1671/Been through better windows!
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Been through better windows! | |
Date of Scene: | 14 May 2020 |
Location: | Gotham streets |
Synopsis: | Domino leaves no witnesses behind. |
Cast of Characters: | Neena Thurman, Ella Normandy
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Night in Gotham. How could it not be fun, or challenging? Or both?
There are more darkened streetlamps than lit, and after a certain time of the night, even driving down the road with doors locked still isn't safe. And that's the perfect time and place to be at 'The Corner Bar' in good old Gotham.
The lights are on, as seen from outside. It's easy enough to look in as there are no finishings on the windows. It's a bar, a pool hall and there are a few one armed bandits sitting on the back wall. Things are a little rough normally, but right now?
Even rougher.
There's the sound of breaking glass, and within a couple minutes of the start of it, a pale woman in black leathers is flying backwards out of one of the windows, in what looks to be a seated position.
Neat trick, but she is also armed; 2 pistols, one in each hand, and she's squeezing off a couple of rounds back into the place where she'd been so recently defenestrated. And inside? Starbursts of red blood appear on at least 4 people before the merc slides over a parked car hood, rolls backwards tucked like a professional gymnast, only to land under perfect cover as people start streaming out of the bar, looking for blood.
Down one goes as Domino doesn't even need to sight in.
It's when the second is hit that they get the idea.
There's a moment when everything is still; and that's when Dom rises from her spot, holsters her guns, and starts to move as if nothing happened.
Another night.
- Ella Normandy has posed:
Night in Gotham. It can not be fun in a lot of ways, because it's mostly full of desperate people who stink of the worst odors of inner city life, and also Vampirella, who has showered recently. She's in something like street clothes, hiding inside Ella Normandy's identity, though her outfit would never be accepted at the school she works at; a sleeveless, midiff-bearing lavender top and darker purple skirt that isn't quite mini but is working its way there. She carries no bag or purse, a fact most men would probably never think of but that a woman would probably spot immediately; she left her work clothes at work, in a closet she can pick them up from later if she decides to overcome her ennui at the thought. She knows she doesn't fit in with anyone dressed like that, but sometimes she just can't stand the human need to smother her skin in clothing, to cut herself off from the feel of the wind of the tiny hairs that help her sense what's around her. She sometimes wonders if that's how her kind have stayed hidden from human eyes for so long: because humanity's customs have cut them off from the advantages of their own senses.
Then gunfire and breaking glass and the coppery scent of blood, delicious at first but turning cold and dead as the steaming life it carries leaves with its passage. Vampirella's mouth would have been watering if the blood wasn't already dying.
Vampirella scans the street ahead, following the echoes of the gunshots and the burning scent of gunpowder before her eyes land on Domino. She considers the situation a moment. Can't tell from here if the woman is human or otherwise, but pale skin, twin pistols, and leather catsuits are definitely popular with a certain kind of vampire. Might be worth Vampirella's time to investigate whether she needs to kill a bitch.
Her shoulders roll in a slight shrug, and Vampirella stalks down the street toward the danger zone. She can feel her claws trying to slip out of her fingers. With an effort of will, she holds back the transformation. May as well seem human until it's necessary not to.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
The guns are reholstered, and Ella can probably smell the scent of gunpowder and oil as well as the iron of the blood as it congeals. Off in the distance, a siren breaks the night, and glancing back at her handiwork, Domino is prepared to vacate the area. But, there's.. there's someone there.
"Hey!" is called out in the night air from a couple parked cars down now, "Nothing for you there. I suggest you leave before the cops show."
In the light, a black haired albino with a black ... spot around an eye is gesturing down an alley a couple of buildings down. It's where she's going, or at least where it looks like she's headed.
