17740/Elements of Confusion (All in the Messaging, scene 2)
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Elements of Confusion (All in the Messaging, scene 2) | |
Date of Scene: | 11 May 2024 |
Location: | Tenderloin District |
Synopsis: | Four men with elemental weaponry and armor attempted to rob a club. They were stopped by Miguel, Dagger, Cyblade, and Shadowcat. Two of them escaped, but three of their sets of gear remained at the scene, and were seized by police. |
Cast of Characters: | Allen-James, Kitty Pryde, Dominique Thiebaut, Miguel O'Hara, Tandy Bowen |
Tinyplot: | All in the Messaging |
- Allen-James has posed:
Crime, organized and other, is historically a part of the Tenderloin district. Gangs and street thugs are common in this neighborhood, and protection rackets are common to keep the businesses safe from most crime.
What is unusual for the Tenderloin district, however, is are the new toys that have been appearing on the streets. A few weeks ago, in Soho, there was an attempted bank robbery with high Electric themed gear. Now, over the last week or so, there have been a rash of elementally themed weapons cropping up among criminals in various other parts of the city. This Saturday evening, the sun has set, and there are clubs and such starting to gather their nightly due of people. Groups of clubbers can be seen wandering from subway stations, dressed to impress and walking together.
One group of young men looks rather different than most of the others, not dressed up as much, and wearing trench coats and lookse sweats. "I don't like it, boss." A man's voice can be heard complaining, as he waves to something under his coat with his left hand. "I mean, it's cool and all.." One of the others in a small group of young men snickers at something, and the speaker shoots him a look that makes him laugh.
"Pretty Cool!" The laugher yelps out.
"Ha, friekin, ha. I don't like it. What if it breaks, or backfires or something? Give me a real gun any day." the original speaker continues his complaining.
"Shut up. We took the job, we got the gear, and now, we're going to make some money. Now... Come on."
The leader of the group rips off his trench coat, displaying a suit of what can only be described as armor. Tubes, full of a red, pulsing plasma, snake from a chest plate with a power unit on it, down to his arms and feet. He waves a hand and flames shoot out over the head of a line waiting for entrance into a night club, and he shouts, "Alright folks! This is a simple robbery. Just drop your wallets, and cell phones on the ground and back up to the building wall. My gentlemen here will be around to take collections. No Funny moves, and no one gets hurt!"
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
On the top of a building two blocks away, Kitty Pryde of the X-men is lounging on the corner of a building, not seeming to mind the forty story drop over which her legs are dangling.
She's finishing off the last bite of her deli sandwich, though a lot of her attention is on the phone of her own design and manufacture. The new one is going to have a screen she can pull out to the side, an improvement over those folding phones that are showing up on the market. For now though she's content with the smaller screen.
"So any signs of anything?" she asks the phone. A female voice comes back from it, "There is an altercation on camera 3, and an attempted theft on camera 7. But nothing displaying exotic weaponry."
Kitty gives a nod and relaxes, reaching up to scritch Lockheed on her shoulder. Pepper Potts had put the X-man, and Stark Industries employee, up to the task of looking into the reports of exotic weaponry. Just to make sure they weren't connected to Stark technology.
Given how Pepper hasn't complained about extra time off, a few days to go deal with a group kidnapping mutants, or two weeks for a trip to Shi'ar space, Kitty was more than happy to pay the CEO back with the favor. "Besides," Kitty says aloud, finishing her train of thought about how she got there, "Let's me test out the AI." The AI whose design and upgrade has been her primary project at Stark Industries.
And the AI could monitor the 36 cameras she'd sprinkled about the area far more efficiently than Kitty could. "I spoke too soon," the voice says. The feed from camera 15 comes up, showing the unusual armor. "That could be what we're looking for," she concedes, quickly stuffing her sandwich wrapper back into her bag for later disposal. And then the X-man and Lockheed are up and running along the roof towards the location not that far away.
