150/A Family Reunion
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A Family Reunion | |
Date of Scene: | 27 February 2020 |
Location: | Logan's Cabin, Westchester |
Synopsis: | Logan has a sit-down with his 'kids', and the future is discussed. |
Cast of Characters: | Logan Howlett, Laura Kinney, Gabby Kinney
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The small cabin sits back from the mansion itself, nestled beside Breakstone Lake, and the old campgrounds. Not many come out here to bother the man, and he seems to like it that way most of the time. It's morning, and a pot of coffee boils on the stove. The windows are closed, keeping out the snow that still covers upstate New York. A fire crackles in the fireplace, casting light and warmth across the living room.
Logan sits in an old, stuffed chair before the fireplace, smoking a cigar and reading a book as he waits for his morning coffee to be ready. An empty plate, scraped free of bacon and eggs, sits nearby. He winces a bit as he leans to one side, trying not to put pressure on his other side, where the Phoenix burns are still healing. He heals quite fast, but damage like that, which would have killed even most superpowered folks, takes a bit of time. he turns the page in his dog-eared copy of On The Road, and pauses as his phone rings. He peers at it for a moment as if it is offending him, then picks it up and answersit.
- Laura Kinney has posed:
The phone's showing Laura's number, a number it hasn't for a... long time. When he answers it, it indeed is who it says. "Logan. Bellona needs discreet medical care. She seems to have a concussion and both she and Gabby have something inside them from experiments that is slowly killing them." Straight to the point, as always.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
He pauses to listen, his brow furrowing a bit.
"Shit. Alright. I need you to come to me, then. I also need to make sure you do NOT bring anyone here. Got it?"
The directions follow, with a route to get to his cabin without going through the main estate. It involves taking some back roads and such. It's a bit of a trip from New York to Westchester in upstate, but she'll get here quicker then he will to them.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I'm also full of pizza!" Comes a perhaps familiar voice in the background. If a bit cheery. Another quieter voice tries to hush Gabby, but she continues on, "Oh can we get more on the way there? I'm hungry again." Well, she was a growing kid.
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura sighs. "I will borrow a car. And they do not do drive through pizza, but we can get fast food." And with that, she hangs up.
A couple hours later, after a detour for burgers on the way, a battered blue sedan pulls up outside Logan's cabin. Laura gets out of the driver's seat, before opening the back and helping Bellona to the door.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan gets up and sets his phone down. He makes his way over to pour a cup of coffee. He sits back down and spends some time draining it. Only then does he get up to put some pants on and all of that nonesense.
Some time later...
He can see the car pull up outside of the old cabin, and he makes his way out onto the porch. He's dressed in jeans and a flannel over a simple shirt. Very simple. He glances between them and offers a small nod. He then makes his way down to the car and moves to help move the girl. He's quiet for now, but they don't know him well enough yet to know if that is a good sign or a bad one.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Bellona, the older one, is the one that's pale as pale can be. The white haired, red eyed girl that looks suspiciously Laura-like even with her face scarred up. The marks were far too geometric to be simply by accident. Someone purposefully carved up her face... And did the same to the younger, dark haired Gabby though she had less damage.
When Laura helps her out, and Logan moves to join, Bellona just looks completely annoyed and grumpy. "I can walk. I know my ankle is injured but it doesn't hurt me." Even so she accepts the help with a huffed sigh.
Gabby glances at Bellona's grumbling, then to Logan to wave at him. She was currently occuped slurping on a milkshake. "Hi! I'm Gabby, this is Bellona."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
"You do not heal like I do. You /can/ walk on an injured ankle, but you will damage it further." Laura is firmly in a Big Sister mode that she wasn't aware she had. ...Which is kind of weird considering that Bellona's almost as old as she is, but... "They said that Alchemax created them, but not all of them carry the X Gene. The people who ambushed us in Chinatown were after them but found me."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Mn," Logan grunts in response to Laura, clearly thinking. He leads the three up the porch and into the cabin. "I grabbed some sodas from the mansion," he says, gesturing to the fridge. "Kids like sodas."
He leads the injured girl to the couch and then steps back, brushing his fingers back through his hair as he tries to take it all in. "So, were they created in the same process you were?"
