17692/Lesson One

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Lesson One
Date of Scene: 19 April 2024
Location: Death Valley, California
Synopsis: Training doesn't go as planned, but maybe that's not a bad thing.
Cast of Characters: Kyle Rayner, Arisia Rrab

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Death Valley, California. A place known for heat, sand and that's about it. Kyle's flying with Arisia into this desert. In a green orb behind him is a small assortment of goodies that include sun block, sun screen, lots of water, and two canvas tent covers complete with the metal poles. Landing onto the sand, "I can't take you to better sandy places because people," he laments and starts to set up the tents. They create a shield against the sun. Also, they keep the water from overheating. It will still get warm, but it will be tolerable.

"Time for your first lesson." Then he nods to the various screens, "One is to completely block out what the sun does, the other is to dampen it to give a sun tan. Human's skin can turn similar to your color with enough sunlight. Too much then it becomes red and burns," Kyle nods to her. "What can you do with the ring? Show me your stuff," he gestures to the sand. It's apparent why Kyle choose this place. There's space to go in any direction and be unseen. In a weird way, it's a fitting place to train. Without the heat, it might be perfect.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Arisia flies out alongside Kyle, moving easily enough through the open air and keeping up a light patter of conversation along the way. When they land in the middle of a desert, she glances around to see how far it stretches in every direction before turning back to Kyle with a quick grin, "I think this is going to be just fine." She moves to help him set up the tents, nothing too complicated, something she can figure out without too much trouble.

Glancing between the sun block and the sun screen, she grins, "You protect yourself from the sun? Interesting. I'll try to remember that." Then she's lifting both brows at him, "I mean.. the ring is basically limitless in its power, the only true limitation is the will and imagination of the user. What would you like me to demonstrate?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Yes, we do. I mean for the most part we don't have too. When it gets hotter outside, it can cause people to be sunburnt. It's a painful experience," and then hd nods to her curious if Arisia could just party in the Sun.

"And you're mostly right. There are parameters. But yeah, show me things. I am your teacher, right?" Kyle poses the question and looks at to the sand. "Just humor me. I want to see something."

Kyle's looking to Arisia to see reaction time, what her constructs look like and other things. He's trying to play the ring to her strengths.

Kyle will focus with his ring and create a giant robot in the sand. A massive gundam like thing with all the sections to the fingers. A hand strikes into the other as if it waits for a fight.

"Take down my construct let me see what you do."

Arisia Rrab has posed:
"A good thing to know. I'll make sure to apply the sun block anytime that I'm out in public. Even if I don't nee it, it will help me to look less... standoutish." Arisia is clipping right along when it comes to the language and slang usage, able to drop in phrases or words that are generally appropriate to the context!

"Hm, alright!" Arisia looks over the giant robot, assessing potential weak points before giving a nod. Her ring powers up and she whips a hand out as if throwing something. A massive set of nasty looking bolas appears, whipping through the air towards the robot's leggs. Each 'ball' has what looks to be curved blades attached everywhere possible, making the likelihood of 'catching' the legs higher.

Before she can see if they strike or not she also summons up a massive alien creature, it looks like a mixture between horse and ape, rushing forward on powerful arms and legs, ready to slam into the robot and knock it to the ground!

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Weak points are the joints. Particiularly the arms, back of the legs at the knees. It would take a good once over to find the latter. Like, a glance when at the right angle, but not intentionally trying to find it.

Kyle sees how Arisia tosses the bolos, the machine tries to move. Both wrap around the leg. Metal would groan against metal if they weren't construct as the blades bite into the legs.

As an alien creature comes up rushes toward the robot. Kyle brings a hand forward and begins to fire a bean from the wrist, very much in the vein of Iron Man. Trying to damage the alien, throw off the trajectory or slow it down.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Arisia clenches her hand, creating a sort of 'bubble' around the creature just in time to block the beam. Not entirely, the creature takes a hit on the shoulder but it barrels intot he robot, leaping up at the last second to hit it square in the chest. The apelike feet gripping it around the waist while the strong hands grab at the arms just below the shoulders and try to PULL.

