17342/Pezzini Delivery Service... Steak and Baked Potatoes

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Pezzini Delivery Service... Steak and Baked Potatoes
Date of Scene: 05 March 2024
Location: West Bushwick (Mutant Town)
Synopsis: Sara brings steaks to Luca and Joshua after an event in Bushwick wears them both out, and shares with those who remain afterwards.
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Luca Bandoni, Joshua Foley, Julio Richter, Kitty Pryde, Sally Pride, Sma'shaw Ihaka

Sara Pezzini has posed:
It was rare for Sara to take a day off, but she had in fact taken today off. Of course it was today that something happened in Bushwick, but she'd trained her unit to handle situations like this, or at least she hoped she had.

Luca called for steak and a drink, which meant she went to her usual 'grab a steak and baked potato' place, the 'drink' she was bringing from home. She knew Josh was working at the clinic, so it made sense to grab a few steaks, several, five of them, and numerous baked potatoes with all the fixings.

Due to the bags of food, she had opted to drive her work car to work, after all the messages had blown up her phone and she was likely going to be armpit deep in paperwork later.

Pulling up to the precinct, she wastes no time in the visual scan of the area for signs of Luca and Joshua... if this was as big as it sounded, Joshua would be around here some place.

Luca Bandoni has posed:
Once all the hubbub around the front of the precinct settled down, Luca found himself a step or a a wall to settle down onto instead of standing up. All he started out to do was check on a little girl he'd seen the week before and make sure her cough was clearing up and drop off the monthly boot money he'd collected from the FDNY for Hope House.

And now he's sitting on a damned step, grumpy and tired after working more doubles than any one firefighter should thanks to the still /uncaught/ firebug out there. He's leaned back against something solid a wall or some such, eyes closed and taking deep breaths, in and out. Calm. But he's anything but with the way his foot's jumping up and down - it's a tell his sister knows well. It's the equivalent of her pacing a hole in the floor.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Having finished treating those out in the street, and the rest seeming to be cleared up, Joshua's pushing himself back to his feet from the makeshift triage he had going. Offering a hand up to Kitty, he catches sight of Sara's arrival and ohs. "Well. Since she's here!" A glance to Kitty.

"Come on, someone I've been wanting to introduce you too, Kitty." He offers easily, waiting to see if she'll join him. "Anyone else as well. I spy with my little eye a bag of food. And hopefully there's enough for everyone. If not..." he shrugs. "We'll figure it out!"

Julio Richter has posed:
Julio Richter loitered near Josh and Kitty, leaning up against the wall and kicking at something with the tip of his boot. He was listening to Josh, mugging if anyone looked at him, but mostly wallflowering with precision.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde reaches down a hand to help pull Josh to his feet when he rises. "Oh? And who might this be?" Kitty asks, flashing Josh a teasing grin as she glances over at the pretty Italian woman that made Josh's face seem to light up a bit.

Kitty looks over to Julio, grinning at him and giving a movement of her head that way as if to invite him to join them. She follows Josh's lead then, moving over towards Sara. "Food? Shoot, neighbor, that's all you hadda say!" she says, using a bit cleaner and altered version of a movie line.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride raises a paw in a casual salute to the people outside the clinic. "Thanks for protecting the local!" It was hard enough getting medical workers in Mutant Town without them feeling extra endangered.

She then hmmms thoughtfully as she turns to Sma'shaw. "I think there may be one, but only take-out. Less need for shop space that way. Still probably the best option."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Pulling the large bag from the passenger seat, Sara walks toward the front steps of the precinct. "One day, I asked for one day," she says to Luca, as if all this was his fault, but there is concern on her face and in her tone. Holding up the back she says, "I stocked up. Got a lot of steaks and baked potatoes in here, as well as come cokes and a bottle of whiskey. Bandoni here asked for drink."

Her eyes shift from Luca to Joshua, having heard his voice no matter the distance he was from her. More likely Witchblade heard him and pointed out he was there, either way her green eyes settled on him. "I knew you'd be in the middle of all this," she offered, passing the large bag to Luca before walking toward Joshua. Leave it to her to have her brother and her boyfriend involved, double the worry. "Everyone alright?"

Yes, she takes notice of the woman with Joshua. Yes, Witchblade is screaming in her head the sort of thing the detective was already thinking, and none of it was good. Who was she? Why was she so chummy with Joshua? Did she need to be run through?

Julio Richter has posed:
Julio Richter pushes his head back into the wall to kick is body off it, and start after Kitty and Krew. He'd been waiting for the invite. He stabbed his hands back into his pockets, hunched his head back down and screwed his shoulders. Then he replanted himself next to the new gaggle, slacking his hips, glancing around a bit. Taking in the scene now that it was a little more orderly. "We don't need no education..." he murmur-sung to himself, looking over his handiwork with a grin.

Luca Bandoni has posed:
Luca cracks open one eye, then the other before he sits up straight again. He flashes Sara that toothy grin of his that shows that little gap between his front teeth. "Hell yeah, I knew I could count on you, always. All good now." He takes the bag and immediately begins to dig through it.

