17824/A Portal Beyond
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A Portal Beyond | |
Date of Scene: | 19 May 2024 |
Location: | A Portal In Central America |
Synopsis: | A portal to Mars is discovered and a powerful Quantum Terraforming engine begins to change the surface of the red planet! |
Cast of Characters: | J'onn J'onzz, Pepper Potts, Diana Prince, M'gann M'orzz |
Tinyplot: | Red Mars, Green Mars |
- J'onn J'onzz has posed:
The Press Conference by the company Star Kreig which is rumored to get a maintenance contract soon on the Star Port had been scheduled since that black day against decency, which is why it was on Jonn's radar, but when they moved the location to the middle of nowhere on the border between Honduras and Guatamala he raised an eyebrow. They then went on and on talking about how it would change everything yet also saying it was a mystery to them.
A set of rowed seats stood on a field where helicopters and jeeps had landed, deep in the jungle and at least 15 miles from the nearest inhabited village at Kayasco caves, with a podium and speaker set, along with a craft services tent to keep media personalities happy. There was quite a bit of buzz around the event with reporters and VIP guests trying to get an inside scoop oh which there was none, apparently the company literally didnt know which was insane and if so, would make them the laughing stock of the world and cause their stock to tumble...so WHAT WAS IT?
Jonn sat in the corner, far back, using his senses to investigate and he could sense the minds of some spelunkers about 100 yards in the cave...normally, he wouldnt read but this could be a dire threat, and he frowned at what he sensed.....he was in his JLA guise.
- Pepper Potts has posed:
There is a small helipad, or rather, more of a clearing large enough for talented pilots to land a helicopter that was enough for the sleek black aircraft with the stylized SI along its side. Dressed in a business suit, though she's exchanged pumps for flats, the new CEO of Stark Industries exits, with the aid of a small security contingent. Ms Virginia Potts doesn't make quite the entrance as Iron Man does, but it's enough of one to announce her presence.
The strawberry blonde takes only one bodyguard and finds a seat in a middle row. She's here for information, not to make a statement. While she sits, her escort stands off to the side, undoubtedly mingling with the other security details brought by the other industry leaders.
- Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had arrived via her personal transport, which was ... well ... hard to spot out there. It was definitely out there somewhere, though.
Wonder Woman was dressed in her armored attire, a look that has become iconic in her near decade of public service as a heroic figure around the world.
With a dark blue cloak worn over her armor, the tall Amazon Princess was speaking with a few of the attendees, casually greeting, sharing words related to what was happening here, and beyond.
She would also occasionally spare a glance in J'onn's direction too, as she mingled and made her way to a designated spot for someone of her ilk for this event.
- J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz telepathically informs both Pepper, Diana and Mgann <<They are meddling in forces that humanity is not ready to comprehend. Anything could be in this cave, so be prepared for the worst...They literally dont know, only that its important...>>
"So, we cant announce what we wanted to, because our process is not infallible, but the business announcement that could earn us Billions and is an open secret" he winks and several business reporters in the audience all cheer, "We may or may not get that contract but we definitely had a leg up on the bid, because of the new technology we ARE annocuncing for you today..."
An image is projected on to a flat screen, "We've been looking at classic science fiction to guide us to techonlogies of the future, and we all love Phillip K. Dick, who doesnt? Meet Sarah, Jessica and Rafael, these three college students volunteered for an experimental procedure that gave and prove they have precognitive abilities...so far, we've measured two dates...the first was when the Security Coucil took corrective action on some of the more enthusiastic but overexuberint in the community of nations; all good. We assure you, we've kept in touch with DARPA and the intelligence agencies of the security councnil members to make sure nothing like that happens to us."
