17883/Portents of Peril: Something Wicked
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Portents of Peril: Something Wicked | |
Date of Scene: | 18 May 2024 |
Location: | The Raven's Nest |
Synopsis: | Corben calls a meeting to discuss an encroaching darkness in the Otherworld. Getting out is the easy part, it's the getting in that can be a little hard. |
Cast of Characters: | Corben Kelly, Michael Hannigan, Cain Marko, Megan Gwynn, Liam Traynor
- Corben Kelly has posed:
The word's gone out that something is stirring in the Otherworld and that anyone interested in lending a hand could show up at the Raven's Next - at pretty much this exact time - to get the details. The bar's closed, not for the night but at least for the late dinner crowd. Corben likes the income too much to close down completely on a Friday night.
The sign on the door is flipped to closed, but it doesn't mean someone can't knock should they want to.
Currently the quirky owner of the quirky little bar is perched on a stool behind the bar pouring this into that, but this time there's no danger of an explosion, it's just a little cola and a lot of Jack Daniels. Last night was rough, he plans on making this evening rougher in a different way.
On the bar nearby, a little slug-bat demon slithers and slugs its way back and forth like it's pacing. "Is this Otherworld like Hell, Corbs? Do I have to go? Does it smell funny there like your pockets?"
Yeah, it's going to be a long night.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
With a rag tag group such as the Justice League Dark. Where most of the membership consist of cat type personalities...Mike was not expecting much in terms of turn out for the meeting. Which means...he probably should show up despite past experiences in...whatever the hell it's being called now. Honestly how many names can one place have?
Mike had a bit of a late start getting here as habit had him initially start heading to Nettie's but-Oh right. The one calling it isn't located over there. Turn around!
Either way with the back and forth out of the way, the musician eventually makes it to the door and knocks.
Being off the clock for his regular occupation, Mike is very much dressed down. Nothing too flashy. Just simple secondhand attire for a not so simple evening.
- Cain Marko has posed:
Well that's unusual. It's not often he gets a message from that side of the tracks. The message for the collective of members of 'JLD to meet up concerning a growing problem had gone forth and the interest of a certain Cain Marko was piqued, particularly once he saw the location of the meeting sent to his meseenger. At the time, he was in the middle of preparing for an overseas trip at the time and thus considered simply ignoring it after the first couple of glances at it. Business is business after all and it's not like he's on the payroll for these people. As far a he's concerned he was largely involved from the perspective of doing a solid for the ones who brought him in but...
"Alright. I'll bite..."
And so, eventually, the gigantic red haired brute emerges into the bar, entering despite the closed sign and then looking on with a raised eyebrow at the presence of patrons still enjoing their meals as he strides in.
To most people, The Juggernaut may be well known but that -Cain Marko- is The Juggernaut is not but any present with magical senses would no doubt feel his arrival with the same sort of supernatural wake a gigantic oil tanker or aircraft carrier may leave when passing through...and considering the nature of the meeting and those present he doesn't seem inclined to be coy about his identity.
"Th'hell.. Whatever this is aint improtant or secret enough to close the kitchen, eh? This better not be a waste of my time..."
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn has never been to the Otherworld before, but of course she's incredibly curious to see it for herself. She may possess the power of long distance teleportation but she knows better than to go exploring unknown realms. This could be...a potentially fun..?
She strolls towards the Raven's Nest, curious to learn more. details of this particular mission, and peers around for familiar faces. Spying Mike she smiles and waves to him. "Heya, wassup? it's been a while." she pauses at the sight of Cain, always a bit wary of him even if he is an old buddy of Thomas'. "Uh, guess it's open at least for us?" and she follows after him.
- Liam Traynor has posed:
Liam is a new face at the bar. When it's open he tends to mingle, bus tables, even take a few orders when the place it packed. Now that it's mostly closed however, he is lingering near the bar with Corben, but his eyes are watching Kib-Kir.
"Hell sucked," is about the only thing he offers to the demon slug on that particular topic, a thick Irish brogue to his voice. "Never been to the Otherworld, but I'm ready when the time comes."
The large Irishman has a few bruises, a couple of scratches, but little else can be seen. Fact was he was still healing from his trip to Hell, but hte majority of the wounds were beneath his t-shirt, one of the bars with the logo on it.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Corben idly waves a hand and offers, "Help yourself." If he's giving the drinks for free, he's not about to be arsed to get up off his arse and get them for everyone.
Little Kib'Kir keeps slugging his way back and forth, seemingly unaware of the arrival of strangers - for a beat. When the little thing finally notices that there are other people in the room, it arches up like a cat might and makes a pathetic attempt at terrifying included a squeaky 'screeeeeeee' of a sound.