She glances over at Kyle and smiles, "Is this... like one of your video games?" The bulk of her attention is on the fight of course, but since it's training, she presumes it's still alright to talk to him.

With the creatue latched onto the robot, Kyle could probablyget in a few good hits to it's horse-like head. There's bony ridges along the nose and jaw, but around the ears and eyes looks like good targets!

Kyle Rayner has posed:
The creature gets in close. Those apelike creature wraps aorund, the robot tries doing elbow strikes going downward. The elbow hits again and again. Trying to free theemselves from the grasp. The bot continues those blows down onto the shoulder again and again.

Kyle looks back to Arisia, "Kind of." An arm bends and it strokes at the ear, going for things that are not the jaw. The bot continues.

However, now Kyle tries something else. A rams head construct forms and goes for Arisia.

"You know the more intricate the construct, the harder it's to maintain. Unless you're intimiately familiar with the design. Is this an alien from your world or something new you created?" he asks being honest with that. Seeing if the big construct waivers.

"That's why Lantern Jordan picks planes. He's a pilot. He's worked with so many. He knows them like the back of his hand," he explains.

"Lantern Stewart is a soldier, he picks guns. Things he's worked with as a soldier. Again, familiar," Kyle notes as he looks toward Arisia.

"Me? I draw. This includes robots like that I've worked on since I was eleven," he looks at her. "Intimately familiar," the construct continues to work at the beast, even if it's winning.

"I say this because battlefields get chaotic," and he'll make another ram's head go toward Arisia. "Going with what you know can save your life. Same thing applies to simple constructs."

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Arisia leaps into the air before the first ram's head can hit, still keeping the bulk of her attention on the creature she's controlling. It takes blow after blow, losing a bit of shape, cracking here and there, but still solid and still actively trying to pull the arms off the robot! After a moment, she switches it up a little and the creature ducks under one swinging arm to cling to the BACK of the robot so it can take hold of the bot's head and start violently twisting!

Landing again, she glances to Kyle and grins, "Regnirad. He was my childhood pet. Having an emotional investment in the construct's wellbeing helps to keep it strong." And sure enough, the gorilla with the boney horse head glows bright green, the cracks sealing the dents popping back out, and it lets out a shout that's somewhere between a scream and a roar.

Even as Arisia sends a splintering spear through the second ram's head to blow it apart, Regnirad sets its feet on the robot's shoulders, one massive arm curling around under the chin of the robot's head, then YANKS it free to hold up in victory as it scream-roars once more.

Aririsa smiles at Kyle, "My uncle trained me well."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle just listens to everything. The story about how this alien creature is a childhood pet. Something she loves a lot. How she fends him off during those attacks. There's a pause from Kyle, "Are you sure you weren't sent to train me?"

Kyle knows he isn't meant to be her trainer. That was Hal's job, he suspects. What throws him off is just how good she is. And Arisia is supposed to be the student.

"You were born for this," Kyle says softly. He goes over to the water and pulls out a bottle. Offering her one wordlessly, Kyle will then grab one for himself.

Opening a bottle, he begins to drink at the liquid.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Laughing softly, she shakes her head, "I'm good in my comfort zone, but I've never been outside of Graxos IV until now. I need the training to get used to other species, other cultures, start integrating more... and getting some actual experience in. Graxos IV tends to be a pretty quiet place." Arisia smiles at him, "So I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to teach you. I still have a lot to learn myself."

Taking the bottle of water, she pauses, then gives a nod, "I was. I was born and raised to this. But that is.. not the normal situation. The rings choose the one most worthy. Even with all my training and family ties.. if I weren't the best choice, the ring wouldn't have chosen me."

Leaning in, she bumps his shoulder with hers and smiles softly, "Besides, I've never dealt with giant robots, so clearly I still have some things to learn."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"So, we need to do a field trip once you get used to Earth. Not every planet is like Earth where you have to stay hidden," Kyle explains feeling himself go from student to teacher. He likes to explore other planets sometimes. Not because there is something new. He does it partially out of boredom and partially out of curiousity. Sicne becoming a Lantern Kyle has a taste of how small his world is in the vast nature of things.