Light laughter form some of the reporters from more kleptomaniac nations before he continues, "So why here? Well as I said, that first day came true and while we have tons and tons of documented evidence, we decided the best demonstration was a live one...again and again, this date, May 4 2042 came up, and it was at this place and we knew it was an epic discovery in this cave, with a press conference like this one...we're here to change the future and bring the future literally to us TODAY!" There is a gasp from the audience (most of them) in fascination and anticipation.
- Pepper Potts has posed:
Green eyes are steady on the presenter, her expression a lesson in poker faces. Pepper cants her head slightly at the message, her gaze shifting briefly towards the cave indicated. A hint of a nod is given in response to the message; she's new to the whole 'telepathic link' thing. "That's not good," is murmured.
Of //course// something has the potential of going wrong. Why not?
Diana's arrival pulls a quick sigh of relief; who doesn't recognize her? Particularly in that she's been a liason of sorts with the Avengers for a fair bit of time. Things are looking up, if only by a measure.
The words of the speaker is giving some information she's read on various business white papers, and some from the media, and some of it is new. At least in terms of spin.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann is settled into the crowd, a nameless face amongst a sea of faces. She looks like some random 30-something woman with psychically bakced 'press credentials' that let her be in amongst the crowd in case anything happens that requires immediate action to protect the... well, reporters aren't always *innocent* but in this case they wouldn't be deserving of whatever might happen.
She doesn't ask any questions, but she appears to jot down shorthand notes now and then, as well as holding out a recorder to catch the back and forth for later aid in the transcription. A blogger or online journalist, perhaps.
<<Situated in the crowd, I can shield them and usher them away if there's danger.>>
M'gann confirms without revealing her whereabouts or her chosen identity for the day.
- Diana Prince has posed:
Diana quietly stands off to the side, listening to the murmurs in the crowd, as the speaker addresses them. She hears the mental connection too, and allows her eyes to dart over to M'gann.
<"If something is a threat to these people, then it would be wise to prepare a possible exit for them."> She returns via that same telepathic link.
- J'onn J'onzz has posed:
The screen shifts to a live group of Spelunkers with dynamite, "We found this old smugglers vault and we are pretty sure this is it..." The spelunkers clear and the dynamite is blown....everyone tenses....
The camera returns to find...the vault to be empty.
All the reporters are laughing and most (but definitely not Jonn) relax and the presenter sputters...
Then one of the spelunkers says,"Wait there is something here...."
The others start to move the rocks and rubble, there was some kind of hidden fake rock door and it is alien in design...Jonn and Mgann recognize it as Martian...ancient Primal martian before the species split....they walk in...
And suddenly the air starts to leave, as more and more air is drawn into the cave mouth at an insanely fast pace and several spelunkers have trouble breathing, one pulled all the way in who grabs at a large hand printed object (a martian hand print) and lights on the other side of the strange alien complex begin to light up while the air still leaks through the caves.
- Pepper Potts has posed:
The concussion of the dynamite causes Pepper to wince, her hands rising to her ears to keep out some of the higher registers of the blast. Once the dust settles, and there is found //nothing// beyond, she can hear something of derisive chuckles from some of those gathered. The murmurs of narrating into their phones for articles to be written when they get back to their offices rise before they fall silent with the discovery of that door.
Pepper leans forward, her eyes on the screen first, then towards the cave itself. The air that is pulled from the cave and the immediate environs just beyond the entrance gives her a start, and rising to her feet, her first reaction is to get those closest to the dias away. There's that help in 'preparing a possible exit' thing that she so heartily agrees with.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann grimaces at the sound of the explosion, but what comes after is much, much worse. Her eyes widen when the hidden door is revealed. The symbols on them, the *handprint*. "Oh, this is very not good..." Letting out a breath, she glances towards Diana and J'onn.
<<I can send a light suggestion to the crowd to head safely for the nearest depot or office. It won't force compliance, but it will given them an URGE to depart. Can the two of you recuse the workers? Miss Potts, if you can direct the folk near you towards the crowd, I'll shield everyone's retreat.>>
She doesn't want the credit or accolades, she just wants everyone to make it out safely. Hopefully Pepper won't mind being the visible hero today!
