15034/Looten Down Under
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Looten Down Under | |
Date of Scene: | 30 May 2023 |
Location: | Brooklyn Sewers |
Synopsis: | sewers and looters in the stank underbelly |
Cast of Characters: | Monet St. Croix, Miguel O'Hara, Gabby Kinney
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
In Brooklyn, a small meteor had gone down and penetrated through several layers of concrete into the sewers. Bright enough and emanating energy readings enough to be detected throughout the city. OF course, it being the sewers, there was the question of who would be in the area nearest enough to it to go and investigate..
Or really who might want to go into the sewers. But, it was seeping out energy - quite a big of it. And the whole 'glowing stuck in the wall' routine.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
The smell makes him glad for the mask.
Lyla had picked up the chatter and he had seen the impact, less than a mile away. So, guess it was time to put on his Superhero Spider-Suit and check it out.
He didn't expect to find it had gone into the sewers, but it couldn't be THAT bad, right?
Cyber-Spider landed on the street near the crater, and looked down into the hole it made.
This was definitely a jo b for a superhero...
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Brooklyn really wasn't that far from where Gabby had been hanging her hat as of late so it was really only a quick jaunt over to find out what had caused such a large, explosive disruption to the regular traffic jams that often clogged the city. As if they needed to be made even worse.
The sound of a motorcycle engine revving can be heard right up to the edge of the crater. Thumbing the killswitch she lays down the little Honda leaving it to skid safely to the sidewalk while she hops off letting the original line of momentum carry her forward into the air... and then down into the crater as gravity takes over.
There's a little 'hooof' of expelled air as she lands in a crouch, true superhero style landing, near where Cyber-Spider was. Only for her head to rise and her face to scrunch up as she inhales--
"Oh GAWD that's awful! GAH! PTUEY!" She sputters to the side a moment while her hand fishes into a pocket of her jacket to pull out a bandana that she quickly ties around her mouth and nose. It helps only because it was soaked in something that smelled nicer than the air around them (Green tea. Matcha was a nice, earthy scent.)
"Little better. So. Gonna assume you didn't make this hole," she states by way of greeting the suited up one. "And spider theme, so hey, I'm Honey Badger." Though this sure wasn't the spidey she'd met years ago.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
The smell is horrific. Sort of like moldy cheese pineapple Hawaiian pizza - don't ask for how that particular combination come up. It's not going to be particularly good for your mind. But, through the sewer tunnels there is a large growing rock that is embedded over into the wall. And going over towards it is a man wearing a white and red armored suit.
"Come to pappa."
His body is glowing over with the same wavelength of energy that the meteor is as his hand reaches forwards to it. Or, for the more scent-inclined, he's sniffing the same as the rock is - despite the sense that a man wearing some kind of high tech (relatively, not so to Cyber-Spider) power armor and glowy space rock should not be that way.
"Oh YEAHH that's the good stuff."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
She just...jumped right in there. Wow. That automatically made her braver than he was. Although it was starting to look less "brave" and more "foolhardy," but why pick chips?
The man dropped down to land next to Honey Badger, then said quietly, "Call me Cyber-Spider. The really cool name was taken."
He'd seen a swarm of honey badgers make life rough for Nueva York Animal Control. They were nothing to mess with.
His mouth curled in disgust under the mask as he looked upon an armored person...SNIFFING a rock that came from outer space. "Badger, do you know who this chiphead is?"
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney had already glanced over to the guy that was doing weird things to a rock. "... I know it's a geologist thing to lick rocks but I don't think he's that kind of a rock hound." She wasn't sure what a chip-head was either, but she rolls with it. When you grow up being around such people as Deadpool you get used to working on the fly with weird remarks.
"Yeah the good names usually are. Nice to meet you Cy-Spi." With a bit of reluctance she lifts the bandana a moment to inhale to see if he pings as 'familiar'. He does not. He does... however... "Okay, this may be weird, but that guy and that glowy rock have the same B.O. going on." The bandana is dropped again much to her relief.
