16019/Hellfire Club Halloween Gala 2023
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Hellfire Club Halloween Gala 2023 | |
Date of Scene: | 29 October 2023 |
Location: | Purgatory Night Club - Hellfire Club |
Synopsis: | Hellfire Club celebrates Halloween |
Cast of Characters: | Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost, Tony Masters, Kitty Pryde, Thomas Blake, Damian Wayne, Gabby Kinney, Michael Hannigan, Barbara Gordon, Tynan Ireton, Janet van Dyne, Phoebe Beacon, Roberto da Costa, Rien D'Arqueness, Caleb Dykstra, Negasonic, Victor Von Doom
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The Hellfire Club's annual Halloween Party is in full swing! As one might expect for a place known for hedonism, it is awash with all manner of the rich and elite, in various costumes, enjoying the sounds of the club, the tastes of the drinks, and the sights of the other party goers.
Watching it all from a stand off to the side is Sebastian Shaw, sipping idly at a brandy. He has not donned a costume as of yet - and may not - but he watches all that goes on with an interested eye. Perhaps wondering which of the various interesting dressed party goers he might identify for an invite to the exclusive after-party.
Likely a costume contest winner, no doubt.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is here as one of the attendees. The former White Queen does enjoy these soirees on occasion. And she can appreciate Halloween when there's no sort of monstrous mystical menance out there trying to murder and maim them all. So she's here to relax and enjoy herself. Emma's costume is quite.. Different.
First, she's wearing a long green wig the color of Lorna Dane's. Put up on it are a set of prosthetic bat wings ons mall motors which would make them occasionally flap some.
She's wearing a black leotard that has her shoulders bare with an inverted heart showcasing her cleavage. Long light orange fishnet gloves slit up along her ring finger went up to her shoulders. The black leotard would plunge down over her back where the true 'centerpiece' of the costume was. Namely a long set of carefully attached large set of stylized bat-wings flicked over her shouldres like a cape, small motors within them controlled by the gloves letting them flap, move, and fold over her. A set of long light pink stockings showing small cute bat designs went down her legs to a set of very high dark heeled boots going up to her lower knee that seemed like they were attached to the stockings.
- Tony Masters has posed:
Tony Masters is wearing a clear plastic raincoat spattered in blood over a dress shirt and slacks. He has a very real and very sharp axe, which he's allowed to carry because he is, after all, head of security. Or the main security trainer. He isn't entirely clear, but he's certainly going to act like he has some authority if pressed.
Oh, and he's got lots of blood on him, on his face, in his hair, on the raincoat, of course. Fake blood. Probably.
Just your average everyday American Psycho.
He takes a bit of pleasure in the discomfort some of the more traditional guests might have towards the gory display, those who favor a more old-fashioned masquerade of dignity and grace, tiny domino masks on little sticks the only relief from the bloated faces of the wealthy and wicked.
He snatches a pig in a blanket from a passing tray, scarfing it down quickly and taking a sip from his glass of champagne. "Cheers," he says, to no on in particular.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde makes her way down the hallway towards the Purgatory Club. She had considered wearing again tonight her Marilyn Monroe above the subway grate costume, skirt held up by wires like the gust of wind was blowing it up. Emma will probably be there, and one blond bombshell is enough. Instead Kitty has pulled out a different costume for tonight. So into the Halloween decorated club steps Jessie from Toy Story!
Kitty has on a red hat, a yellow and white tube top and matching yellow on her arms. A pair of jean shorts that look more like a bathing suit bottom. And then chaps which have cow-like coloring on them.
"Ready for a rootin'-tootin' good time, ya'll!" Cowgirl Kitty Pryde says. "Someone set me up with a sarsaparilla!"
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake considered his costume very carefully, after making up his mind to attend at the eleventh hour. It being the last minute he hit on a novel solution. So sweeping in Thomas Blake appears as...
Okay, Catman was a crook. There were people in Gotham who /still/ wanted him jailed or dead, but he made a good entrance, cape sweeping behind him, carefully shaking a hand here and there -claws, watch out. He'd been called a pale brown copy of the Batman, never to his face. But the costume had held up very good, the utility belt and harness under the cape were first rate and... your hand strayed to your purse or wallet. Purse? Wallet? As if!
And the costume was tint of yellow.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Jingle. That is the sound of a bell ringing. A large charm on a choker around the neck. A skintight black outfit that covers everything from the neck down. A black belt with similar trim at the waist that hangs all the way down as a tail. Circuitry tucked into the belt causes the tail to curl and move in a pre-set manner around every seven seconds. Black flat boots and black gloves with small silver claws.
The pale reflection of the face is accented with a black domino mask, bright green cat contacts, and a pair of black cat ears that stick up from his blonde hair that is set in a tasteful bob with plenty of body. A small zipper pull exposes part of his neck that the bell is attached to. On his left ring finger is a small golden cats paw mark.
Holding his invitation of the ball, Cat Noir, also known as Damian Wayne has checked off the plus one on his invite as he hands it over. To be honest, he had no plans to be here. But his plus one convinced him otherwise. He twirls the staff that he has after presenting the invite and then holds out his hand for his companion.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
The overly cheerful giggling of Cat Noir/Damian Wayne's date is quite obvious as she clutches his arm almost literally dragging him inside the club. Of course, she HAD kind of dragged him here. The couples costume is complete as she's dressed in a red bodysuit with black dots. It's almost skin tight, if not totally, showing off the slim yet muscular body of one Gabby Kinney. A matching domino mask is worn and her hair is tied in bouncy pigtails just behind her neck. A little round clutch is draped over her shoulder to rest at her hip giving her some means of carrying money, and identification if needed.
"Thanks for coming, Damian! I know it's last minute but I kind of forgot and then I realized if we *both* go we could do a couples costume and I saw this French cartoony thing and this is so great!"
Such thoughts of being gleefully into the whole thing are cast aside only momentarily as she spots Catman, and *POINTS* at him with voice raised to call out, "THOMAS YOU CHEATER! Get a real costume!" Of course she's jesting.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Amongst the sea of batwomen, ghouls, and psychos, several swordsmen make their rounds. If the general props were not enough of a give away of the coordinated efforts involved. That several of the men dressed in palettes of blacks and browns have the same muted cross and fleur-de-leis pattern etched into the leather of their respective jackets should be more than helpful.
While three have opted for for more black tones, the largest of the group, who people may remember as Fezzik from last year, is wearing mostly browns and giving off the best Porthos vibe he can get. He does seem a bit distracted as he wades through the crowd, glancing around, and a bit downwards for something, or someone.
For those who are alert, they may find a person of extremely short stature, dressed as King Louis wandering through the crowds and sniggering everytime he manages to evade Porthos.
Cardinal Richelieu is busy speaking with Lady De Winter and Athos. And D'artagnon-
D'artagnon is...
Where the hell is D'artagnon? And Constance for that matter? Did they-?
Oh well.
Either way, the remaining swordsman strides over to the bar. The prop sword, properly sheathed. In contrast to the other Musketeers, The Aramis has a bit of gold in the form of a cross necklace that hangs from the high leather collar of his attire. Already having long hair, Nick Drago's hair didn't need too much work to be stylized to have the curl of the character's locks. But he did have to tuck the excess behind the ears. As for the facial hair, well, enough notice of the upcoming party did allow him a bit of time to prepare for that.Considering those who know what Nick is really like, it is safe to assume that he is NOT the one who had a say in where the costumes were sourced. That is most likely the workings of one studio owner by the name of Wade Shaw. Or the D'artagnon of the group.... wherever the hell he went with Constance...
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
From his vantage point above, Sebastian Shaw starts to make some early notes for the costume contest. The ladybug and black cat seem to look adorable, and he makes a mental note of that one. But is not the real purpose of the costume contest for him to find out the most interesting people to bring beyond the velvet rope?
In that event, so far the not-so-Disney-appropriate Toy Story figure seems to be presenting a compelling choice...
- Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara Gordon, just another face in the crowd tonight, is wearing the blue and gold suit issued by Vault-Tech to vault survivors. With a golden 69 on the back of the slim-fitting suit, she plays up the nature of the Hellfire Club's reputation. Covering the suit in places are a number of black and brown leather armor pieces scavenged, and crafted throughout the wastelands. Babs has a beat-up green army helmet on her head, and a black leather messenger bag hanging on her left hip, with a gun holster strapped around her right thigh.
Is it a socially relevent costume? Nope. But it's one she has enjoyed owning ever since spending a unhealthy amount of time playing a certain game during a rather dark phase of her life. Sometimes, a vault survivor has to do what they have to do to stay alive in the iradiated wastes.
With her shimmering autumnal hair dangling down behind her shoulders, and her green eyes roaming over the faces here-in, Babs is a wanderer... she gets around, around, around... straight to the drinks.
She raises a glass up to her pink lips to sip from the contents, her other hand adjusting one of the straps going across her body in the lovely fit suit.
- Tynan Ireton has posed:
Well, here's something not quite new. A Black Cat walking into the Hellfire Club. Ty is dressed almost exactly like Black Cat. Black and white hair, a form-fitting catsuit, and mask. The woman has met with Felicia a few times in the past, and managed a little bit of her mannerisms. The only real difference? Well, Ty doesn't really have that charm of Felicia's. And a bit smaller. The woman takes a deep breath though as she walks around the club.