- Diana Prince has posed:
Diana did not have the same reaction to the immediate presence of 'nothing' as others in the crowds might. She's been on similar expeditions, and the results were not always immediate like one might find in a Hollywood film. She simply watched, calmly stood as a stalwart of patience, a representitive of her people, and the Justice League.
When something began to happen, Diana did raise her chin, as a gust of wind rushed across her form, casting her long locks of dark hair in a haphazard style about her shoulders.
<"Do what you can, M'gann."> Diana said through that mental link, her hands moving up to her shoulders to adjust her cloak back off of her shoulders, letting it fall behind her as she started to move ahead, likely preparing herself for any further escalations of negative outcomes.
- J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Jonn's reaction is...strange to say the least...he watches on with horror and then telepathically says something in Martian, <<Tars quilat....tethatali Tars Quilat!>> And in an eyeblink he moves straight up into the atmophere and into space.....a very odd reaction to say the least.
The reporters all panic, the presenter is practically babbling into the microphone apologizing and coming up with theories and speaking to the heroes present and not present almost as if invoking the gods themselves to come and save them...
The spelunker turns to look at an alien vista as he is almost at the edge of the cave wall, hanging on for dear life and before him is a giant red landscape shifting sands and two familiar moons on the horizon JUST as the sun is setting...it is awe inspiring and some kind of an odd yellow film is slowly raising between the gasping explorer and the vista before them....
- Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is on her feet, and she's reaching now with both hands, pulling some of the media towards her rather than away. "Please do," the redhead returns. She'll be asking about the whole 'telepathy' thing at some point after returning home. Until then? She may be heard, regardless.
The shield.. it //feels// funny. The hair on her arms and the back of her neck rise, even as she reaches for the next two. "Come on.. you need to go." Some are a little hesitant, some not so much. As the air becomes a little more rarified the closer one gets to the cave entrance, those who might be considering remaining to see what is happening are quickly being convinced that perhaps it is a better idea to follow Pepper's instruction.
The display, though.. that alien scenery has her staring at it for a long moment, her mouth open as she tilts her head. It's a momentary reverie, however, as she, too, feels that pull of air, the wind tugging at her hair, her skirt subtly grow a little more insistant.
John's rise up.. her head tilts back to follow the motion, but it's shortlived. He's gone from view, and she's back to helping the others.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann nodds and sends out a blanket suggestion, purposely excluding the minds of Diana and Pepper (J'onn has already taken off!), imprinting an urge on the business people and reporters to move in quick but orderly fashion towards the nearest safe zone. Those near Pepper will be given additional urging to follow Miss Potts. She's clearly level-headed and knows what to do!
The shield comes up, the translucent pinkish-purple coloring like a soap bubble that's starting from the ground and lifting up and over them, creating a half-dome to keep them safe from the tremendous vortex of nothing that's drawing in the literal air and pulling it away from Earth. She's only seen that landscape beyond in visual records, pictures... but she knows it all the same. Mars.
Turning her attention back towards the task at hand, M'gann reinforces the suggestion for the civilians to exit (minus Pepper and Diana, obviously). She helps to pick up a woman that stumbled, giving a little 'nudge' to the confused to get them moving in the right direction. Trying to make Pepper's job easier!
- Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's intent was to get to the spelunkers before disaster would strike them any harder than it already had. She moved with a quick gait in her step, graceful motions that took her toward the mine shaft. Her senses were strong enough to allow her to easily navigate its interior, and without fear for her own safety, and obviously the winds at her back, she'd move quite quickly, her hands helping to push her off of the stone walls, and the interior of the chasm that the winds were being pulled through.
When she'd reach the miners, Diana detached her lasso from her hip, the golden glowing rope twirling within the hazy, dirt strewn, air of the mine shaft. She fought against it, utilizing the lasso to lash out at whom she perceived to be in the most danger, to grasp hold of them and draw them to her!