"I didn't say the ring didn't pick you for a reason. It picks everyone for a reason," Kyle wants to make that part clear. He knows nepotism only played a role because of prroximity. If the family line has multiple worthy candidtes it's oging to go to the literal closest family member. And that's kind of how Kyle sees it. Arisia was the closest, while metaphorically, next to three other candidates from her line.

Taking another drink, "New Krypton likes to do big tech. So, I can teach you there," Kyle's not sure what that territory is called. However, those Kryptoninas really like their tech. It's not the first time he's made a robot construct thanks to the Kryptonians.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
"I expect not. Many other planets already have deep space travel and have learned of the existence of other species generations ago. Humans are still a young species by many standards, so you'll catch up eventually. I haven't been to most of them, not yet anyways, but my parents, my uncle... they would talk about it." Arisia smiles towards Kyle and lifts a shrug, "I expect I'll have to make the rounds to introduce myself to the people in my sector soon. Though the Guardians seem to want that to wait until after the latest threat has been dealt with."

"I know. I was agreeing with you. I was born for this, born *to* this. Raised and trained for it. But in the end, it had to be me that was worthy of it. No amount of the training or familial lines could have made the ring choose me if I wasn't the best candidate. I try to keep that in mind," she flashes a grin at him, clearly unbothered.

Nodding, Arisia frowns slightly, "New Krypton? I'm not familiar with that.." Then she blinks and smiles at him, "In either case, I will be delighted to meet them and learn from them!"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Humans are a bit more adaptable than you think. They're a bit more tolerant," Kyle thinks on it a little bit. He nods.

"Alright. I have an idea. Your first Earth lesson," The Green energy surround shim and he looks down at Arisia, "Wait here." Kyle keeps flying off. It's probably a good twenty minutes when he returns. He'll smile wit a bag in his hand. It contiain Ariaisa's bathing suit, "You'll need to put this on. Consider it today's uniform," and then he looks over everything. Taking all of those items go into a force field.

"You'll be able to see a few of humanity's offerings on the beach. Maybe learn we have something you like," Kyle smiles as he starts to put the second tent into the orb that contains the beach goodies.

"You'll need to change into that before we go," Kyle admits and will turn his head, but he does look back because Kyle is just human.

"You'll learn about one of America's favorite past times." Kyle's trying to offer this as a consolation prize.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
"Are they though? Look at the current situation with the alien refugees at the space station. They don't like the idea of people that don't look like them being among them. I'm fairly certain I only get a 'pass' because I'm largely humanoid and otherwise look like some fantasy character." Arisia lifts a shrug and offers, "I don't think humans are bad, on the whole. But I do think there's a lot that gets taken for granted until you're the one experiencing something different."

Giving an amused smile as he takes off, she waits to see what he's going to bring back. That he brings back her bathing suit has her laughing lightly, "You want me in my bathing suit? Alright..." She takes the bag, using her ring to create a 'changing booth' so she can slips into it. The suit is a simply white string bikini. It plays well off her golden skin tone.

"Alright! To the beach! Let's go join the sea of humanity at the water's edge," Arisia flashes a grin at him.

Stepping forward, she strikes a pose, hands on hips and winks at him, "Let's go see how many stares I get, hm?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I remember," Kyle has read reports. "Not all of them are bad and the ones that are good are versatile," he ammends the previous statement. "I hope you don't mind humans," Kyle smirks knowing there's at least one Arisia likes. A half smile pulls at the corner of his lip.

Kyle does have a cooler with him. He will give Arisia an eyeful, "I know you will turn several heads. Although he does appreciate that pose, a bit.

Kyle flies off, still in the lantern uniform, toward the west. The pair can see a beach, but the trick is landing in a spot close enough to the beach to not cause issue. However, far enough for htem to change, walk onto the place and everything else to appear like "normal" beach dwellers.

Kyle will land on a part of the beach not too crowded, and far enough away. After landing the uniform he wears starts to fade away. It "burns" away revealing his own bathing suit. From the thigh down they're a light grey with a little bit of white as an accent. Upward the suit is black. It's very monochromatic.