There's a bit of a change in the woman as well for those who might know the mercenary. There's a bit of an edge to her. She just returned from the Black Forest, Germany just recently. Ty looks around a little bit for those that she might know, but settles off to the side. She isn't quite sure who is here just yet. The woman does take a moment to tap the side of her ear, and mouths a few words.
- Tony Masters has posed:
Tony Masters sets his axe aside for now and does the necessary mingling, his hair slicked back tight to his skull. He keeps a fun evil smile on his face, occasionally making the Patrick Bateman "ooooo" face and fingerpointing at people.
He coems up behind Kitty the cowgirl and calls out, "Reach for the sky, sheriff!", pretending to draw a gun on her. He does have a gun, probably more than one, but not worn on his hip.
He sees Catman and narrows his eyes, his body reading the body language well enough to know that the movements are as skillful as the costume might indicate. Of course, most of the people here tonight are dangerous, one way or another. That's part of the fun.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake fixes Gabby with a dead stare then says bluntly, "We were supposed to come in costume? I was robbing the joint, then I said hey free drinks, take the night off. Hello Mr. Wayne. I'd love a picture with you two if you don't mind at some point." He raises a glass to them.
- Emma Frost has posed:
There's quite a bit of colorful costumes tonight. Emma Frost walks along in her heels, them clicking on the floor while passing the fourth musketeer, heading towards the bar as well opposite the Courier. She moves to inspect along the bar selection, eyes with green contacts in them scan over the list. The large wings on her back would go to retract, forming up over along to hook over her shoulders more compactly. Making it so they were less prone to bump up against anyone going on by.
Her eyes glance to the side at no one in particular. As if thinking of someone by the light twist on her face for a moment that hsould be over at the party but wasn't present.
- Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet shows up in a carriage. A literal, honest to god carriage, pulled by two white horses and looking like it was borrowed from the Palace at Versailles. A footman dismounts and offers her a step down, and precedes her into the Hellfire Club. The small trumpet he carries sounds off a crisp few notes and he knocks on the floor three times, loudly.
"Presenting the Lady, Julia d'Aubigney!" he cries out, and steps aside for Janet to enter. The socialite beams winningly at the party; she's in a tight-fitting white corset with flowing, blooming black sleeves and a French skirt with a high hem paired with thigh-high boots. A rapier dangles from her left hip and a wide-brimmed black hat with a red feather is pinned to her hair at a jaunty angle.
"Sebastian!" she says, and makes a beeline for Shaw for socially-appropriate greetings and cheek-kisses. "You relentless old lech. Who do I have to screw to get a drink around here?"
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde has made her way to a bar, walking intentionally bow-legged, but grabbing a plate at the buffet on the way there.
Which is when Tony Masters comes up behind her and pretend-draws on her. "Oh good Lord, Mister. You nearly scared my to kingdom come!" Cowboy Jessie Pryde says.
She notices the axe that Tony is carrying around. "Oh, you're that there Food Slicer guy I been hearing about. Here, slice these olives for me, would ya, Mister?" she says, putting down the plate that has a little finger sandwich on it. "Just give it a nice slice right about there," she says of the sandwich, doing her best country girl accent.
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
She was completely unaware of any of her friends or family in the crowd tonight, but Phoebe Beacon was here by invitation, she supposes, and without a date for the evening, she'd come alone. Her dusky-rose colored hair was in bantu knots this evening, carefully pinned into place around her head and kissed by the fading in-and-out of soft LED's like fireflies. She wore sparkling iridescent blue stones set in gold in a pair of cascade earrings, complementing the wide choker necklace with its softly glowing gold. Her dress matches the theme, blue and shimmering like water, with a triangle-shaped 'vent' cut out over the middle of her breasts decorated with blue lotus flowers, the edges of each petal shimmering with thin lights, the middles aglow with softly glowing gold. At her hips, additional lotuses drape down, intertwining their dusty blue-green stems with the fabric of her dress.
The dress is sleeveless, and though she's sporting a meshy scarf that's draped behind her back and over her elebows, her dress is sleeveless and shows a matching blue lotus tattoo beneath old burn scars on her left shoulder, leading down to the pale circling tattoo on her left wrist.
There must be a *lot* of battery packs hidden on her person.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian draws in a breath to try to relax a bit. This is something he needs to learn to blend into as he feels Gabby's lean into him. "It seems very festive." he offers with a smile to his girlfriend as he continues to search the various costumes.
However, when he sees Barbara, he quips to her, "'It was just me against the world, and the world had it coming.'" Hopefully she gets the reference. Sebastian, when Damian spies him, gets a nod of his head in greetings as Damian tries to get into character to make the night more enjoyable now that he's here.
When Thomas calls him out, there's a brief darkening of his cheeks. He didn't realize he'd be recognized so quickly, but, he'll roll with it. "I think the infiltration is going well, my sweet Ladybug~" he coos in character. "No doubt that we will abscond with ~something~ by the end of the night!"
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Giving a rather generous eye towards Janet costume, Sebastian chuckles. "For you, I would say the line begins and ends with me." He flashes something of a wolfish grin, before extending his arm before her and indicating the mass of people and beverages. "Please, go and be merry." He chuckles, briefly. "I would wish you good luck in the costume contest, Ms. Van Dyne, but it is almost cheating to have an expert of your level competing against these rank amateurs."
- Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa floats into the room, in a skin tight white bodysuit, wearing a white codpiece and neon green belt. He has a chest piece on and a full bowl helmet in the style of Mysterio. His hair is in a purple cowl which only reveals his face. There are a bracers on each wrist and he lands looking about with an officious air, flipping open one of the bracers and starts to narrate, "Lightyear's Log, Space command star date 0 0 0 5 7 8 35." It's that william Shatner via Tim Allen as opposed to the more recent Chris Evans voice, He is wearing boots that even have eponynous Andy written on the sole of one. "I have arrived on a strange planet full of exotic lifeforms engaged in some sort of... ritual, perhaps a feast or festival. This demands more investigation." He closes the werist communicator, tucks away his wings and makes his way to the bar, a bourbon on the rocks is waiting for him. He nods to some of the other party goers.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The libations are poured liberally, and staff at the Hellfire Club are taking careful note of the costumes of those coming and going. Some taking _very_ careful note, in some cases.
Once inside, the drinks freely flow. As would be expected if you paid the absurd cover charge to get in.
And of course, as goes without saying, cameras and phones are highly prohibited. What happens in the Hellfire Club stays in the Hellfire Club.
- Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara leans against the bar on her right side, her left hand holding her drink. She lets her verdent colroed eyes roam over the guests, enjoying all the various costumes. Emma gets a soft smile when she is nearby. "Nice wings." She says softly toward her before Damian passing her by gets a grin. "Behave yourself, young man." She fires back to him before her drink goes up for another sip.
She glances across the room where she sees the rules for the costume contest tonight, and thought she hadn't even been aware of it when she dressed up for this, she now smirks. Her glass is set down on the bar, and her left hand moves to her suit's collar.
Ziiiiip. Right down to mid-chest level. She adjusts the helmet on her head, and picks up her drink again.
"That should qualify me for both." She mutters mostly to herself.
- Tony Masters has posed:
Tony Masters grins at Kitty for a moment and shrugs, "Okay, cowpoke, but just remember, you asked for it."
He moves with startling alactrity, snatching his axe up from wher he leaned it and giving a quick, sharp spin of his hips. All one fluid motion, crisp, precise, devastating. At least to the sandwich, which he cleaves perfectly in two, the sharp axe even slicing right through the toothpick and the olive in the top, the split pimento falling out on either side. His control lets him stop the blade short of shattering the plate. An elderly woman dressed like Queen Victoria yelps and throws her own glass of red wine in her face.
Tony tsks at the woman, "Sloppy. Drunk so early, Mrs. Guiliani? Shameful."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans in to press a quick kiss to Damian's cheek because she feels he rather might need it to bolster his courage a bit. "I know it's a lot of people. It's a bit much for me, too," she admits. "Though thankfully most everyone here has pretty good hygene. It's just... so much perfume." Her nose crinkles a little not saying anything about what other things she smells. Perfume was bad enough when there were like, ninety different types in one room.
Still she grins over at Catman giving a wink toward her old friend along with a chuckle. "Sure, well behave yourself, or else!" A hand lifts to do the standard eye-point-to-you gesture at him. Tipping her head toward her date she quips, "Well then Cat, should we get ourselves some drinks?"
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Putting in an order for a bourbon drink, Aramis!Nick takes the moment of waiting to glance to those gathering around the bar. A gentle nod of acknowledgement is made to Emma. "Good evening." He greets. Another glance given off to the edges of the party areas. Honestly, if all wade's going to do is find places to hide with his date, why bother with the cos-
Pale eyes glance back to the bar.
Seeing Catman as... Well, Catman, Nick gives a slight chuckle before looking to the rest of the crowd. A hand lifts, waving to Phoebe as she enters. It seems there is a sizable amount of Gotham being represented at this party.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would look over at Barbara, the exact nature of her costume somewhat beyond Emma's limited grasp of the current state of video games. Her wings hook over her shoulders and she would smile, "Why thank you. You've done a rather impressive getup yourself. Well done." Emma's doing her best to speak in a Scottish accent to further match things, and is moving carefully, even as the bat wings on her head would flit lightly.
Ordering a drink, she goes to let her eyes wander. "Good to see that so many are coming here in groups. Lovely to have all the connections present. And quite a competition this year it would seem."