<"Once I evacuate the minerse, we will find a way to seal this gateway!"> Wonder Woman's voice is heard through the connection, should it still be up. If not, then she's just thinking very loudly to herself.
- J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Most of the miners are grateful for the assist, and of course Diana is there in no time, but two of them seem annoyed. Even as baggage is literally flying out of the mouth of the cave and polluting the prestine martian landscape, one of the livestreamers is climbing, hand over hand farther in to the complex...as if compelled to do so...
This close, Diana can feel it too. Her superior intelligence and will power let her easily resist it but it can be felt. A second explorer, clearly a security type has his hands on his gun acting in a threatening manner and glaring at Diana but the lack of oxygen and rush of wind make it hard for him to talk.
Jonn moves through the void, accelerating to the speed of light, praying that he is not too late....
The reporters and others outside, except the presenter, take the suggestion and begin running for the helicopters, but...they are also shooting...this is amazing stuff...and they scatter about, the smarter ones nearer the helicopters, the slower ones barely moving not from resisting but sheer greed (or in a few cases wonder) makes them keep gawking
- Pepper Potts has posed:
With the bulk of the reporters and special invitees moving towards their vehicles and aircraft, Pepper turns to assess what is left. It's something that she does naturally; even when she works with the Avengers, she's acting in a liason, in a help.. a rescue sort of fashion. Now is no different.
Her own prayers rise that the shield that another had said was in place (she'll have to meet the person behind the 'voice' later and thank them!) moves for safety as she moves towards the cave's mouth to gather those remaining.
"Come on, you have to go. Please. You'll get the news. Promise." Not that she's going to scoop it. If anything, her PR department may spin it, and spin it hard. "Come on." A few less people that Diana needs to worry about.
"I may have something that will close the cave. Tony's helicopter." Which means there is probably some semblance of defensive armament on it.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
<<I believe J'onn is working on getting it closed, or at least stabilized so the atmosphere isn't being pulled through. If he cannot make it in time, we may have to go with the helicopter.>>
M'gann has no issue with keeping up the telepathic link after J'onn took off, letting it between the three women as they work to secure the area and evacuate the civilians. With only those left that are resisting the implanted urge, M'gann moves towards a more physical urging, giving them small telekinetic pushes to get them moving and strengthening her own suggestion to them to help them along.
- Diana Prince has posed:
Inside the mine shaft, 4 of the 6 occupants that had spelunked their way down in to the face of the shaft, had rapidly accepted Wonder Woman's aid, even if it came with some troubled issues in the madness that was taking place down here near the heart of the problem. All four had the lasso of truth wrapped around various parts of their body, and all of them were subsequently connected to Diana, who had drawn them in close.
With rock, dirt, and debris flying past them, Wonder Woman had lead the way out of the tunnel, bearing the brunt of the assault upon her person from the various elements clashing against her person. With one hand holding the lasso tightly wrappd up her bracer covered forearm, and the other holding her bracer up to shield her eyes, Diana pushed ahead, until the group finally made their way outside, where she quickly ushered them off to one side of the cave's portal, where the winds would be less strong.
"Any cave-in we cause would be a temporary solution!" Diana called back over the sound of the rushing wind. "But, until we figure something better out, it would have to do... If the vehicle can not suffice, I believe I can likely cause one, save for the two inside who refused my aid! I shall have to go back in for them... if they have not already been pulled to the other side."
- J'onn J'onzz has posed:
"Hey Bob?"
"Yes Kyle?"
"You remember that Ace you happened to find in the poker game last week" he looks down at the lasso.
Kyle looks nervous but is not well heard due to the air still rushing out though the emergency field is slowly rising.
Security Idiot seems satisfied when Diana doesnt stop Things Man Was Not Meant To Know Idiot and chases after him.
