1675/Happy Harbor: Rising Tide
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Happy Harbor: Rising Tide | |
Date of Scene: | 14 May 2020 |
Location: | Happy Harbor Waterfront |
Synopsis: | Morrigan takes a few of the teens out on an adventure. Nothing bad happens. |
Cast of Characters: | Morrigan MacIntyre, Colette O'Connail, Zachary Zatara, Vivian Vision
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
School is thankfully out for the year. Summer had arrived early apparently given that is was eighty-ish out, the sun was shining and there were plenty of locals and tourists out and about the Happy Harbor Waterfront today. Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre had set up a time for people to meet up for lunch and then spend some time shopping and wandering about. Head to the beach for a bit and then call it a day. It was a 'fieldtrip' for relaxing and not having to walk around and stare at exhibits and papers all day. The redhead is dressed in jeans, sneakers and a white dress shirt. She has her sunglasses on as she sips at her iced coffee and keeps an eye on a few of the freshmen that had joined them.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
School's out! You don't have to be a student for those words to bring some amount of happiness. For a certain hard-working TA it means months of not having to think much about that extra time sink that Happy Harbor has become.
Well, not too much anyway. There's still paperwork to do, still preparation for the Fall to think about, and Colette does still have a student with an alien symbiote holed up in her apartment spilling chocolate milk all over the carpet and hiding out from SHIELD and similar busy bodies, but these are all normal, everyday sorts of concerns.
School's out! Months without having to grade papers, without having to run around getting class paperwork copied up because some lazy teacher forgot, without having to yell at students for running in the halls, without having to remember not to swear all the time, without having students who are secretly child-assassins attempting to murder her and then covering for them! It's going to be great.
Colette O'Connail sits back in a half slouch, enjoying the sunshine and the cool of a can of chilled Coke. Dressed super-casually in t-shirt and jeans (not, it should be stressed, the one of the t-shirts she and Harley had printed up last night during a wild and eventually very drunken rampage, which were distinctly not school-friendly), with sunglasses perched atop her head. "Summer," she comments to Mo, basking. "I mean, not quite but nearly. Got any vacation plans, Doc?"
- Zachary Zatara has posed:
This is Zachary's preferred field trip, and one of the few he could be persuaded to attend during summer vacation. No responsibilities, shopping, 'beaching', it's all stuff he would do in his free time anyway. Seated at an outdoor table with his leg drawn up, he is wearing a loose multi-colored striped shirt, cuffed jeans, bright high top sneakers, and some elastic bands on his wrists. Right now, he's casually busying himself with his cellphone, answering a few messages, sending some tweets, and taking a selfie...then deleting and retaking it.
A young woman wearing a tank top and fishnet overshirt sets down a chilled bottle of root beer and straw on Zach's table, to which he responds with muttered gratitude. She looks to the others with an affable smile. "Would you two like anything?"
- Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian doesn't exactly have what you might call a home to return to in between school semesters and so has joined in with those lucky few who are remaining on campus for the Summer break. And while most students might find that depressing it offers a unique chance to try learn more about humanity for the teenage synthezoid in disguise.
It also brings new challenges. Like keeping the fact she has no need or desire to consume food during social gatherings or hiding the fact she only owns identical sets of clothing when it's not appropriate to wear her school uniform. Thankfully the latter of the two can easily be solved with the generous application of holograms.
Todays disguise includes Human seeming skin, green hair that looks dyed and a simple yellow sun dress. She even has a dedicated instance of herself specifically to make sure the fabric flutters correctly in the sea breeze as she stares off into the distance. Perhaps just enjoying the ocean view?
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
A lot of kids stay through the year at Happy Harbor, so this is probably what the summer is going to consist of. Lots of time out and about in their fair little town. It was at least a really beautiful view though. There's high school and college aged kids that have packed into cars and came to the beach to enjoy the day.
Morrigan's not going to be spending a lot of time in the sun, she was already feeling a bit slothlike given the sun was so damn bright. She sips at her coffee before she gives a look to Colette, "Ah, no, not a lot of plans. Probably need to do check ins for the school and get the stack of paperwork done for Mount Sinai's pathology department that I promised them." she chuckles.
"Do you guys have any particular plans?" she asks the three of them that are around. Then she shakes her head to the waitress, "No, I'm good thank you." she tells her.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Plans. I remember those." Colette smirks slightly. "Back in the old days, when life was less full of weird things happening, and planning things actually worked occasionally. /Notions/ yeah. I've got notions. I have a notion I might head over to Europe for a while. Paris, Milan and Rome maybe. A bit of time being incredibly lazy in Saint-Tropez."
Clearly Colette is more keen on the sunshine than Morrigan is.