- Dominique Thiebaut has posed:
Group leader isn't the only one wearing armor. A tall, sleek, black-haired woman crouched like a gargoyle on the rooftop above them is also wearing armor; skintight metal bands that flex as easily as spandex and are polished bright silver except where they're painted midnight blue in a pattern to suggest she's modeling the kind of outfit Victoria's Secret doesn't put in the front window. The woman wearing the armor sometimes wishes she could meet the person who designed it so she could thank him so hard he spit out teeth, but not now. Now she's on a mission, and extraneous thought is cut off by her training.
Guns on civilians. Directly engaging them now would pretty much guarantee casualties. But the Luddite gave her an idea...
High above them, Cyblade waits for attention to turn away. A thin bolt of pink energy, maybe the size of a fighting knife, manifests at her fingertips. The second she has a clear shot, she'll throw it right at the Luddite's fancy gun and fritz it out. It probably won't explode, but it sure looks like it'll conduct the shock into him in ways he won't enjoy.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Nothing better than New York on a weekend evening! Except for maybe Neuva York. But that's debatable. At least in the future, Miguel has a legal identity and money. And a bank account in which to deposit aforementioned money. Here he has a whole lot of not-a-damn-thing. He's been reduced to snatching a few bucks from the wallets of the criminals he's been stopping. It's not pretty and he's not happy about it, but a man's gotta eat. Anyone who judges him is welcome to take a quick trip to the future and see how they fare.
Miguel is wearing his futuristic Spider-Man get up, swinging through the air in between the high rise buildings of Midtown Manhattan. He's on the lookout for one or two of those pesky meal tickets that others may call criminals so he can hit up a deli or late night sandwich shop and take care of the rumbling in his gut.
"Staaaaaahp," he mutters out loudly as his stomach churns, grumbling out in need of food. He kicks his legs out and leans his upper body backwards so he does a reverse flip before shooting a web further down the street to carry himself around a corner.
As he comes swinging in a wide arc into Tenderloin, he sees the flames erupt down on the street below. "What do we have here?"
Miguel lightly touches down against a building across the street from the club about 20 stories up from the street to get a quick view of the situation. Guy in armor with some friends apparently holding up everyone trying to get into the club? Dinner time! After he saves lives, of course.
Leaping straight out from the building's surface, Miguel curls into a ball and flips a few times until he's on the street in a wide-stanced hero landing, "Hey, fellas."
- Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy is in line for the club. Ty is elsewhere for the moment, following a lead and grabbing his own sort of dinner with plans to join her later. She groans to herself as the flames shoot into the sky, and doesn't drop anything. Who brings a wallet to a club? That's just begging for a picked pocket. No. Her ID, the cash door fee, and card are in a very slim interior pocket.
She's grateful for her particular choice of clubwear as she steps just out of reach of a fellow line-waiter working themselves into a panic, and a bright, glowing dagger appears in her right hand, flush with the lines of her body. Tandy's ready. Waiting. The sound of someone else's voice catches her attention, along with that of a few people around her.
Exactly how many Spider-people are in this city these days?
- Allen-James has posed:
There are four men in the group, and as the leader throws off his trench coat, they all pull out weapons, or reveal them, of various sorts. The Luddite is wearing a waist pack that supports a rather large rifle, which he pulls from beneath his coat, with blue glowing tubes that feed it from the pack.
A small guy, the one laughing earlier about 'pretty cool', wears a sleeker set of armor, which, as he waves his arms, rips the sweatshirt to shreds, and surrounds him with a rush of air. Tubes and passages along the sleek armor are sport yellow lightning flashing along certain tubes, and a pale blue flashign along others.
A fourth wears a set of boots and gloves, which have a strange green looking energy pulsing through tubes on each of the gloves and boots no pack for him, nor armor beyond the obviously high tech limb wear.
The appearance of the spider punk gets the guy with the gloves to raise his hands, and the earth itself responds, a chunk of ground breaking through the sidewalk to hurl itself towards Miguel
"Always heroes in this town. But you know what, we have solutions for that now! Get 'im!" the leader in the Fire armor proclaims, firing bursts of flame towards the spider punk's body.
