1585/Bowling for Science!

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Bowling for Science!
Date of Scene: 09 May 2020
Location: Cosmic Bowling
Synopsis: Daniel heads out to bowl and consider his future when a happenstance meeting with Doctor Henry McCoy offers a light at the end of the tunnel.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Hastings, Henry McCoy

Daniel Hastings has posed:
How far is the Triskelion from Salem? Not far enough. With the thousand or more staff required to run the facility, Westchester has an infusion of government money from countless SHIELD employees. Daniel just happens to be one of them. Only, instead of coming in with a group, he comes in by himself. Bowling shoes acquired. Bowling ball in bag. He starts to turn for the lanes with a sort of distant and introspective look upon his face.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast had stayed behind, lost in his own thoughts as he sat on one of the stools watching others bowl. He had a beer in hand, sipping idly. Bowling shirt, cargo shorts - he wore the part well, minus the shoes. There were the bones of several pizzas around, from his partners in crime. It looks like it was quite the night out. The look on the doctor's face was one of introspection, perhaps with a bit of sadness.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
The problem with being blue and furry is that you stick out in a crowd. Maybe the crowd here was used to him but for Daniel? Doctor Henry McCoy was just another face in a scientific journal. Until he saw that face. "Doctor McCoy?" He stopped in his tracks then redirected them to the remants of the gathering. Without a hint of fear or consternation, he extended a hand to the fellow. "I don't know by what star I find you here but I'll be sure to wish upon it when I leave. Daniel Hastings." Naturally, the introduction of self. "I.. hope I'm not interupting?" He inquires with an eye to the pizza then a glance about for others.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry looked up as his name was called, looking to Daniel with a blink. A nod from the man, slowly getting to his feet. "Dr. Hastings? I believe I saw you on the news, at the Genosha memorial. Stirring words, and quite the revelation." He offers over. A glance to the remnants of the pizza, then a grin back to the other man. "No, just friends having a boys night out. "Have a seat!" He motions to one of the stools next to him at the high table. "Out and about for an evening of cosmic bowling?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings smiles as he is recognized. That simple thing seeming to banish some of the cloud that had formed over him. So he sits. "I needed to get away from the office and do some soul searching. I haven't been bowling in.." The bag is set on the floor and he looks at it almost puzzled for a moment. "You know.. I'm not even sure how to tell you without sounding like I'm barking mad." He looks back to him. "Temporal displacement you see. Though I suppose that's not so unusual given.. the here and now." He leans forward, putting his forearms on the table. "As to the revelation.. it was news to me as well. Back in the forties, mutants.. weren't even on the radar. Now, it seems a simple dna screening will reveal it."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A brow arches on Henry's face. "I hadn't realized that about you - you aged well." He grins, nodding to the other doctor. "I will assume it is associated with your gifts?" There's a sip from the last of his beer. "Temporal displacement. Quite a talent, some might say. I imagine, much like many of our people, it is quite a strain as well." There's a polite smile. "As I am sure you've seen, techonology advances at an astonishing rate. It was only a matter of time, I suppose." He sits back a bit. "So, bowling. It was fortuitous that we met, I imagine."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings chuckles. "I think you misunderstand. My presence here is due to a temporal displacement. Accidental. It has nothing to do with my mutation.. which.. I'm not sure is the result of a different accident or not. It's something I'd like to discuss with you at some point though there are some aspects I can't talk about for.. reasons." Reasons that he doesn't like. "No, my abilities relate to the other half of spacetime." There's a glance to the bowling bag.. then he looks back to Hank as if deciding against a demonstration. "I won't argue with happenstance or luck. I'll just be thankful for it. As for technology.. that hasn't been my problem. I spent five years.. give or take.. as a Terran refugee on a Kree world. Their technology makes Earth look like a backwater. With a few pockets of exception. Stark. Richards. The like."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast gives an impressed whistle. "I am certain that will be a fascinating conversation, Dr. Hastings." A chuckle at the mention of happenstance. "A good portion of my life is circling about happenstance, and being in the right place at the right time." A tap of his claws on the table. "That said, while I am an avid fan of such topics as spacetime and the science around that, I would imagine Mr. Stark or Dr. Richards might have more answers on that." A look to the other bowlers, then back to Daniel. "On genetics, though... I would be glad to help you there."