"I have a strange feeling something's gonna get in the way though. I probably shouldn't go anywhere until Andi's got things sorted out at least. And these days half my friends seem to make it their hobby to get into all kinds of insane trouble. If I go away probably one of them will find the universe's off-switch while I'm not looking."
Colette gives a grateful smile to the waitress. "Another coke please," she requests, before turning her gaze on Zach and Viv. "You guys planning anything?"
- Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Nah, was thinking about organizing my first real tour," says Zachary. He nudges his straw from its wrap, pushing the bottom against the table and crumbling the paper waste into his fist. "but I don't think the venues that hire stage magicians want teenagers." Pushing the straw into the bottle, he lets his phone on the table and takes a few sips. The 'waitress' holds out her palm, and Zach drops the straw wrapper into it, before she goes off to fetch Colette's coke.
"That's Bunny," he explains, leaning in and looking to Mo. "She likes to tag along and make herself useful, and well I figured since this wasn't a proper field trip..." He waves a hand. "I can tell her to scoot if necessary."
- Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian seems content to stare at the waves, at least until Colette casually mentions an off-switch for the universe. Something about that remark makes the teen flinch like she's been slapped. "I.. don't have any real plans," she replies awkwardly. "But I have a list of books I wish to read and some sight seeing locations I might visit."
She turns around and forces a smile.
After a moment to collect her thoughts Viv glances over at Zachary and adds "Perhaps you could perform at childrens parties. I'm sure they would be less concerned with your age?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I am good with the not going out and getting into trouble mode I'm in right now. The whole weird space thing was enough for me." Morrigan offers with a chuckle. "Hoping to get a few more things at the school settled in before the next year starts. Going to miss some of our Seniors that graduated." she sighs to that.
"Oh shit that's not a waitress." Morrigan feels like sliding under the table and to the ground and die of embarrassment. "I'm sorry." she offers to them. Though she looks curious at the mention of tours, "Real tour?" she asks Zachary. "And I mean, maybe they could make an exception for you. I know you've a bit under age for club gigs, but I've seen others that have been worked with." she nods.
Then to Vivian, "What are some of the sights you'd like to see?" she asks.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"...'Bunny'?" Colette asks in a studiously neutral voice. She glances over at the aforementioned young woman, then turns to study Zach for a few moments. She lowers her sunglasses over her eyes and turns to stare out over the bay instead.
"Maybe you could make a selling point of it, Zachary. Teen wizard kind of thing. Rebrand yourself as Harry Potter. 'Bunny' could be Hermione."
Colette's attention to turns to Vivian. "How many books on that list?" she asks with an impish expression. Who knows what she's implying...
Tilting her glasses back up, she peers at Mo. "What weird space thing? There was a weird space thing? I must have missed that."
- Zachary Zatara has posed:
"You're joking, right?" Zachary narrows his eyes at Vivian in mock suspicion, before he lets out a soft scoff and shakes his head. "While I respect all practitioners of the craft, I don't know how long I can entertain prepubescent children without pulling my hair out."
He has the look of someone speaking from unfortunate experience. "Why are their fingers always sticky!" He adds with a light chuckle. "I look better in top hats and bow ties over glasses and robes, Ms. O'Connail."
"It's nothing to get worked up about, doc. She's my assistant and personal freeloader. You just can't tell because she isn't wearing fishnets. Well, not on her legs, anyway. Like I said, she likes being helpful," Nodding, Zach continues, "That's true. The name goes a long way, of course, but rules are rules. I might just try for a few gigs instead of the whole shebang." He is also mildly curious about space shenanigans and goes quiet, sipping from his bottle.
- Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision shrugs. "I had not made any concrete plans but Niagara Falls is not very far away and is supposed to be one of the worlds great natural wonders. It might be a little rushed but I could make a day trip of it. Just going to places within the city seems like a waste when I could visit those places any weekend I like."
She leans back against the railing she was looking out over. Trying her best to casually cover up some unusual dents that were absolutely there when everyone arrived and not at all made in the last few minutes... "How many books? Oh. One hundred and thirty nine. I'm working my way through a list of culturally significant books." She chews on her lip then adds "Was the space incident related to the dinosaur on campus?"
Zachary gets a puzzled look. "I don't really make jokes. Besides I am sure children would find it quite amusing if you /did/ pull your hair out on stage. Violence is generally a key feature of childrens entertainment."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"StarkExpo got attacked by aliens. It was one of the interesting happenings of it honestly." Morrigan chuckles to Colette. Then she's back to sipping her coffee and watching the three younger people speak. It was quite a change for her to just be able to sit back and enjoy the chatter. "Kids do tend to be amused by us hurting ourselves, it is true." she nods to Vivian's words. "Niagra Falls is a good spot to pick." she adds. "Never been myself but I don't think the pictures do it a lot of justice either." she admits.