"Chill, Kibs. I told them to show up, remember." - "Oh, yes, yes, Corbs."
"Did you think it wouldn't?" Corben asks of Liam with both eyebrows arching up questioningly.
"Anyway, drink up and let's talk, yeah?" is his address to those gathered.
He's polite enough to wait until everyone has fixed their *own* drink.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing Megan's voice, the musician turns, looking to her. "Hey Pix. How're things?"
Seeing Cain approach, Mike lifts up his hand in greeting to the largish figure, only to watch for him to pass by and to through the door marked 'closed'. Turning his body, he sighs and follows after Cain, glancing around to the other persons in the restaurant.
What the fuck?
Approaching the bar he settles in near Cain, giving the wave of greeting to the large figure once more before looking to the others gathered.
- Cain Marko has posed:
"Hey there..."
Michael wasn't really being ignored as much as Cain tends to have a one track mind...focusing on whatever is important to him at the moment and right now that was trying to make sense of the situation and seeing if it was worth his time to be here with the proverbial 'small fry'. Not necessarily the nicest guy no but...what'd you expect it's The Juggernaut.
However...his greeting to Michael does seem to show some degree of being more subdued as if he's genuienly alright with seeing him and comfortable.
The rest of them get a once over and as if picking up on Megan's wariness he gives her a slowly growing lpsided smirk.
More like a great white shark smirking at you then any real attempt to placate her concerns but hey. He tried.
"Let me get some of that stuff you gave me last time I was here." he finally says, addressing Corben's suggestion to 'help himself'. "I mean I could go back there and get it but do you really want me trying to move around back there with all those things?"
Fair point. You probably don't want the proverbial bull in the china shop around those drinks.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
"I know most of you don't know much about me," Corben begins after everyone gets settled. He pauses though, yeah point taken, and bends to pull something from the safe beneath the bar. He slides the whole bottle down Cain's way. "... so, me? It's a story, but I'll keep it short. I'm part fae - didn't know that until my dad died when I was ten and the curse on his bloodline's magic was lifted. Now I'm supposed to be the keeper and guardian of something called the Death Stone, there're some evil witches that want it, yada-yada."
Seems an awful lot of responsibility for a slacker potion slinger? Then again, appearances can be deceiving.
"Only two reasons this is relevant. One is that - with some effort - I can get all of us there. Two - well, if what I've been shown is correct, the stone is what will stop what's coming and it's not the witches."
Kibs promptly barfs up a rather innocent looking black stone about the size of a small child's fist and promptly swallows it again. "I keep it safe for Corbs."
"Keeping it safe doesn't mean showing it to everyone," Corben hiss whispers to the little demonling.
- Liam Traynor has posed:
Kibs was trying to be threatening, it was trying to be scary, so when Liam busts up laughing at the 'intimidating' screee, clearly something went wrong. Reaching over he offers the little creature a reassuring pat as he says, "Easy there, it's alright."
Looking back to Corben he snorts, "I knew it would suck, but I didn't realize it would suuuuuuuck."
Looking back to the others who have arrived, each gets a nod of greeting, but unless they specifically approach him, he remains silent. That is until Kibs vomits up the stone. At that moment both of his blue eyes go wide, his jaw slacks and he lets out a bewildered, "Corben are you serious?!"
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods to Mike, "Alright, just busy with school and looking for a new job and all, you?" she steps in and orders a drink, glad to hear they're free. But of course she goes for something sweet and low on alcohol, a white sangria for her. Sitting at the bar, she peers around at those gathered, marroon gaze pausing on Liam fir a moment, arching a brow. "Huh? You're Fae too?"
And then when Corben speaks she double blinks at him. "You too? Wow.." of course she is only half fae but..She nods to the others gathered as she settles in. "Sooo what's this about the 'Otherworld?'"
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Getting an acknowledgement, Mike returns his more relaxed smile in exchange with the Bruce Shark one before he looks over to Caleb. "...I might reserve my drink choice for AFTER I find out the nature of the meeting."
Unfortunately Megan doesn't get an answer to how he's doing as the meeting starts quickly.
Megan's question about the Otherworld gets a nod. "Ok so trip to Otherworld to stop what's coming. Annnd what would that be that is coming?"
- Liam Traynor has posed:
Even in his shock at where that stone was being held, Liam's head jerks round to look at Megan. Very few people on the planet could sense he had Fae blood, which immediately let him to thinking she had to be Fae as well. He offered her a nod, and a quiet, "Partly, aye."
