17682/Ninja Me This

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Ninja Me This
Date of Scene: 18 April 2024
Location: Staff Meeting Hall
Synopsis: M meets Kwannon. Does not realize it's not Betsy!
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Kwannon

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a quiet evening in Westchester. Outside it is storming (likely not caused by Ororo). Monet St. Croix is sitting in the staff meeitng hall, having taken to it for some quiet. She is sitting in there next to what is a small'ish looking female figure. Colored dark ruby, made out of edges and blades. Long clawed digits going from her fingers, hair a mess of spikes. Wearing a leather bodysuit around her seemingly designed to make the sharp edges of her body not come into contact with anything.

Monet goes to look down at the ruby-rocked figure next to her,e ven as the individual was using her claws to ever so carefully peel an apple, slice by slice. "relaxing, isn't it?" The female figure looking up at her to give a distracted nod.

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Is well walking the hall and moving in and around the school. Even the computer mistakes her for Betsey, but it's not wrong other than the past few years. She has all of Besty's memories as well as her own, so who's to say she's not Besty?

     Having met Besty and seeing they have the same face made her even more confused. So now she walks into the staff room, though her ninja skills mean she comes in without making a sound, her eyes looking over the two.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would take a moment to look over at 'Betsy'. "What brings you here, Elizabeth?" Monet's Parisian accent thicker in tone than usual. "And I hope that you are well." The words are said more out of a sense of politeness than of any particular care.

"I don't think you've met my sisters?" Gesturing at the girl alongside her. Sisters?

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon spent a lot of time in the hand so people like the young girl don't surprise her, she's more unsure how to react so she gives the other girl a simple lift and wave hello of her hand.

     "Hello Monet, I am well, how are you? " her voice is cool and standoffish.even if she's happy to see a fellow xmen .

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would fold her hands together, "I am well. Following the lineups being readied for the Summer Olympics for Football." Nothing as spectactular as the World Cup would be, but still a good way to keep tabs on international competitions. "Reading on some of the teams. Nicole and Claudette, say hello. This is Elizabeth."
    The ruby-skinned, pupiless hard-edged girl looks up from her apple, stills lowly being peeled, and daintily waves a claw.

Kwannon has posed:
Betsy nods her head ' With the Olympics, this season will rather lack luster, but it's a chance for the lesser members to shine " She thinks, " What country will take the gold, you think? My bet is in England, but I'm biased." Her British accent is coming up.. normally, she sounds more Asian.

     She thinks, " She's very cute," She says to monet about her sister.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod, "Yes, the AMericans seem to only care about basketball. Which is hardly a riveting sport. And yet it seems the only onet hat has their interest at all. Ah well." Her passive dislike for said 'culture' evident in her tone. Her expecting Betsy by virtue of being English to automatically agree.

Kwannon has posed:
She nods, not to say yes or no, just nods . but she thinks of something " Or baseball they love both " She says " both are terrible " .

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug "Baseball is passively an interesting game if only for having some semblance of structure and strategy to it."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Shrugs her shoulders " Never much cared for the game " She admits she finds a place to sit and crosses her long legs . Brushing her long purple hair out of the way .

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would mm, "Very well. It lacks the patience required and long term skill for Cricket and the determination for rugby." Which said much about the dichotomy of European sports

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Chuckles " I think if you played rugby alot of poor men would get very broken " She admits as she looks over to the woman " In your case it would be cheating " . She sighs ' I feel like i've been away a long time.. have I missed anything> :

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug, "Is that not the point of the sport? To push one to their physical limits until they break down?" What was the average lifespan of a professional rugby player? Two, maybe even three years?

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon She shrugs her shoulders. " I don't remember. I wasn't much for sports; that was more my brother." She admits to falling into her betsy memories as she thinks for a moment. She stretches her body for a moment and seems to relax for a bit.

     " So I haven't missed much, or have you been avoiding all the drama like normal? "

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Kwannon would be given a look, "All things are drama. One cannot avoid it, one cannot flee it, one cannot evade it. They can merely coexist with it." Someone had taken to merely accepting that life was an eternal crisis and they could simply go along with it. " So what brings you to the Mansion?"

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Shrugs "I miss home to be honest, I spent more time here than anywhere else even england .. Ive been here longer so I miss my family ":

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would quirk a brow, "You enjoy spending time with your brother?" That bit caught her a bit by surprise. "I suppose one can on occasion find family passable."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Laughs a bit " he can be hard to get along with but he has alot of pressure from our parents " She shrugs " I didn't have that " She says but she looks to monet " You understand the pressue of family more than most "

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would sigh, "Yes, I suppose I do." HEr face darkens, suppressed anger. Enough to have the ruby-forged frame of her sisters look up at her with concern. Monet would speak soothingly quickly in French. "Forgive me. But yes, family is complicated."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Smiles " but some siblings can be a beacon of hope for us " She says looking to the girls " not all family is complicated " She says and shrugs " like the xmen they are a mess bu easy to understand "

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would just look over at Kwannon, "Perhaps, Elizabeth. One can't always fault family." She would allow after a few moments. "And I have no particular right to sleight you over it."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon Smirks " well that's alright I'm the good twin " She winks and flutters her hair a bit running her fingers into her own long hair " hmm I am need to move though sitting still for long time is not my idea of fun "

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would dip her head, "Very well, I bid you adieu. And enjoy yourself." Betsy was an acquaintance. Not a friend. So she wasn't someone that Monet would pay particularly close attention to.