17686/Date Night, Ep. 1

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Date Night, Ep. 1
Date of Scene: 18 April 2024
Location: Tim Drake's Home -- Chelsea
Synopsis: Outcome
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, M'gann M'orzz

Tim Drake has posed:
Classical music plays throughout the open home. This place looks less like an apartment and more like a fully contained mansion from within. The entryway has nooks set to each side where people can sit by the bay windows if they wish to look out. There are stairs leading up to a second story near the area that is set up as the central living room which is contained within a lowered sunken area. A large comfortable couch along with other casual seating are in front of a large book case, with a mini bar area nearby and an upright player piano. One wall is half covered by a fish tank that has live coral in it along with a nice selection of fish. Beside the aquarium is a door leading to a small hallway with a spare bedroom, bath and coat closet off it.

Near the back of the house if a full kitchen that seems to have been designed with a master chef in mind, with all the bells and whistles for cooking most any type of meal. The walls are decorated with pictures of friends and works of art, a nice mixture of homey and classy. The upstairs is mostly done as a balcony around the main living are with rooms leading off it all around. These rooms range from the master bedroom, spare bedrooms, and the library.

But it's in the kitchen where we might focus our tale...

Tim Drake is whistling as his hands work a frying pan in one hand and spices in the other, clearly taking care of some culinary excellence as he works on a ribeye steak within, cooking it in butter. Atop it is seasoned with salt, black pepper, and even a little bit of greens...while in another pan, fried vegetables like Onions, Broccoli, and even non-veggies like eggs are currently cooking in an olive oil-laced frying pan. A second pair of pans is cooking a second steak and fried vegetables, all while Tim seems to be humming slightly to himself.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann arrived a few minutes ago, interrupting the prep of the steaks and veggies briefly, but offering a kiss and a smile to make up for it. One of the nice things about dating a fellow 'hero' is not having to keep up the charade of the human guise. Not that she doesn't enjoy her life as Megan Morse. It's allowed her to attend college, make friends that aren't part of her superhero life. It's allowed her to learn about dating, and other human social expectations and conventions.

That said, even though she's in green skin, it doesn't mean that she can't be comfortable! She's chosen a flouncy white midi skirt made up of multiple thin layers of cotton with cute little eyelet lace edging, a matching white tank top with the lacy eyelet edging that leaves a few inches of bared midriff, a lavender colored summer cardigan, and matching lavender flats. Her auburn hair is pulled back into a sleek ponytail, with bangs sweeping diagonally across her forehead to tuck behind her left ear.

Currently, M'gann is watching the aquarium, rapt with the enjoyment of watching the fish, looking at the coral, the shells, the sand, watching the water swirl lazily. Still, the scent of cooking steak and veggies has her calling out, "That smells amazing! Next time you'll have to let me cook for you!"

Tim Drake has posed:
Of course, Tim would never refuse an apologetic kiss from his new girlfriend. Then again, it was somewhat difficult to truly upset Tim in any meaningful way. If there's a problem? He'll figure it out. If there's some kind of issue? Well, they can work it out together. In this instance, Tim seems quite comfortable with M'gann either in her human guise or in her more Martian form. Even as he's indulging in making his meal, Tim his humming something to himself.

Until M'gann's compliment reaches his ears. "Thanks! And honestly? I'd be more than down to have you cook next time. I wouldn't mind attempting to try some Martian cuisine." Though unlike Martians, humans don't really have uh...adaptable stomachs. Regardless, the desire is there!

That might be all that matters.

"You look really good today. I feel like I didn't tell you that." though when you can shapeshift? Technically one ALWAYS looks absolutely amazing.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Blinking at the response, M'gann flushes slightly and offers, "I can cook for you but... ah, I don't... know any... Martian cuisine. I didn't.. grow up on Mars. Or really with... a cuisine. But I can certainly cook for you!" She doesn't go into how she was raised or what happened to lead to a lack of Martian cuisine. Even now it's still a bit of a sore subject.

Still, she's not about to let it bring down the evening! Moving away from the aquarium, M'gann steps into the kitchen, staying off to the side so she's not in Tim's way, but watching him move efficiently around, smiling his way. "Thank you. You look great yourself." Having left the cardigan near the aquarium, M'gann is down to the tank top and skirt and flats, just watching him cook with that smile.

"I feel like I should have brought a dessert or something.. I'm not used to just waiting for the food."