17132/Dance the Night Away

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Dance the Night Away
Date of Scene: 08 February 2024
Location: Red Sally's Night Club
Synopsis: Closing unfinished log.
Cast of Characters: Miles Morales, Dinah Lance

Miles Morales has posed:
Dance the night away.

Or at least, that was the plan.

"Come on, we're almost there! It's just around this corner." Calls Miles Morales as he leads one Dinah Lance to a place where they can just be free of their worries for al ittle bit. It's not perfect. It's not even all that grand...but it's something, and it's highly worth it, considering the company. Miles gave Dinah the sweetest of smiles.

"You ready? I've never been in this club before. But I think it could be fun?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance grins. "I don't care - it sounds pretty good - I can feel the base thumping. Just make sure if the music is too loud to protect your ears. I'd hate for you to get hearing damage - it's fortunately not an issue for me." She then waits towards the door, hoping that this club that seems to be in a more... rough... side of town... isn't going to cause problems just by them heading in.