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Cowboy Kitty Pryde sits back to give Tony Master's a clean shot at the sandwich with the axe. In her country accent she says, "Great Lincoln's Ghost, Mister, don't ya know you're supposed to spit in your hands and rub 'em together before doing-"
That's all she gets out when he cuts that sandwich in two and leaves the plate unmarked. "Golly gee willickers, Mister!" she tells Tony Masters. "Remind me if I ever gotta fight you to bring my six shooter to an axe fight!" she says.
Then she casts him a quick grin and says in a more normal voice. "Really, that was pretty impressive."
As Roberto makes his way over, Kitty breaks out in a laugh at his costume. "Now you look kinda familiar, Mister Spaceguy," she tells Buzz.
- Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet favors Shaw with a beaming smile of approval at his flattery. "I'll try not to gloat /too/ much," she assures him with an urbane laugh. "Perhaps I'll stay out of it this year. Let someone else have their shot at the title." Her outfit the year prior had required a little of servants to carry her into the party. From the look of it, her outfit is not as flashy as some might be-- but it looks entirely hand-stitched, and if anyone looking had a fashion history degree, they'd recognize that it is entirely period-correct for 17th-Century France.
Though of course, Janet manages to make it look more daring than any pencil or etching could.
Phoebe's outfit catches Janet's eye; she walks up to the woman and, without comment, walks a circle around her to take it all in. "Mm mm mm, you look -very- fetching, darling," Janet compliments Phoebe, and makes a series of airy gestures that carefully don't touch Phoebe but still convey an aristocratic sort of welcome. "But tell me you're not here alone," she adds a beat later. "You might end up getting abducted into the VIP lounge." Amusement dances in her green eyes, making it hard to tell if she's cracking wise or not.
- Tony Masters has posed:
Tony Masters gives a light shrug to Kitty, "What can I say, I'm pretty impressive," he grins.
"More seriously, this is a fancy party, they have to have something better than a sandwich to eat. There has to be a roast quail or a whole boar around here somewhre. And I don't mean Mrs. Giuliani," he says.
"C'mon, let's get ourselves properly liquored up before the ritual sacrifice begins. The smell of goat will put you off your appetite once it happens."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Catman's feline companion Rasputin is putting in an appearance! As is the wont of all cats, this one arrives in their own time and daring anyone to say they didn't arrive exactly when they meant to. This Rasputin, however, has made some definite changes! Rien has undergone hours of very particular, intricate body paint for tonight's party, the tiger's striping matched as exactly as possible, including the the fade into the white belly, which appears to be fur rather than paint! A silky faux fur, at least, no animals were harmed in the making of this costume!
Prosthetics have been applied to Rien's face to give her the appearance of a tiger face, complete with dental fangs, whiskers, and cat-eye contacts. Claws have been applied to each fingertip and toenail (not the glowing blue ones!). The blonde locks have been temp dyed to match the striping, and the tiger ears are nestled inside.
strolling in, tail twitching, 'Rasputin' slinks around the room before approaching Catman with aplomb. The cat has arrived!
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick nods to the commentary about group costumes. "Wade managed to wrangle a couple of the producers for The Count of Monte Cristo to join in this time around." He offers up as a bit of a tidbit.
The glass thunks onto the bartop, causing for Nick to look to his newly prepped drink. "Thank you." Nick offers up to the bartender, lifting up his drink to sip.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Quietly but with a confident posture, a silhouette - really like a patch of humanoid darkness - walks into the room, glancing around. One can assume humanoid because it moves like one - and what else could it be, after all? -, though the frame is covered in a mantle with a hood made of the same darkness, only a head being noticeable because of a helmet with a highly reflective golden visor.
This figure, this... Faceless (One) - named by Phoebe - looks around the area calmly and quietly for people he may know...
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
Phoebe, with all those softly glowing bits and bobs about her, looks around at the risque, merry, the children's cartoon show (Hi Damian and Gabby!), and she raises her hand a moment before she turns to regard Janet van Dyne.
"Thank you, I was considering saving this for a museum gala, but it seems like debuting it early was a good choice if it immediately caught your eye." she gives a tight-lipped smile to Janet.
"I'm afraid my beau isn't one for large crowds, but Mr. Shaw and I made aquaintences at a charity event last month. I had a standing invitation to visit, and what better time than a Halloween celebration?" she smiles, and motions about with one gloved hand.
"Finery everywhere."
- Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smirks, and nods, "I get that a lot. I believe it's the firm jaw and boyish good looks." He takes in her costume with a wry grin, "At least you wearing a top this year. It's almost like we planned this." He gives her a wink as he moions from himself to her and back. He then surveys the room, "You been out on the dance floor?" Sipping his bourbon causally.
- Negasonic has posed:
Someone might have been fashionably late. That was probably because of the 'no phones' policy at the door.
When her long looks and snide remarks didn't manage to get her into the door, and nearly managed to get her ejected... Negasonic Teenage Warhead (just a name, not an intention), throws up her hands. "Fine," she says, before shutting down the phone and tucking it somewhere on her person. Did I say Negasonic Teenage Warhead?
I meant Draco Malfoy, of course. Slytherin robes in place, complete with a short blonde wig - Ellie might be going against type a bit with the black lipstick anyways, and painted nails - but maybe those and the fingerless gloves add something to the wizard robes. The little stuffed house elf hanging onto the belt of her robes might be a bit of a touch, too. But regardless, Draco swoops into the thing, the perpetually pissed RBF that Ellie wears a perfect set for the scowl of Malfoy, the Slytherin desperately looking about the dance floor for someone familiar.
But lucky her, everyone was in costume.
So she starts towards the food, at least at first.
- Tynan Ireton has posed:
Ty takes a deep breath, and walks over to Thomas for a moment. She nods her head to him a moment. "It has been a long while since I've seen you, Sir.", she says to Thomas. The woman makes a motion over her ear, and her gear disappears. She forgot she even had it on in the first place. The woman sighs a bit as she watches Gabby a moment, nodding her head. "As well as you, Ma'am.", she says politely. The merc looks to Rasputin. "Good afternoon, Rassy.", she smiles to the kitty.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Cowboy Kitty gives Tony a bright smile. "Why what a nice offer, Mister! Sure thing. Just give me a minute to say hi to my friend here. And then we can get our giddy up on and go get us some solid rock gut!" she tells him.
She digs in her purse for something, and then comes out with a lipstick container. It's probably called Very Red because damn that is red. Anish Kapoor probably isn't allowed to wear that shade of lipstick either.
Kitty applies to her lips, overly thick. And then unless Roberto prevents her, she leans over to press her lipsticked lips right over his mouth on the outside of his space helmet bubble. The resulting lipstick makes it look a bit like Buzz Lightyear is in drag.
Kitty grins, wiping the overdone lipstick from her lips with a napkin. "I haven't had a chance to square dance yet, but about to go get some good hooch!" she says, taking Tony Master's arm.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake walks over to Janet. Places a margarita near her and mimes the call me gesture. She did ask. He gives Phoebe a smile and nod and respects her space. The trick with the ax gets an appreciative nod...
What the what? Blake has lived as honestly as possible for him. The cat fixation is real and still there. It still wasn't enough to win an insanity plea. He head tilts at Rien-sputin and then does the stare and head tilt he does when charming felines and motions her to come closer, which is mostly show. Wait he's actually done that with women. Works sometimes. Tynan gets a quick nod. He isworking here!
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Did Damian just flick his tail at Barbara? Maybe. Or maybe it was just the timer.
When Gabby kisses his cheek, Cat Noir gives Ladybug's hand a quick squeeze. "I'm enjoying it more than I thought." he admits to her, but adds, who knows if it's in-character as the Cat, or Damian talking to Gabby. "...however most of that is due to the company I am with presently." Though he does make note of her nose issue. "If we need to step outside for some fresh air, we can find a place?" he suggests.
And that is before he floats by a tray set up for the minors and grabs two flutes. They look like champagne, but is in truth, Chateau Wayne Ginger Ale. It's the same stuff that his father uses when passing off as a playboy. He offers one of the flutes to Gabby with a flourish.
- Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara indulges in another sip of her icy beverage before she offers another smile toward Emma, along with a nod. "The place is quite busy tonight. I'm sure this is the norm though, based on what I've heard." She notes before she offers a light wave of her free hand toward Phoebe when she notes the familiar face.
Setting her drink down, Babs raises her left wrist up, her eyes dropping down to her PIp-Boy screen. Babs loves her screens afterall. She twists a knob, then taps the screen, checking something on it since it currently contains her smart phone within it, helping to bring the fictional device to life.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Barbara, "This place has quite the eclectic and unique clientelle. An establishment and venue with a rather.. Well deserved reputation. It doesn't hold events like this often." By that she meant necessarily open to the public and not necessarily those that were members - but of course, her view would not necessarily be up to date at all. Mrs. Richards could very well have pushed Shaw for more interactions with the public and engagement.
"A lovely device there. You've obviously put a great deal of care into it. It's wonderfully crafted."
- Janet van Dyne has posed:
"It's his loss," Janet assures Phoebe, and turns so they're standing facing the same direction. "Let's see. Sebastian's over there, of course," she points out. "The one with the hair is Emma Frost, she's a dear old friend of mine." Strangely, Janet sounds like she means it quite sincerely. "I... have no idea what she's gone as, so you'd have to ask. I /think/ that's the heir to the DaCosta Shipping company," she says and gestures at Buzz. "And the slutty cowgirl is my friend Katherine. She's an IT consultant with a /wild/ party streak."
