17401/Pondering Job Opportunities
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Pondering Job Opportunities | |
Date of Scene: | 11 March 2024 |
Location: | Financial District |
Synopsis: | Emma and Karen talk |
Cast of Characters: | Emma Frost, Karen Starr
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is walking hand in hand with Karen Starr. "Consider me curious. How exactly is it that you have your outfit all the time with you for a shift all of a sudden?" Does Karen have it on her? Does she shift at superspeed?
- Karen Starr has posed:
"If I'm wearing something that allows it, I've got the bodysuit on under my clothes, and the gloves and boots compress nicely and they're usually in my purse. There have been times when I've gone into action without them, though."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost owuld tease over, "Of course. And how do you manage to not have it shown under your bodysuit? It does seem to be somewhat visible when it comes to the norm. Or do you wear a full business suit all the time for a reason?"
- Karen Starr has posed:
"Well, the bodysuit is basically just a long-sleeved leotard. As long as I'm wearing full sleeves, its hidden. And I almost always do, as Karen, for that reason. It's not really bulky." Karen points out. "And if I have to, I can always zip somewhere at superspeed to change. Or just do what needs done. It's not like my costume DOES anything."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "I understand." She would offer her hand over to Karen Starr, "You've had quite a bit of experience with it." Offering thoughtfully. Karen can see Emma pondering the next obvious question - why the lack of heraldry that all other Kryptonians have. But it's not a voiced question - it's one she has no doubt Karen hears all the time
- Karen Starr has posed:
That isn't a question Karen will provoke. If Emma asks, she'll try to answer, but it's an awkward one, and she dosn't volunteer it. "What about you? I don't even know if you have a costume."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Why dear, you've seen what I've worn to formal events." That probably gets a flush from Karen as Emma sends her some telepathic messages of what sorts of things Emma wears in the field."
- Karen Starr has posed:
"That's not a costume, that's strategically applied bandaids." Karen quips. "For someone who isn't invulnerable, you're tempting fate."