16770/Rooftop Visitations
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Rooftop Visitations | |
Date of Scene: | 04 January 2024 |
Location: | Roof - Titan's Tower |
Synopsis: | Damian uses a flight with Goliath as an excuse to bring Phoebe to the Titans rooftop to meet people. She's star-struck by Koriand'r. |
Cast of Characters: | Damian Wayne, Phoebe Beacon, Koriand'r, Bart Allen, Austin Reese
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian has decided that he is going to make an effort to try to get goodwill between Phoebe and the Titans. He's not sure what happened to cause the rift, but he is going to do his best to fix it. And that was decided with a visit to the tower. And to try to make the visit a bit sweeter, instead of using the motorcycles or bat copter or such, Damian used a mode of transportation unique to him.
A shadow is cast over the Tower on the cloudless day, as up above, a large creature stretches it's wings. With the shape of dragon, the creature circles around a few times before it starts to descend towards the landing pad.
There's a whumpf as it lands. The large red dragon shares the features and fur of a bat, bright red in color and dressed in a harness and armor. "Arwwwwr?" it asks, hunkering down.
"This is the spot. Good job, Goliath." Rook responds as he slides off the beast, reaching into his pouches to pull out a small treat to toss to the dragon to eat and then waits for Phoebe. "We're here." he announces to her poltely.
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
A Herculean, if not Sysiphian task, considering Phoebe's cool response to most activities involving Titans beyond her close friends in the Outsiders and Bat Family, but Phoebe was a largely private person -- and acknowledged rifts were opened but was wary about discussing just what went on that caused her to distance herself from the Titans.
"Well done Goliath, good boy." Balm states. This wasn't strictly Bat Business, so she's in the grays-and-blues of her normal uniform -- the one most Titans would know her as.
She takes a deep breath, and slides off Goliath's back where she had been riding behind Rook.
"Okay, ohkay, nothing to worry about... just the home base of--" she trails off.
- Koriand'r has posed:
As far as grudges go? Koriand'r probably wasn't the best to hold onto them. Aside from her balancing her 'day job' with heroics, the Tamaranian princess tended to have larger issues, what with the drama of her sister.
To be fair, she'd been resting, lounging at the rooftop by the pool despite the weather, soaking up what sun could be seen...right up until a dragon was suddenly blocking it, leading to the orange-skinned girl sits up with a blink.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"He's the best dragon." Damian responds, feeding Goliath the treat before he starts making his way down the steps. To Phoebe, he adds soto-voiced, "A place where all of your brothers cut their teeth and your Father is part of. It is time they respect that." he points out to her.
By part of, he means that Batman was the funding force behind most of the Titans in the early days.
A wave is offered to Kori as she comes into view. "Hey, Starfire!" he greets cheerfully, the young man offers a slight smile. "Have you had the chance to meet Balm? She is a close friend of Nightwing and the others." he explains. Because he is overly cautious.
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes running up the side of the building, and then there is a blur going from one side of the roof to another. After zooming about he comes to a stop near the others. A tape measure sipping back into the spool for it he has in hand "Oh hey guys whats up?"
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
It seems like a lifetime ago that Phoebe had been brought to the Titans Tower because Terry's alter-ego had to regrow his spleen and parts of his liver... and other stomach and important gut parts -- and Phoebe's magic had triggered an epic multi-user shared hallucination </nerdjoke> that had resulted in Phoebe seeing multiple members of the Titans as toga-clad forest nymphs (including Cyborg), with Kori as Venus on the Halfshell in a strange pastoral.
It did not prepare Balm for meeting Kori in person.
She was about to comment on how Jason didn't have fond memories of being a Titan when she meets Starfire in person, and it's a bit like meeting Santa for the first time as a little kid.
Her brain sort of sputters out.
"Starfire. It's... it's great to finally meet you." she states, and then firmly shuts her mouth.
- Koriand'r has posed:
To be fair, plenty of the time Koriand'r was only slightly more clothed than the Venus herself, but that wasn't the case now. Wrapped in her swimsuit from her position where she'd been laying with her legs in the water despite the temperature.
With Bart coming zooming in there's a lift of her hand and Damien greeting her, she comes to her feet. "I have not!"
She begins before offering a lift of her hands. "It is always wonderful to meet a friend of my fellow Titans," she begins before smiling at Phoebe, offering her hand in what she's come to learn was the more appropriate human greeting.