- Ella Normandy has posed:
When Neena spots Vampirella, Vampirella is just standing there, head slightly cocked, hands hanging loose at her sides, face calm and faintly curious. The violence doesn't surprise her, the inhuman appearance doesn't surprise her... but the invitation does. Her raven eyebrows lift, startled, and she hesitates before nodding once, quickly, and bolting down the alley with Domino. She runs faster than should be possible in high-heeled boots, and much more quietly. Her eyes are fixed on Domino, considering her speculatively. Her lips (crimson, and someone with good enough eyesight might notice that's not lipstick, it's somehow a natural color) work as she tries to think of something to say as she runs.
Eventually, she settles on, "Are you alright?" Spoken as she runs. Perfect time to have that conversation.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"Aaand, up.." Domino grabs onto a hanging fire escape ladder and pulls herself up, dropping it quickly for her running partner. Then it's up the stairs, over to the windows, pulling herself up the drainpipes, and finally onto the roof.
"Me?" and she's not even short of breath, "Yeah, I'm fine. Been a good night. Could'a been better if they'd paid up, but.." She shrugs, the leather creaking lightly in the movement.
If needed, Domino will offer a hand up before moving to the edge of the roof, looking at the distance to jump in time to see the flashing lights of one lone patrol car.
"Poor guy," and it almost sounds like pity. Almost. "Sucks to be him."
- Ella Normandy has posed:
Vampirella doesn't need the help with the ladder or the edge of the roof, but pretending she does is a good way to keep her cover, and it's sort of touching that Domino is thoughtful enough to offer. Her natural response to that kindness is to give Domino a small, hesitant, grateful smile; so of course Vampirella sits on that instinct to be real, to be natural, and instead offers a flashing, lopsided, slightly flirty grin as her hand closes over Domino's, feeling the texture of Domino's naked fingers with the back of her hand and noting with some surprise that despite its coloration, it feels like any other human's skin, warm and somewhat calloused from years of weapons training and fluttering with the pulse of life.
Vampirella lets Domino do most of the lifting, just using her legs to help climb up (Vampirella's been in enough situations like this to know the dangers of trying to help too much; it would turn the offer of assistance into a tug-of-war). Once over the top, she glances down at the flashing lights with a slight wince at their brightness, then returns her contemplative gaze to Neena. "The cop?" she asks in her odd accent. "What's so bad for him?"
- Neena Thurman has posed:
It's not so much brute strength that Domino uses to help Ella up, but body mechanics. She's got the anchor, the arm swing, and in the next moment, her running companion is up. On the side of the building, she is careful not to make too much of a silhouette for when the car goes by.
"Because they're gonna kill him when he goes in." It's said matter of factly, and strolling to the middle of the rooftop now, Domino is calm, as if everything is completely back to normal. Her normal. "They're not nice people." And she is?
Walking across to the other side of the building, Domino looks down, searching for the optimum path to make it to the street below without twisting an ankle.
"You okay? Shouldn't be walking around these parts." Blue eyes look back and over her shoulder, and for a long moment, Domino studies the other woman before she gives a light lift to her shoulders. "Live around here?"
- Ella Normandy has posed:
"Really?" Vampirella asks, bemused. "I thought criminals know better than that, because the police can retaliate. Maybe that's just the movies." She shrugs and returns her green eyes to Neena's, smiling at the other woman's choice of words. 'Live' around here, heh. "I do. I was walking home from work. My name is Ella. What's yours?"
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"Work, huh?" Domino sideeyes how the woman is dressed and shrugs again, looking nonplussed. "Name's Domino.
"Think you can get down?" Twisting around, there's an entrance, or rather, an exit from the roof to the downstairs area, and she thumbs in that direction. "Stairs there if you need 'em."
Domino walks the length of the side of that building, and looks as if she's made up her mind, and has found a proper way out. "You ever need anything, ask for me around here. You look like someone who usually is alone, if you don't mind my saying. Walking these parts alone? From the way you do it, not the first time." She's perceptive, anyway. "We'll share a beer and you can tell me how crappy people are, and I can agree."