He pauses for a moment, and then looks to Gabby. "...Logan."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Bellona purses her lips together firmly as she really can't argue with that. She waits until inside and settled down to speak again. Mostly when Logan questions how they were created. "No. The scientist in charge of our project stole the sample of DNA that was used to make us. Due to the limited size he ended up attempting to modify and duplicate it so he could make a larger 'run' of us. Which resulted in... Poor results." A hand lifts to gesture at herself as if she was a prime example. "We didn't get the X gene. I ended up albino. One of us was deaf. They modified us to make up for our lack of results."
Gabby flashes a grin toward Logan as she takes a spot near Bellona trying to act as a calming presence to her sister. Sitting on the floor cross legged she looks between them all. "They started putting something inside our heads. We stopped feeling pain, but then the older ones started to just kind of... fade. They'd lose energy, faint, and finally die. That's why we had to try getting away."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
"It sounds like they used a sample directly from me instead of combining it themselves. Having to seperate and recombine the geonome would be likely to cause changes." Hey, Laura did /some/ research into genetics over the years. "I have started work on a target list of Alchemax facilities that would have the capabilities required. I will try to stop Alchemax from making more, but... I will not let them have their chance at life taken away again." A hand finds its way to Gabby's shoulder, squeezing gently.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
He sighs softly and nods a bit. "Why can't these idiots just leave my damn DNA alone? This -never- ends up good for 'em." Logan makes his way over to his battered old chair and turns it around to face the girls. He grunts as he falls into it, and he leans back as he considers.
He brushes his fingers over his whiskers and grunts. "You said something about...something inside you? Well, she said that about you."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flashes a smile at Laura when offered that reassurance. Looking back over her shoulder at Bellona, she simply nods and turns her attention back to Logan, and Laura. Bellona for her part crosses her arms over her chest and shuts her eyes listening in, but not speaking much more. Gabby was more the talker.
"Yeah, they injected us with something at the base of our necks. We saw monitors showing brainwaves so we know it's *there* but not what it is exactly." Her hand lifts to sweep under her hair pointing at a spot on her neck where presumably they'd had the shot she spoke of.
"It was a few years ago. So it's not *fast* or anything. Ever since then we can't feel pain. They just said that they'd 'turned that off' for us."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
"We are going to teach them that. I have been acquiring ammunition for the VSS." Some targets are easier to take out if you're not up close and personal. "I should be able to frame the Bratva for any required eliminations." Laura shifts, pulling Logan's old jacket a bit more tightly around her. "I thought that some of the X-Men might be able to help us. If anyone has the resources and will not ask too many questions... It is them."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The older man shifts a bit in his seat when Laura mentions 'eliminations', and after a moment he rises to his feet. He makes his way into the kitchen and quietly begins to put a pot of coffee on the stove.
"We don't kill. They'll do what they can to take care of the girls and try to fix them and shit, but..." He shakes his head, Logan glancing back over. "Not gonna be helping with any 'eliminations'." Part of him -absolutely- wants to tear the people behind this limb from limb, but he is trying so, so hard to be better. The conflict is obvious on his face.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Then *I'll* kill them," comes a near snarl from Bellona as her eyes snap open again to glare toward the older man, and then toward Laura. "They taught me how to do that very well. I've got no problem with using that knowledge against them. They *deserve* it."
Even as Bellona blurts that out Gabby just sits there frowning at the floor quietly. She shifts to pull her knees up to her chest resting her chin atop them with her arms holding them in place.
- Laura Kinney has posed:
"I would not ask your friends to, Logan. It is not a life for everyone, but they must be stopped. I have resources-" It's about now that even Laura's extremely stunted social skills pick up on Gabby's discomfort. She sinks to her knees, once again touching her younger sister's shoulder. "We can talk about this another time if you wish. Or if you do not wish to be involved, that is also okay. But we must figure out how to keep you alive before we do /anything/ else."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Gonna make this clear, kid. And only once." Logan keeps his eyes on the stove as he gets the coffee beginning to prep. "I'm gonna do what I can to help you all. I'll be here for ya to the best of my abilities, but I'm shit at this. Better'n I used to be, but still shit at it. You have patience with me, and I'll have patience with you."