Lean muscle's on displaya s he looks at Arisia. He'll grab the tents in one arm and then nod to the cooler, "Care to help me?" and he'll try to strike a pose. Arisia is clearly the model between them.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Arisia flashes a quick smile at him and leans in to drop a kiss to the corner of his mouth, "There's at least one that I like." Because that wasn't already patently obvious! Still, she's not shy about letting him know.

Glancing down at herself, she chuckles, "I certainly hope so, otherwise that meeting with Miss Van Dyne is likely to end poorly." While she's no Bella Haddid, Arisia knows that she's attractive and has a good figure for modeling. More, she knows how to walk and doesn't have to starve herself to keep that figure.

Taking off after Kyle, she flies along at his side, enjoying the sights as they head towards the beach, though she seems a little amused when he pauses to scan the area for somewhere less populated. Waiting until he's changed into his suit, she murmurs, "Next time, if you want, we can use the rings to bend the light around you so nobody can see you changing." Yup, invisibility, another possibility through will!

Laughing at the pose struck, she bumps his hip with her own and takes the cooler from him with a smile, "Of course. Now. Where do we stake out a spot?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle smiles at the kiss. It's nice to get a confirmation of things, even if they're obvious. He will look back at Arisia, "My ring isn't as skilled as yours. It might work against me there," Kyle's not sure if the ring could bend the light like that. He'd like to try, but maybe around a less crowded area.

Chuckling after the hip bump, he moves with her toward the beach. Arisisa can see people sunning, kids playing, people surfing, others reading under a umbrella, and everything else. Kyle eventually finds a spot. It's close to the water, just stradles an area that's offlimits.

A smile pulls at Kyles lips as he starts setting up the tent and the drinks under it. Along with the various other goodies, including some beachc hair loungers he brought.

"Do you want to suntan or enjoy the shade?" Kyle asks her. "These are activities common in places where people look like Terran. Not all, but a lot," he's going to point things out to Arisia once they're settled.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Looking around the beach, Arisia watches people enjoying the beach. Children playing, teens and young adults horsing aorund with one another. Families having an outing. Some people baking themselves under the sun, others splashing around in the surf and enjoying the cool salt water. A smile curves her lips.

Looking back towards Kyle, her smile warms and she motions to the shade, "I think I'd like to sit under the umbrella for a bit, just... absorb all the activity, all the fun. Get a feel for it. Then maybe we can try to join in some of the activities?" Because the frisbee-throwing and volleyball looks like fun!

Moving over to the lounger, she picks one and drapes herself on it, lounging back and returning her gaze to the crowds to keep trying to absorb and learn about proper beach behaviors and ways of having fun.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Now, I've been to a few beaches. There are variations to a few of these things, but there some to be some form of commonolity," Kyle will lay in his own longue near her. Pointing out to the water, "Peopele in the water by themselves are just swimming and enjoying the water," and then he nods to those on surfboards. "That's surfing. It has some variations. It'a s port where people will skate across the waves, use the pull of the water to move them about. Plus, the waves do create a kind of tunnel, people live for that. Also, the waves do create a leaping point. So, they like that, too," Kyle just explaisn a few reasons why people like surfing.

He nods to the Vollley Ball game, "That's volley ball. There ar erules, but you use your hands to get the ball over to your oppenants side. If it touches the ground, you get a point," he just continues and gives her a few moments to take this in.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
"Surfing seems like fun, but I've never surfed before, so perhaps I should learn first? It doesn't seem like an activity that lends itself well to simply... jumping in." Arisia watches more than one person tumble off their board, only to emerge laughing and swimming off to try again!

Looking back to the volleyball, she pays closer attention to how the people are playing the game. There seems to be boundaries for the play area, though they seem to be loosely defined and based more on social agreement than hard and fast lines. Which makes sense for a beach. But the people all seem to be having great fun playing, and the game seems simple enough at its base. Hands, arms, and head are 'legal' means of hitting the ball, though one's chest could be used to keep the ball from hitting the ground. The objective seems to be to keep the ball aloft and going back and forth over the net in an attempt to make the ball hit the ground within the designated boundaries.