"Not worked up about it, just didn't know. We'll be sure to not mistake her next time." she grins to that. Then there's a soft nod, "Maybe some small time stuff." she tells Zachary. Then to Vivian, "No, thankfully the dinosaur incident doesn't seem to be space related, but we're also still looking into that." she states to her.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Oh, StarkExpo." Colette says it as if that explains everything, and she's probably not wrong. "I'm sure that if no aliens turned up to StarkExpo, Tony would feel slighted. He'd feel like he was throwing a party and nobody exciting came."
"Kids are a bunch of little psychos. By which I mean small kids, though frankly some of the kids at school are little psychos too. " So cynical. "My theory is that the reason humans are so slow to mature physically compared to other species is a species survival strategy. Ensure they're small and relatively harmless while they're still in full psycho mode."
"Only a hundred and thirty nine?" Colette asks Vivian with a smirk. "Or is that just the list for keeping you amused on the trip /to/ Niagra falls?"
- Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Never ever?" A ghost of a grin, but Zachary tilts his head in genuine curiosity at Vivian's words. "Don't know that we've met. Zachary Zatara. You're right about kids, which is why I consider childrens' shows hazardous to my safety."
"How long is summer...?" He hums the opening of a song under his breath, before looking at Vivian aghast. "That's more books than there are days in the summer!" Thanks, Phineas and Ferb. "Honestly, though, that's super impressive. I don't read 'normal' literature as much as I'd like."
Bunny returns with Colette's Coke in hand, and Zach offers her another smile and his phone. She likes Candy Crush.
- Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision rolls her eyes at Colette. "I'm sure I'll get around to the other hundred and fifty million or so books which are estimated to have been written eventually." Which is probably sarcasm right? "I'm just taking it slow over the Summer so I can explore new hobbies and interests. There's no point allocating all my time to reading up front and then having to postpone things down the line."
She takes a moment to glance at her nails and frowns before turning back to Zachary.
"I'm Vivian, it's nice to meet you. And no. Never. Unless you count comments that are unintentionally humorous." Her eyebrow quirks when he hands Bunny his phone. "Doesn't your assistant have her own phone? And if not.. surely that makes it rather difficult for her to do her job?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod to Colette in agreement, "You're probably right on that." she admits to her. Then she gives a smile to Vivian and Zachary before she's getting an email on her work phone. "My other job needs me to take a look at something. You guys should go get some beach time in or shop. I figured we'll all head back to school in a few hours and we've thankfully got a dinner crew to take pity on us stragglers." she grins as she rises. "And the old lady hovering isn't a good look for me right now." she muses as she starts typing on her phone and heads off for a bit. Leaving folks to their own devices!
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Colette takes the drink from Bunny with a smile. "Thanks Bunny," she says. "Appreciate it." There's a speculative glance towards Zachary as she wonders what the deal between these two is. She's not convinced there isn't something unsavory going on there, but then - kids, eh?
'Cos she's /so/ much older.
Well, technically she is almost immesurably older, but no need to go into that now.
"Vivian's a very fast reader," Colette says to Zach. "Writer, too. One of these days I'm expecting her to hand in an essay before I've had time to actually set it." She raises her glasses again to give Vivian a wink.
"Okay Doc!" Colette says to Mo. "I'll keep these two reprobates out of trouble, don't worry." She gives Mo a gesture that's half way between a wave and an extraordinarily casual salute.
"Well you two, what do you think? Beach? Hit the shops? I..." Colette's interrupted by the ringing of her phone. "One sec..."
Colette answers her phone with a "Hi... ", and a perplexed expression crosses her face. "No, I have no idea where the kittens came from either. It was... I don't know. I have no idea what you do when kittens appear. Maybe the guy dressed as a cowboy brought them. Didn't you ask...? Look, I've gotta go, in the middle of something. No idea, sorry."
Colette puts her phone away with a slightly embarrassed expression. "Sorry about that. So where were we? Shops or beach?"
- Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Why would I use my phone when Zachy has one?" Bunny looks up and blinks at Vivian but glances back at the phone after a few moments.
Zachary shrugs. "She's more of a stage assistant than like a real manager, you know? See ya, doc," he lifts a hand as Mo departs, then lifts his brows at the other adult, "What was that about? And I say shopping, but I am willing to bow to the superior wisdom of my elders." He grins, standing and stretching his arms out. He didn't bring trunks, but he can conjure them with a word.
- Vivian Vision has posed:
"That would be require an impractical level of work coming up with a predictive model of your behavior and test writing patterns," Vivian points out earnestly. "Or illegal access to your computer which is considerably less trouble but could get me expelled. Neither of which are really worth the hassle when I seem to be doing fine academically."
She gives Bunny a perplexed look and then shrugs. "I actually have a few quick errands to run before we head back. If that's no trouble. Nothing I'd want to bother anyone else with anyway."