The smaller armored guy leaps into the air, gathering wind around himself, and hurling a bolt of lightning towards the spider punk, while the Luddite, the only one who isn't piling on the Spider, looks up, sweeping the skyline with the barrel of his ice gun... right before Cyblade's bolt of energy strikes it, and makes him cry out in pain, convulsing from the shock that courses through his gun. As may be expected, he clenches on the trigger, but his shot goes up harmlessly... well... mostly harmlessly. A huge hunk of ice forms over a wall as a blue beam hits it, making the wall creak in protest as some of the brick cracks and crumbles from suddenly having ice form in it on a warm spring evening.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty is nearing the right stretch of alley, just running from one roof to another as if there was something between them but air. "Focus on capturing images of the technology. Mix in some closeups and long shots for identification," Kitty tells the AI back in Stark Tower through the phone's connection.
"Will do," the AI replies. "Wow this guy has a big gun!" it adds. Kitty was rather proud of the earlier "I spoke too soon" comment, but makes a mental note to adjust some of the personality parameters downwards a bit after the latest comment.
Soon the X-man is looking down from the right alley. She glances over as the hoodlums help point out the presence of Spider-M... ok is that Spider-Man? Looks like him, but in a new costume if so.
In any event, even the famed wallcrawler can probably use help with that man down below. "Lockheed, focus on the fire guy if you engage," she says, then she jumps off the building to plummet to the ground below, while Lockheed goes into a steep dive.
At ground level, there's a blur as Kitty's body falls to the ground but then just disappears below ground like a ghost. Perhaps leaving people wondering if their eyes were playing tricks on them.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
As quickly as he landed on the street, Miguel almost comedically takes off again as the chunk of pavement erupts from the ground and hurls towards him. That one was easy enough, but the immediate follow ups of flames and bolts of lightning in rapid succession require more agility than he was expecting to demonstrate on an empty stomach.
He can feel the electricty surging by him, but manages to avoid any direct hit. The flame, on the other hand, washes over his suit. Luckily his suit is durable enough to prevent any damage, although the heat is making its way to his skin. He sucks air in between his teeth as a natural reaction to being awash in flames, twisting his upper body so he can shoot a web towards the guy with the flame gun with one hand and shoot another web at a street light above so he can pull himself up and out of the flames with his other hand.
When he perches on top of the lamp post, he swears he sees someone at terminal velocity not smash into the street but disappear INTO it. His eyes widen as he glances in the direction of where Kitty would have landed. Keep it together Miguel. You're imagining things.
- Dominique Thiebaut has posed:
Cyblade doesn't hesitate. She leaps off the rooftop headfirst, one hand extended in front of her as if she thinks she'll handspring off the cement three stories down rather than be crushed under her own weight; the other hand is aimed at the ice on the wall as she falls. Pink flashes emit from her palms, accompanied by an odd noise halfway between a rising hum and an electronic trill with each discharge. The ice on the wall melts the instant her beams hit it, burning more or less even circular tunnels into the translucent blue, spilling down on the poor hostages like some prankster is dumping buckets on their heads; but the palm facing toward the ground doesn't lance out like a weapon. It mushrooms like a rocket's propulsion in miniature, shooting her back up into the air a foot or so before gravity reclaims her. She pushes off the temporary explosion to cartwheel to her other side, eyes locked on the cyborgs (or whatever they are) below, looking for signs of a weapon tracking her. Then, when she's fallen another second and a half, another explosion from her palm flips her to the right; and using those blasts to control her falls, she tumbles parabolically through the air like a Slinky on an invisible staircase drawn my MC Escher.
All of that was extremely necessary to do because of the threat of the ice. It is in no way a response to being jealous of watching Spider-Man do acrobatics she could never in life match.
- Tandy Bowen has posed:
The screaming as crumbled brick falls into the crowd has Tandy stiff and on guard. This is the worst night to try a new club and Ty not be at her side. Next time, they show up together. She grips her light dagger more tightly, fingers twitching along the glowing hilt as she steps into a good position for throwing.