Peterson, the flustered presenter, shouts into the PA system,"Everything is under control folks, even now our brave explorer goes deeper inside!"
Mgann has even the most recalcitrant of them retreating to helicopters now but the ones IN the copters are filming for all their might.
The Idiot moves down many dusty cooridors but seems drawn to something...deeper...deeper he goes until he enters a VAST chamber, the side of five football fields, slowly flickering to live, with five wlakways and on the other side of some vast an alien engine inside, there is another handprint...but THIS one is mostly human, albiet for a Neanderthall hand rather than Martian....A gasp comes from the audience (in helicopters or jeeps.)
- Pepper Potts has posed:
Sadly, RESCUE isn't even a consideration in Pepper's mind, or she'd totally be suited up and taking a little more of a role on the outside. Then, she could take even more risks than she already is. By all rights, she should be on her helicopter and out of the area. Her security contingent are in her ear, mentioning that over and over.
But she's not.
Instead, Pepper is moving towards Peterson, reaching up to him in order to take him with her. The redhead is stronger than she appears, and taking a good hold on his wrist, she's pulling him down and off in the hopes that once he's off, everyone else will stop listening and actually follow.
Those stragglers, anyway.
"Temporary at least buys time." Given what M'Gann says, just a little bit of time might be appreciated.
"Anders," now Pepper's got her com on, "I need you to bring the helicopter in. Hover and at Diana's word, we need the mouth of the cave closed. On her word."
"Roger that, Ms Potts," comes the pilot's voice. "Always wanted to give it a shot." Heh.
In the short distance, the rotors begin to turn on the sleek, black helicopter.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
The half-dome erected drops away when the civilians are largely to the helicopters. Instead, she releases her disguise to take on her more green-skinned form and flies in closer, both hands lifting as she calls out to Diana through the telepathic link.
<<I'm going to put up a shield between him and the handprint! Don't let him touch it!>>
One raised hand does indeed pop up a shimmery telekinetic shield between the miner and the handprint. Something he can rebound off of without hurting himself. Its just flexible enough to let him safely run into it, but he won't be punching through it!
The other hand lifted puts a shimmery bubble around Pepper and Peterson that allows air to pass through, but not much else. This next mental ping gets directed to Pepper.
<<The shield will move with you both. Try to get that idiot out of here, please. He has no idea what he's trying to open.>>
Not that she's entirely certain of what it is either. Rumors, stories, some cuationary tales... there's not much that's really KNOWN about Tars Quilat. But its enough to let her know they don't want to go mucking around with it without knowing more ABOUT it.
- Diana Prince has posed:
Once the spelunkers have detached themselves from the lasso, and found a safe route away from the cave, Diana recoils her lasso back around her right arm. She surveys the situation outside of the mine shaft, before she looks back toward pepper from through the bubble that M'gann creates around her, and her aid. "Close it once I'm inside." She tells the businesswoman, before she turns and moves rapidly back inside of the cave. <"I will try to stop them at the source."> Diana responds to M'gann.
She moves deeper in to the cave, getting a good distance inside before she speaks up again. <"Close it up!">
Wonder Woman is moving toward the portal directly, twisting her way through the maze of rock and funneling dust rushing around her, with the intent on finding her way to where the 'idiot' resides in that massive chamber.
- J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn knows this complex, and its a trap. There is a reason he didnt go through the portal and should have warned M'gann. As she flies through the complex reacts to the presence of a non human Martian variant....treating her as a hostile and unleashing flame all around her just as she is about to stop the explorer. This is a legacy for humans or metahumans, not Martians......while he didnt explore the whole thing, he knew the dangers it represents and telepathically begins to command devices he had put into place to prevent it from happening as he orbits Mars, sending out signals to the stations around the planet shutting things down but missing one...
The explorer reaches out and puts his hand in the impress, which then shows a Burner Martian, saying something in Neanderthal, "Ooga booga, gallooga googa, gunka gunk gunka dalooka mooka babooka...."