One did not go around announcing they were a Fae werewolf, it just wasn't done. How did you casually bring up in a conversation that you were? Liam most certainly had no idea how to, so he offered her a smile at the end of his comment, and looked back to Corben.
"You're out of your mind," he then states, shaking his head a little before falling quiet to listen to what Corben has to say.
- Cain Marko has posed:
"Oh yeah this stuff was good."
Cain taks the bottle up in hand and looks it over curiously, trying to get a sense for just what it is and what's in it.
He ends up simplyg iving up.. It's questionable if he could understand it anyway but then again ...he's a natural instinct for these sort of things so perhaps it's best to not give him a chance to try and decipher it.
Instead he collects a glass and then manages to at least have the decency to pour him a drink versus try and take it straight from the bottle. At the moment, he seems to be only half listening, if one were to watch where his interests truly lie.
"So?" he fianlly says, after Corben explains matters. The nature of their origin seems of no concern to him at the moment.
"..So tell me what's so important about this stone that you need JLD involved? What's this imminent threat and how's this tone stop it?"
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn takes a long sip of her drink as she waits, nodding and smiling cheerfully to Liam, flitting her obvious faerie wings. Probably party Pixie or Sidhe, who knows? "Cool, me too!" unfortunately she doesn't know enough about Fae lore to even consider the many different fae races and which one he might be, although she does eye him curiously as if she has a lot of questions, for later perhaps.
She glances to Corben expectantly, a bit anxiously as she has no idea what to expect from this Otherworld.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
"Maybe," Corben replies to Liam first, then he circles back to Mike. "Honestly? I have no idea. The only thing I know, the only thing that I was *shown* was a darkness spreading over the lands my father's kin call home and it being stopped, or more to the point, sucked back in by that stone," he nods toward the now contrite looking Kibs, "Being placed at the center of a door and turned like a key. Whatever the threat is, if it's allowed to continue, it will spill into this world - throwing it into darkness and despair."
So, hey, I have no idea what's happening, just that it's bad and we have to go to the Otherworld to stop it, but no big, right? That's the gist of what he's saying.
"As to the importance of the stone? Well, it's true purpose is ... it doesn't matter here. What matters is that it's what's going to stop what's coming and I need to get it to where it needs to go and I need help doing it."
...and then Corben goes still, there isn't any screaming or clutching his head or eyes turning white or anything so dramatic as that. It might be Liam alone that notices that the quirky little alchemist is seeing something no on else is seeing until his voice isn't his own when he speaks again.
"They seek an end to the end, the darkest of darkness, the merging of our world into the next. They cannot exist in one space - it will spell the end of both."
Nothing foreboding about that?
- Liam Traynor has posed:
Laying his hand on Corben's shoulder, Liam recognizes instantly what is happening, but there is little he can do. He offered the comfort he can with his hand, while waiting to see what happens.
"Unseelie?" he wonders allowed, the mutters something in Gaelic while shaking his head. Switching back English he adds, "Would make sense if it were them, and even more sense that the stone would pull that blackness in."
Even with Corben not speaking in his own voice, Liam shifts his position so he can slide is arm around the smaller man. That's it, no more words, just him there for when Corben returns.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike tilts his head. "If you're planning on using it as a sponge to soak up darkness, my guess would be the evil witches want the travel friendly condensed darkness to give a boost to whatever it is they want to be doing."
Mike pauses as Corben just looks forward.
"Great. They want to wring out the darkness sponge."
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly at Corben's ominous warning. "Uh...Wooow. Sooo you're saying some evil baddies want to destroy all dimensions and we need that stone and like...You're the key to lock that door before the shit hits the fan in our world but we gotta go into that world to seal it? Uhhh, won't we be stuck on the other side too?" she rubs her temples, reaching for another long sip. This could get complicated. Glancing at Mike, she swallows at the analogy. "Ummm, that's gotta be a big sponge, to soak up all the evill in another world.." she shivers at the thought.
- Cain Marko has posed:
For all his casual disregard for everything, taking a drink of that oh so special drink, and asking brusque to the point questions.. Cain is indeed paying more and more attention the more information is dropped.
He slowly looks over each person present, narrowing his eyes slightly as he eyes them assessingly. It's clear to him - well at least so far as his opinion goes - that he's the biggest gun and likely the most experienced present and as talk of something potentially world ending begins to lift into the air he sighs slightly and sets the drink down.
"I don't know much about Otherworld. Heard of it. Never been there..." he says simply, "But I do know that if you're talking something that serious you're probably going to need somebody whose an A=Class sorcerer to help. No mights. No maybes. No 'I think I can get us there'. No 'I think I can get us back'. Plus you gotta considres the denizens that are likely already there.. If it's anything like the Crimson Cosmos and other places then there are natives, orders of spirits, demons, the works. So...."