The spider's on the light post, and there's some pink flashes following the elemental blasts. Then. A blur. She knows that blur. Shadowcat? Oh thank God, competence. It gives her the courage to fling her dagger directly at the shoulder of the guy spewing fire. "Hey! Asshole! Why don't you play with the big kids, you cowardly shit!"
- Allen-James has posed:
The guy with the ice gun proves fairly resilient, grunting as he shakes off the effects of the blast that was channeled through him, and trying to shoot at the assassin turned hero that is bursting herself back and forth in the air. "Damn... Stupid.. ICE GUN!" he shouts, as he holds down the trigger, and starts waving it back and forth, trying to catch her in the ice beam.
"What the heck was that?" The lightning and air guy asks, looking around as he saw Kitty fall right between himself and Miguel. But she's gone now.. surely he didn't see someone jump down off a building like that, right? He turns his attention back to the Spider, throwing lightning at the lamp post as he soars higher into the sky.
The earth manipulator looks up, and gapes as the rush of water sprayts down along with crumbling brick. "What the hell.." he doesn't even attack he's so stunned. "Who the heck is.."
The leader, though, gets the worst of all worlds. A face full of spider webbing, and a bolt to the shoulder spins him around, spraying flame over everyone near him. Including the Luddite, briefly, before it cuts off, causing the Luddite to drop his gun, and try to put out the flames on his trench coat, while cursing colorfully. The earth manipulator reacts faster to the flames, not having been busy shooting at anyone, and raises a wall of earth out of the ground to block the flames that would have washed over him, and, coincidentally, several of the club goers, preventing any sort of collateral damage there.
- Dominique Thiebaut has posed:
Cyblade lands in a liquid crouch on the sidewalk across the street from Frosty the Luddite. After all the mid-air acrobatics come into play, her contact with the ground felt like a hop from about four feet up. She's already moving, leaping to her left in an action movie dive, conjuring little pink sparks at her fingertips that coalesce into the shape of four-pointed shuriken which she flings at Frosty's chest. These are imbued with kinetic rather than electromagnetic or thermal energy, so they shouldn't be too brutal, but if one of them hits, she doubts he'll enjoy it.
No time to worry about his feelings, though. She lands on her shoulder (the only part of her body, other than her mouth, not protected by armor) and savors the sizzling burn of flesh being scraped off even as her elbow pistons downward and drives her into another rolling flip. More shuriken are creating themselves in her right hand, these ones three-pointed triangles for some reason. She ducks behind the nearest car, a lime green Toyota that looks old enough to legally buy cigarettes, which she has a moment to pity even as she's darting along its length toward the tailgate, ready to peek around and throw rude surprises at people. This poor truck has probably come to the clearing at the end of its path.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
While there's still no sign of the X-man that is at least familiar to Tandy from a previous takedown of drug dealers, the little purple dragon does make his presence felt. Lockheed flits by overtop of the bad guys, deploying his own flame in the form of a breath weapon. Not actually burning any of them, but it's tougher to aim when flames are coming at you. Whether the source is Lockheed, or their own leader.
As he passes over Dagger, she also might notice a quick wink given by a pupilless yellow eye.
Meanwhile, the guy armed with the electrical weapon is taking aim. Shadowcat reemerges, just running up the air below him like it was a stairs. She grabs his legs and he gives an alarmed start and cry as suddenly he's phased and no longer in his armor. She swings him down towards the ground, letting him crunch painfully, but not fatally so, back on the ground. Meanwhile his weapon and armor just fall to the ground in a pile like the bedroom floor of someone who doesn't know what a clothes hamper is used for.
Shadowcat drops to the ground, slowing at the last moment to land on her feet. "I think Cap would say something about ceasing and desisting right now. But I'm kind of hoping we get to beat you up a bit first. So you know, you have options," she tells the would be robbers.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
The eruption of chaos has Miguel's attention pulled in so many directions. The girl throwing a dagger at the flame thrower thug, the future soldier person teetering down from the sky shooting beams from her hands, the street itself being ripped up to shield the flames. Maybe he should've just stayed at the hostel tonight, Miguel ponders.