Janet frowns at Barbara when she waves at Phoebe. "Her, I don't know," she admits. "But don't let me hold you up," she says, and takes a little pivoting half-step away from Phoebe so she's not being pigeonholed.
Someone (Thomas) shows up and puts a drink in Janet's hand, which she sips readily. Finding it acceptable, she blows him an airy wink-and-a-kiss, followed a teasingly non-commital shrug of one shoulder.
"A shame your beau can't be here," she tells Phoebe, and wiggles fingers at Damian once she spots him. They've met socially more than a few times. "If it were me, I'd send him a barrage of selfies to show him what he's missing." She looks sidelong at Phoebe and grins slyly into her drink.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
All is proceeding well enough, in Sebastian's estimation. He remains as an out of sight viewer, simply enjoying the pleasures and entertainments that his club is fostering.
At the end of the day, while world domination is on his agenda, making people happy is earnestly at the top of it.
Even if his own is at the tippy top.
- Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa blinks as Jesse kisses his helmet, making it look like he is wearing lipstick from about 20 feet straight in front of him. From other angles it just looks like a smudge on the helmet. Roberto takes out his wrist recorder, "The indigenous people's customs are strange but they seem friendly." He closes the communicator and is on the dance floor with a small runway of models, moving easily casually dancing among and around them.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches up to take hold of the glass that Damian offers over toward her. There's a small pause as she watches his own, apparently a bit cautious over it. "If you want me to test any drinks or anything I'm a great drug tester," she remarks idly, before taking a sip of her own. "Aw it's fake. Oh well. Wouldn't do me any difference anyway," she reasons as another sip is taken just enjoying the fizzy bubbles.
His hand is squeezed in turn while allowing her gaze to skim over the crowded club. "I'm fine for now, but may need to pause now and then. It's not too bad at the moment." She was of course referring to the smell of so many people, and alochol and just everything all at once. "I'm getting better at focusing on things and tuning others out," she adds looking back to her date with a grin.
Only for a little look of surprise to flicker over hre face as she spots 'Rasputin' heading over to Thomas. "Huh. That's... HUH." Her grip tightens just a bit as she remains looking both puzzled, maybe a bit hurt, maybe confused? It's a myriad of emotions that run through her.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
An announcement springs out from an attendant dressed in standard Hellfire Club uniform, which is rather insubstantial.
"The costume parade and contest will be starting in five minutes!"
She moves over towards the side, ostensibly to organize the contestants into a line-up. The parade comes first. Naming of winners? Eventually...
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Nick takes the moment of blending into the background for granted by drinking his beverage. The other musketeers continue on with their festivities. Athos has wandered off with DeWinter for some dancing. And Richelieu has joined Porthos in the quest of finding the missing king.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
At the mention of 'Wade' and the Count of Monte Cristo production, and recognizing the voice, The Faceless (One) turns his head and spots Nick.
The human patch of darkness approaches, <<Greetings, Mr. Drago.>>, the voice sounds distorted and formal. <<Having a fine evening, I take it?>>
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Leaning in, Rien lifts her tail to drape over Thomas' shoulder, "Now this is a broad variety party... I know some faces, recognize others, but some are a complete mystery... as it should be at a good Halloween party." She chuckles softly and cants her head to look up at him, "Care to introduce me to all your friends?"
She plucks a glass from a passing tray, lifting it to Thomas and purring out, "Shall we.. mingle?"
Fingers curling around the stem, Rien-sputin manages to avoid the scrape of claw against glass, lifting it for a sip, eyes moving through the room and lifting her glass towards the Ladybug in greeting.
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"No, no I'm sure it's not his scene, and I respect that about him. I've met Ms. Frost, we had a very interesting chat with Victor von Doom and a teacher from a school upstate over coffee. Roberto I've met, his mother teaches where I go to Uni, and as it turns out we have some similar interests." she pauses as she looks to Katherine, and gives a soft himm, but she does brighten, and give a wave to Barbara. "That is a good friend of the Wayne family, Barbara Gordon. She's one of the smartest people I know, and considering we both know Tim Drake that is saying something."
She does smile, and raises a hand ingreeting to Thomas, and gives a smile of recognition to him at his costume.
"And why send him a barrage of selfies and miss out on the people watching? Are you insinuating someone might forget my face?"
- Tony Masters has posed:
Tony Masters knows the bartender all too well, "Pierre, old friend, compadre, lubricate us like a Catholic schoolgirl," he says, drumming his fingers atop the countertop in an imitation of the theme from "Rawhide'.
"My name's Tony, by the way. I'm kind of a big deal, but in a secret way where nobody knows I'm a big deal, so you're just going to have to believe me," he sasy.
He hears the announcement of the costume contest and nods to Kitty, "You should enter. I would, but I have an unfair advantage of being good at everything I do, so I want to give other people a chance. Plus, I can't stand being objectified. My eyes are up here."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The Hellfire Club attendance stands in a corner, and directs each of the costume goers to form up a line and parade through, as the music trades in a somewhat saucy rhythm for those who wish to do a bit more than stroll.
OOC: Feel free to pose however you'd like to stroll across. Winners will be announced later. Thanks all!
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake grabs a drink and leads Rien-sputin by the arm. He stops at Gabby and Damian, "This one... well she's totally disreputable. I will let her introduce her date, who is quite respectable. The man running with the Musketeers is Mike or Nick Drago, another friend. Over by Janet van Dyne, is Phoebe who I used to chase ghosts with. that's Tynan who was a housemate, briefly. Is this paint smudge proof?" he asks, handling her arm very gingerly.
- Negasonic has posed:
It was on the path towards the bar that Ellie cants her now-blonde head, hearing, through some sort of spider-sense, the gushing over the device.
A narrowing of her eyes, and Ellie turns her head towards Barbara. Of *course* Barbara caught the eye in many other ways, and Ellie purses her lips at that first sight, but she moves to she clears her throat afterwards, the Slytherin stepping towards the redhead even as the whole line starts being brought together.
"I like that," she says in her usual blunt fashion. A bit of a frown touches her lips. Although she didn't quite know it yet, well... Babs was on the Roller Queens team. And Ellie was on the opposing team. They'd figure that out soon enough.
"Is it fully functional?" she asks, with a cant of her head, even if the familiarity of the striking woman was tickling the back of her senses.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gets the drink when the bartender sets herself and Tony up. She takes a long sip and then looks towards where the costume contest is going on.
"Nice to meet you, Big Deal Tony," she teases. "You can call me Jessie!" she says, giving him a wink that yes that's not really her name. "Alright, I think I will!"
She downs the rest of her drink like it were a shot at the saloon. "Haven't seen Bullseye around here, have ya. He hates to miss a good parade," she says. Then she's heading over towards the costume contest. On the way she calls to Phoebe, "You need to enter too!"
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
And when he thinks he has gone quietly into the night...
Nick lowers his glass, turning to look to the distorted voiced patch of darkness. There's a slight twitch of the lips in response as he regards the outfit. "Hello darkness, my old friend. I've come to talk with you again."
To the prompt to line up, Nick turns his head, looking to the others. Or at least the ones that are presently visible. Which leads the villains, Athos, and Por-
A tiny King Louis is thrust into the air above the crowd. "FOUND HIM!"
The Cardinal guffaws, "Yes, but where is D'Artagnan and Constance?!"
Nick rolls his eyes.
The perils of group costumes.
- Barbara Gordon has posed:
With her eyes on the pip-boy screen, Babs grins at first at what Emma had said to her. But soon there-after Ellie is appearing beside her to ask about it also. The redheads eyes look up to Emma, then over to Ellie. "Oh, shit. Nice costume." She tells her. "I thought about being one of Ron's long lost siblings. Cause of the hair and all." She tells Negasonic with a big dopey grin spreading across her visage beneath the helmet restisng upon her head. She remembers what had been asked just then however, and she glances back down to her bulky wrist computer. "Oh, for sure." She states, turning her arm to let Ellie see the display.
"There was an official app you could download, but I designed my own a few years back..." She indicates, showing that the screen is displaying all manner of information from local weather, time, to even a social media feed with her online handle associated with it. Her social media is popping off after she shared some photos of her 'out on the town' in her Vault-suit tonight.
"Ever played the games?" She asks the Slytherin.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Taking his flute, Damian gently taps it against Gabby's. "Soyez courageux, jeunes amoureux, et suivez votre etoile." he murmurs in near-perfect French, before he takes a sip. "I think I will be fine without a taster here." he comments lightly. "After all, I am a /Lucky/ Cat." A bright beaming smile.
That is when he makes note of Thomas making his way over, and it's Gabby's expression that he catches out of the corner of his eye at the sight of her companion.
Damian splays his fingers, lacing them into Gabby's before releasing them. And he starts to gently sway back and forth to the rhythm of the music, giving Gabby the chance to make introductions.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would ahh over, and shake her head, "No, I can't say I have. I'm not the most engaged with gaming series and culture, to my great loss. I simply don't have the time. And such things require a great deal of investment for prpoer appreciation of the depth that goes into the world and creativity into the series." The wings on her back would untether with a flick of her wrists, going to fold over the front of her body almost like a shield of a cloak, then relaxing over at her sides.
