17913/The Tyger and The Sage

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The Tyger and The Sage
Date of Scene: 13 May 2024
Location: The Public House - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Ty visits the Hellfire Club, and meets Tessa. Tessa finds out about a few of Ty's skills. She gets to fill out more of Ty's file.
Cast of Characters: Tynan Ireton, Tessa

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    It has been a long road since Tynan has last been seen. The woman has been travelling quite a bit, hunting the creature that killed her friends, and her only student. Still, the being has eluded her, and she's low on funds to keep chasing a shadow. So the woman returns back to New York to look for work. The woman has talked to a few locals, but nothing looks promising. This, however leads the woman back to the Hellfire Club. The place where Taskmaster works, as well as Shaw who offered her a job that she's been tossing back and forth. She completed the work a long time ago, but has yet to speak with Shaw due to some...scheduling issues.

    Tonight, Ty is in a elegant black dress. Sleeveless with invisable shoulder straps to keep it from slipping off. There's a long slit up the side to her hip, but she keeps the movements subtle enough to keep from showing anything. The woman is sipping on a martini at the moment as she stretches out. Her eyes are scanning around, watching the guards that Tasky likely has sent to watch her. Last time, security had a hellva time dealing with her, and this time, Tasky probably isn't taking chances, or warned security a bit more about Ty. This group seems a bit more professional, edging towards former military, as they watch her.

    The woman doesn't blame them for bring in such a team for her. She has her secrets that she hides from people. One being that only a few people have learned that she's a mutant, but also has been taught some rather unusual skills. Such skills that people are trying to figure out how she learned or if its a new ability that she gained. Or was she lying about her mutant powers? The woman looks around at the crowd. A lot of people just having a last outing before returning to work tomorrow. Not much in terms of picking up work tonight, but at least her drinks are free tonight...

Tessa has posed:
Security alerts her as soon as Ms. Ireton enters the building. It's a discreet pop-up on her ever-present tablet with updates on her movements, settling finally at The Public House. Tessa allows herself a small smile, and flicks a finger to pull the woman's file up. It's intriguing, if only in how thin it is. She will have to rectify that. Perfectly lacquered nails tap lightly on the screen before she stands, gliding the few steps to a full length mirror to be certain her appearance is pristine.

Her hair tonight is in a braided chignon, makeup fairly light, with a pristine cat's eye flick along her eyes and a pinky-plum gloss lip that brightens her face. She's in a modified gown instead of her standard corset tonight, a more adult, less ruffled and be-ribboned version of Lolita fashion. It suits the Victorian edge that Sebastian prefers, and she is quietly pleased by the mix of modern and historical. The bulk of the dress is black, glossy satin and floral lace that starts in a choker at her throat, becoming ribbons that attach to the corset-style bodice before ruffling out into a skirt that stops just about her knees in the front before trailing down the backs of her legs to brush the tops of the black leather boots she wears. Those are more directly styled in the Victorian fashion, with a kitten heel and silver buttons marching up the side. Purple ribbons act as decoration, highlighting areas on the dress and threading through her dark hair. A quick bit of fluffing, tugging, and smoothing, and Tessa is satisfied with the way she looks. She picks up her tablet and heads out the door, heels silent on the carpeted floor of the hallway.

The restaurant is busy as usual, but Ms. Ireton is easy to spot, both from the pictures Tessa has seen and from the the way the guards assigned to sightings of her are directing their gazes at a certain part of the room. Her smile is polite as she accepts one of the signature cocktails - low on the alcohol. It's not obvious, but the bartenders know her preferences perfectly, and drunk is not one of them. They adjust the recipes accordingly, and switch to mocktails if someone not on her short lists orders one for her instead. "Ms. Ireton, it's lovely to see you in person again. It has been quite some time since you've graced the club with your presence."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Tynan takes a moment to sip her martini before gently putting her glass down. There's a ring with an odd symbol on her hand, which just makes a simple tap on the bartop as Ty puts the glass down. The woman closes her eyes as information magically comes to her with a tiny pulse of magical energy that flows from her. "It seems that you have me at an unfair advantage, Miss. To know my identity, without devulging yours.", the mercenary says with a light smile. While the woman is asian, her speech and nonasian features are Irish. "And judging by security that seems to have come out, I would assume cautious more then gracious. Though most of it was of my own doing.", Tynan says with a small smile.

    "I would assume that you are one of Shaw's over one of Tasky's. The flair. The security though, thats Tasky. I think I surprised a few people during my last visit.", she tells. The woman stretches slightly. Tessa would see a warning on Ty's file that she has the ability to pull weapons out from anywhere. Might be why the security is higher end.