"Guess we should go ask the tough questions. Like 'are you nuts' or 'is that radiation' because in my experience glowy rocks usually are."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
The guy goes to take the rock over, even as it glows. "It's the good stuff, baby. And you two.. Well, you can get out of town or you'll be the first two I get to TAKE down. The Looter's reign of terror starts today. So you can run away or I can beat you both down." HE would go to take the rock and put it in some sort of.. Attachment ot his chest. The glowy strobe blue bits seem to be focused more on him now.
He smells a lot more sizzly, if that can be such a way to smell something - overpowering the stench of the place. If Miguel's systems can tell or not, he's absorbing the energy from the rock.. And definitely moving faster than he was jus ta few seconds ago.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi (SHOCK, that was a good choice) looked at...
"Looter? LOOTER?! You're calling yourself LOOTER?!"
He couldn't help it. He started laughing. "And I thought *I* had naming issues! SHOCK, man, no bonus data for originality!"
He shook his head is disappointment. "Okay...Looter (snicker)...what say you just save the reign of terror until AFTER you poll Zeddit for a better villain name?"
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"OH! Wait I know how to deal with this one." Gabby pauses, then quotes deadpan, "Looter no looting. Looter no looting. Looter no--" By this point she just snorts with laughter. "Okay, no, for real, yeah that's pretty lame."
Laughter aside what wasn't lame was the whole glowy rock fitting into his suit. While she had no equipment to let her look at readouts she was reasonably sure this wasn't a good sign either way. It never was. "Can't really let you go dragging that around though. I've got some friends that have issues with metorites and I'd rather that not get out just in case." Though at least it wasn't green.
Glancing toward Cyber-Spider she gives a little forward gesture. "You first? Or should we rock paper scissor for it?"
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Looter just grins, "Oh? You think you're being cool Well then.." He goes over to the wall, moves to yank a sewer pipe clean off it that should weigh at /least/ three quarters of a ton with total ease, then goes to throw it with enough speed and force that it could cleave the front armor of a tank down the middle if it struck head on.
It's also being hurled over at Cyber-Spider head on. Better try to get a move-on!
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
"Well, I'm the new kid in town, so maybe HOLY CHIP!"
Miguel caught sight of Looter yanking off the sewer pipe and sending it straight at him. He jumped up to hop along the length of the pipe and then hop off of it again as it passes under him. He lands back on the ground, then said, "MAYBE we should take Loonie Lootie over there a LITTLE more seriously, eh, Badge? Got any ideas?"
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
He was fast. Thankfully so was Gabby. Plus she was short, so it made ducking and rolling out of the way relatively easy since Looter was aiming more toward the Spidery one. "Truth," she agrees quickly while hopping back to her feet.
"Ever seen 'Aliens'?" She questions right before giving a rather wild grin. "You know after the face hugger you got to get it out of the chest!"
With no further explanation made she's moving in a full on run toward the man only to leap into the air toward his head.
Apparently she's the face hugger.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
The hurled pipe breaks through one end of the sewer wall, through the several feet of concrete between it and the next corridor, before hitting the ground on the other corridor's end, where it would roll and boucne several times to the shriek of heavy metal on ancient concrete and gunk.
As Gabby goes to charge up and over towards Looter, he goes to grunt, "And what're you supposed to be, midget gear?" He goes to try and swing a fist through the air to try and catch her with it! If he misses, she'll be on his face like Elmyra to a fluffy pet! She will love him, hug him, pet him, and adore him TO DEATH.. Okay maybe not that bad!
But if he hits her then there will be Gabby Team Rocket'ing through the sewer!
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Aliens? Geez, the remake, the amusement park ride, or the AV/R sim?
No time to ask. Wow, she's quick, but if he gets his hands on her...
So, make sure he can't get his hands on her, genius!
He fired two jets of webbing at Looter's hands, gradually covering them in balls of webbing. Grip strength doesn't count for much when you can't actually grip anything!
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches forward with her own hands to plant on Looter's wrists. Using it as a pivot point she flips her legs up, over, and down to slam around his shoulders finishing her prior move. Wrapped around him in this way she reaches her arms behind him to seek purchase on his suit.
She manages, just barely, to wedge her fingers under the shoulder armor he wears to hang on for dear life while blinding him with her stomach pushed up against his helmet.
"Tag you're it!"