"All the better." Speaking in response to Barbara stating she designed it herself. "And do you do programming as a hobby or is it a passion and a full time job for you?" The lady wearing the attire of the Queen of the House of Aensland would inquire thoughtfully. "It's some truly lovely work."
- Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Barbara Gordon," Janet echoes, and focuses on Babs' fair features for a few moments. Much as she plays the vapid socialite, there are occassions where she displays the razor-sharp focus that let her conquer the fashion world in just a few years of work. Babs' name and face is committed to memory. "Well-- any friend of the Wayne family," she says, and completes the quote with an airy roll of her wrist. "As you well know."
"Do excuse me for a moment, darling, I really have to go over and give Kitty the business before she gets kidnapped. Cheers, mon ami," she toasts Phoebe, and heads over to the bar where she and Tony Masters are sitting.
Janet sneaks up behind Kitty and makes her presence known by dragging a fingernail up Kitty's spine, from tailbone to neck. "Tony, I hope you're not pigeonholing my friend here," she scolds him playfully, and leans her decolletage against Kitty's shoulderblade. "She's a terribly young and impressionable thing, you know."
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
There's a 'Oooooh' sound the Faceless (One) makes, like folding to a joust. <<Please... No witty jokes, or I'll leave you to enjoy... The sound of silence?>> Underneath that mask, Caleb smirks - hey, Nick wants to smartass, two can play this game.
<<So, having a good time?>>, he asks.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney straightens a bit when Thomas and Rien come over to be introduced. The glass in her hand is held lightly so as to not risk her costume and she tips her head a bit at the pair. "... Well this is a surprise, sis. I didn't realize you were back on Earth."
Clearing her throat she smiles again, lifting her chin a bit. "Damian, this is Thomas, a friend of mine from years ago. He helped me out with some stuff when I was younger. And this is Rien, my older sister," she adds with a chuckle toward the heavily makeup disguised one.
"Who I really ought to slap for ditching me with only a letter explaining she was running off to fuck around with a guy and left me to pick up the peices. Then she doesn't even bother to tell me she's back!"
Her head tilts again, teeth flashing in a grin. "I think I need to burn off some energy here. Dance?" She asks turning to Damian to make the request.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a little jump at the tantalizing feeling of fingers moving up her spine. The tube top doesn't cover a lot so that's mostly sensitive skin feeling that!
The Toy Story cowgirl turns her head to see who it is and her face lights up. "Janet!" she says warmly. She reaches back to hung the woman behind her as best as the current positioning of her allows. Kitty also leans back against her as well.
"I should have known you'd be here, and leading the party no doubt. I was just going to do the costume contest. And then, more drinks!" She motions to Tony Masters. "So you know Big Deal Tony already? He's amazing at slicing sandwiches. Was thinking of trying to get him to decrust one later."
- Negasonic has posed:
Trust me, Ellie was a seasoned social mediaholic. As soon as that feed started blipping by, her dark eyes settled on it.
"Nice," she says, a certain aggression in her tone as she ignores those descending upon the redhead to geek out a moment about the display. "Thanks," she says. "You shoulda come as any of the Weasleys," she says. "Need someone to bully at a party like this," she says.
Ellie wasn't a smiler, but there was a little upward tick of the edge of her lip now. "But that's not bad at all. Fallout, right?" she says.
"Didn't really get too deep into those games, but..." she says. "But... I dabbled," she says. "New Vegas, the fourth one a little bit," she says, with a shrug of her shoulder. "Looks like you're popular, though," she says.
And while Draco brought her dark-painted, short nail to tap on the screen, it was obvious there was a double meaning, as the blonde bombshell that was Emma Frost likewise engaged with them both.
"'sup?" asks Ellie inelegantly to Emma, even as she lifts her chin in a brief acknowledgement of her.
- Tony Masters has posed:
Tony Masters is mostly just getting nicely hammered and waiting for the costume contest. He doesn't know most of these people and he's, y'know, evil and stuff. If a fast song comes on, he might go out and bust a few moves he picked up at a BTS concert a few years ago.
Hey, the mark he killed had tickets. No use letting them go to waste. And now he can bust a move like J-Hope. The girlies love J-Hope.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks at Gabby and says, "And you skipped out of my poolhouse with little warning, leaving me with a crazed albino... possibly still lurking about. Stuff happens Gabrielle. People come and go. Sometimes they turn up as a tiger. You gotta relax. You too, younger man. Being wound up all the tine can kill you." He watches them depart. He turns to Rien. "Nice kids. Are you freezing, chere?"
- Damian Wayne has posed:
As Gabby is making the introductions, Damian's eyes go wide at the description of her older sister. "It sounds... complicated." he manages, a bow of his head to Rien, that jingles his bell lightly. "Damian Wayne. Your sister is a sweetheart to have taken such care to cover your issues upon disappearing."
There is a frown at Thomas. "You know little of me and my life. You would do well to stuff a fish in your mouth and chew on it thoughtfully before attempting to disseminate someone's life you have yet to meet." And before he can say /anything/ else, Gabby is tugging him off to the dancefloor. "I would love to." he accepts the invitation, following Ladybug.
And off they go, Damian turning and pulling Gabby into his arms and close to him as they start to sway together and find the right steps to go with the music.
- Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs just smiles brightly at the conversation between she and the other two. A glance is sent back to Emma, and a shrug of her shoulders is given. "Just a hobby." She states softly, even though it isn't. She's not one to really talk about herself too much though for a variety of reasons. "I... had quite a bit of time on my hands to sit behind computers the past decade though. So yes, Fallout--" She nods toward Ellie, "Was a nice escape for me, from the troubles of a challenging situation. Things are better now, so I'm just... falling in to nostalgia, I guess. Typical for old people." She snorts at herself then before reaching for her glass. She is taking a sip from it when she sees people lining up to show off their costumes?
Babs sets her drink aside and nods to Ellie and then Emma. "I'm gonna go strut a bit, you two stay awesome."
The Vault Survivor rushes toward the line then, and waits for her turn. She moves her hands around her outfit to adjust straps, check her zipper level, and give her army helmet a little wiggle atop her redheaded scalp.
When it is her turn, the onlookers will get a nice little display of the blue and gold suited woman strutting her stuff, even drawing her pipe-pistol and giving it a few dramatic poses and aiming motions!
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
The response from Caleb of Darkness gets a chuckle, "Fair enough. No more lyric references. For now" As for the question, he pauses, considering the question. "Considering the promotions, appearances, and other parties, I think, I'm pretty partied out, actually." He lifts up the glass, "Just give me a couple more minutes and I'll be back out there."
Hearing Athos chime up, Nick turns his head to look over to the other musketeer pointing out the missing players.
"Oh, looks like we got the full set. Guess we need to line up for that contest thing soon."
The musician looks over Caleb's costume. "Are you entering?"
He glances over to the show going on at the other end of the bar. "Although if I'm overhearing right, that guy over there is cutting sandwiches. An odd party trick but maybe that'd be interesting."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma would turn over to Barbara, giving her a nod, "Well, you should consider pursuing it sa a vocation. If that's something you can do as a hobby, then if you wanted to you could apply it to employment. If that's something you would enjoy." Because sometimes passiosn turned into lifestyles killed much of the joy from her. Emma's bat-wings on her head would flap back some, and then her wings would go to spike into the air after the maneuver of Ellie to the side of the duo and to make sure not to interfere over with Barbara's own posturing.
Emma might not be nearly as presentable as the Vauld Dweller, but she's still spent her time on this ensemble. She gives a wiggle of her fingers to Barbara leaving to join the party goers, leaving her over with Ellie.
"And what, pray tell, are you referring to then?" To Ellie, even as her lips would twitch upwards slightly, seeing what the 'ehhhn' girl was thinking with it while turning to survey the room and the costume contestants going out.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Canting her head, Rien lifts both brows, "I never left Earth, Gabrielle. I left the US. It was Chas that had to depart this plane, I will see him again when he returns. In the meantime, New York is home." She glances to Thomas and smiles, "I ran into Thomas here shortly after my return. I'm glad to see you doing so well, you look amazing." She offers a smile towards Gabby and dips her head towards her sister.
Looking to Damian, she gives a small nod, "Votre francais est tres bon, jeune homme." A brief glance to Gabby with a smile, then back to Damian, "Traitez bien ma soeur, s'il vous plait, elle le merite." Her French IS perfect, and holds a touch of accent from around the Auvergne Mountains. Lifting her glass to them, she gives a nod, "Wonderful to see you both."
To Thomas, she smiles, "Do we wish to stroll the parade and enter the contest?"
- Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet laughs warmly and presses her cheek against Kitty's, giving her a hug around the midsection. She grins at Tony when Kitty puts the question to her. "Know him? Not formally," she assures the younger woman. "But we've got a few professional friends in common."
Exactly how Janet knows this is -anyone's- guess.
She looks over at Barbara while the vault-dweller struts her stuff, and blows a merry little wolf-whistle between her gloved fingertips. Janet seems to be quite at home in the rakish ensemble she's picked out.
"Emma, what on earth are you supposed to be?" she puts the question to the blonde with a fond humor. "Is this some new movie or something I haven't seen yet?" Her fingers rest on the nape of Kitty's neck while she addresses her friend, gently twirling a few brown locks between her thumb and forefinger.
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
Phoebe gives a thin-lipped expression as she offers an itemless toast to Janet, since she didn't grab anything, and she delivers a Side Eye to Janet, watching her go to harass Kitty.