There is a brilliant FLASH in the sky as the engine comes to life, and while Jonn has shut down most of the stations, one can do the job albiet much more slowly...
All around the world, one by one astronomers notice the subtle doppler shift as the red planet...becomes GREEN! But it isnt due to vegetation,but despite it all the sky around the complex does still turn dark green with blue and red mixing in as it shifts from one area to another, clouds gathering with lightning and thunder pealing in the background.
The security guy catches up and he smiles wickedly and turns around AGAIN, rushing as fast as he can...though he gets lost and takes a different route in the complex and then finally looks back to the center...shrugging, he takes out a corporate flag and says, "I CLAIM THIS COMPLEX IN THE NAME OF STAR KREIG!!!" There is a smattering of applause from various Starkreig employees watching including Peterson.
Wonder woman is insanely fast and arrives at the inner chamber just as the dork plants his flag.
The air has stopped flowing through the hole but no one is going to stop Pepper from blowing the entrance shut (well....yet.)
- Pepper Potts has posed:
The wind that the helicopter creates is almost a rival in the air that is being sucked from the immediate area, but it rises in the air quickly as rotors shift for that updraft. Once in the air, Anders controls it easily as it flies towards the cave's opening. It won't be on top of it, no.. but the pilot is also waiting for the immediate area to be evacuated, or at least his boss is out of the way. He'd never work again if he had to explain to Tony Stark that he fired repulsors too close to the man's girlfriend and CEO of his multinational corporation. Or worse.
M'Gann's assurance that the shield will travel with her has Pepper sighing in relief as she makes sure that her hand doesn't slip from Peterson. She really, really wants him to move, and wants the rest of the stragglers to go.
In that moment, there's a shift in the immediate area. A touch of magnetic power rises, and its source is Pepper. An almost physical manifestation of a magnetic shield rises, and its power and impact changes with the sense of urgency she may feel. What it does do is push those behind her back, herding them after a fashion. It also augments M'Gann's own shield.
"You'll be closed in, Diana," Pepper yells. She knows, she understands that when the hole closes, the Amazonian princess will be locked in. Anders, however, is paid to follow orders, and with both Pepper and Diana giving the order, the button is pressed, and a gun lowers from the bottom of the helo. A flash of light emenates from the front of the helicopter from the barrel and a mass of energy hits the cave entrance to crumble the rocks, sealing the cave to give J'Onn just a little more time.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Trying to get that barrier up between man and machine results in not only failure, but shrieking terror for M'gann.
The flames gout and blast and she recoils from it, screaming in sheer, unadulterated terror as she flees from the elemental enemy of her people. Powerful being she might be, but there is a very big, bright red shiny NOPE button built into every one of her people. So rather than providing an eleventh hour save, she ends up fleeing in terror from the flames.
- Diana Prince has posed:
<"I will be fine!"> Diana had called back before rushing inside the cavern's mouth.
In fact, the Lansinarian Morphing Disc that powered the Invisible Jet, already had it enroute to Mars, and once out of Earth's atmosphere the strange vehicle was capable of going quite fast...
With the tunnel being rocked behind her, Diana sped through to the other side, and with the aid of her senses, she found her way to the man planting his flag and making his declaration. Diana simply stood there in the doorway, watching him with a stern look upon her dirt smudged face, her hair strewn with bits of rock, and greyed from the thick layer of mine minerals that coated her from head to toe.
She started walking toward the man, a casually measured pace, with her golden lasso wrapped around her right arm, glowing brightly at her side, casting a shadow across her opposing angle.
"This was reckless..." Diana speaks in her naturally husky tone, an undercurrent of displeasure thick within her words, as she steps nearer and nearer. Finally she comes to a stop, her eyes peering at him from a small distance away.
"I... do not like recklessness." She tells him. "What... have you done here?"