"It looks like fun. Perhaps when the current game is finished we can request to join the next one? Until then, I think enjoying the shade and watching the people sounds good."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Surfing takes a lot of effort. I tried learning it, but it's harder than it looks. It might be different given lantern training," his gaze slips to her. "We can definitely learn it together," he offers.

A look goes toward Volleyball courts, "We could always join in a game of that at any point. It's quick to learn," Kyle thinks she would take to it like water.

He points out to those with a frisbee, "This has no real rules. It's just tossing it back and forth. making some of the throws look impressive. People have madsports wiht Frisbees, but that's just your basic standard frisbee. It's just a nice game of catch," he grins and lets' her take in everything.

People are making sandcatles, reading and everyuthing else. "Welcome to Humanity," he smiles just enjoying being around the people blooking happy. And yes, Arisia can see various people happy. Families, couples and everything else.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Arisia Rrab says, "I'd like that! It seems like it would be more fun to learn with someone else.." Arisia smiles at Kyle, leaning over to kiss him lightly. "And everything is better with you."

Looking back to the volleyball, she smiles, "Okay! It looks like a lot of fun, and I think I get the gist of it. But the game there is nearly over, I think if we head over now we should arrive in time to ask if we can join the next game." Arisia pushes up from the lounger and smiles at him.

Glancing towards the frisbee game, her head cants as she offers, "It looks interesting but also... repetitive. Maybe another time. I think I'd rather play volleyball first."

She looks towards the sand and grins, "And then maybe make a sand sculpture.""

Kyle Rayner has posed:

"Trying to make your teacher blush?" hea sks curiously with a raised brow. He knows she's being hoenst, and sweet. "You do the same," he'll be quick to add. Kyle smiles and nods, "I should lather up first. Sometimes couples will rub this on each other," Kyle just goes to grab some of the sunblock.

Going to their area he'll open up the bottle then begin to spread it in his hands readying everything to put it on his flesh.

"As long as we don't get in a sand building competition. Those can be intense," he nods. "They're beautiful though."

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Shaking her head, she smiles at him, "No, just enjoying your company." Nodding to the mention of the sunblock, Arisia moves to help Kyle get the cream spread across his back and shoulders before applying some ot her own skin and turning to present her back to him for assistance in getting it covered as well.

Once they're properly shielded from the sun, Arisia laughs lightly and grins at him, "Two artists in a sand sculpture contest? I think the others should be more worried than us." She takes his hand and grins at him, then starts leading him towards the volleyball nets set up on the beach.

"Hi there! I'm Arisia, this is Kyle! Can we join the next game?" She approaches with a friendly smile and her free hand lifted into a wave for the young adults just finishing up a match.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle will rub the sun tan in for her. "Well, yes, but sculpting is my weak point. And the people involved in these contest do nothing except sand stuff," Kyle will denote to the experts there. They become self taught on top of any formal training.

He grins and starts to move with her.

A nod comes from the young adults and when that game is done, it'll be the two of them against two of the young adults. It is their net after wall.

Kyle will make his way to the sand when they're up, "Do you want to cover the upclose stuff or the far stuff. He'll try to work on a strategy with Arisia while going into this activity. Although, Kyle's very happy she's assimilating. Green eyes just flicking from her to their opposite. young human couple.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Tsking lightly, Arisia flashes a grin at Kyle, "And that means you shouldn't participate? Shouldn't have fun with it?" She turns, snagging his wrist and pulling him in to kiss him lightly, "It's sand sculpting. You just... have fun with it. If you win, great! If you don't win, you still get me."

She flashes a grin at him and winks as they head over towards the volleyball nets.

Once the game is agreed to, she smiles at Kyle, "I'll take up close to the net. I think that will let me learn a little better."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle smiles at her for a moment, "Oh. I do that stuff when there's not competitions," he doesn't know that using the ring may have improved his weak area. "When you do the competition, it's too intese for me. Painting, drawing, I can get in my zone and then it doesn't matter. And you're why I'm winning at the competition called 'life.'" He grins at her and winks.