    "May I ask if this is social, personal, or a summons of a meeting?", the woman asks. "Few here would appoarch me, speaking my name openly, even here.", she says.

Tessa has posed:
"I am Mr. Shaw's personal assistant, Tessa Fox." Tessa's smile is still polite, and she doesn't bother holding out her hand in greeting. For one, her hands are full. Two, there's a note in her file about the dislike. "I also run much of the day to day at the club, and like to know our VIPs, regardless of how often they are able to visit." She watches Tynan coolly, assessing the other woman's movements and words, and adjusts her stance slightly. Still perfect posture, but a little softer. Less threatening. She has no intention of fighting or detaining the woman. "This meeting is, perhaps, at least the first two. As I said, I like to meet the guests that matter. Knowing your tastes and preferences will allow me to better tailor your experience at the club. I am also aware that Mr. Shaw has offered you a job. That, however, is between the two of you. If you need to speak with him, I will pass on the message. Otherwise, he will contact you at the correct time." She takes just a half step back, giving Ms. Ireton breathing room. "Would you like to join me at one of the booths? We can speak more freely there."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head a little bit. "A bottle of whiskey please.", she asks the Bartender. "To the booth, as well as two shot glasses.", the mercenary orders. The woman does blink a little bit. The other woman not offering her hand. Ty finds that a bit odd, but then again, knowing this woman does day to day, Shaw and Tasky likely have quite a file on Ty and her perferences. "I would not call myself a VIP. More of something that surprised many.", Ty says as she moves over to the booth. She waits for Tessa to sit first.

    After Tessa sits, the mercenary sits down, tapping that ring again. The woman pauses a moment, and tracks the security as they readjust their positions. Its...odd how Ty seems to have already marked whose focus is on her. The woman does relax a bit mroe in the booth, but she keeps her head a little lower.

    The woman places her elbow on the table, and rests her chin in her upturned hand. "May I ask what your poison is?", Tynan asks. Her eyes narrow slightly. Its a double question.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa settles herself carefully into the booth, setting her cocktail on one of the provided coasters. "I can class you as a person of interest, if that is to your taste. The VIP title implies that you are a person to know. It is quite the useful tool, should one deploy it properly." She allows one eyebrow to raise incrementally in something resembling a challenge while committing the design on the ring to her memory. The file is slotted into the partition where she saves items for her King's review. There are others that might be interested in the design, should Sebastian give her the approval to share. Her mind attaches a list of likely people that are worth approaching in the blink of an eye and she is back in the moment, still watching. "Would you prefer I continue calling you Ms. Ireton, or am I permitted to use your first name? You may call me Tessa, if you would like."

A server delivers the bottle of whiskey, shot glasses, and two bottles of water with a small dish of assorted citrus. Tessa thanks them politely, and gestures to the bottle in an offer to pour. "The bar is well aware of my preferences," she demurs, dancing around the edges of the question's doubled edges. "They are selected for their competence and efficiency, after all.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    The ring design is simple, using an older Gaelic rune for map. Nothing fancy. "You can call me Ty, but it'll cost ya a shot.", she tells. "Only my friends call me that, and thats a short list of those whom shared a bottle.", the mercenary tells. The woman pours out two shots of the whiskey. While Ty could have picked a top shelf, she picked a low shelf whiskey, but its still an irish blend. "Shaw said that I am not very subtle. This is true. I'm not subtle. I'm not good at the dance. Mostly cause its a lot of nothing to gain a tiny something.", the woman tells. She pushes the shot over to Tessa. "But I can learn.", she says, watching Tessa.

Tessa has posed:
"Ty, then." Tessa stops the shot with a finger, picking it up carefully and holding it towards Tynan. "Slainte is tainte," she pronounces carefully, lightly tapping their shot glasses together before tipping the whiskey carefully into her mouth and letting it slide down her throat without a wince. It burns. She is not inclined to do shots often, and never of their lower shelf items. Granted, even the bottom shelf at the Hellfire Club was equivalent to a decent middle shelf at most bars, so the burn is not as bad as some of the swill she's been served by people attempting to poorly impress Shaw.