He gestures, "Who among you is a good enough wizard t'pull that off or do we need to get good ol'Strange on the line?"
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Once it passes and Corben is back to himself - just in time to hear Cain - his brow furrows. He raises his hand. "Oh, I can get us there and I can get us back." The words come out with the utmost confidence and with a little growl of frustration. Man gets a little tired of always having everyone doubt his abilities. "We just need to get a few things for me to make that happen."
It's odd that he doesn't even mention what just happened, the whole Corben but not his voice episode. Other than to raise a hand and rest it on Liam's arm - taking strength in the wolf's presence.
"...and I know enough to get through the natives - I've been visiting the Otherworld since I was ten and my destiny was shoved down my fucking throat."
Cranky much? Maybe a little but all of this is on the tail end of a trip to Hell to save a museum. He still hasn't gotten the stench of it out of his duster.
"I can get us there, I can get us back - I just can't do the rest of it on my own."
"Corbs, don't be angry," Kib'Kir squeaks. "Those wrinkles in your forehead'll stick that way."
Corben downs the drink he was mixing when everyone came in before, "We do need to get a few things first." - that sounds a little less angry.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike glances up. "There is more than one way in. A lot of realms border the dream ones. If Corben's approach does not work, it is possible to take an indirect route over there through that. But I'd rather avoid that approach unless it is necessary. The entrance for such a large group would be quite...awkward."
He sighs. "...I've only been to one masquerade, a spell locked dream, and the Fairer side of Hell when it comes to things Fae related, so with this, I would assume Corben, Megan-"
He pauses looking over to Liam. Didn't Megan just out him? "...I didn't quite get your name."
- Liam Traynor has posed:
Keeping arm on Corben, Liam looks back toward Cain with a slightly raised brow. He had no idea who Strange was, or why someone would be named Strange, but he was interested in knowing why people kept thinking Corben was some bit player. It might be directly related to his duty that he's protective of the smaller man, or it might be that he actually cares.
"We're needed for when we get there," he comments, then adds, "He'll get us there, and back again."
Pulling in a breath he looks to Mike with a quirky smile, "That's cause I didn't throw it." then he winks once and adds, "Liam Traynor." and nothing more.
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, "I've never been to Otherworld, but if you ever need backup transportation, you know, if your energy reserves are drained after you've done your part there, then I can get us back."
She arches a curious brow at Corben, confused at the frustration that crosses his face. "Umm, are you okay..? Can you elaborate on what part exactly we will play once we're on the other side?"
- Corben Kelly has posed:
"I can pass freely back and forth myself, but I need something to take others with me. So, the first task will be to drop by a few known - to those of us that can pass freely - ways in and out. We need a plant from the area surrounding an entrance for each person I intend to take with me. I know the rules and the ins and outs for those of you that don't belong once we're there."
But again, he can't manage it alone once he's there or Corben would already have gone it alone.
"So, who wants to go gather some plants, or maybe a rock or two. Whatever's needed, I'll know it when it sees you." That probably makes absolutely no sense to anyone but Corben, but he's the one making the travel juice, so maybe it only matters that it makes sense to him?
"Not tonight though," he's quick to add. "We have some time and last night was spent forcing a return policy on Hell to get a museum back in its proper place. I'm a little beat."
Corben's actually getting around to himself enough to shoot a wink in Megan's direction. "It's the in part that's hard, out's easy."
His playfulness falls away again when he adds, "I can get us there," again for Mike's benefit.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
To the wink, Mike gives a half smirk. "Alright, Liam." Mike gestures to himself, "Mike Hannigan."
Hearing Corben insist that he can get them there, the performer looks over to Corben and smiles. "I trust you can. That was more to point out that we don't need to bother Strange with something that you are classifying as 'simple' or 'minor'.
The incognito rockstar looks over to Cain. "So in recap, amongst us we have at least three methods for getting over there and at least three connections with things Fae. Don't discount your teammates yet."
- Cain Marko has posed:
He's brusque, brutal, brutish but he's not unaware of social cues nor does he lack the ability to read people. Corben's frustration is clear to him and Cain guesses as to why.
He even seems to get some degree of empathy as he sets the drink down after looking at for a moment, pondering his next words after a glance to Michael. Then..
"No offense meant pal. It's just talkin' end of the world stuff I like to be sure. I just did some 'JLD' style duty a space o'time ago with some wizards were trying to call some crazy lookin' thing here. Buncha folk showed up. Was a messy. I don't mind messes but magical messes get me eyeing things closely. You gotta keep my perspective in mind. I throw hands with the likes of Thor, Superman and Hulk on the regular. I tend to 'think big'. That's all. I don't know you or what you're capable of so I"m going t'ask questions."
