18009/Red Reign: The Vampire Lover

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Red Reign: The Vampire Lover
Date of Scene: 20 May 2024
Location: Penthouse
Synopsis: Kate Kane encounters Mary Seward again...However, this time, she doesn't have the strength to resist the vampire's charms. The Blood Red Moon gains another new member, and Mary gets a brand new Batcave.
Cast of Characters: Kate Kane, Mary Seward
Tinyplot: Red Reign

Kate Kane has posed:
The security on the Kane building was upgraded and mended, though that doesn't necessarily help against more clever vampires. Still, though, Kate isn't one to run away from a conflict, even if it might be prudent to do so. But she's got confidence, that's never been an issue.

And if she's tempted by the offer of the vampire, she's not admitting it to herself, even as she works on patrol this night. Still, the patrol ends, and she comes up the lift, still in her Batwoman costume. Normally she'd change in the sub-basement, but with the recent break-in, she wants to have her gear with her, at least until she's certain it's clear...

Mary Seward has posed:
A bit of a paranoid decision to make? Perhaps. However, it wouldn't be long until she actually took a step into her bedroom that Kate would see just how right she was. When she sees her again. That woman in red again, at the foot of her bed, wearing some loose fitting-red cloak that may as well not be there with how little it's covering up. If anything it just drew more attention to how scantily-clad she was.

"...I've been waiting for you, Kate, my dear..."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman suddenly reaches to her utility belt, pulling out a batarang that seems unusually shiny... silver-edged, perhaps? And she narrows her eyes, "You! How did you get in here?" She looks like she's still in patrol mode, though she seems far more weary than she did the other night.

Vulnerable? Perhaps. But right now she's really on guard.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward did not shrink back or flinch at the slightest at Kate's weapon. She didn't even seem to notice it at all. "...You left a window open for me, for me, of course..."

Now, surely Kate would remember it if she did something like that, right

"Don't be afraid...I'm here for you now."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate blinks, "No, I didn't..." At least she doesn't /think/ she did, but now that Mary said that, she's second guessing herself, as she's pretty sure she didn't. But she doesn't realize that the prudent move would be to probably run at this point.

But Kate isn't exactly one to run, especially when she is in costume as Batwoman. Though, she doesn't throw the batarang either, as she stays still. "I'm not going to join you!"

Mary Seward has posed:
"Oh, you don't mean that...I've had the bed prepared for when you'd come back." It seems she was clearly playing around with what Kate meant by joining her. "Please, don't leave me waiting....I've been so lonely, Katey. I need you." Mary lowers her cloak, letting it fall down and hit the floor.

"...I've been thinking of you all night, and I just know you've been doing the same about me...That's why you were out tonight, right? To find me. To be with me?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate blinks, as she feels the presence wearing her down, the batarang clattering to the ground as she shakes her head, "No... I was... patrolling... defending Gotham..." She backs up a step, as if realizing that she's in /way/ over her head. "I wasn't... being needed..." Since, well, that's one area she's vulnerable. She likes being /needed/.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward smiles. "But, you are...I need you so badly...I need to hold you Kate. I want to hold you and kiss you so..."

She wraps her arms around herself.

"I've been aching to feel you again since we last said our goodbyes. How I've missed my lips against your skin...Please, Kate...Come into my arms. Let me love you...Let me know your love."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate pauses at that, "You... need me?" She takes a half-step forward, resolve weakening visibly as she makes eye contact with Mary. She should know better, she really should... but it's been a long night, in a long series of nights.

And Mary is hitting Kate where she's at her weakest. Being needed. Being loved. Kate should know better in her head, but her heart is saying something else entirely.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward maintains the eye-contact. "I do. I need you so terribly..." She lets go of herself, before extending her arms towards Kate. She beckons the Batwoman closer to herself. A gesture of reassurance. Of wanting.

"...Come to me, my love. Come and let me partake in you..."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman steps closer, and her hands reach out, taking Mary's hands in hers... and she actually pulls Mary towards /her/. Pulling Mary to her feet, Kate still has her cowl and wig on as she murmurs, "Partake..." Her eyes are glazed over now, as she murmurs, "Need..." Her breathing is shallow, rapid now as she almost feels like she's taking her last breath.

Mary Seward has posed:
Not her last breath. Not quite yet. Mary reaches up to pull down Kate's cowl and remove her wig. So she'd be just the way she needed her.Just the way she remembered her from last time. "That's right...Give yourself to your queen."

She grins.

"...Tell me you love me, Katey."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate doesn't resist Mary pulling the cowl and wig away, arms sliding around Mary as she is still wearing the rest of her Batwoman costume. She murmurs, eyes drowning in Mary's presence now as she says, "I... I love you." Her head tilts, as what little will to resist has been drained out of her.

Mary Seward has posed:
Now, for the rest that would be drained from her.

"...Good girl. Now, hold still."

Mary leans in...and sinks her fangs deep into Kate's neck.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate gasps, eyes rolling back in her head as she goes limp in Mary's grasp, feeling the blood being drained out of her. Her breathing goes quick and shallow, as she feels the holes being punched effortlessly through the armor of her suit, offering little more resistance than her skin to those fangs.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward holds her tight like a lover would. There's hardly any pain to the feeling of her blood being sucked. Made it all the more comforting as the world began to go dark for Kate.

Kate Kane has posed:
With one last shuddering breath, Kate goes still, eyes closing as she's completely limp in Mary's arms as she feels the darkness claim her. There's a hint of a smile on her lips as she is drained out by the vampire.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward lifts Kate's body, cradling it sweetly. With a smirk present on her face, she gives her new recruit a kiss on the forehead. "I told you that you'd be ready eventually..."

The bedroom door closes.

Later on, the elevator door opens. The Queen of Blood steps through, halting in place as she navel-gazes around this brand new lair she sees before herself. "...Woah." She laughs. "...Impressive."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, her incisors rather pointed as she follows after her Queen. "Oh, baby, you ain't seen nothing yet..." She laughs a bit, sliding her hands around Mary from behind as she tilts her head, "What would you like to play with first?" Her eyes gleam red as she looks at Mary with rapt adoration.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward smiles, looking around. "Ooooh, I'm not sure. Hmm...Why don't you choose for me. Surprise me a bit. You're technically the host after all." She twirls around Kate, staying close to her the whole time. Affectionate with her brand new recruit.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate smiles back at Mary, "Well... we still have some night time to play with, and you'll /love/ my motorcycle." She walks over to the heavily customized black-and-red Ducati, and looks back at her Queen, sliding her cowl and wig back into place as she revs the engine to life, "Shall we?" Her eyes gleam as she feels that deep burning /hunger/ inside of her.

And unlike other intangibles... this is very tangible, and very easily solved. And there's so many villains in Gotham that aren't really needing all that delightful blood...