"Alright. remember you can bump, set and spike. Bump you hit like this, set like this and spike is whenyou beat it down like it owes you money," and he'll pantomime the motions for her to see.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Arisia grins at him, "Flatterer. But you were 'winning' at life before you met me. You're being a good person, a good teammate, doing what you love... that's winning." She kisses his cheek and winks, "I get to be the icing on the cake."

They go over the different moves and Arisia gives a nod, recalling them from watching the previous game. Before they go to their places, though, she grabs him round the waist and lays a kiss on his lips, uncaring of who might be watching. WHen she pulls back, she smiles against his lips, "For luck." Then she's trotting over to the net to take her place, grinning broadly.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I'm just honest," Kyle grins. Then he looks at her for a moment. "Well, it didn't feel like winning," he grins and then blushes at the kiss. "I would have hoped for whipped cream because...," he shakes his head. "Nevermind," and winks.

The luck kiss catches him offguard. He blushes a little. "Thank you lady luck," and then the ball goes up for the serve. It clears the net and goes right to Arisia. Something easy to return.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Laughing lightly, Arisia glances over her shoulder, "THAT is for later." Presumably regarding the whipped cream!

THe serve comes and Arisia is ready! She gets a bump on it to bring the ball straight up above the net so she can send it back over to the other team. When they return, it's headed towards Kyle, so Arisia half-turns to be ready if he needs an assist but letting him get to the ball himself!

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle Grins at that comment. "Promises promises," he grins and then focuses on the game.

Kyle sees it coming down. So, he sets it because this is a way to see if Arisia learned anything. And if she did, how nasty that spike could be. Honestly, Kyle expects it to be wicked and better than his own. He does not vocalize it. Arisia just trains a lot. He sees other ways it can pay off.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Tsking at him, Arisia grins, "When have I ever NOT kept a promise to you?"

He's setting up the ball instead of volleying it back across the net, so Arisia moves in to take the shot. Leaping up, she slams the ball hard, sending it flying back across the net and towards the outside corner to slam into the sand just to the left of their opponents.

"Woo! I got it!" Arisia grins towards Kyle, "I wasn't sure I'd angled that right."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Touche," Kyle admits defeat on that one. He grins for a moment before the game begins.

Suddenly the white ball spikes into the ground, clearly in bounds. Giving them a point.

Their oppenants try to regroup and wonder if maybe Arisia played in college.

Another serve as they try to get it out to Kyle. Trying to go past the spiker.

Kyle goes it for a bump and it goes over the net.

A set from the opposing side. Arisia can see their upclose player, a male, start to jump. The body tenses. Arrisia canread it. Maybe it will help her blok the shot.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Arisia is smiling, happy, just having fun with the game. She's learning as she goes, but she watched closely and thinks she has the basics of the game!

The serve goes over the net and Arisia takes a few steps towards it before stopping to let Kyle get the bump. The ball is set by their opponents, which means one of them is going for the spike. She watches the ball, the player, readying herself.

Leaping up even as the other person goes for the spike, Arisia gets both hands up to block the ball, sending it back over the net!

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle's impressed whens he goes for the block. Something he didn't cover, but something Arisia either saw, surmised or a little of both. A moment later the ball goes back toward them. The man in back tries to go for the dive and just BARELY missees.

Kyle and Arisia are up two points now. Kyle gives her a nod. "You're kicking ass and taking names while looking good. Impressive!" He grins and is trying to be supportive because Arisia is kicking a lot of butt right now.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Arisia seems both surprised and delighted when the block scores them another point! She flashes a grin at Kyle, "I didn't think that would work!" She knows they can block the shots, but she didn't know they could score off them! Then again, when the player blocked in the last game, the ball was returned.

