they would have to be fully evasive and shooting at her.. Or just playing dodge the smash bat. Which would make it easier for her to smash them with the bat.
She's still breathing - she's not -sure- there's gas and she's going to keep up until the front area of the school is secured and a stand down is ordered. <<Ms. Grey, status and orders?>> The Foyer isn't secure.. But it sounds like there's a general retreat going on. <<... Also if any of the attackers in this area survived they will likely need medical attention>>
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
The last few attackers. Well the ones that can be seen or sensed, they still get wild bombs flung as much at them as the vehicles do. Including the helecopter Jean is telekinetically ensnaring.
"I'm gonna slag all your asses!" she yells and and seems to get a bit more worn out with each bomb.
It might have something to do with shrapnel from exploding vehicles. Maybe a bullet or two hitting her leg. There's cuts and wounds a a plenty. She's not the only one that's been hurt but when she figures it out she mostly just lets out a "Huh, guess that explains why it got cold sudden." she states and just takes a seat on the ground at the door to the inside of the Mansion. <<Uhh, nobody dead? Check for bodie's farting. Ninjas don't count. Let them bleed and shit.>> she says as she waits for an all clear before she dozes right there on the stoop.
- Eabha Aine has posed:
And they're free... free running! Probably would have kept running if they hadn't heard a familiar voice behind them. Two brains skid to a stop before they actually stop their body and Eabha Aine slams into a wall to a full stop.
"Evan?!" she calls back, shaking off having just brained herself and trying to look through the green smoke. The light reflects off the metal skin and instantly a smile plays across their lips as she adds, "Oh yeah, that's you." and starts heading back toward him.
"We couldn't remember where to go, and then they hit Christopher and there were kids everywhere so ... we tried to stand our ground," she says quickly, immediately taking one of the large metal hands and moving with him. "We sort of did, then sort of didn't... we broke windows."
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean strides out onto the front steps of the building, hair tossing in the cool breeze, her gaze upturned and her expression not so much defiant as very much _over_ this. This isn't a desperate fight for survival, though she's had those as well. This is some people failing to do their homework and sticking their nose where it very much doesn't belong. Knife to a gun fight isn't quite the right metaphor.
Helicopter to a nuclear war?
Staring up, the vehicle is surprisingly less obvious than one might assume, for its size and volume, set against black of the night sky. It's no doubt a special operations vehicle designed for precisely these kind of black ops operations, a stealthy night-hunter.
To Jean, however, it is an object in relation to other objects, a mass distribution and collection of force vectors processed through the language of thought. Reaching out with a hand, an unseen force seizes the body of it. She does this, rather than bending the propellers, because, ideally, she doesn't want to crash the thing and kill everyone on board. Destruction is easy... and tempting.
But tonight, that side of her doesn't win out.
Which makes it a fight. She grapples with the bulk of the thing, pulling it down toward the Earth. A few moments into the attempt, she feels a counter-force, which registers as a brief surprise, if not any deterrant to her plan. To further her focus, she again raises her free hand to her left temple, pressing two fingers there.
<<Whoever you are,>> she projects up toward them, regardless of whether they care to listen or push her back out. <<This isn't a fight you want.>>
To an observer, the battle plays out invisibly, unseen forces at war, unable to express themselves visibly until one triumphs over the other. But those signs eventually come. The helicopter starts to slowly sink. In response, the opposing forces strain harder. And to the credit of the telekinetic onboard, it isn't they who gives out first...
...it is the 'flimsy' piece of metal between the two of them.
There are metallic groans, hydraulic hisses, snapping sounds and popping bolts. Jean is trying to bring it straight down, but apart from the telekinetic fighting her, the helicopter's rotors are still doing their own thing. Something goes wrong. Presumably alarms are going off in the cockpit. One of Tabitha's bombs goes off next to it, throwing it to one side and causing more damage, more erratic force. It starts to spin, the tail whipping around, briefly passing over the roof - where the rotor carves a path, tearing up tiling, before it eventually hits the side of the tower (sorry Ororo!) and bounces back the other way.
It keeps spinning like this, all the way down, until the tail blade finally comes loose, and goes spinning off like a buzzsaw. Where does it land? That's a story for later (hint: RIP Jeancuzzi). But the counterforce is the last push the whole complex system needs, and at last, the whole thing goes out of control, crashing dramatically in the center of the lawn.
She lowers her hands. <<Leader's called Shingen,>> she shoots back to Logan, wherever he's run them on his merry chase. <<Let me know when you get them sorted and we'll figure this out.>> Then a more general thought, simultaneously echoed out for those out on the lawn with her, as she looks on at the crash wreckage. "Gonna need the fire department again, I think."
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
There is a brief fight at the launcher, which consists of the two ninjas who were manning it trying to slash Shadowcat, while she grabs the weapon by somewhere not as hot as the barrel, and phases it down into the ground where it can't hurt anyone.
By the time that is done, they are realizing their swords and guns aren't doing much good against the ghostlike young woman in the snazzy business attire. One of them grabs something from a pocket in his garb and throws it down, a flash bomb going off and blinding Kitty, allowing them to make their retreat without exposing their back to the sword she still has in hand.
<<Took out the recoilless on the lawn. The ones out here are starting to bug out. What's the situation inside? Do you need me in there?>> Kitty sends across via whatever telepath might have added her into the link. Or if not, sending it over comms.
- Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Once she made contact, the French Cuisinart is able to use that sense of touch to score a couple more quick slashes, and might've even managed a coup de grace... accidentally, of course!