At least he has sense enough to eat before drinking and enough sense to be as discrete as possible about the latter while sitting in front of a police station.

Nothing else matters in his vicinity, not yet, not until he's had something to eat.

"Thanks, Sis," he offers and while it sounds almost like an afterthought, Sara would know better than that.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Kitty calls him out, and Joshua's golden hue lightens in betrayl. "Yeah... well.." A clearing of his throat! But for now, he's ready to head over to meet up with the others, but not before a glance towards Julio, and his hand is offered to him as well. "That's my girlfriend over there. Her aunt has a saying, Italian woman, makes sure to keep me well-fed, which, if you knew my power, you know I burn calories almost as fast as a speedster. But anyway, she's always like... when it comes to friends and food, there is no such thing as too much and never enough. Or something like that. I'll ask the expert."

That's his invitation, and if or if not Julio accepts it, he'll start heading over towards the Precinct. But Sara intercepts him halfway, and Joshua throws his arms around her neck and kisses Sara firmly in front of everyone. "Hey." he greets, before letting go, and stepping back.

"Kitty, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Detective Sara Pezzini of the NYPD, Bushwick Division and Avenger. Sara, this is Kitty Pryde. We went to school together, and is one of my oldest friends." A smile offered towards the pair as he makes introductions.

But since it seems that Sara has handed over the bag to Luca, he laughs. "I was hoping that was some of Aunt Ruth's meals." comes his comment as he drops his hand into Sara's. "Sorry about that." he offers to Kitty. "Made an assumption, which made an ass out of me." A smirk.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde does follow Joshua over, though adding, "We don't need no, thought control," to Julio's singing. Her eyes go over to Luca first, and then back to Sara. Thankfully not realizing a magical artifact is considering whether to run her through or not!

"Sara, really nice to meet you!" Kitty says warmly. "Wow. Police, Avenger, and if you're putting up with this guy, the patience of an angel," Kitty tells Sara, flashing a grin her way. "Nice to meet you," Kitty says, offering her hand over.

Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
The hyena mutate grinned toothily, lumbering besides the lioness mutate. "Well Oi got a sick RV to chill n' chow in if ye' got the food! Oi moight even be able to bum some Wifi out 'ere from a Maccas in the next county ovah." His tail began to wag again, his larger frame giving Sally a bit of a playful bump as he began to follow her lead towards the take-out.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara accepts the hug and kiss, though there is a hint of surprise at the very outward show of affection. Either Joshua was laying claim or showing off, or maybe both... either way, she accepted and returned the kiss with the same vigor.

"Luca said steak, so I brought steak... that said, one phone call and Aunt Ruth would be here with manicotti, lasagna and cannoli."

Now understanding who this woman was quieted Sara's mind, but not Witchblade's, then again nothing quieted him that didn't involve blood, someone elses of course. Accepting Kitty's offered hand, she shakes it with a nod, "I do what I can to help New York, and the world," she offers in response to the first part of Kitty's comment, then she adds, "Including patience of a saint with this guy... loving him helps, but some times..." she gives him a 'look' but she can't hold it and starts chuckling.

"I haven't had need to be patient with him, save one particular situation that comes up, and I'm pretty certain reminding him not to over do it every time he heals others will be the hill I have to stand on and scream at him about for the rest of my life." She offers Joshua a grin before slipping her arm around his waist and guiding him toward the waiting bag of food.

"You're all welcome to join in the steak party, or baked potatoes. I didn't go vegetarian on anything, sorry for that."

Sally Pride has posed:
"Chinese take-out and beers in your fancy RV sounds like a fine way to unwind after the unexpected chaos," Sally agrees. She pretends to stumble from the bump as they walk away, only to go and bump right back afterwards. Then laughs the rest of the way. Her mood was already getting back up there thanks to having some good company.

Luca Bandoni has posed:
He's about finished with both his steak and his baked potato before anyone else even has a chance to get into the bag. Luca does manage to push the back a little to the side in a silent 'take it' gesture.

...and like that, seriously, just like that... he's finished eating. Did he even chew.

Now that he's had food, Luca pushes himself up to stand. He doesn't even really have the good graces to apologize for that display. He looks better now, at least to Sara - the only one that likely knew he was looking rough.

"Luca," he aims at the new faces. "Luca Bandoni, brother by proxy of Detective Sara Pezini, NYPD, Bushwick Division and Avenger." That last bit, well he wrinkles his nose a bit. His sister's about the only one of the Big Capes, he can tolerate.

Joshua Foley has posed:
To be fair and honest, the kiss was more... Joshua knows what Witchblade likes to say to Sara by now. It's been that long in their relationship. So part of that kiss was to pacify Sara's worries - but also to tell Witchblade to fuck off for a bit.

And as Kitty and Sara banter over him, he shakes his head, leaning against Sara as the young man finds himself unable to hide a laugh. "I can't help how much work that I put in!" he grouses. "It's not like I'm not kept busy. But like I was telling Kitty, it's gotten easier. And I can last longer." Which is part of the reason why he works himself to exhaustion and starts all over again. Each time, he gains a few more moments. Endurance training, really.