He shrugs, " You got me here. I"ll be yer nuke but I want to make sure you aim right. That's all. If you said y'can do it then that's oood enough for me now."
He does nod as he hears further explanation, "Yeah more then one way in. I know that much. We'll do it his way. It's his 'gig' ....destiny if he wants it or not. We don't get to choose what we gotta do sometimes. That's just life and our lot. How we go about it? I figure that matters more most of the time."
He fully downs the drink and then pushes it away.
"So when we leaving? I'm due in Madripoor on business soon."
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, eyeing Corben thoughtfully, realizing she really knows very little about who he is or what he's capable of. "Okay, so how do we know what plants or rocks to gather? Maybe you'll know but how will we unless you're with us I guess."
- Liam Traynor has posed:
"I stay with Corben," Liam states bluntly, no pause, no hesitation and thus leaving no room for debate. "But since this is a 'look and see' search for items, means people can't go off on their own to get the needed items."
Was he clarifying for Corben now? Seemed so. "So that means we go as a group, unless there's anything he can name specifically, give the location and the amounts."
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Corben offers Cain something he doesn't offer many people, a nod of respect. Then his attention turns to Megan. "I'll have to be there unless the rest of you know where the entrances are? But, if someone that wishes to go can't make a trip to a way there, I can use a bit of hair or even some spit in a bottle to mix something up that will point me at your particular reagent. It's different for everyone."
He pauses to look over at Cain and mentions, "I'd imagine yours is not a flower." Probably a rock, but Corben doesn't say so lest his words be misconstrued. Oh, what the hell? "I'm guessing it's probably a rock."
He points at Megan and adds, "You're probably something in the morning glory family. Not that it matters with you being half fae, same with Liam." To Mike, "You, I'm guessing in the nightshade family. It's those without fae blood that I can't easily drag along for the ride."
His attention shifts to Liam when he adds, "Whatever it is that's going to work for them will behave oddly in their presence after a quick spell." Everyone that knows him, knows by now that his spells come in a bottle so why spit hairs and call them something else?
- Cain Marko has posed:
"A rock. Or a crystal."
No offense was taken. Instead, Cain confirms it with a knowing tone to his voice.
"One of those most likely. Probably red if I were t'hazard a guess. Course...I could be wrong.."
He reaches for another drink and then grins slowly at Corben, "I aint the wizard..."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
I swear... if it's a potato..." Mike grumbles, shaking his head. "Alright." Mike starts... "So, you said another night for finding the items. When did you have in mind?"
- Corben Kelly has posed:
"I'll let everyone know, a few days in advance, when we're heading out." Corben pushes himself up from the stool he hasn't moved from other than to fetch Cain's bottle. "I'm going to keep the doors closed for about an hour, so have at it." He gestures broadly to the bar and the bottles behind and beneath it. "But for now, I need a shower and maybe a nap or at least a concoction to get rid of the tired." Trips to Hell, no matter how often they happen, are tiring.
For Cain's benefit he adds, "Got one more bottle down there before I have to whip up another, close the safe and turn the tumbler when you're done. I think I don't have to tell you, don't let anyone - err - not with your constitution get their hands on it. Or maybe I do have to tell you, liability and all - or maybe plausible deniability is better? We never had this conversation and I have no idea what's in that safe."
He holds out a hand and the little kitty sized slug-demon slugs its way up Corben's arm.
- Cain Marko has posed:
"Plausible Deniability is the better route. I was never here. You do remember I'm kinda a 'Super Criminal' right?" responds Cain, complete with air quotes.
Of course he should. He was there when then the Statue of Liberty was taken but clearly it seems that on matters of survival of the Earth he's no problem working with the white hats.
"See y'around."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike gives a nod to the departing Corben. "Until later then." He responds before looking over to the remaining persons. "...Have a good evening,guys."
Fingertips sliding off the bartop, Mike makes his retreat with not a drop of offered alcohol consumed.
Got to watch out for those free drinks.
- Liam Traynor has posed:
With Corben headed upstairs, and the others heading out, Liam offers a, "Take care yourselves," before moving to do his once over of the bar. "If you need anything, go a head and come by, we'll figure it out."
The once over is merely to check that everything is in it's place, including shutting the safe if it's needed. Wouldn't do to have the place a mess, even if it's not his place.
Once everyone has in fact gone, he locks the door and heads up stairs, already yelling, "You don't need a potion Corben, cause you're getting some sleep!"