"But don't you ever growl at me. Got it? I'm not the enemy. I know it's hard to get outta that mindset that everyone outside of yourself or...in this case you and your sister...aren't the enemy, but you're gonna have to come around on that." He leans in to light a match and light the old stove.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Bellona grouses some, muttering a few things beneath her breath that aren't quite words so much as noises of frustration. "I don't see why we don't just run in there and shoot them in the face." That was, clearly, her way of dealing with issues. Even so she has sense enough not to try and pick a fight with Logan. She knew the abilities of him and Laura both.
Gabby looks up at Laura's pat only to flash her a quick smile. "Oh, no, I want to help!" She shifts up to sit beside Bellona to give her grumpy sister a quick hug before pulling away again to give her space. It does seem to help calm her some at least. "And I'm not against the idea of them dying. I know it might happen anyway in the heat of the moment. I'm not naive. Just..." Here she falters uncertain on her words.
So Bellona pipes up.
"Gabby's never killed. We never let her, or let her watch us do it."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
"Frontal assaults are something that Logan or I could survive. The two of you... Would probably not. And it would not play to our strengths. If you are in a fair fight, you have already made one mistake." Sure, it sounds kind of hokey, but it's something Laura's sensei had taught her when she was younger. And it was true. "There are many ways you can help without killing, Gabby. It is not something to take lightly. If you do it enough.... It changes you. How you see the world, how you see people."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Regardless about Logan's opinion on the whole situation, he nods at Laura's comment about a fair fight. "Got soda in the fridge," he repeats idly, and then slides down into his chair as he waits for the coffee to boil.
He turns to stare out the window at the frozen lake beyond and then turns back. "You all stayin' with Laura, then? Where, the city?"
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pushes to her feet with a nod, and gives a quick close-fisted knock to her chest. "We've been shot before. That's what the body armor is for. Usually try not to get shot in the first place though." It's all said with a bizarre sort of cheer as she moves to the fridge to swing it open, and tuck her head inside. Leaning on the door as she peruses the inside and reaches for a soda. As well as just poking about curiously.
Bellona leans her head back on the sofa rolling her eyes to the ceiling. "It wouldn't be that brazen. We do know how to infiltrate and plan." Here she pauses at the question of where they were staying. "We can hide on our own."
Gabby blurts out, "We got a base camp set up in the sewer tunnels under New York. Still got some supplies hidden out there."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
"I have an apartment in Brooklyn. The superintendant takes rent in cash, and does not ask too many questions." Laura sighs a little at Gabby's nonchalance, getting herself a can of sprite. Hey, she has her own favorites. The sewer base though... That is slightly worrying. "...I do slightly worry about a location with multiple accesses like the sewers. They were not expecting me in Chinatown, and were brazen. Somewhere with no pedestrian traffic? They would not bother with any subterfuge. ...I will admit that a studio apartment is small for three, however."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Not gonna have you two staying in the sewers. Don't want the few remainimg Morlocks nabbing you or something. I've lived rough before. Not having you two do the same." The coffee is boiling now, and he rises. "Coffee," he grunts, in case anyone wants any, since the offer of soda has gone unanswered.
He makes his way into the kitchen. All of the important things appear to be on low shelves. He reaches up to pull down an old, scuffed and well-used looking metal coffee mug. He nods a bit when Laura grabs a Sprite, and he brings the coffee to his lips for a small sip, before he moves back towards his chair. "I'd offer this place but...one bedroom. Also not sure how the others'd feel about it without asking them. Especially with the killing. But..." He trails off for a moment, as if thinking. He finally nods to himself, as if coming to a decision. "There's an old brownstone in Harlem. It's mine. Only found out about it a few years back, but...apparently I've owned it since the sixties. It's got enough room for the three of you. It'll need some TLC to make it fully comfortable, but...nobody knows it belongs to me. And nobody will fuck with you there."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney makes room for Laura to nab her Sprite. She hadn't made up her mind yet it seemed... But she ends up taking a red can. Then, when Logan is getting his beat up coffee cup, she takes a silver one which ends up very quickly in the sleeve of her jacket. Spinning away from the fridge she kicks her foot back to smack into the door letting it swing shut behind her while cracking open the can of Coke. Nevermind that Coors up her sleeve. "Oh, we collapsed a few tunnels, boobytraped another, and made sure we had an emergency escape too. It's not ideal but we did take precautions." Yep. Taking a sip of soda she considers before asking, "Does that mean we can paint it? Any color we want?"
