17931/Surfing the Waves
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Surfing the Waves | |
Date of Scene: | 14 May 2024 |
Location: | Survival Training - Triskelion |
Synopsis: | Aaron and Drew at the SHIELD survival training pool. |
Cast of Characters: | Jessica Drew, Alexander Aaron
- Jessica Drew has posed:
The facility is only partially roofed over the walkways around the enormous wave pool basin. All the better to facilitate cold weather training; verisimilitude wins out over comfort, significantly if it will save an agent's life. The weather is overcast making the water opaque and the pool seem bottomless. The waves have been set to a rough chop today, filling the air with the odd scent of clean saltwater - no brackish seaweed smell or the cry of seagulls swooping from overhead, only the occasional lost sparrow chirping up in the metal rafters.
The last training group is assembled on the far side of the pool, huddled around an instructor, leaving Jessica to slosh her oversized fins in the waves with her attention fixed on a large cylindrical hexagon floating in the water. The standard issue black dry suit, warm for the weather today, gives her the look of a child dressed in an oversized plastic Halloween costume. The goggles pushed up on her slick black head covering, giving her a vaguely insectoid appearance.
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
"Jess." came a voice that was unmistakably Olympian out of a body that wasn't particularly tall or built, round smooth muscles covered by a thin layer of fat. His wet suit was half on, zipped to his waist, the torso and sleeves dangling behind him as he walked slowly toward where she was training. "I'm in the next wave, but I'm early." he admitted. His affect was flat as usual, but she knew him well enough to know that didn't mean much, he stared at her intensely with his uncanny eyes. The ones that seemed at all times to be the windows of a prison, with something behind them staring back. He scanned the pool and then spoke Korean to segregate their conversation. "Some time has passed, my honored instructor."
- Jessica Drew has posed:
"Sensible of you to call me sonsaeng, my little grasshopper," she replies in the same language, craning around to look up at him. Private satisfaction lights up her green eyes as she slaps a fin into an oncoming wave, wetting them both. "So, where have -you- been while I was putting salve on my paper cuts? Filing reports will be the death of me."
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
"I am embroiled in a caper." he explained, using tone and articulation to build his narrative tapestry in the Southern Korean dialect. "A series of strange attacks by those who come from across the divide, a meeting with the Left Hand of Hell full of half truths. A night in a safehouse, for fear follows me in always, even those who care for me. And I, being a natural ally to fear, have empathy for those it sits most closely to." and then he lowered his eyes in a pantomime of respect that befit his role, although there was no edge of patronizing. "One such as you, in a paper prison, the world weeps and I catch its tears."
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron reached out and splashed some water at Jessica, just because.
- Jessica Drew has posed:
She receives his homage with a graceful nod, saying dryly, "You can preserve them and in the future, they will be enshrined on a SHIELD altar dedicated to our heroes." Eyebrows arced high and nostrils flared, she slicks the water from her cheeks, then slaps the rough cement beside her. "Come and tell me all about these visits from across the divide. You have a gift for attracting the worst attention and worrying the ones who care for you."
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron dropped down onto the cement beside her, setting his legs into the water over the lip and allowing companionable contact between her wet body and his dry one along their arms and thighs. "I did not mean to worry you my friend." he said, this time in English. "The first one tried to cowl my senses while I was crossing a busy street in Manhattan. The Lawyer from Hell said it wasn't one of his guys, but that he thought the thing was trying to exploit some loophole that has to do with someone like me committing suicide. Its very convoluted."
- Jessica Drew has posed:
She leans into him though the suit insulates her from his body heat which runs warmer than an average mortal. "What or who can do that? That would be a coveted superpower by some people - the ultimate protection from fear." An amused smile dimples one cheek, her English accent coming to the fore, "Oh, good one! All solicitors come from hell but this one was titled?"
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron almost smiled a bit at her enthusiastic shade tossing, "He is called 'l'avocat de la main gauche'. Pretty fancy. He's very handsome, because of course he is, but he's kind of an asshole." he admitted freely.
- Jessica Drew has posed:
"Oh, la de dah, quel snob." Hands behind her, Jessica leans back, idly paddling her fins in the water. "Of course, he would be. As handsome as you? No one has your eyes, SHIELD could use them as a weapon." With a droll sidelong glance at him, she adds, "But wait! They already do. So what are you doing about it? Suicide," she shudders, "nasty business."
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron almost delighted at a bit of flattery, but kept it from bubbling up too far. "To learn as much as I can while endangering as few as I can. When the enemy is understood, it can be defeated." said the Son of Ares with an otherworldly and calm confidence. "And I know I can call on you, should I need it. For we two, and others, but we two are adventurers in the same party. Do you agree that we are trust bonded?"
- Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica straightens at his words, fixing him with a curious look, her green eyes darkening as she considers her answer. "Is there any question? You have always had my back, and you can count on me to be at yours." Twisting to look at him, "Is this official or off the books?"
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
"I haven't really brought it up to anyone in management yet, it still feels too..." he paused and met her eyes for a long long moment of deliberation. "...self indulgent." he watched closely for her reaction. "So the way between us is clear, and the path beneath our feet is firm. I've mingled romance and friendships in ways that mortals do not often appreciate. So I've had to let some of them go." he waited again, seeing what she might say to that.
- Jessica Drew has posed:
A faint smile ghosts over Jessica's lips, "As the Greek adage says: Ware the mortals who dally with the Gods. The higher-ups won't see it as self-indulgent. They don't appreciate their coveted agents being in danger." Keeping her eyes fixed on his, "I agree with the Greeks. You are a free agent, Alexander."
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
"The Greeks love to hear themselves talk." he said, smiling genuinely, this had the unfortunately effect of horror, lighting up his uncanny eyes in an almost Cheshire way. Make no mistake, behind the boy was Phobos, and with Phobos the marriage of fear without comprehension. "You are fine woman, and an even finer friend. My agency is that I am a covetous owner of that friendship."
- Jessica Drew has posed:
Too proud to flinch, Jessica nods slowly several times then drops her eyes. "It is your decision about telling the higher-ups." Her eyebrows knit as she raises them, "I value friendship. We don't last as long as you do. Is that why you hold on to us?"
- Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron lowered his voice so that it did not carry across the hard surface of the water. "The mother of passion is mortality." he said, putting all of it into one tiny sentence that he dared to unpack. "The word dalliance was given by jealous mortal lovers to the actions of those that cuckhold them, but we -never- dally. We get just as caught off guard, just as lost, just as stricken. To have you,..." he said confirming her assertion, "...Jessica, is to know I can't have you forever. That is absolutely intoxicating."
- Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica considers him a long moment, careful to keep her voice on level with his, "We are effervescent as rainbows refracted on a soap bubble," Jessica smiles suddenly and shakes her head, "Don't get too drunk, my friend. The scientists say I may last longer than most."
Getting to her feet, "And I have a report to file before the end of the day." Looking down at him, she says warmly, "I'm glad I saw you today, Alex. Let me know if you need anything."