15067/Cannonballs and Cuckoos
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Cannonballs and Cuckoos | |
Date of Scene: | 02 June 2023 |
Location: | Student Gardens |
Synopsis: | Two New Mutants talk with the Three in One about school days. |
Cast of Characters: | Monet St. Croix, Samuel Guthrie, Douglas Ramsey |
Cast of NPCs: | Stepford Cuckoos |
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's an early evening over in the student gardens at Xavier's. Sometime after graduation, and the summer programming at the Mansion has set in. Over in said garden are three girls that are sitting over on three chairs that they've brought together. They're all poised as if they were gossipping up a storm. But there's no noise coming at all.
Three blondes that seem identical all wearing Xavier's outfits.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has brought out a wheel barrel with some odd containers in it, and has the hose unraveling as he walks into the garden. Seeing the girls he will offer them a node. Sam is dressed in an old t-shirt and jeans today, still in tact but more work clothes.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's hard to tell them apart - at least if one isn't familiar to their nuances. In this case, it's Sophie (the one in charge), Celeste (the naive one), and Minde (The 'I wish I was normal' one).
Sophie would glance over at Sam and smile, "Hello." The other two would look over at him and repeat it, "Hello." "Hello." All of them cocking their heads in the same exact posture.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has twin in his family but they are a bit different than that. "Hope Ah am not interrupting you ladies." He says as he starts attaching one of the nozzles from the wheel barrel to the hose, and says "Just going to feed the plants a bit, but Ah won't get you wet."
- Douglas Ramsey has posed:
It's not really hard to figure out where Doug is at any given time - he's the one who invented an entire language to encrypt his thoughts to give himself mental privacy. Not that most of the telepaths at the school are that intrusive, but you do what you have to do.
He stops on the garden path. "Hi Sam! Hi, girls." The Cuckoos make him uneasy - they remind him of that time he was eight and watched 'Children of the Damned' and then he had insomnia for a week.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Sophie goes to speak, even as the other two join in the chorus, "No you aren't. WE're just here talking. And you say that like you're speaking to children." They would look amused - no insult taken in it.
They then swivel their heads in turn over to Douglas and smile. All held completely the same, but for them sitting in separate chairs they could all very well be reflections.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Well, Ah know a few ladies who might worry about folks spraying them, and Ah have a few memories of the little ones back home wanting to me spray them, on hot days." He offers in explanation. "Hey Doug, how ya doing?"
- Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"Oh, just out taking a walk." Doug pointedly doesn't look at the Cuckoos all turning their heads to look at him at once, instead turning to look at a bird on a branch. "I figured it's such a nice weekend, I might as well spend it in Westchester; you know, do some work out by the lake, maybe visit some of the old hangouts."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
They're clearly playing it up agaisnt Douglas. Maybe. Hopefully. But, there's no pressure of their minds on his. Sophie is the one in charge, so they're playing it casual. Well, as much as they did.
"And how many of those old hangouts are intact for those of us not of your age group?" That snarking bit was veiled a bit differently than the three girls here. Another of the Five not present tossing it out - Esme, likely.
Sopie goes to speak, "All of us are fine, thank you." The otehrs going to chirp their agreement with her.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie starts spraying a swath of the plants, and says "Ah think most of the places we hung out are still there, maybe one or two of them might have sunroofs, or windows that look a bit oddly placed, but Ah think most of them are still standing." He offers in answer to her.
- Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"Oh, you didn't wreck THAT many, Sam. Besides, I heard the bowling alley got new owners and they took you off the banned list." He shrugs one shoulder at the Cuckoos. "There was a dare... he ended up getting a 7/10 split and blasting a hole into the back room- The Professor got this funny vein on his head..." He grins, at the memory. Is he just making things up?
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
And there's the shifting posture of the heads of the THree that is the signs of a discussion amongst thier heads. One wants to read Doug's mind tos ee if it was a real thing, another pointing out that's not polite.. It's resolved in a couple of seconds as their heads incline in the direction of Sophie, and then all go to the same posture.
It was good to be the one in charge. "So we're keeping the local construction companies gainfully employed?" Just one speaks this time.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Well, Ah used to at least give them an occasional job, and even thought about getting a job with them, but figured that if Ah did the union might get upset, Ah was not using a wrecking ball." He grins a bit and continues moving the water back and forth over the plants. "We should grab some food sometime Doug.""
- Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"Oh, well. Random destruction's just part and parcel with the whole thing isn't it? The Professor just had a fund set up and a discrete contractor company on retainer that didn't ask questions, just did the repairs and cashed the checks-" Doug coughs, and clears his throat. "There was the active volcano in the vestibule- that would be nice, Sam. I'd like that."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Sophie Cuckoo would muse over with them. "Oh, isn't the volcano what's going on in the Savage Land?" Or was there a volcano there? Something that she hadn't bothered to check and confirm before she made the comment. "Human nature lends itself to fallibility when there's a payoff involved." Definitely Esme there
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "The Volcano was only there for a couple days and we were able to get rid of it." He offers in explanation. "Just one of the man interesting things that happen when your an Xavier's student. We could make one heck of a brochure, but might keep parents from letting their kids come here."
- Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"I mean, there's got to be things that happened in your class. Kids... do stupid stuff." Doug says, his walk apparently temporarily forgotten. "Though I guess things change. Ours was smaller."