"May your nose abandon your face beyond all rhinoplasty and people start asking you if Annie's OK." she mutters in Janet's wake.
She brings the shawl up and over her shoulders as her dark eyes see Rien in attendance, and decides that the Hellfire Club is likely not the place for her.
She begins to make her way back towards the entrance to escape back out into the night.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"I think she's Morrigan from Darkstalkers!" Damian offers helpfully while preparing to take Gabby for a spin. Though he notices Phoebe's departure and a look of concern flashes in his green eyes.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney just utters simply, "Give me some time," in response to the pair before she heads to dance with her partner. If anyone would understand the family temper it would be Rien after all. For now 'Ladybug' leans in against 'Cat Noir' letting her arms slide around him in a loose embrace to just sway to the music.
Or... Okay she wasn't particularly paying attention to the music overly much. It had gotten a bit bouncier with the oncoming costume parade and contest. Of course this does at least give her a chance to clear her head.
The look from Damian earns a lift of her eye a bit, looking over toward the departing sister of Damian as well. "Huh. Should we go check on her?"
- Negasonic has posed:
"I like the wings," says Ellie, bringing up her hands to hold her fingertips at the side of her blonde wig, as she looks to Emma.
"And what's my costume? Draco Malfoy," she says to the woman. "Harry Potter?" she says. "If you even know that," she says to the woman. But anyways, Ellie was being funnelled to the line, even as Janet calls to the other older woman. Ellie was keeping her usual age quips in the holster, for now.
But soon as it was her time, she comes time to strut her stuff across the stage in her wizard robes, holding the stuffed house elf in one of her sinister clutches, the other holding a stick that she found that was vaguely wand-like. She menaces the crowd, but was all too okay with being overshadowed in this situation.
There were a lot of *great* costumes.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a visible shiver from the fingers teasing at her hair. Bit of a spot there that Janet manages to find. Or maybe she knows it already, it's hard to say with that one!
"Mmm, hold my place, and get me another drink," she says. "I'll be right back."
The Western-themed young woman heads for the costume contest then. Along the way, she spots Nick Drago standing there in his Three Musketeers attire. "Oh you need to come on up yonder with me, Mister!" she says, pointing at the stage for the contest. If he lets her, Kitty grabs his hand to pull him up on stage with her.
"Look at this, ya'll!" she calls out. "This guy's got a pig sticker longer than Woody's... well, I mean, it's big!" She bats her eyes at the crowd and does a Vanna White reveal towards Aramis' sword.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake slips an arm around Rien's shoulder, draping his cape over her in case she is chilly, because she wouldn't admit it, he's sure. "We can do the march. As far as I'm concerned, you win already and we should move the party to my place. Give Gabby some room." He could also build a fire.
- Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs had offered a wink toward the wolf whistling woman in the audience, before she'd pivoted away from the onlookers, and made her exit strut, letting that number on her Vault-suit speak for itself!
Once she was back in to the audience herself, she slipped her toy gun back in to its holster on her right thigh, then proceeded to give Ellie a few energetic claps and sounds of support from the cheap seats.
When a server walks past the Vault Survivor, Babs snatches herself another tall glass of bubbly to sip from, and she continues to enjoy the show.
Rarely does the redhead get out socially, and she's trying to enjoy it while it lasts!
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at 'Draco' for a moment, "Why, I suppose if the shoe fits.." A little snark back given to Ellie. "You do match it well. Persona as well as aesthetics." The wings retracting over to her back to stabilize them once more as others would come to approach, Emma's wrists adjusting as she performed them.
"I suppose I'm more indulgent in Mercedes Lacky and Anne McCafferty when it comes to pastimes. Madeline D'Engle is another one that I always found mesmerizing." She would muse, fondly over for a moment in resminicence, still holding to her Scottich vocals.
Emma would just smile over on the approach of Janet, "Why hello. And I'm a Darkstalker." As if that might or might not have any particular meaning over to Janet.
Giving a very formal curtsy, wings going to sway up over in salute to Janet. "Morrigan Aensland, reigning Queen of Makai at your service."
Likely to another snark from her conversational antagonist who was not in leather pants.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The Faceless One looks around at the group, and undrneath, he grins. <<Very well... Why not?>> And he begins to cackle, which under the distorted voice makes it sound kinda boomy. <<A man with no face... Who could he be?>>
As Kitty approaches, he offers a polite bow, getting into character, <<Enchantee, Mademoiselle.>>
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"I feel like we should..." Cat Noir continues to hold Ladybug in that loose embrace as they make their way around the dance. Lost to their own beat, apparently. The magic of the moment seems to be going the way of the akume that they chase. "And while something about Paris makes me want to dance, I feel that our can-do attitude and need to save the world can be better placed elsewhere. After all, right now... it would be the perfect time..."
A gesture to Phoebe. "...for Monarch to evilize her!" He's staying in character, at least.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Looking up to Thomas, Rien smiles, "You are sweet, but Gabrielle is a big girl. She can deal with her feelings as an adult. Or not. It is her choice. Mine is to stay and enjoy the party." She finishes her glass of champagne, setting it on the passing tray of a server. Throwing off the cloak, she reaches for Thomas' hands and starts to lead him towards the parade with a chuckle, "Come, lets enjoy the celebration while it lasts."
- Victor Von Doom has posed:
There is a very late arrival to the party. Doom needs no introduction. For he is Doom. Walking into the Hellfire Gala as if he has been here the entire time, Doom is dressed as Doom. It is the greatest number one costume in Latveria.
Everyone wants to be Doom. The monarch takes in the room and sights and sounds and nearly has Phoebe collide with him as she is departing. "Is the evening over then?" he asks her bluntly, his eyes rising to take in everyone else.
But is he really Doom, or does someone have a REALLY REALLY GOOD Doom costume?
- Tynan Ireton has posed:
Ty moves off to the side. She knows a few people here, but in events like this, she gets lost in the shuffle so much. The woman moves off to the side, and quietly sneaks a book out of a small satchel on her black cat belt. She opens it up, and starts to read a little bit. Its not a romanace novel like she would normally read, but a small book on science notes that she picked up on her last mission. THe woman frowns a little bit as she reads it. It goes way above her education level. She sighs a bit at it. "Science and curses...I can't tell which is worse, especially when mixed.", the woman mutters a little.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake lets himself be led to the contest. He adjusts his cloak a little, then holds both Rien's hands. He leans in impulsively for a kiss. Fangs don't bother him. He knew a fanged types. Words fail him for the moment. He just nods.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Nick gets addressed, he sets the glass down. "Time to move." He states to Caleb as he allows himself to be tugged along by the Jesse. As Jesse draws attention to the sword, a gloved hand presses against the hilt. There are a couple guffaws to some similarly dressed persons lining up together. Causing for Nick to glance down and lift his hand off of it. "Thank you Jesse." Nick states to Kitty, giving a bit of a wink before he moves from her to join the rest of his costume group.
And as a group, they present. King Louis XIII moves forward, turning his head to look to the Cardinal as they appear to be in conversation. Constance and Lady De Winter engage in kind.
"My Musketeers!"
The four musketeers stride side by side to face the king. Kneeling towards him. Introductions of the characters made, they move back into position.
- Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet eyes Emma skeptically, clearly not getting the intent of the costume. When she hails herself as 'Queen' though, Janet's eyes dance in merriment. "Oh, a Queen?" she asks with breathy amusement. "Ok, -that- I can understand."
She shifts her feet into a curtsey that shifts into a low, sweeping bow. Her hat stays in place because it's a pain in the ass to pin it up at just that right angle. "I am, of course, the legendary operatic figure Julie d'Aubigney, dithering at this party until it's time to go kidnap my lover from the clutches of the convent.
She straightens and finishes her drink with a single gulp, and sets the margarita glass on the nearest convenient horizontal surface.
"Can I buy you a drink, darling?" she offers, and hails a passing waiter. After she and Emma make their selections, she glances at Barbara, then whispers some quiet instruction to the waiter. A few moments later he returns with drinks for Janet and Emma, and the delivers something smelling of citrus and vodka to Barbara. "From Miss van Dyne," he explains, and gestures at the two billionaire socialites chatting glibly away together.
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
Phoebe skipds to a stop as she spies the green tunic. Her dark eyes go wide, and she straightens up a little bit as she purses her lips, one hand rising up before she looks to the monarch, and then to the rest of the party.
"No, Doom, I've just found that the Hellfire Club is probably not to my liking, is all." she offers a wan smile, and goes to move aside. "By all means, I hope you have a good evening."
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde turns and gives a raucous and rather unladylike cheer for Nick Drago and his French posse. "That's a really darn good set of costumes there. They look so good I could spit," the eloquent cowgirl says emphatically.
She heads on from the stage, moving back over to the bar where she was. She rubs her hands together as she reaches Tony Masters. "Alright, where's the drinks!?" she asks him in an animated fashion.
- Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara had been standing amongst some of the costume contest onlookers, cheering them on, when the gifted drink arrives to her with instruction. With a glance back over her left shoulder, and past the leather pauldron sitting upon it, she spies the woman from the bar and the one who'd whistled her way. She flashes them both a smile, and a waves with her free hand before she takes the drink.
The Vault Dweller now has two drinks, and no free hands. She looks from one of her drinks to the other. "Hopefully a Feral Ghoul doesn't attack..." She mutters once more to herself with a nerdily level of nerdom coming with her reference.
