1721/Musical Night Out

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Musical Night Out
Date of Scene: 17 May 2020
Location: Beacon Theater
Synopsis: Carrie and Hank McCoy go to see Hamilton. Much talking occurs.
Cast of Characters: Henry McCoy, Carrie Kelley

Henry McCoy has posed:
The evening was planned! Hank had dressed up, a nice gray suit, tie and shiny leather shoes. The man had done his research, in finding a great steakhouse. The food was excellent, the conversation was fun and light. No need to discuss heroics, or world issues - just conversation meant to share a bit about each other. Soon enough, it was time for the show. He'd managed to pull a favor, getting two tickets for Hamilton.

As they made their way to their seats, programs in hand, he was clearly excited. "I've heard nothing but rave reviews of the show." A nod. "I've even listened to some of the songs, they are becoming so prevalent these days." Henry smiled to her. "Here we are..." He motioned to the seats, center seats in the fourth row. "Did you have a preference?" He asks, looking to her.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley had enjoyed dinner as well. To be fair it was their usual outing even before deciding to go on an actual date so it was at least comfortably familiar other than the attire. She'd opted for a Summery yellow dress which went well enough with the copper of her hair. It was long enough that she had to wear heels to keep it from dragging as she walked so a pair of strappy sandals with a bit of sparkle along the length were opted for to dress up the look a bit more.

"I've heard of it myself, of course. It is quite popular. Never really had a chance to listen to any of it though," she admits with a grin that comes entirely from watching how excited Hank was. There was something charming about someone getting excited over a hobby or past time they favored. As they arrive at the seats she gives a small shake of her head. "I'm alright with either..." Though she does pause, and consider. "Which is your dominant hand? I'll go on the other side."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a chuckle from the man, running fingers through his hair. "Well, I'm ambidexterous... I don't tend to think about which hand to use. I just do." He shrugs with a grin. "Which is your dominant hand? I wouldn't want to crowd you." He assures, trying to think of everything, it seems. As they discuss, he offers nods to those who are seated around them.

"I'm flexible." He grins.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Oh I'm sure you are," Carrie responds without really thinking about it. She was so used to trading quips and bad jokes around those she actually knew. It wasn't at all like her socialiate persona--Which was perhaps just as true an image of her around those she wasn't comfortable with. It takes just a moment to realize what she said though so she clears her throat and steps forward to duck toward the seat on the right. Better to sit down than continue to put her foot in her mouth.

"This works then. I can use both but I do favor my right," she explains with a little chuckle of her own as she claims the seat. "So what do we have to look forward to, then? I'm afraid I don't really know what this is about other than the title character."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He holds up a finger, mouth open - a bit stunned by the comment. A laugh from the Beast as he takes his seat beside her. "I'll leave that comment alone. Nice shot, though." He teases her, good-natured jesting and all. Unbuttoning the jacket, he settles into the left-most seat. The program is tucked into his inner pocket, for safe keeping.

"Well, true to the title-sake, it is about Alexander Hamilton and his life. How he helped shaped America during its formative years. His loves, his losses - all of that rolled into a musical with fantastic songs."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley looks just a bit relieved at his reaction though she ducks her head sheepishly none the less attempting to repress her smile. It hardly works. "Thanks. I do have a good deal of brothers. We're used to needling at one another," she points out as if by way of explaation for such a slip. As he gets comfortable she leans back into her own seat intending to do the same much as she can by stretching her legs forward just a tad. Though of course she'll move if any need to walk by.

"A bit of historical fiction then? That seems reasonable. Though I can only wonder as to some of the songs." There's a pause before she asks, "And icecream afterwards of course, right?" Just to clarify the rest of the plans for the evening.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank stretches out a bit as well, once those around them are seated. He's a fairly good sized man, of course. "Brothers. That must be a source of constant amusement, yes? As well as an equal share of aggravation, I'd wager." A sly grin and a wink. He perks up as she mentions the songs.

"Indeed, it's a good mix of contemporary music styles set within historical times." A grin. "Lin-Manuel Miranda is a fantastic talent - he's quite entertaining to watch. I've seen him in many interviews." A nod. "Oh, and yes, ice cream after. I promise to try to avoid goobing out too much over the show."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a good natured groan at mention of the brothers only to nod with ready agreement. Though they were all adopted, and of different ages, they'd spent more than enough time together to make the teasing a thing. "I've been 'just one of the boys' most of my life. I can keep up with them no problem, but sometimes I forget myself around others."

Without thinking she reaches over to pat his arm with a little shake of her head. "No, you're fine. I'm not going to look down on someone for enjoying a hobby or past time. I mean, come on. There's enough going on in the world. We ought to find joy where we can." Grinning warmly she adds, "Besides, you get so animated when you talk about them."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A glance over to her, chuckling. "I don't think I could ever mistake you for one of the boys, Carrie. You look... well, you look wonderful tonight." He grins, color in his cheeks even if it's not too noticible. He clears his throat a bit, sitting up straighter.

After she pats his arm, he chuckles a bit. "You are too true on that, there is enough out there worth worrying about. The finding of one's joy is very important. Hopefully I get to hear you expound on yours." A grin.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley bites her lower lip slightly at the compliment. Again she ducks her head with that little smile of hers as she preens quietly under the compliment. At least for the moment when the lights were dim and she wasn't around too many other prying eyes. For the most part everyone was invested more in the show about to start after all. "Thank you. You look rather dashing yourself." Dashing was a good word, right?

