17930/God's Not Here, I'll Take the Message

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God's Not Here, I'll Take the Message
Date of Scene: 13 May 2024
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Blood Spider and Angela fill a few of Kingpins' lower lackeys with some holy dread.
Cast of Characters: Kaine Parker, Aldrif Odinsdottir

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I SWEAR TO GOD I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE KINGPIN!" a man in a gray coat, dark blue jeans a black shirt. He's up high on the roof of Holy Ghost Church. Holding onto the man is a person in black and red, but it's not Daredevil. It's Blood Spider.

"God's not here. I'll take the message. You're pretty useless to me then," and Blood Spider just let's go of the man.

The man just starts to scream like his life depends on it, and that' it's flashing before his eyes. "AHHHHHHH! HELP MEEEE!" And there's a sudden jerk. The man doesn't hit the ground.

Bit by bit the man feels himself going upward. He'll see a line of webbing and Blood Spider is pulling the man back up.

"I've got all night, but my web supply is finite. I'll run out eventually," and then he smiles under the mask. "Kingpin. Where is he? Got friends? Someone that can help?"

"I got friends! I can call them! They'll get you good," Blood Spider smirks, "Like you did? Call them," and yes Blood is asking for this fight tonight.

Sure enough the man makes the call, "I got Mean Spider Guy here. He wants to talk. Bring everything you can. And ooop-," Blood Spider grabs the phone and tosses it as far as he can.

"That's Good enough." Blood wraps the guy up in webbing and pushes him off the building before creating a webline that causes him to hang there. He'll be restrained long enough for cops to grab him.

All the screaming on Holy Ground is bound to get some attention. Blood just wants more of Kingpin's lackeys.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela is apparently on business because she's stalking down the street in costume, complete with here trusty sword at her hip. She stops for a moment and frowns at the noise high above, echoing off the large buildings. She narrows her eyes upward as if trying to see what's going on. A man on the sidewalk points up at the building, "Look! Someone threw dat guy off!"

As the (innocent) man falls from the building, Angela flies up and extends her arms, "It's alright, I have you!" she lets out. She seems ready to catch him, but the man jerks away and flips back up out of her grasp like in a silly cartoon. She smirks and doesn't think it's very funny.

Angela flies up and grabs the man hanging in the webbing, safely grabbing him as she tried to do a few moments before, "I have you...now..." she mutters. She flies to the roof and sets the man down on his rump, looking ready to free him but she stops and frowns at this Blood Spider guy, "You there! Where are you going? Have you done this?" she calls out after the Blood Spider guy.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"You know he's connected to a mob boss, right? You're taking away my bait!" blood jumps down and swings trying to go for the guy that Angela freed. He'll land on the ground seeing a familair face. Which gives him pause. Altough he may not realize that she can see him, via his aura.

"He's a low level lacky for the Kingpin. Kingpin's a mob boss I've got a score to settle with," and before the man can run off, Blood casually extends a hand and hits the man with a webline. "Thwp!"

"I owe Kingpin for something really bad he did," and he'll nod to the "innocent" man.

"Kingpin's been recruiting a lot of low level people. I'm trying to get enough small fish arrested, it'll get attention of bigger fish," he says and looks at Angela.

" I know you're not with him, but you're not getting in my way." He resists the urge to say "Hunt" because that will give him away. However, that's his hunt.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela puts her hands on her hips and seems to be struggling with this situation, "What do you mean? Is this revenge? I've often been warned that revenge is a dirty business," she smirks a bit. As he walks past her and grabs the thug, she frowns again as if sensing something she knows from somewhere.

"You must be one of those costumed heroes. A hero who wishes a fight? If you wish to fight, then go to your fight. I see no reason to dangle innocent men about on wires," she mutters, "Do you need help keeping it fair? Very well, I can help you. Let us go. I will help keep it fair and you can pummel those who wronged you."

Kaine Parker has posed:
"He's not innocent, Angela. He's a low level enforcer." There's a long pause from him.

"I spent a lot of time doing wrong. One of the first people I saved doing this, Kingpin killed two weeks later. A guy, kind of like him," he nods to the man he's using as bait.

"I convinced him to turn his life around. I find out he was found floating in one of the rivers thanks to a news article. Same with the two other guys I stopped that night," Blood says honestly. "You never forget the first person you saved and the first person you couldn't," for Blood Spider it's the same person, technically.

He'll leap onto the church andd crawl hsi way up. "You coming to join me," he'll stand on the roof and wait for her. It won't be too long before others join.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela hmms, "How do you know me?" she smirks a bit and then points at him, "Yes, I thought you seemed familiar," she notes and looks down at the innocent men, "Many of those of Midgard seem incapable of helping themselves escape their vices. Or they don't want to," she adds. She looks up and watches him leap off.

Angela stalks after him and leaps off the roof to fly over to him, "You have planned this revenge? Where are we going?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Let's just say I know a good soul when I see one," Blood says softly and then he looks over the roof into the darkness. "Because I had our bait call for more. They'll come and we'll take them out. Question one of them. Maybe let someone else escape so it can get back to the hgiher ups," Blood looks back at her.

"I thought angels lived for the hunt," Blood smirks behind the mask and looks back out. "They may have guns. Can you avoid getting shot?" he asks honestly, he knows she's skilled. They ahve really compared too many notes though.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela smirks, "A simple plan," she mutters, "Do not worry. No man's weapon may harm me," she adds and flies back to the rooftop to follow the Blood Spider guy's plan.