- Austin Reese has posed:
You know the invite to the Tower was a bit of a surprise. But Osprey was still more than happy to come along, even if he wound up being a bit late. Hey even having access to Oracle streets can start to blur together when you're weaving through traffic.
He reels himself up onto the roof proper after a few minutes. Informal meeting or not, he's still annoyed he's late, "Hey sorry I'm late. Didn't miss anything did I?" He's not sure what there would even be to miss.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
And Damian would have pointed out that Jason is probably only slightly less likeable than Damian himself is.
And Kori is a great start to rebuilding bridges. "We've seen each other the last couple of weeks than we have in the last couple of years." he offers to the statuesque alien, just as Bart arrives.
"Hey, Impulse." he greets the speedster and gestures to the dragon taking a nap and sunning on the landing pad. "Was taking Goliath out for some exercise and promised Balm a ride. This was a good place to take a break."
And totally not planned, promise.
Austin's arrival draws a shake of Rook's head. "No, Osprey. Was just introducing Balm, but you already know her." A small smirk at that. "Was hoping to catch Troia or Caitlin. Figured it would be a good idea to introduce Balm as perhaps a future ally."
And that's a family connection there.
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"I'm already familiar with Troia and Caitlin, and Beastboy, Kian, Vorpal..." Balm turns back to Rook, her brows knitting beneath her domino as she listens to him.
A little blip pops up on his domino from a texting program.
We're fighting now.
"Hey Impulse!" Phoebe greets the Speedster, and gives a warm smile to Osprey as she takes a deep breath, and leets it out.
"I've worked with the Titans off and on for a couple of years, but I haven't had the chance to meet all of its members." she gives a bright smile to Kori. "I'm considered one of Nightwing's younger siblings, for all intents and purposes, Rook has the right of that -- how... how do you keep your hair so neat and clean that is literally amazing..." she starts, leaning over a little bit to take a look at the Tamaranian locks.
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and waves, "Hey." He looks over to Goliath and ponders going over to give the batdragon a good scritching, but lets him sleep for now. "Yea Balm rocks and should meet the folks about here. He looks over and says "You should show her the work out room, we really need one of those."
- Koriand'r has posed:
"I hope he is well!" Koriand'r offers, a bright smile returned to balm as the alien princess looks down at her unclaimed hand. Perhaps she hadn't done it right. Next time she'd just go with the hug she wanted.
Lowering her arms to her hips, she comes to Bart's dragon petting, herself moving closer to think on the same when Austin arrives and she blinks again. "And to think, I thought noone would brave the cold to join me up here."
Phoebe's question? She points to her almost glowing locks, grinning a little. "It is luck, genetics...and a lot of conditioner."
- Austin Reese has posed:
Phoebe gets a grin back as Osprey joins the group, listening to her explanation about everything. The remark from Starfire does get him to turn his head her way, "I've gone through some pretty cold Gotham winters, you'd be surprised how well you can acclimate."
He watches Bart for a sec, "Balm how many speedsters do you know anyway?" He comments, "As far as the family goes I am not...Officially adopted like Balm or Nightwing but I think I make due."
- Damian Wayne has posed:
We are not fighting. comes the text back.
You already lost.
We are here.
Rook covers his hand as if to cough, but it's really to cover a laugh as he hides his reaction to Phoebe's reaction to Starfire. He doesn't think he's ever seen a girl with a crush before. This might be a first.
But he has made note of everyone approaching the snoozing dragon. Moving his hands, he places his fingers to his lips and snaps a quick whistle.
Goliath immediatedly stirs to life with a snort and comes clamboring down the stairs, nearly bowling into Damian before coming to attention and hunching down next to him. "Hands first." he suggests. "Let him sniff. Understand that you're not here to hurt me. And then you should be fine to pet."
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"Oh man don't I know the value of conditioner and oiling after a shower. Literally takes me all evening and my hair's not nearly as nice." she explains, and then tugging back on her hood she shows off her carefully braided and set-into-space-buns dusky pink hair. "And mine's pretty literally magical. Ah... forgive me for not shaking hands. All Gothamites have their quirks." she offers in explaination, and she pauses.