- Laura Kinney has posed:
"Thank you, Logan." And there it is, one of Laura's rare smiles. "I would need your permission to upgrade the security, though." It's true. THe door on Laura's current apartment is steel, in a steel frame. Could probably hold off a battering ram for at least half an hour. Gabby is eyed somewhat suspiciously, Laura's smuggling instincts pinging. "You could paint your bedroom. But you should pick a color you will like for the long term. And we would have to hire a moving truck."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
There is a faint, tiny crook of a smile, and then Logan nods. If he notices the stolen beer he makes no mention of it.
"Whatever color you want on the inside. Gotta look normal on the outside. Need it to blend in, kid." Logan brushes his fingers back through his hair before he glances over at Laura. "Sure. I mean, it isn't like I use the place. Haven't stepped foot in that place in...ten years? Might need some work." He brings his coffee back to his lips for a sip.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is subtle. She's good at this. She might not be a killer but by golly she was good at sneaking. Or at least good enough that she just ends up looking completely at ease and not at all shifty. Flopping down to sit again she tucks one arm over her stomach while the other tips back her drink for another long chug of the sugary substance. Ooh yeah. "*One* color?" That earns a pouting frown though she doesn't seem completely upset by it.
Bellona speaks up then to offer, "We're used to roughing it ourselves. I'm sure we can manage in an old building."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura downs a long swallow of her own citrusy goodness. "Multiple colors, but you only get one painting session payed for. I am not made of money." And neither is the Bratva, although she's probably picked on them enough for now lately. Time to pick another gang for a while. "...We will also likely need a non 'borrowed' car. Which means paperwork. ...I hate paperwork. It will be expensive."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Well, it's not the sewers. It's a nice old brownstone. Three floors, if only a few rooms eacfh. Stairwell connecting 'em all. Nice rooftop. The area used to be shit, but I've heard it's gotten better. Gentrified or whatever." He shrugs his heavy shoulders.
"I'll get you a car," he grunts. Isn't Dad generous? "Nothing fancy, but fancy draws attention, just like too run-down does. I'll get you something that'll fit in with the neighborhood." Well, the X-Men will help him get it, but still. "Gonna need to make sure it's easy to get ahold of you."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yisss!" Gabby fist-pumps the air when told she can do multiple colors. Nearly bouncing where she sits she already starts to think of ideas rattling off, "Pink, and maybe yellow and oh purple or orange or..." Unfortunately all her fist pumping and wiggling around in excitement has caused her to forget there was something heavy slid up her sleeve. It slides ALL the way through to her chest and slides down the front of her jacket to land in her lap. Thump.
"... Oh look at that I don't know how that got there."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura givea Gabby the flattest of faces. "You are not allowed to ruin your liver before you are old enough. Also you do not have a metabolism like Logan or I do, and I do not want to clean vomit out of the car cushions." Or really deal with a drunk little sister. Laura won't deny that she'd tried booze before, but had given up when it had precisely zero effect. And it tasted weird. "Also you should not steal from Logan when he is being nice to us."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan doesn't comment on the beer, as Laura seems ot be doing a fine job of it. Instead he stands of and walks over at a causal lumber, before he reaches down and scoops up the beer. from her lap. He turns about and heads back to the fridge, sliding it right back onto the shelf. He then turns and makes his way towards a drawer, opening it and rifling through things inside. It appears to be junk drawer or something. He withdraws a key, and he tosses it towards Laura.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
This entire situation earns a snort of laughter from Bellona of all people. More than that, she actually has to clutch at her stomach while shaking with repressed laughter over the situation. It's not quite a smile on her face but it's likely the closest that anyone's likely to see.
Gabby just grins wide flashing her teeth. There's no apology from her, really, but she doesn't try to argue about it or keep Logan from scooping the beer up again. "Worth a shot," she sing-sings with a little shrug.
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura expertly snags the key out of the air and pockets it, but doesn't really join in the laughter, suppressed or not. She looks almost... confused. There's clearly humor in this somewhere, but... "After we figure out the medical things, we can scout out the apartment." But first... She really wants to make sure her newfound family isn't going to drop dead on her.