However, ninja #2 comes to his partner's aid with a very timely shuriken that sinks into the girl's back near her shoulderblade.
This time, it /does/ break her concentration, and the blades vanish...
But there's no follow-up strike.
Just a trail of blood and a shattering of a window as invisible forms leap through to give chase to their primary target.
...and possibly to get away from the redheaded dervish. Hey, she can dream!
<<Tarot here, wounded but stable. I think... I think they're leaving, Kitty, but we probably need to do a headcount to make sure the kids are alright, yes?>> As a student, Marie's probably technically still one in the eyes of the teachers. But as a /college/ student, she takes responsibility for the younger ones.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
<<Shingen?!>> Logan thinks back towards the mind-link, his voice stereotypically muffled and replete with 'static' given the layer of adamantium plated to his skull, <<No ... that can't be possible -- >>
But he's cut off. Something stops him from communicating. Either he's no longer conscious, or something is blocking him. Whatever it is, it's unclear. But those 'ninjas' that are still in the rough vicinity of the mutants on the lawn are already making a break for it. Some disappear into thin air, whisked away by an unseen force. Others simply make a run for it. The gas has stopped spreading now, the source of it gone.
Around the side of the house, there is another whir of rotors. A second, smaller craft rising into the air. The hull painted black in a way that makes it difficult to spot against the night sky. It turns with unnatural swiftness, streaking towards the horizon and away.
What remains behind is chaos, but nothing the X-Men haven't faced before. Their home and heart battered and bruised, but unbroken.
- Rhona Lauren has posed:
From the girls' dorms, a series of glowing disc steps has been created which allowed all the kids inside the besieged room a way to rapidly descend from the second floor. Now out on the lawn, the group of kids are all turning around to look at the wreckage, the carnage, and the aftermath of the attack.
Rhona stands amongst the younger girls, with Jeepers and Lockheed watching closely over them as well.
"Come on." Disco says to the girls. "Lets go find the others, we'll try to gather up by the Lake House, I think." She says as she waves everyone to follow her, one of the girls holding Jeepers' leash, while Lockheed flaps his wings and takes to the skies.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix goes to sweep once more, going to call out along the mental link <<Foyer secure. There may be some unconscious>> She's not sure if the drug is still in her system or not and if it is she's not going to be able to tell anyways.
As the enemy withdraws, she pauses and goes to land while tracking the arc of the exploding Jeancuzzi. That's going to leave a mark..
She takes a breath <<Any injured and require medical treatment?>> Time to go to cleanup. To sweep the building for structural integrity issues.
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
By the time the all clear sounds, Evan is back to looking like himself again, having spent the intervening time working to calm Eabha down and then keeping himself between the door and her, just in case. He's also never been through anything like this before, but he seems to have taken it in stride. There's a bit more confidence in his stance following this incident, given how successfully his powers worked to keep him and others safe.
He walks Eabha back to her room, noting the damage done to the school just from this little incursion. But it could have been much worse, so a few vases and paintings can be replaced.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde heads over to Marie-Ange upon hearing that she's wounded. It takes a little bit, but Kitty spots her once she heads inside. She goes over to help Marie-Ange into a seat and then starts looking at the wounds.
A passing student gets stopped by Kitty. "Give me your shirt," she tells the boy, who gapes for a second then pulls it off. Kitty presses it to the slash on Marie-Ange's thigh. "That might need some stitches," she says. "Let's get you to the infirmary. Unless we can find Triage or Muse," she says, looking around for signs of either healer.
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby had sounded off, she did start the telepathic call for it. But for now, there's a blonde in tight but torn up clothes sleeping at the door. She's snoring but she probably should not be just laying there now.
- Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Fortunately, between the red hair and the skin pale enough to blind the unexpecting, Marie's not /too/ hard to find even among the chaos. The sight of Kitty gets a pained smile, she's not going to object to getting looked after. Wounds can get infected if not treated, afterall.
There's a wince and a sharp sucking in of breath as the shirt's pressed against that wound. "Not quite like fencing practice, oui?" she tries to joke, then nods to the suggestion. "I am sure I can make it there, if you need to help the others -- I hope none of ours were badly injured." There was a lot of the action that the redhead didn't see, afterall, but as usual she's willing to put others first.
- Jean Grey has posed:
Standing there on the front entry, Jean takes a moment to catch her breath, the physical toll of the mental battle not insubstantial in its own right. But there are still things to do. She closes her eyes, trying to clear her thoughts, or rather, to clear the unecessary from them. In chaos like this, the cacophany of thoughts is as loud as the helicopter rotors were. She has to pick through it, for the relevance.
<<They do seem to have been focused on Logan. We have injured, but largely non-lethal attacks. A couple concussions.>> She shifts to find Hank, letting him know what to expect as he gets down to the med bay. <<I'm skimming, but it's a little hazy to get an accurate count like this. We'll have staff do a room-to-room check, while everyone injured will get counted down in medbay.>>
Of course, she knows - or suspects - they have at least one unaccounted for. Logan's mind is always rather hard to get a good grip on, for anything more than surface communication. But dead silence is still something different. And considering he was leading a bunch of ninjas on a merry chase...
She sighs. "I think we're missing at least one, because of course we are." Logan warrants a different kind of 'worry,' compared to most people. Inevitably, this is ALWAYS his life. So for the moment, she focuses on what's in front of her. <<I left two in the staff room. If you're not helping with the headcount, grab any of them you find and transport them downstairs.>>