As the game progresses, she's excited over how well they're doing, how well they're working together. Of course, that's when disaster will strike. The ball gets served to them, and Arisia goes for it as Kyle does, colliding into him and tumbling to the sand even as the ball hits the ground and gives the opposing team a point. Laughing from her spot in the sand, she grins at Kyle, "It was bound to happen sooner or later."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle goes "oof!" and then they hit the sand. And Arisia starts to laugh. Kyle begins to laugh, too. Playfully, he pulls her to him and he kisses her. "I got sand in my suit," he grins at her and holds her close as he smirks. "You got a hard head," he chuckles, with a wink.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Returning the kiss, she grins at him, "I think I did too." It probably doesn't help that they're still rolling about in the sand. Not that she's inclined to move. Leaning in, she bonks her forehead lightly to his and chuckles, "I could say the same for you. Want to concede the match and we can go try to get rid of the sand in strange places?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"We can concede the match. Maybe hit a shower, or the water," Kyle says as options. He'll look up at their oppenants. "I believe we are getting distracted. Her first time to a beach in ages," Kyle figures that explanation would cause the least questions. When they get confirmation. Kyle grins and rolls. His gaze looking at Arisia. A moment later, he offers a hand to her. "How are you feeling sand elf?"

Arisia Rrab has posed:
"Mmmmmmm... if we go for the shower, then I'm going to want to be in the shower with you, and I think they might object to what would happen then," Arisia winks at him and flashes a grin. Tilting her head back, she smiles brightly at the other young people. "You guys played a great game! If we see you again, I definitely want a rematch!" THen she's taking Kyle's hand and rolling up to her feet, brushing herself off with a laugh, "I'm having fun! How about you?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
A small chuckle comes from Kyle as Arisia doesn't make it blatantly obvious what would happen. However, she's not pulling any punches. No room for innuendo and hints. Well, a little hinting.

"Totally" Kyle adds about the rematch. Then he starts to walk with her down the beach toward their things. "We can keep palying in the water. Something. I do like seeing this playful side of you." Kyle grins. It's not that he hasn't seen it. Right now, it feels like she's not burdened by duty.

Arisia's family obligations with duty go pretty deep. So, it's nice to see her free of that.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Keeping her hand in his, Arisia smiles at him and nods, "I like the beach. I like the people watching, the volleyball, the water... but mostly I like sharing it with you, Kyle. I don't think it would be nearly as much fun on my own." Leaning in, she kisses his cheek briefly before pulling back with a smile.

She tugs him towards the water's edge, wanting to feel it on her feet, her ankles. Wanting to enjoy just splashing around a bit before heading deeper.

He isn't wrong, either. Generally, even with her sunny disposition, the weight of her duty weighs down on her and influences what she does. This, today, she's just being a young woman enjoying the beach with her boyfriend.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
He loves that positive attitude. Kyle nods, "You do make the beach a bit more interesting. I grew up on the West Coast. I do like the beach, but you do give it a very unintended bonus." Those green eyes stays on her for a moment.

A second later they're going toward the water. Teh water starts to swallow her. It surrounds him as he slips into the water. He keeps grinning and he is in the water. Everything around him, he slips down and tries to swim by Arisia. Just touch her before popping up above the water.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Arisia goes deeper into the water, wading to her knees, her hips, then finally sinking beneath the waves. Sea elf! She's all sleek lines moving gracefully through the water, a line of bubbles escaping as she exclaims when she feels his hands moving across her.

Surfacing, she laughs and splashes him lightly, "You startled me! I wasn't expecting that." Not that's she's really upset about it, not with that smile. She does move closer, slipping her arms around his shoulders and murmuring, "We should do this again. I like going to the beach with you. Swimming, playing, sitting out... this has been really fun!"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Laughing with her when he surfaces, he takes the splashing in strid.e Then those arms go around him. His hands wrapa round her. Then he nods. "Whenever you want to come back to a beach, just ask," Kyle says softly. To see Airisia free of burden, they'll travel to whatever beach or planet necessary to hit a beach. "I'm happy you're happy, Arisia. Even if training took a big detour."

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Arisia smiles, then shakes her head lightly, "Don't just be happy FOR me, Kyle... be happy WITH me." She kisses him, softly, sweetly. "Shh, no training talk. Just us right now. You and me. The rest of it will be dealt with soon enough." Smiling against his lips as she murmurs, "We should get something to eat and head back so we can do more things together. Things we can't do in public."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I am happy WITH you," Kissing her softly. Then he nods about food. "Plenty of places nearby," he says and then takesone of her hands in his. Kissing her softly. "We'll eat and go from there." Kyle grins and tries not to get too excited. Because even if nothing else happens, it's been a great day.