Taking a big gulp of her original drink, Babs finishes it off, and sets it on the tray of the server closest to her. She huffs then, adjusting her blue and gold bodysuit again, and makes her way toward Emma and Janet.
"Quite a party." Barbara says to them both upon her arrival. "Thanks for the order. I'm... well, hopefully this place has rooms for rent for the night." She says with a light laugh. "Lord knows I'm not going to drive myself home now."
She starts on her third drink.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Returning the kiss, Rien smiles up at him and leads him out to join the last bit of the costume parade.
Along the way, she can't help but notice that Doom has arrived! Lifting a hand she smiles towards him, "Hello Doctor! Come join the party! The champagne is delightful and the costumes are quite interesting!" To Thomas, she offers, "He is an excellent conversationalist. And he has wonderful taste."
- Tony Masters has posed:
Tony Masters slaps the bar, "Pierre, inebriate this cowgirl, stat," he says to the bartender. "Pick your poison - Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I'm going to guess vodka, but I don't put tequila outside the range of possibility. You are a little Tex Mex tonight."
He momentarily makes eye contact with Janet across the building where she's socializing, fingergunning in her direction with his proper Patrick Bateman face to go with his costume.
He sees Dr. Doom arrive and tries to remember to get the big guy his business card later. Sure, Doom's been a little less maniacal in recent years, but he probably just learned discretion. He definitely needs people killed sometimes on the downlow.
- Victor Von Doom has posed:
"Doom would like to hear you air your greivances at another time." Doom offers to Phoebe. It doesn't sound like an insult, more a genuine request. "Doom will not stop you from leaving. If you choose to depart, then you will not learn if you won the costume contest."
"Your costume is lovely. Is it Egyptian cotton, to match the theme?" he asks her. And he waits for her to make her choice. Phoebe can step around and leave if she chooses. Or. He is busily matching names with faces. "Yes. This crowd seems rambunctious. I recognize many of them.:
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney bursts into giggles at the fact that Damian is managing to stay more in character than she is. It was the perfect way to improve her mood at least. Grinning ear to ear she lifts her eyebrows watching as Phoebe greets Doom. "Well *A* Monarch at least," she points out with a tilt of her head. "Not often you see Doom around. Met him once in Genosha," she explains. "During recovery efforts."
Looking back toward Damian she reaches up to brush her fingertips against his cheek. "I think maybe getting out of here isn't a bad idea though. It's getting a bit crowded and... well." Leaning in she whispers, "You look really good in that suit."
- Negasonic has posed:
As it was, Negasonic Malfoy clicks her tongue at Emma. "Thank you," she says to the Scottish video game vampire.
"I can see why you chose that look. Very... classic," she says. That was a good thing to say, right?
As it was, though - she was meandering her way towards the drinks. A glance around to look for that older redhead she spied earlier - but she sees Tynan first. Was anyone going to card her? She grabs a soda, anyways, to avoid the hubbub.
Maybe that coke was a little jacked, the pierced Slytherin probably could handle it. "Hey," she says to Tynan. "What's that you're read..." she begins to say, although her eyes cut across the room. "Is that f****** Doctor *Doom*?" she says, her jaw dropping.
"Was never sure that guy was real, right?" she says. And while she was in Tynan's orbit, it was reasonable that others could overhear.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
When Gabby comments, Damian nods slightly. And before he can say anything on Phoebe's company, Lady Bug's comment causes the young man's face to darken a deep red, and the swallow makes the bell at his neck jingle.
Clearly, they are not going to stay for the results of the costume contest. "Au revior!" he announces to those near him as... while Gabby may have dragged him in, he may not have to drag Gabby out?
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"... you have a fine eye for textiles. I'm... actually really surprised." Phoebe states as she motions down. "Egyptian cotton, linen, with fiberoptic and LED threads." she explains, and then she draws herself back up, and she frowns a moment.
"I suppose it would be remiss to let you walk down without someone. What if you were to trip? At least you could blame it on me." she states, and she turns to walk baack down.
"Oh, I don't think it would be fair if I entered the contest. One of my friends designs for Cosplay masquerades. He helped me build the wiring rig over three pizzas in a weekend in Boston."
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Why not both!? We can handle it!" Cowboy Kitty declares to the choice of vodka or tequila for their drinks.
(Narrator: Kitty could not, in fact handle it. She would end up dancing on the bar in her chaps, and later that night, fight a raccoon.)
As the drinks come, Kitty tosses back the first one. "Janet, here's yours!" she calls out, and then turns to look about. "Where's Janet?" she asks. "Damn it, Janet! There's rot gut to drink over here!"
- Victor Von Doom has posed:
"Doom does not trip." This is stated matter-of-factly as his arm is offered to Phoebe. "If I am to escort you, I must request the pleasure of your name." His eyes rise again to look forward.
"While unfair, Doom will enter the contest. It is unfair, for Doom has the best costume by far. It has been perfected over the decades to be the best performing and strategically imposing outfit fit for a Monarch and living embodiment of Latveria." And with that, he starts walking, giving Phoebe lead.
- Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet watches Doom enter just like everyone else, eyes hooding thoughtfully. Once the moment passes she sighs, resting fingertips on her collarbone and turning back to Emma. She smiles welcome at Barbara and when the woman finishes speaking, offers her a delicate handshake.
"Barbara Gordon, right?" Janet inquires. "I understand you're a friend of the Wayne family. I thought I'd make introductions. This is, of course, Emma Frost, CEO of Frost Industries. I am Janet van Dyne," she adds, as if the name alone is sufficient.
Given Janet's social pull, it usually is.
"It's a shame your driver can't run you home. If you like, I could lend you mine for a lift. God forbid you have to take an Uber somewhere, or worse... a cab." Janet's nose wrinkles at the very thought.
- Emma Frost has posed:
The arrival of the Doom (or is it the not-Doom) does not quite fit the decor. Then again, the Doom (or not-Doom) definitely has the chops to have pulled off the look seemingly perfectly. Maybe they're here as a Doom-Bot then? Emma would let ehr attention carrya way from the conversation to glance at the arrival and take it in, being rather impressed and it actually showing. There's definitely the costume contest winner.
However quickly her attention spins back to her conversational companions. "Why thank you darling." She would give a full formal curtsy over to Lady d'Aubigney and then rise up. "Have you considered simply postponing the rescue and enjoying the party more? It's not like they're going anywhere over anytime soon. So why waste the evening on a rescue when you can waste the evening on reveling instead?" She would go to give a smile over at the drink selections, and then turn her attention to raise her glass to Barbara in a silent toast.
"And yes, he's quite real." Doctor Doom definitely exists, as the mutants of the world have learned to respect (and possibly fear at times). Whether or not it is Doom, of course.. But, he can recognize where Phoebe's costume is from - which is more than Emma could fancy a gander at.
- Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara exchanged the handshake with Janet, a smile residing on her lips throughout the gesture and the introductions that came with it. She then reaches up to remove her army helmet from atop her head, setting it down gently on the bar. "Oh, I drove myself. I prefer that for a number of reasons. But if you have someone... well, I suppose then I'd have my car stuck here if I took you up for that offer." She lets out a little laugh while her left hand moves through her red and orange hued hair. She starts fiddling with the clips that were keeping it bound behind her ears, since the helmet had messed them up a little.
"It is a pleasure to meet you both. I've heard of both of you, and yeah... I'm a friend of the Waynes, I guess. Maybe they're a friend of the Gordon's though?" She asks, a grin playfully spreading over her pink hued lips.
"My father is the Gotham Police commissioner. He's had a lot of dealings with the Wayne family over the years, and it's lead me to be associated with them as well. Plus, well, everyone needs a computer expert from time to time to work on their systems..." She leaves out her whole Green Energy company, and all that goes with it. Apparently going for a bit more of a humble social angle here tonight.
"I assume you're both regulars here?" She asks Emma and Janet, giving a sideward glance to the party before putting her helmet back upon her head. "Such a nice place. Maybe I'll come by more often, when in town."
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"Unfortunately I'm all sorts of bad luck. Ask anyone, it would be the first time." the pink-haired young lady states, and she raises her eyebrows, her lips pursed.
"Well. Official business tonight, it's Phoebe Wayne." Phoebe replies, straightening up a little as she walks with DOOM down to the floor of Club Purgatory, feeling terribly self-concious as she draws her meshy shawl around her shoulders a little tighter.
"I would make introductions, but I'm afraid this is only my second time inside the building. It wasn't to my taste three years ago either."
- Tony Masters has posed:
Tony Masters sips on his highball, "Not sure she can hear you. I could get her attention, but it would require me throwing the axe and it might make people feel all threatened. You throw one deadly instrument with absolute precision and people get all bitchy," he sighs.
"Do you ever think it's weird that Bruce Wayne is single but has so many adopted kids? What's up with that? is he starting a cult? Or maybe they're all just his weird clones that he had made in Switzerland. Switzerland's the place to go to get your clones made. That and North Korea but they all just end up looking like Kim Jong Un."
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb's costume presentation is very much a solo act, where his costume as The Faceless (One), the patch of darkness with a golden faceless mask and a distorted voice, and introduces himself.