"Ah... Flash, Impulse, Kid Flash, Flash..." she trails off a moment, "I know almost as many Speedsters as I do Bats." Balm offers a small smile. "Which is impressive considering the Bat Family." she offers as a joke.
>I am going to not use the kid gloves next time we spar. Hope you're not attached to your listed height :( :( :(
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I am the OG Speedster friend though, she met me as Bart before Impulse. I was out looking for snails in Gotham's sewers." He explains and moves over to Goliath and goes straight to scritches behind the ears and the base of the neck "Who is a good batDragon, yes you are." He says smiling at the big creature.
- Austin Reese has posed:
Osprey listens to Balm list them off, "I mean there's more birds than bats, when you think about it." He notes, though it's clearly a joke. Not like they would rename it the Bird Cave or anything after all.
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"But calling it the Bird Place is just not as --" Balm pauses, and then her eyes close and she tilts her head back.
"Darn it, Red Robin's Roost. That's gonna be stuck. Iiiiin my head. Rent free. Forever.
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "The bird cage, but thats a totally different story." He says He does zoom off down stairs and is back, giving Golaith a chunk of jerky, as he continues to let the big guy "I should get a secret HQ... The quick Study?""
- Austin Reese has posed:
There's a shake of Osprey's head, "I dunno if he'd want to take center stage like that, so to speak. Still, you should definitely torment him with it the first chance you get."
A quick glance over to Bart, "Impuse Island." Osprey offers helpfully, "Just make sure it's actually an island or else you'll look crazy."
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
Phoebe gives a small grin to Bart. "Going to take up another apartment in the Curio for some fast learning?" she asks with a small smile, leaning over as she takes a seat on a stair as everyone pays attention to the large dragonbat.
"Impulse Island. Speed Streams. Momentumn Mountain. I think we could build a video game off this -- but it'd be ridiculous for speedruns." Phoebe replies with a small smile.
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "I have wondered about that, is the Curi still all bigger on the inside and all? And can rooms grow? He asks curious and looks over to Austin "I am not sure about an island, I might wear it down to much.
- Austin Reese has posed:
"You could start with a Peninsula and turn it INTO an island!" Austin helpfully offers, though Phoebe's idea makes him hmmmm faintly, "Officially licensed Impulse game? I suppose we COULD publish it.."
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"Ah... well. The Curio, being a magical building that decided to move from New York to Gotham City when I moved that my apartment has a bathroom that really shouldn't be looking at an English garden?"
Phoebe considers. "I could talk to the building and see if it will. None of the apartments technically fit in their allotted spaces." she explains, and then rubs the back of her head "The bar shouldn't have fit in the basement, but it did, and I think a lot of people just assumed it was underneath the other buildings too." she explains, and then looks to Austin.
"We'd have to check on the future sales of it, to make sure it's not an Impulse Purchase." she states with a wry smile.
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen just shakes his head a bit at the game and says "I think it might work better if we based it off one of the Flashes, and I was a side character, people like them more.
- Austin Reese has posed:
There's a loud groan from Austin at Phoebe's pun, "That's bad even for you, come on." He glances back at Bart, "Hey don't sell yourself short. But we can make you a secret unlockable skin."
- Koriand'r has posed:
Having laid back down to continue her poolside lounging, Kori blinks at the groaning, snapped out of her little daydreaming and sitting herself up once more.
"Why would someone's skin be locked? Sounds unpleasent."
- Phoebe Beacon has posed:
"Or a special skin in a rain slicker." Balm states, giving a small smile as she leans her head back a little bit.
"My puns are gold quality, thanks. I've had to make them in ASL, don't forget." Phoebe gives a wry little grin back to Austin, and she gives a soft humm at Kori's question.
"Well, Starfire. Once upon a time there was an evil gaming company that makes video games who invented something called a microtransaction, as a way of getting people to pay for things after they had already purchased the game. Locked skins can be a way to get people to purchase digital items after they already own the main game... like..." she considers a moment.
"Someone has a fighting game with superheroes in it. They want to have different outfits for their Robin, so they choose between any of the six that I know. Three of them come with the game, but the fourth and the two girl Robins? Those skins -- which go over the digital frame -- are locked. So you have to pay for them to use them. Does that make sense?"
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Basicly the things Beastboy and Cyborg download when they decide to play a game, and then after a couple tries go back to the ones they like more.