She sets her glass down with care, upside down to indicate she wasn't interested in another. "Some people are a hammer," she says with the same cadence she'd used to pronounce the Gaelic that didn't come naturally to her tongue. "When a hammer is needed, they are very useful. You are aware of the sort of clientele that graces the club. The tools are often different. The hammer becomes a mallet in the way of percussion instruments. Still blunt. Heavy. But capable of light touches that produce beautiful effects." Her gaze is assessing, and she sits back slightly. For Tessa, the lack of stiffness in her spine is practically a slouch. "I have no doubt that you believe you can apply yourself to those lessons. Mr. Shaw seemingly believes the same." Her fingers tap on the tabletop, small crystals on her manicure glinting in the light. "You could become a very valuable asset. I look forward to helping you along that road." She gives the other woman a small, genuine smile. "If you do well, you will be rewarded for it. I take pride in having the best staff that we can find, poach, or train in all aspects of the Hellfire Club."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    "And sometimes, things are very decieiving. I think Mister Shaw has some idea that I have skills that arn't...for hammers.", she tells. The woman waves her hand over the cup, and suddenly, there's 3 cups...all with whiskey in them. And then Ty seems to place 2 knives on the table...There's the smell of cooked meat that whaffs a bit.

    "Out of all of these things, only one thing is real.", she tells. "Or they all could be fake.", a second Ty says. Wait...Two Tys appeared? That is until a third Ty leans over. "The question is...what is reality, and what is perception? Do you feel that I'm a hammer? A knife?", she asks.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa appreciated the demonstration of Ty's skills. A partition shifted, senses sharpening to better her evaluation. She smiled, a sharp thing that didn't reach her eyes. "I see that you have quite the ability. While you might mostly prefer to be the hammer, if you can provide illusions with this level of depth consistently then I believe you also have the capacity to be the knife or the fist in a velvet glove. The question that is better asked: Do you truly want to learn how to expand those skills, even if you prefer to be known openly as only a hammer?"

She flips the upside down cup right side up. "This is reality. Most people would not be able to tell, but with my own powers... a subtle difference in the way things looked before and after. Exceptional work, Ms. Ireton. On par with things I've seen from the Wyngarde family."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty smiles slightly. "Its not an ability. Its a skill.", the mercenary says. How she says it...Is it artifical, or is it a talent? This was one of the holes in her file. The two other Tys seem to drift away. The woman pours out a shot. "You can say that I was taught by beings who live by these...tricks.", she tells. "And yes, I would love to expand on them, but its not something that the Hellfire can help with. Once I learn a few more...I'd be more then a fist in a velvet glove. I'll be a guantlet wrapped in velvet.", she tells.

    The woman flips the knife over. There's a flash of yellow in her eyes, a sickly type of yellow. She places the knife..through the table. The knife disappears though, leaving a small hole there. "I'll pay for the table...though its probably going to cost me a crapload...", she tells. There's the smell of meat again before Ty hands the knife over to Tessa. She lets the woman inspect it. The knife is still dangeriously sharp, but Tessa can tell...its just a regular ka-bar knife. Definitly not sopposed to be that sharp..."I want to go to the top, and run my own company."

Tessa has posed:
"I believe we can assist each other more than you think." Tessa waves the offer of payment away. "No, no. It is a demonstration, and these tables are scheduled for a refinish before the next Gala." She holds the knife out to Tynan after a slow inspection, flat in her hands so that it can be easily, safely traded. "You will need your funds for your business, and the Club will help you build necessary connections as we work together. Everyone will profit. Assuming that you are interested and willing, naturally."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head as the knife disappears from Tessa's hand. She breathes out as she takes her shot. "I'm interested. Shaw gave me a test, but I have yet to show him the result. Show him that box, and he'll understand.", the mercenary tells. THe woman gets up. "I think I should go though. I havn't seen Shaw in awhile, which is my fault, but I wanted to let him know the mission was done.", she tells. "And he had questions about my skills. I hope this answers a few of them.", she tells. "But not all of them.

    The mercenary starts to head out. "I do need to get back to work. There's a target that I needed wait until late to deal with. Easier to track a 7 foot wolf, over a 6 foot guy...", the woman winks. Umm, what?

Tessa has posed:
As Tessa watches Ms. Ireton - Ty - walk away, she smiles to herself. Fascinating people are Tessa's favorite, and some of Sebastian's best presents are when he finds one they can help cultivate. She notes the burns of the tips of the woman's fingers, makes the connection to the faint hints of burnt meat, and studies the box left behind on the table. A hint of a raised hand has the server crossing the room to clear the table, and she takes the time to praise them on the high level of work they've shown since being hired (poached) several weeks ago as she stands, box balanced carefully on her tablet.

A brief stop at the bar is last, cash in the tip jar to cover their drinks, and then she sweeps out of the room and to the elevator, destination: Sebastian's residence.