He makes a mental note to leave a few dollars in the earth man's wallet as a 'thank you' for inadvertently blocking the flames from scorching some of the club goers. Speaking of which, that flame weapon needs to be taken off the board. He pushes off from the lamp post, soaring through the air in a high arc, and takes aim at the flame weapon itself with both hands, shooting out two lines of webbing. If he can manage to snare it, he'll yank it firmly up and away from the man's grip so he can safely web it against the side of the building a few floors up and out of harm's way. If he can't, he'll land on the side of the club itself above the door and launch himself down at the man with the flame weapon, fists first to knock him down.
- Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy has an entire new fistful of daggers ready, and she's aiming them at the icy guy with a serious lack of aim and a spray problem. Between him and fire guy, it's a wonder nobody is dead yet. She'd thank the earth guy for the save, but he probably wouldn't appreciate it. A bark of laughter escapes as she notices the tiny dragon, though her attention is quickly pulled towards the greater melee again. More importantly, on how to position herself before she flings this next set of daggers out.
If ice guy is loopy enough, maybe he'll drop his weapon, or at least stop firing it wildly. She moves in a wide circle and throws her hands out in an arc. Four glowing daggers take flight, each about the size of a pocket knife, bouncing off walls and dirt before embedding themselves in the firing arm and legs of Mr. Icy. She stalks forward, intent on making sure he stays down.
- Allen-James has posed:
The leader cuts off his burst of flame, scrabbling at the webbing as he tries to clear his vision enough to figure out what's going on. Unfortunately, the webbing on his face, while not so tight he can't breathe, is rather sticky, so he ends up doing the three stooges gag where he keeps getting his hand stuck to his face. It is in that position which Miguel manages to stick his first arm to his body, so that he can't exactly use flames without toasting his face. His other arm is easy to pin, as it begins to flail, though no flames are coming out, as he's wrapped up in webbing, and easy to knock out afterward.
"$#@*!" The ice blaster gets flamed by Lockheed, then hit with a shuriken, knocking him down, then hit with a series of daggers from Tandy, bouncing him around like a pinball, as he does, in fact, drop the large blaster on the ground.
The lightning armor clatters to tohe ground, as the NPC rolls, and lets out a cry, while the earth manipulator looks around. "Why are there so many heroes?! It's just a stupid club!" he lets out a cry of frustration, before raising his arms, and a wave of earth rises up, aiming to swallow both himself and the lightning guy, so that they can escape underground.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Just a club!?" Shadowcat replies. She gestures towards the entrance and says, "Have you ever had the margaritas at..." Her quip pauses as she has to look over at the sign to see what club it is. "The Russian House?" She does a chef's kiss gesture.
The AI must still be listening, as a vaguely female voice comes from a pocket of Shadowcat's costume, "I believe a vodka tonic is a more Russian-"
Shadowcat slaps at the phone and then she sees what the earth manipulator is up to. A few of the people in line are in danger from being crushed by that wave of earth. The X-man darts forward, hurdling over some moving concrete to grab the man and woman by the arm. The wave of earth slams into the building a moment later passing through the trio.
Meanwhile Lockheed has swooped down and is circling above the ice blaster. Making sure no one on the wrong side picks the weapon up. If they come near, they get a wave of flames sent their way to discourage them.
- Dominique Thiebaut has posed:
More energy knives? Cyblade is paranoid enough to tense at the sight of them, but still in control of herself enough to know it has to be a coincidence there's two women here throwing energy knives at people.
We won't bother talking about the distinction between knowing and believing, though.
Confident that Frosty has been taken out, she throws the shuriken at Quakeboy's fleeing back. She doesn't like her chances of hitting him, not at this distance--maybe if she'd formed a javelin instead of throwing stars, it would still maintain its shape and some force--but she tries.