<<I am... Many.>> Dramatic pause. <<I am... None.>> Another dramatic pause. <<I seek... I find... I take... I keep... I collect...>> He continues. <<In the dark I dwell, from the dark I come, to the dark I shall return once I claim what is mine.>> He glances around the room. <<Through the darkness in you, you've met me. I am the reflection of your cracked selves in a perfect mirror.>>
A long pause. <<I am you - and I am... The Faceless (One).>>
- Victor Von Doom has posed:
"Wayne. As in the Gotham Waynes." Doom responds polite. A small frown pulls on the features of the man within the mask. "It is unfortunate for Gotham to have become what it is. A police force that is reliant on vigilantism, with a captalist system aimed at only neglecting those that cannot afford while those who work the criminal element reap the most. It is most like Latveria was during the rule of the communists."
A fold of his arms over his chest. "Doom was able to fix Latveria. I have given it new hope and purpose and it has blossomed as a crown jewel among it's more liberal peers. Mutants are given the same rights as all citizens. Health care is given. Education and child care is mandatory. None go for want in Latveria. If Gotham were to adopt the iron fist cultivating the garden, it too would do better. Instead of relying on it's revolving and corrupt prison system and flying rodent infestation."
"But such topics is not why Doom is here tonight, excuse the fallaciousness of my monologue of Gotham's unfortunate situation." A pause. "May I provide you a drink?"
- Janet van Dyne has posed:
At Emma's teasing, Janet just flashes a grin at her oldest friend and gives her a playful hip-check. "I'm sure I'll rescue /someone/ tonight," she says with a dry wit.
She turns her focus back to the redhead with them. Janet's estimation of Barbara goes up slightly, along with an uptick of her brow, when the redhead mentions her familial relationship. "Gordon? That's quite a surprise. I hear he's a bit of a rarity in Gotham: an honest cop," she says, and her lips curl into a smile. "I was glad to hear he made Commissioner. The city deserves someone who is willing to stand up against the bad guys."
"As for us, yes, we're both regulars. My family has been longtime members here. Emma's as well. We're what they might call 'legacies'," she explains. "The club is a little selective about membership, so the easiest endorsement to get is from family or close friends."
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"Yes, as in the Gotham Waynes. My adopted guardian is Bruce Wayne. I'm pleased to call his adopted kids my siblings. It's on that merit that Mr. Shaw optioned to invite me to visit the club, though I'm afraid he's quite busy tonight, I'll have to send him a very nice letter thanking him." Phoebe states in faux high humor, feeling her heart begin to thud against her chest as she goes back into the crowd.
"Oh, no, thank you. All I can have is the ginger-ale anyway, but thank you, Doom."
- Negasonic has posed:
So it was, the person she was trying to speak to had passed on, lost in the crowd of socialites and connected types.
And Negasonic Teenage Malfoy was a punk kid that had managed to sneak into this ritzy affair, her black-painted lips taking on that scowl again as she glances over the remainder of those left.
At least the food was kickin'.
So she finds a tray of horderves or however it's spelled, and starts plucking up some to gnosh upon, chasing that down with a drink from the drink that she managed to get her hands on, kinda leaaaaning in to get the skinny on Gotham politics.
At least, they seemed to be gushing over Fallout Girl about that very thing.
Was she trying to look cool whilst she eavesdrops kinda obviously? Yeah. Leaning back against the wall, arms folded over the other. She was just lacking her smartphone in her hand to keep glancing down at.
- Barbara Gordon has posed:
With her helmet back on her head, Babs fastens the chin strap again while smiling toward Janet at what she states. "Mmmh. Exclusive. Maybe I don't qualify for membership. I got in on the Wayne ticket tonight, but maybe that's not enough to get me over the main hurdle..." She almost seems amused by this idea before she just gently shakes her head. another drink is taken from the delicious beverage that Janet had ordered her, and Babs glances back over at her. "There are a lot of good cops in Gotham. It's a common misconception. Problem is the bad ones make a bigger splash in the media, and cause quite a number of problems we'd all rather not have to deal with. But. We do have to deal with them. Thankfully though, my father is up to the challenge, and with a lot of good support behind him from the good ones... well, positive change comes through hard work and dedication."
She nods toward Janet then once, toasting-gesture with her glass. "But, this night is about fun, and I'm having a lot of it."
Another sip is had, and another thought strikes the redhead's mind.
"At least until I wake up and remember why I swore off drinking last time." She adds with a light bit of laughter chasing her words there before she notices Negasonic out of the corner of her eye. She upnods at her. "Hey, you got my vote for best costume. Problem is I'm not sure if my vote counts or not."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would take some amusement in the back and forth, listening in passing to Doom's diatribes while nodding over with Janet's words to Barbara. "Yes, in the way of things money opens most doors at the club. Old money all the better. Social contracts amongst us all." Lineages so close to one another and interlinked they could pass themselves off as European nobility.
Like looked after like.
"I'm sure your presence here would be.. Amusing, Ms. Gordon. Please do take it up with Shaw, as he's the Master of the House." Her tone is amused.
- Victor Von Doom has posed:
With everyone else tending to their own things, Doom makes his way to the bar. He can sit and drink and observe for a while. It's something that he does very well, in fact. So with a bourbon in hand, he sits back and just Dooms there.
- Negasonic has posed:
Draco Teenage Warhead glances up, looking mildly stunned as Barbara calls out to her again.
But she lifts her chin to indicate her acknowledgement of that approval. "Thanks," she says. "Although, seriously... I know who I'm voting for, when they ask me," says Negasonic Malfoy, her head tilting as she gives a very long and poignant look towards Barbara's face, an intrigued curl of the brow leading the way.
But it was hard to keep that up too long, considering how intent the other women were at it. "Looks like they want you in this fancy club," she says, her eyes cutting between the Scottish Vampiress that was Emma and Janet Van Dyne. "Must be something special, Red," she says.
"Something more than just the followers you have on insta," she says.
"I only got a few hundred of those, myself," she says. "Keep having to make new accounts as my old ones get banned. But I got a sleeper one I'm nice on," she says. "Can send you the deets, if you're interested."
- Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Nonsense," Janet says, dismissing Emma's suggestion for Barbara. "It's a game of politics like anyone else. Some of us are from more established, some from the noveu riche. Every generation of elites had to start somewhere, with someone wrangling success from the muck. Your father's made a confident first step into authority, so what does that say for your potential?"
It's a bit of a rhetorical question, but Janet seems firmly on the side of giving Babs a shot at the club's elite roster. It's very true; it's not just who you know, it's how you know them.
When Negasonic approaches, she gets a flashing head-to-toe assessment from Janet. It's penetrating and quick, and gives the impression she's seeing more than most people would prefer her to. "Draco, right?" she inquires of Negasonic, and gestures lazily at her with a twirling index finger. "Harry Potter is always a classic. I think I watched the movies long before I sat down to read the books," she says, with a little wistful note. "C'est la vie. I'm Janet," she tells Negasonic, and offers her a soft finger-tight handshake. "Are you friends with Miss Gordon?"
- Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs considers the ideas presented to her with regard to joining the Hellfire Club. She just gently nods her head two times to what Emma and Janet states, with a glance even sent toward where she saw that Shaw fellow a bit back, but he was no where to be seen now. "Well. We'll see, I suppose. I don't ever expect the sky when it comes to cases of being judged." She says back with a slight grin. "I'd be interested though. I rarely have a good excuse to get out of my house, unless it is to go... on a walk." She mutters that last part in to the rim of her glass, as a walk for Babs involves a lot more than a normal walk for most.
Toward Ellie, Babs smiles at her, before setting her drink down. What follows is a series of hand motions to remove her smart phone from her pip-boy, then the clasps on the Pip-boy itself are popped open. "Here." Babs tells Ellie, pulling the device off of her forearm and offering it to the Malfoy. "Consider it a gift for showing interest in a stranger's weird costume choices, and yeah, I'd be happy to keep in touch over socials." She says with a kind hearted tone.
"Look me up online. Most of my tags are... Well here..." She grabs her phone then, and motions on the screen to her user name on the social media feed she has pulled up on her phone.
- Negasonic has posed:
The now blonde teen, piercings and all, returns the look levelly at Janet, the black lipstick that worked against the costume (and the gauges, but we won't go there), not clashing at all with the black and green robes. Or the stick that was her wand that she was swishing every so often.
"Draco Malfoy," she says. "One of the best characters in the movies and the books, in my humble opinion. Or Snape, but. Too soon for that one," she says.
"And I didn't even know her name was Miss Gordon. Let's just say we bonded over..." she waggles her hand in a circular motion. "Common hobbies, right?"
She accepts the Pip-boy reverently, already making moves to lash it on over her forearm, Ellie finding her own smartphone from admist her robes, and, in spite of the rules and all - flipping it on and sliding it into the device.
"Hey," she says, tearing her eyes away from the screen a minute, before she lashes off the stuffed Dobby and offers it to Barbara Gordon. "Want a Dobby in return? Can consider it thanks for the vote I got tonight," she says. "I'm a Slytherin. Buying votes is the norm, right?" she says.
There was a little lift of those black-painted lips now. "But sure. Here's mine, too. Message me whenever, okay?" she says.
- Janet van Dyne has posed:
"If you're not cheating, you're not trying," Janet agrees. She drains her drink and sets it aside, absently brushing her palms against one another. "That said, I'm afraid I have to return to the mingling. 'Draco', it's been a pleasure," she bids Ellie. Janet looks at Babs and flashes a quick smile. "And Barbara. Do stop in here sometime and let's talk more. See if the Club is the right fit for you," she offers.
Janet beams a smile at both women and excuses herself with a wiggle of her fingers, before turning and diving back into the swirling party melee.