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
The webbing SHOOMPHS through the air to land over on Looter's wrists! "What the? You spittin on me bro?" He would taunt, even as the lines go to tether over and cover his hands up! He doesn't seem that wholly phased by it - someone who may or may not have brawled with the local Not-Bug Types.
And then Gabby goe sto give him HUGS! OF DOOM! "Whaa?!" He goes to flail to try ands hove into her.. But he can't get any grip with his hands all gunked up and Gabby scrambling all over him!
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi moves around to the left. Okay, right now he can't grab anything. Now, he just needs to be immobilized...
Then he got an idea.
He readied the webbing. If Badger could knock him down, he could get enough webbing down before he landed, and then cover him to take him out of the fight for good...
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
It really is difficult just clinging on to someone. The thrashing, flailing, the inability to really grab anything very well. It was meant to be a quick maneuver, and in another lifetime it would have meant snapping his neck with that move. She didn't kill though, even if she had been trained to so many years ago. There were always other ways.
At Cy's call she gives a grunt of response, finding it just a bit difficult to make quips currently. Releasing her grip on his shoulders she twists her weight around to swing behind him riding his shoulders that way. At least until she snaps herself backward in a flip.
There wasn't enough weight or momentum to flip him in this manner. She didn't need it as she lands in a crouch behind him and sweeps her leg out at his ankles to take him down quick. He might at least be choking still from the squeeze around his throat.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
This is a great display of TEAMWORK, YO! Even as Gabby goes to move to flip Looter along over as he's slammed down over with the squeeze to his throat.. And then all of the webbing goes to splash up and over, firmly sticking him over to the wall where he has no leverage despite however much his strength is as he's left fully bottled there!
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
It was all he could do to keep from pumping a fist. He gives Looter a good "top-coat" of webbing to keep him in place, then looks to Honey Badger.
"That...was PREEM, Badger! You got some hypermoves on you, that's for sure." He smiled. Got the bad guy, and all the damage was the environmental kind and that could be fixed. "How long you been doing this?"
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney hops out of the way back to her feet with a double fist pump. Perhaps to make up for lack of Cy-Spi doing so. It was just her thing. "Woo! Heck yeah, we got him! Up high!" She says offering a hand... only to sigh. "Or down low? Got a case of being short." Even so she grins broadly which only just manages to relay the expression by the crinkling at the corner of her eyes where the bandana doesn't cover.
"Oh, about four years now. Been training all my life though." A glance is cast back over her shoulder at the webbed up Looter. "We should get that rock away from him just in case though."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Looter's webbed up over ont he ceiling and gibbering. He's just going to be stuck there until the authorities arrive - with whatever huge lead based containment box they use to keep someone in that radiates power to dejuice him.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi pauses for a moment, then remembers and actually does the high-five if Gabby is still game for it.
Four years? Five months for him, and no training at ALL for himself.
"Well, it's always a good thing to meet a pro, Honey Badger. Do you mind if I call you just Badger? Calling you 'Honey' seems to suggest an emotional entanglement that we don't have..."
Yes, he's definitely a brain of some kind.
"Uhm...listen, El Punko is going to be stuck for 24 hours. Any chance we can meet again, if you gotta go?"
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Badger's fine," Gabby agrees readily after receiving her high-five which seems to at least satisfy her. Maybe she was still a bit pumped with adrenaline. A glance is cast back toward Looter with a soft 'huh' at the explanation of how long he'd be there. "Fair enough then, I don't plan on cutting him out. Probably get stuck in my claws." ... Did she have claws? She hadn't shown any during the fight.
Her attention shifts back to Cyber with a quick nod of agreement. "Sure thing. I'm not really in a hurry--er. Though maybe don't want to stick around for the police to show up, either, not all of them like us hero types."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi nods. "Good idea. I saw a pizza joint nearby. If you've got time to eat, I have some funds I can spend. It's gotta be better than Buck-A-Slice, that's for sure. Whaddaya say?"
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Got to smell better than this place, too. If you've still got an appetite after this," Gabby points out gesturing around to the crater, and some broken pipes that may or may not be dripping yucky things, "Then sure. I can always go for a bite. Race you there!"
Really, now that she'd remembered the smell, getting away was a very good idea.