17598/Sunday Evening in the Arcade
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Sunday Evening in the Arcade | |
Date of Scene: | 07 April 2024 |
Location: | Radical Arcade |
Synopsis: | Julio and Jay hang at the arcade and chat |
Cast of Characters: | Jay Guthrie, Julio Richter
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
It's Sunday evening. The weekend is winding down, coming to a halt. Classes resume in the morning and where is Jay? He's in the arcade sitting on the flat part of a pinball machine. His large crimson-feathered wings are draped behind him, the tips practically touching the floor. He's a big boy with big wings.
Glum is Jay's natural state, so seeing him sitting there staring at something in his hands with a distant expression isn't really breaking news. Of mild note, perhaps, is the thing he is staring at. It appears to be a Visa card, and the young man is idly flipping it around in his fingers as he stares at it like it was some sort of radioactive element.
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio Richter wandered up to Jay, taking a position against the next machine so that he was looking in the same direction that Jay was looking. "Solo se le arriman cuando tiene tunas." he said in Spanish, and then translated for him over his accent. "The guy only comes over when the cactus has fruit." he smirked. "You confused about what to do with your money, Vato?"
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
The young man gets pulled from his inner thoughts by Julio's approach. He, of course, knows who Julio is but has not really interacted with him very much. But from what Jay has observed, Julio doesn't seem like the threatening type. He draws in a deep breath and lets it out. He says in his thick Kentucky accent, "It's one of them pre-paid Visa cards. Bishop gave 'em out earlier. Patty is gonna use hers to feed a homeless guy. And Marie gave hers to Patty for the same thing. Now I feel like a shit for not giving her mine."
Jay flicks the card onto the top of the pinball machine upon which he is seated. "You can have the dang thing if you want it. I was s'posed to take someone out to dinner with it according to Bishop." He shrugs slender shoulders.
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio Richter grabbed the card and crammed it back into Jay's hand, closing his fingers over it. "Hermano. Don't let faeries make you feel like shit, ok? Course she gonna give it to some homeless guy. Girl lives a charmed life. Literally. Go take one of these stuck up brujahs out, get yourself laid. Buy an album of whatever music you like. Get high. Go to the movies, do something." he stepped back, "Right? Come on. Right?"
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay does not flinch when touched by Julio, which says something. He typically doesn't like people closing in on him. He lets out a small smirk-exhalation-chuckle. "Can you buy weed with a Visa card?" He looks up at Julio briefly. He shrugs once more. "I been buying more music on vinyl. Maybe I'll fly in to the city and visit some music shops. Cuz ain't no hot girls wanna go to dinner with a dude with these." He momentarily flexes his wings.
He gestures in Julio's direction with a chin flick. "What would you do with it?"
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio Richter rubbed the back of his neck in speculation, "I dunno, probably? Its transferrable, its a gift card. Wait, isn't weed legal in this country?" he smirked, "Keep it man, stick it in your shoe. Next time you get in a bind, or you gotta lay low, you got non-traceable money." revealing the truth of his internal narrative, a rabbit on the run.
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
A shrug. "My family's from Kentucky. My uncles grow weed and don't care if it's legal or not. Better stuff than you'll get in one of these fuckin' yuppy dispensaries, that's for sure." Jay allows a brief grin to cross his features.
He tucks the card into his back pocket. He seems a little lighter of spirit having talked about the card with someone else. He holds out a fist. "Jay. You're Julio, right?"
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio Richter says, "Yah, the only Mexican in the place. Don't pretend like it was even a question." he chided good naturedly. "That's two times you told me about Kentucky, like I am supposed to know what is a Kentucky. That's the place where you gringo's grow your chickens, right?" in a sort of pantomime of Jay's prior statement. Then he stabbed out a hand to shake, "Anyway, Jay.""
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay switches his fist-bump fist to a handshake hand and shakes Julio's hand. For a skinny dude, Jay has a crazy strong grip. In fact he generally expends no small amount of mental energy figuring out how he can make physical contact with people without accidentally hurting them. Thus the earlier observation that he is generally uncomfortable when people get too close to him.
"Kentucky?" he says like he was saying 'hernia' or 'root canal.' "Well imagine if the United States had an armpit that was all stanky and sweaty. That would be Kentucky. But people tolerate it cuz they really like bourbon and country girls."
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio Richter shakes his hand free of the grip, "Easy ok?" he warns, despite not having been crushed he could sense it. He hammed up his accent a little, making his Yous sound like Jews. "So you dont like where you come from, you dont like who you are. You don't like gift cards." he shook his head ruefully, looking the Angelboy over. "What do you like, Vato?"
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
Perhaps just to demonstrate that he's able to exist on multiple levels, Jay gives a shrug and replies, "I like being ironic." A rare, small smile crosses his lips as he watches Juliio.
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio Richter shrugged and seem to accept this as truth. He glanced across the room at someone minding their own business. He folded his arms across his chest. "So, what do you do. You just like, fly around?"
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
It has been a looooong time since Jay has had a good belly laugh. He spends so much energy trying to be aloof and unreachable. But that question was...just perfect and the normally antisocial misanthrope just lets out a good, honest laugh. Gingers get red easy, and Jay's cheeks and ears practically light up.
With sparkling eyes, he looks over at Julio. "Yep. I fly around and sometimes go to class and I'm really into music. I can identify any note just by hearing it, and I can imitate any sound I hear." Just to prove his point he asks "So, what do you do. You just like, fly around?" but in an exact, perfect mimic of Julio. A voice analyzer would be fooled.
- Julio Richter has posed:
"Just like, rocks and shit." he sad dismissively, waving his hand around in the air and adopting a dismissive scowl worthy of Tony Soprano. He was being equally obtuse, enjoying the brevity of the moment.
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay slides off the pinball machine, which necessitates him lifting his wings briefly. He strides over to the bar and grabs a Coke and pops it open. He downs half the can in one long pull.
"Rocks and shit, huh?" Jay says. He seems to be getting more at ease talking to Julio, more like himself than like the front he shows to people. "A'ight," he replies as though prying is not his jam. He seems content to leave it at that.
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio Richter nodded once, "Alright hermano, I gotta go. See you around?" he wondered, shoving off the pinball machine with his rump. He sauntered on his way out, glancing back. "Remember, keep it in your shoe."