Lightly clearing her throat she nods in agreement. "I don't know that I have very many, but that doesn't mean I won't find something. Though..." She ponders a moment. "My little brother did get me hooked on this video game he's been playing. Animal Crossing? It's just very relaxing."

Henry McCoy has posed:
An inward cheer for the man - he does like making a good impression! He doesn't fuss, or keep after her after the exchange of compliments - he's content to let them sit for now. Hank grins, nodding at the use of dashing.

"Oh, I've heard of this game - it was the one that had the Nintendos selling out like mad, right?" He grins. "I've seen countless internet ads, articles and videos popup for that game nowadays." He chuckles. "It seems like a fun little game, along with an interesting display of social dynamics and behavior."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a quick nod at that. "It is. It's cute, and there's a lot of things you can do to personalize it. The creativity level is rather amazing for what seems a straight forward game about basically earning and designing your home island," she explains only to catch herself with a chuckle. "I guess I do like that a bit. For now though I guess we ought to pay attention to the show. It should be about to start I imagine."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank grins over to her, hearing the spark of creativity and enjoyment in her description of the game. A wink, and the lights lower for the performance.

The production, cast and music are stunning. It's a wonderful display of musical theater. It's easy to catch Henry tapping his foot along with the music, enjoying himself to the fullest. In truth, it looks like a child witnessing Star Wars for the first time.

After both acts, they trickle out with the rest of the crowd - Henry still humming a bit of one of the songs. Once they are in the lobby, he grins over to her. "Did you like it?" He grins.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
There were moments that Carrie wasn't entirely sure she would like it. But as soon as it seemed to be getting to a point where her interest was waning, they'd roll out with some song or another performed with such energy she'd find herself pulled in anew. It wasn't long before she was just as embroiled in the musical as any of the other watchers. Even so she's glad to get to stretch her legs at the end when they get up to leave.

"I did!" She confirms with a bright grin. "Thank you for inviting me, this was a lot of fun. More than I expected really. I mean of the musical," she hastens to add in case he believes something else. Then she pauses a moment before speaking again. And moving to slide her arm through his to hug onto his arm lightly as they walk. "So then. I believe icecream was promised if you're still up for it."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast is all smiles when he hears she enjoyed it. He did good! "I was bound by honor to invite you - you bested me in billiards." The blue furred man teases. "But, in all honesty, I was trying to work up the nerve to ask you out before." A shrug. "Sometimes saving the world is easier than ... other things." He admits, embarassed a bit.

He's definitely stretching his legs as well, being seated for so long was a bit much. "Yes, ice cream. About a block away - up for a stroll there?" He offers to her, extending his arm.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"I'd offer to race you, but these are *definitely* not the shoes for that sort of thing." A light tip of her head down toward her own feet is indicated in explanation. Though she seems quite happy to keep walking. "Honestly, I'm glad you did. I was..." she pauses a moment trying to gather her own thoughts. The first thing that comes to mind is simply, "Punching people is much easier." A rueful grin is given, and she clears her throat to attempt again.

"I was really enjoying spending time with you. Maybe a bit more than I wanted to admit at first."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A look down to his stylish leather dress shoes. "Agreed, and I don't think the jacket would suit me in running on my hands." A wink to Carrie, Beast clearly in a better moves. It's good to find common ground, even if it is the common ground of being awkward towards the opposite sex. "Yes, punching people is easier. Odd that, I suppose that is why the Dark Side is so prevelant and seductive." A chuckle. "Sorry, nerding out here." He winks.

"I'm glad to hear that, Carrie. Truly." He beams. "I am curious though - is it an emotional path you try to avoid for... concerns of the other half of your life?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Oh please tell me it's the first trilogy and not the newer stuff you like," Carrie groans out a little with a shake of her head. This was apparently a discussion she'd had often with someone or another if the smirk of amusement that comes after is any indication. At least she got the reference. At the very least it was easier than the other question which causes her a moment to pause in thought.

"No, not really. I just hadn't evern thought about it? Or at least not so much as to really be interested. I was always devoted to my work one way or another." There's a breif smile at that, perhaps a little sad. "It was always hard keeping the two apart. Still is of course, but these days there's so many others that are in Gotham to help out. I don't feel as if so much weight rides solely on my shoulders now. I think the best way to describe it was having blinders on to the rest of my life. Now I can actually look around and see other parts."

Henry McCoy has posed:
It's clear that Hank knows that feeling all too well. "I... well, I had the same focus. Have. But... part of me knew those blinders were on, and what I was missing." He admits after a moment or two. "I admire your dedication to your work - it's something we have in common. At least, me with my science." A chuckle. "And beating up goons who are up to nefarious acts."

He pauses mid-step, turning to look at her with shock. "You can't believe I am speaking of anything other than Episode IV, A New Hope." He grins.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts a hand toward him with a helpless little shrug. "Tim has this disturbing fascination with the prequels. It's terrible," she explains before breaking out into a laugh. The hold she has on his arm is given a little squeeze as she grins back toward him with a rather warm expression. "Good to know you're on the right side of the Force!"

"Seems we have a good deal in common after all. I'm glad you understand what I mean though, about just focusing on one thing to the detriment of others." There's a little grin as she adds, "I think you've had a bit longer than me to think on things though. I'm still relatively young. Not," she adds, "That it matters to me."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A playful roll of his eyes. "Perhaps his sister will knock him in the head to jar him to his senses." Clearly, he's teasing. "Honestly, I see myself in the same roles as Han or Lando - debonaire scoundrel." He snickers a bit. "Or at least that's what I aspire to."

As she mentions age, he blushes furiously. "I ... I am not concerned with it, if you aren't." He grins.