"Anyway, Kitty's a teacher and a guidance counselor, but we started off as students. And she's been a good friend and help me work through a lot of things when this first happend to me."

Then they are at the food, and he waits for someone else to handle it.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Luca to greet him. "Hello Luca, nice to meet you as well," she tells him. "And this is Julio. I'm trying to convince him to be my sidekick," Kitty says in a teasing voice as she grins over at Julio Richter.

Looking back to Sara and Joshua, Kitty says, "Well, I'm not teaching, just guidance counselor about a day a week, and then I work at Stark Tower the rest of the time. Or, well, I work from home a lot too," she says. "Helps that I'm around then if something happens with one of the kids who needs my time."

Julio Richter has posed:
Julio Richter sniffed his nose until it scrunched small and then shrugged to Kitty's pronouncement, and slouched into a posture of 'its whatever' to prevent any giddy excitement from escaping at the notion of becoming Kitty's sidekick. "Yeah, totally. I get to sit on her shoulder and everything." he said, letting his voice get a little nasally as he made his draconic reference.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Collecting the bag from the steps, Sara offers it over to Joshua. "Stark Tower huh?" she comments to Kitty, then lets that slide for now. Right now her attention is on brother and boyfriend. Luca is looking better, and Joshua has just been presented the bag.

"I have a permanent side kick," she then offers to the group. "Or rather I'm the side kick, depending on the situation... Bandoni, mix with the coke and I'll be driving you home."

Luca Bandoni has posed:
He was just about to drink straight from the bottle still hidden inside the bag, but his hand lowers back down to his side. "Fuck," he mutters. "Can't, my bike's here." His baby, his first true love, his squeeze between the knees. No way that's getting left behind.

"I'll wait until I get home."

Luca passes the bottle off to Sara and says, "I'll catch ya later, sis." It's not often that Luca Bandoni is a wet blanket, or 'in a mood' or anything like that. But tonight he's 'in a mood'. Exhausted, aggravated, grumpy and overall not good company. Maybe all the more reason for Sara to drive him home. But he's fishing in his jacket pocket for his keys.

Joshua Foley has posed:
As he gets the bag and watches the interaction, Joshua digs out one of the meals. His hand touches Sara's arm for a moment. "Go ahead." he offers to her quietly. "I'll see you when you get home." he promises.

With that, he's going to try to head back towards the clinic to get in the chow time and has his own bike to take back to the Pezzini residence.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
One hand takes the bottle, the other lays on Luca's shoulder. "You have three choices Luca," Sara states plainly. "You let me lock your bike in the back of the precinct and one of my officers will take you home, or one of my officers will take you home and another can bring your bike home to you. Your last choice, I call Olivia to come get you, and the bike stays here. You aren't safe to drive, alcohol or not."

Now she turns her attention to Joshua, removing the hand from Luca's shoulder to reach out and take Josh's hand, "You're done for the night as well," comes her words to him, the same tone to her voice. "I'm more than capable of taking care of both of you, and I'm not afraid to tell on him to his girlfriend."

Luca Bandoni has posed:
Sara will definitely feel Luca's muscles tighten under her touch. "I'm fine, Sara." Really, mostly? He is. He's worn out, but his color's back to normal so he's recovered from his little healing pass through the crowd.

"But whatever," his words are just a little clipped and snippy but he does hand off the keys to the bike. She'd know, Sara would, it's not anything that happened here tonight at all, it's the damned serial arson case. It's driving big bro a little crazy.

"Don't call Liv," he adds in that 'I'll never forgive you' tone. Even if he probably would eventually.

He offers Josh a little salute and heads off down the street. Maybe a walk will help him clear his head.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Grabbed by the hand, Joshua turns. "Oh, I know I'm done!" he says simply, a smile offered. "I was done with my shift when this all started. I was just gonna eat this back at the clinic then head home." he promises her. His eyes lift to meet hers, the greys trying to offer quiet support.

As Luca departs, he opens his mouth, as if to say something, and then shakes it off. Not his place.

"But alright. You're going to have to drop me back off in the morning, though." he tells Sara, giving in to her demand. "I know you're still... well, the thing in Gotham. I'll tell you about it when we're home."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Calling Olivia was only a threat, and one Sara wouldn't go through with unless she really, really, REALLY had to. In fact Sara would call a number of other people first, starting with Rosco, before she called Olivia, but the threat had to be tossed out there given the mood Luca was in.

She knew why, she knew the death at the fires was eating Luca from the inside out, and she was painfully aware there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. So long as the mystery of the cause lingered in the air, Luca would torture himself.

As her brother walked away, Sara looked toward the precinct doors and nodded once to an officer standing there, just one, and her eyes were back on Joshua. "Once I lock his bike up, we'll head home. If you need something from the clinic, go grab it and I'll meet you at the car. I can bring you back whenever your ready, I have to take Luca's bike over to him in the morning as well, so I'll be here." There is a quiet 'thank you' in her eyes as she looks to Joshua, but then she is off to move Luca's bike into 'protective custody'.

In the morning she would take it over to Luca's apartment and give him back his keys, but for tonight it would remain locked up, safe and sound.