She crosses her arms impatiently, "Not exactly a hunt. I shall stand there idly and wait those who will receive my fist to their face," she shakes her head, "Are you sure they don't have demonic dogs? Or the strength of a God?"

Kaine Parker has posed:
"This is a hunt. It's called luring the prey into a trap," Blood says honestly then he looks toward her. "Bound to be some mutants. I don't hit like a human. I imagine he dipped his fingers into some resources to bat at me. More your speed?" he asks honestly as a couple of cars start to head down the allyway toward the churche.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela walks to the edge of the roof and looks down at the cars, "My speed?" she asks him, "I think your friends are here," she adds, thumbing down to the alleyway.

She looks back at the Spider and nods to what he says, "Mutants? Yes, I know them," she comments and crosses her arms again to wait.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Blood Spider waits for all of them to get out of the car. They're six in total. Four or one, two out of the other. One is wearing what looks like some kind of exoskeleton outshell on his torso.

Another focuses and metal covers his skin. It's clear at least two of them will pose a challenge for Angela, if she joins him.

Blood drops down and lands upon the roof one of of the cars. Metal groans and glass shatters. A cacaphony of noise, "Crrrnsshkkkt!"

"Hello. You two might like my friend," and then he looks at the others. They're bringing out guns. Blood jumps and does a "thwip!" and takes one of their guns. "Who's going to talk to me about Kingpin first?" hea sks honestly and wsaits to see if the Angel will come down to take out the two others.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela watches Spider jump down and takes her sword in one hand then goes after him. She lands on the ground and frowns, "You wilt answer his questions!" she announces. She leans over and flips one of the cars over and kicks it, wedging it awkwardly in the alleyway.

Angela frowns a bit as the men in the other car have a few moments to come out and look at her with some anger. She doesn't seem convinced they are of any threat, but she raises her sword all the same. Hopefully someone will be left to answer the Spider's questions.

Kaine Parker has posed:
One rushes toward angela, the one with the metal skin. Rushing with both arms extended like a battering ram. Something that can be easily tripped up. The one iwth the exo skeleton tries to move behind her, taking a swing. Trying to hit her over the head, or go for a body shot.

Blood spider smirks at the tap that she helped created. He leaps trying to snag all of their weapons. Just webbing them away and sealing them off.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela is not easily fooled, least of all by some brutish humans who think they can get a drop on her. She returns her sword to her side, as if non-verbally challenginig these men to try their best.

She sidesteps the Steel Brute and kicks him in the bum, then elbows the man behind her before he can whap her like some old lady on the street. She grabs for his wrist to haul him clear over her head and throw him down towards his pal.

Kaine Parker has posed:
The pair go down as one is kicked off into a wall. An elbow smash takes out the other. Blood is taking hteir guns. A second later, he starts to do a series of "thwips!" They start to get webbed up. Taking away the guns of two earlier helps. Just one after another until there's only one person left.

Blood nods to him, "You're going to tell me waht I want to know or else my partner Angela is going tos hw you how she can use that sword," and he grins and waits.

"You're trapped in an alleyway with us and there are no weapons."

"What do you want to know!?"

"Kingpin. Going to tell me where he is?"

"No!" the guy calls out and that would be angela's cue to put the pressure down.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela smirks a bit, "Wrong answer," she says and walks to the man the Spider has webbed down to the street. She steps on his hand and applies some pressure, "Tell him this Kingpin's routine. Tell him what he wants to know," she states a bit darkly. She starts grinding her heel into the man's hand, cracking some of his bones very slowly. She then stops and takes her sword out again, holding it in a stabbing way, as if she's done that before (duh).

Kaine Parker has posed:
Blood Spider smirks a bit, "And they call me the bad cop normally." Pain surges through him. Crying out he starts to scream. "Kingpin! He's...He's got connections everywhere!" He cries out more. He struggles a bit. "There's exchange five blocks from here. Higher ups. They're connected!" he calls out more and then that's the best he can give.

"You can knock him out now," he gives a nod to angela.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela whaps the man with her fist and breaks his nose, knocking him out too. At least she followed directions. "Tis sad these men," she mutters disappoitnedly. She grabs the exoskeleton and twists a bit like chicken wire, trying to figure it out. She then drops it in a plop.

Angela looks over at the Spider, "There. Are you satisfied? This King Man is at the exchange," she tells him with a nod. The police seem to be shouting down the alleway, as if wanting to get in there and find out what's going on.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Yep. Knock him out, please," Blood nods and he grins just waiting her work. The violence makes him smile. Honestly, these two are a odd match together. "Thank you for beinga black sheep," he says when it's jus thtem and the pair are restrained. His gaze looking upon her as he is curious waht she may think to that. "Should we get out of this?" hea sks softly knowing the cops may be here soon.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela hmms at his little nickname but nods to what he says anyway, "Yes, the human police are coming to clean up this mess," she tells him, "Here let me help you," she says and tries to grab him and toss him back up over top the roof. She then flies up after him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Blood lands as he doesn't expect the toss. However, he looks at Angela when she makes her way back. "Thank you," he gives her a nod. "When will our paths cross again? Blood asks as he is grateful for the backup on this one. Plus, it's from a welcomed source, too. That's a nice unexpected addition to tonight.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela flies up and lands on the roof, walking over to Black Sheep, "Well black sheep, I expect to see you at the next hunt," she explains to him, "If you need backup, here is the super secret SHIELD hotline," she explains amusedly. She tells him the number.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I won't be afraid to call. Until next time," he begins to swing off. "Dont' be a stranger, Black Sheep," and then he will try to swing off. thoughs he could message him or cal lhim. She already has his number.