She just doesn't try very hard, because there's civilians to think about. That scrape on her shoulder is bleeding freely now (and will probably turn gangrenous from whatever is left to grow on the sidewalks of this city), but she ignores that too as she sprints across the street toward the targeted club, right arm waving in exaggerated windmills to try to convince people this would be an ideal time to remember a dentist's appointment on the other side of town.
- Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy isn't close enough to the line anymore to shove anyone out of the way, but she is close to the guy that had been wielding the ice gun. She sprints the short distance to him, hooking a steel-toed boot around his ankle as he staggers dizzily and pulls, aiming to flip him over her shoulder. He's heavy, though, and she doesn't have quite the momentum she needs, so it turns into a sort of rolling shove, topped off with a hard kick to the back of his right knee. She follows him down, kneeling on his lower back. "Stay. Down." It's growled out, annoyed at the thought the other two are going to get away after ruining her attempt at a night out. She'll have Ty look for them. Later.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
With half of the would-be robbers more or less handled, Miguel glances around to see the others attempting to withdraw into the earth itself. Fascinating. The idea of following two socially inept dudes with elemental weapons down into a hole in the street doesn't appeal to Miguel. Of course letting them get away doesn't either, but he isn't fond of the idea of getting entombed in pavement.
He takes another look around to make sure no one else is holding any weapons towards the civilians, sees that Kitty and Lockheed are on top of things with the crowd, then heads over towards Dominique who is bleeding from the shoulder. "Hey, nice job back there. You okay?" He tries to get a better look without being in her face about it. Seeing Tandy holding the 'we have Iceman at home' fella down, he offers her a nod. Looks like things are under control and there's definitely no way he's going to be able to score any snack money out of this fiasco. With a sigh, he steps up onto the club's wall and sits down vertically against a window pane like it's a curb on the street.
- Allen-James has posed:
The fleeing earth manipulator just barely gets away from the flung shuriken from Cyblade, sinking into the earth as the three pointed stars burst off the wave of earth as it swallows him, and he and the banged up wiry guy both escape.
The ice blaster is connected to Frosty via some tubes that extend to a belt on his waist, but as he reaches for it, he gets tossed around and pinned down for his trouble, and a warning blast of flame from Lockheed as well.
Police response times in this district measure in the minutes, so there's plenty of time yet to figure things out. But, most of the club goers, now that things are winding down, have decided to be elsewhere, and the bouncers are glaring at the heroes and the remaining villains as if all of the above are to blame for what is doubtless going to be a slow night for them. The ice blaster, the leader in the flame suit, and the suit of air and lightning armor remain for inspection, though none of it looks anything like Stark tech. If anything, the stuff looks like experimental tech that has been stealing notes from half a dozen sources. There are many groups who do that sort of R&D though normally they don't go arming the street thugs with them.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Shadowcat makes sure the two bystanders are ok, before heading over to the other heroes, and the captives awaiting the police. She goes to the electric and air weapon studying it before finding a power stud to shut it down. She picks it up, apparently planning to take it with her for more investigation.
Turning to the other heroes, Dagger is given a grin. "Nice to cross paths again," she says. Lockheed flies over to land on her shoulder as Shadowcat turns to the other two. "Nice job... um, Spider-Man? New costume, or someone else entirely?" she asks him. Cyblade is given a nod as the X-man visually inspects the wound on her shoulder. "Don't have any kind of first aid on me but if you need help with that we can scrounge some bandages," she offers.
- Dominique Thiebaut has posed:
At Spider-Man's approach, a katar blade manifests on Cyblade's right fist and she spins toward him in a fan of blue-black hair, ready to strike; but when she sees who it is, she hops back half a step, lets the blade on her hand dissipate, and raises both hands to shoulder level, palms out. Her lips drop from their snarl to a more apologetic moue. "Sorry," she says, her accent kinda Valley Cali in its exaggerated breathiness, kinda NYC in its low pitch and brusque speed. "Still in fight mode. You did good work." She turns to the downed goons and nudges a gun's barrel with her toe, shifting the weapon a centimeter or two closer to the light from the street lamps above.