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Doctor Richards has already expressed an interest in exploring the limits of my abilities." Daniel replies with a chuckle. "For myself though, I'm only beginning to dabble in the field. I'd studied biochemistry and the like but there have been a number of advancements and it wasn't as if I could study the topic heavily while I was in another galaxy. That said, I'd like to discuss convergent evolution with you. My experience.. was quite the eye opener. As to my own genetics.. I'm curious. Have you ever found a rhyme or reason or.. pattern.. in the expression of mutant abilities? As I said, I learned of my own carrying of the gene only recently.. and in my youth.. well.. no expression. I /believe/ that dormancy was what allowed me to withstand an experience. An experience that shaped me."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"Unfortunately, no. Even among siblings, the variations can be broad." Henry offers over. "I've only ever seen instances of cloning to reproduce some of the same genetic effects. And even then, it can have variance." Another drumming of his fingers on the table, before lacing them together. "I must say, I am fascinated by the trip you must have taken Dr. Hastings. Spending time among an alien race?" He whistles again. "So, the latent power shielded you at some time? Or enabled you to pass through an event unscathed?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings takes a deep breath. "That.. I.. don't know. I can say that.." He frowns. "How up on your history are you? History of HYDRA weapons development?" His tone suggests he doesn't expect the answer to be terribly helpful but he's at least giving it a try. "They.. had found an energy source. Tapped it. Weaponized it. I was part of a team trying to decipher their work and then.. utilize that energy source for the betterment of mankind. There was an accident. I.. found myself.. disassembled. Scattered. My consciousness suddenly aware of.. the breadth of the universe. Suffice to say, my mind did not like this experience. I fought it. Focused my thoughts on what I thought was Earth.. but turned out to be an Earth analog... in the Andromeda galaxy. That's where I found myself reconstituted. Now.. to the best of our knowledge.. everyone else targetted by these weapons were simply blasted into nothingness. Disintegrated. It's possible they were merely transported as I was.. but with the power levels involved I doubt it. So.. my best conjecture is that my latent gene is what saved me."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The blue doctor things on this, eyes staring off a bit to the distance. After a moment, he hrms. "Depending on your gift, then yes it is possible. Without knowing and analyzing the nature of your gift, that'd be just conjecture and hypothesis. But it stands to reason that it could be what allowed you to survive." Henry decides. "Is... I mean is it something you can will to happen now?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I'm not sure I follow." Daniel replies with a tilt of his head. "Do you mean can I control.. here. I'll show you." And so he lifts a hand and gestures at one of the bits of pie crust. It falls through the plate, disappearing, then reappears a foot above the plate to.. fall through the plate then back down again. He lets the loop go for another two cycles then the crust bounces off of the plate with the energy of its accumulated momentum. "I can fold space. Some have called it portals.. it's not portals. I could offer a more thorough demonstration but I don't know that here is appropriate." There's a vague amusement in his eyes as he glances about.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He watches, fascinated. "I see. But that's not what happened in the incident that you are speaking of - or, rather, that does not seem like the sort of talent that would help you keep your awareness while discorporated." He explains. "As for another place, I will be glad to speak to a few friends to see if there's a better arrangement to be made to discuss your gifts and potentially testing them."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"That's what I keep thinking. I mean.. what made me different? What made me able to.. absorb? For lack of a better term.. this ability.. this .. side effect? Of this thing." Daniel's hands are juggling nothing. "Is there some other underlying ability? Or did I simply.. have my latent gene activated in response to the energy signature and make it.. go native as it were. These are the things that keep me up nights." He snorts. "That and nazis. How there are still nazis in this country after the war I have no idea."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a shake of his head. "Hate will always be a thing in the world." Hank murmurs. "It's just the shifting of their focus. Anything thing that is different, they fear. Any they fear, they seek to destroy." He stretches a bit on his stool. "It's a lot to process, I imagine there might be traces of that energy that kick started some of your abilities. Stress has a way of inducing our skills."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"So it's been suggested." Daniel observes wanly. "I.. have a phone number that I keep discrete. You'd think that such things wouldn't be necessary considering that I work for SHIELD.. but.. that may be changing. I'm finding the life of a soldier no longer has the same merit that it once did. I'm a scientist at heart and there's no wolf at the door." He snorts a small laugh. "Unless you think of extraterrestrial threats. Of which there are many." Fingers drum on the table. "Still. I think I'd like to explore my situation a little better. Away from the government eye. I've no desire to be someone's asset or guinea pig."