"These have to be custom made," she muses. "The kind of loser who would make this kind of tech specifically themed around the hermetic elements would not have access to a production line."
- Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy grins back at Shadowcat, but it's tired and tinged with frustration at her first night off in weeks being ruined. "Good to see you again, Shadowcat. And your purple buddy. Glad you lot were in the area." Her knee digs harder into the back of the guy she's got pinned. "And uh... Spider-person number something? Can I get some webbing on this guy? I'm gonna bounce before the cops show." The other woman - the pink daggers, very cool, Dagger's a big fan and kinda wants to know if she can get hers to do anything similar - gets a brief once over. "I can't heal that, but can I look at your shoulder for a sec? I can make sure nothing hinky sets into the scrapes, at least."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
People in his time call him Spider-Man, but it doesn't feel right here, where the original Spider-man is from. Miguel glances up at the others who acknowledge that he is *A* Spider-man and nods. He lifts an arm long enough to shoot a thick rope of webbing at the criminal that Tandy is holding down so he's effectively pinned against the street. Once he's pinned, Miguel waves at Tandy to let her know she can bail before the cops get there.
"Honestly I don't know what you can call me," he says as he looks between Kitty and Dominique. "I'm not *the* Spider-man, but I will be in about 75 years." The absurdity of what he just said actually makes him grin beneath his mask. From what he's seen in the timeline, it may not really come as much of a shock to anyone here. Motioning towards the incapacitated robbers, he goes on, "That could've gone a hell of a lot worse. Nice work."
- Dominique Thiebaut has posed:
Cyblade shakes her head at Shadowcat. "Thanks, but I'll be fine." Then Dagger is offering to help, and Dominique is too high-bred to not appreciate the offer of disinfectant. "Yes, and thank you," she agrees, cocking her left hip up and her left shoulder down for ease of access to the bloody part.
"Didn't expect to meet another woman here throwing energy knives," she observes conversationally, as she waits on the treatment.
- Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy's hand glows with a gentle heat as lightforce chases out any disease or toxin that might've attempted to infect the wounds. "Several years ago, my best friend and I got taken and experimented on. When they were done, I could form these daggers out of the same light I'm using now." She steps back, hand back to its normal shade of pale. "Your abilities are really cool though. Call me Dagger."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
With the bad guys, half of them at least, bundled up nicely for the authorities, Miguel decides it would be better to be long gone by the time they arrive.
He rises to his feet, still on the club's wall so he's standing parallel to the street. Offering the others a polite nod and slight wave of the hand, he turns and takes a few quick steps up the side of the wall before diving backwards and slinging a web into the night sky, catching it on a building high above the street and giving it a yank so he lifts up into the air and swings away.
- Dominique Thiebaut has posed:
Cyblade expected the disinfectant to hurt, to burn or something. Nothing. Interesting. Not as interesting as the other girl's story, though.
"We should talk some time. Maybe when there's less red and blue lights around," she suggests to Dagger. "I'll be back here tomorrow around this time if you want to meet." She flips a salute to Shadowcat and Spider-Man, calls out, "Thank you for helping people today," and effs off into the nearest alleyway to do her pink explosion trick back up to the rooftops.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde raises a hand to wave to the departing wallcrawler, and then nods back to Cyblade and Dagger. "Hey that's why we're here after all," she says with a warm smile for Dominique. "Alright, I better get out of here and see if I can trace the origin of this," she says, tapping the electric and air harness that she's got resting on one shoulder.
She waves to the others and then begins trotting along an alley, taking turns to loose herself in them. It's time to call in for some transportation back to the X-men base.
- Tandy Bowen has posed:
"Sounds good. I work the mid-day shift, so. Maybe. If not, I might send my partner Ty to let you know." Tandy shrugged. "Diner life, sometimes a short shift is a no-show double in disguise. Shadowcat can find me too."
With that, she spins on her heel and disappears into the alley, making sure she's alone before sending a dagger to peg Ty with her location and a sense of minor urgency.