18012/Hanging out with Oscar the Grouch
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Hanging out with Oscar the Grouch | |
Date of Scene: | 21 May 2024 |
Location: | Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost |
Synopsis: | Jason invades The Roost to drink Tim's beer and play his video games. M'Gann shows up and ignores his usual surly behavior by bribing him with cupcakes. Is it a surprise that this works? |
Cast of Characters: | Jason Todd, M'gann M'orzz
- Jason Todd has posed:
Jason has come by to eat the Outsider's food and use their electricity. Why? It's Jason. It's a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart. Or mind.
He's wearing a faded, ratty gray Batburger tee from their Sensational Robin! promo. Ironically it's clearly Dick-as-Robin being portayed. Because no one realized there were different Robins till Tim came around. Black jeans and biker boots complete his current attire. Those boots are resting on the coffee table, because everyone does it. There are two bottles of beer, one half finished, and a bowl of cheesy-poofs within reach, however his hands hold a game controller. Because he's playing a violent video game from Tim's personal collection.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann has been doing a lot of baking lately. Some for various university level fundraisers, some for charity events, and some just for her friends and neighbors because she likes them. SO when she shows up at the Roost, it's accompanied by the scents of various fresh-baked goods! Tantalizing scents... sugar, icing, carbs, some fruits, chocolate, vanilla, various spices... all winding together into a wonderfully delicious assault on the senses!
She's in her human guise, which is to say a tall redhead with amber eyes and a smattering of freckles! She's in shorts with a fitted t-shirt, and a pair of squeaky clean white snakers. How DOES she keep them so clean?! Her hair is up in a ponytail, and she calls out as she enters, "Hello! I have treats if anyone is around and hungry!"
- Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd smells the treats before he hears M'gann announcing her arrival. He grunts. Because it distracted him and got him killed in his game. It wasn't because he wasn't really paying attention anyway. He'd long gotten bored terrorizing all the wannabes online. It helps when the setup is as high tech as possible, because the two biggest computer nerds around set the system and network up. Figure in his tactical training from Batman and it is little surprise he's chosen GhostWhoWalks for his player handle.
Somewhere someone sits stunned for a moment that they got a kill on him as Jason tosses down the controller for the moment, not bothering to respawn yet.
"Smells good. Never turn down food that smells better than you can make for yourself" he reasons as he stands and faces M'gann. "Hi M'gann. Nice to see you. Been a while."
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Hi Jason! It's good to see you again. I know I haven't been around as much lately, but I wanted to bring something by and say hi to anyone that's around," M'gann offers up breezily with a bright smile for the moody man. She sets down an impressive pile of trays, racks, boxes, and pans. There's a broad variety available; everything from cookies to brownies to cupcakes to tarts to pastries.
"You should eat what you can while you can. I imagine once Bart or Conner gets here, there won't be much left." She chuckles before offering, "I'm going to grab a drink from the kitchen, anything I can get you while I'm there?" Not because he can't, clearly he can, but she's already headed that way!
Pausing, she looks back at him, "We don't hang out enough... we should fix that."
- Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd doesn't try to be moody. It's just that everything makes him angry. Or violent.
It isn't really true anymore, but the last thing he wants is for it to get out that he doesn't mind having others around. Then they'd come over to the garage and never leave. Like Church. Damned cats.
"And there's that." Getting something before the living blackholes arrive and devour the planet.
Grabbing a cookie to follow his own advice and hers, he gestures to his beer and a half. "I'm good for now. Tim got them for me." Meaning he got into Tim's part of the fridge and liberated them. He'll pay Tim back. Eventually. If he ever forgives his brother for the Pinapple incident.
With a smile and a nod he agrees, "Sure. At least till you can't stand it any longer."
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann can sense the shifting emotions when they happen, but tonight seems relatively calm, bringing forth another smile for Jason. "Okay! I'll be right back."
She walks stright through the wall (phasing) to head over to the kitchen for a sparkling water (tangerine flavor!). She rejoins him shortly, however, hydrating as she goes.
"Also, preeeeeeeetty sure you'll get sick of me before I get sick of you, big guy." She winks at him and points out the cupcakes with the with white frosting and red/blue sprinkles, "You should try one of those. I made a cinnamon and brown sugar cupcake, and the frosting is marshamallow flavored. Should be pretty tasty! Oh, and there's some dark chocolate fudge with peanut butter in the stack somewhere. If you want to take something with you, just let me know so I can get the container back when you're done."
Watching him for a moment, she asks, "Do you like paintball? I know you prefer to use guns as a weapon, albeit with non-lethal ammunition. But... do you enjoy paintball as an activity?"
- Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd is already back on the couch, feet on the table. The one bottle of beer is notably emptier than before she left. The controller is back in his hands and he is already laying waste to more hapless opponents in Call Of War: Do Your Duty 17. True to nature, he's using a pistol and never stays in one place, at least till he finds a very nice, remote vantage. That's when he takes out the sniper rifle and lays in wait for a few minutes. Someone will run into the path of his virtual bullet soon enough.
He snorts as he watches the TV. "You underestimate my ability to ignore your cheerful disposition or my willingness to tell you to fuck off if I've had enough." There's a tug at the corner of his mouth, the side where the vicious scar cuts down across his face. Means the last part was a joke. There are people he'd say that too. M'Gann isn't one of them.
Listening to her mark off the treats, he nods, "They all look good enough to kill me from sugar shock." It's no lie.
Still watching the screen for his next vicitim, he reaches to pick up one of the indicated cupcakes with sprinkles. Setting it precariously on the arm of the sofa he takes hold of the controller again. An overly cautious newbie has come into view. Just a few more windows over and there will be a perfect shot.
"Paintball?" He spares a curious glance at her. "Sure. It's fun. But this is Gotham. I don't really need to play pretend tactical games to stay sharp for dealing with criminals." So instead he plays vidya-games. There's logic in that somewhere.
"As for lethal ammunition.." He shrugs. "It'd solve a lot of problems. I'd rather use it, sure. But these days it just isn't worth the red tape." Meaning the hell he'd catch from Bruce, Barbara, Dick. Tim. Steph. Dami... actually he'd be shoulder to shoulder firing away.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Moving towards the sounds of make-believe violence, M'gann floats up and over the back of the couch to settle herself onto the cushions nearby. Not so close they're rubbing elbows, but she isn't shy about being in easy conversing distance. She watches the gameplay for a few moments, sitting in easy silence until he's set up with a vantage point and a snipe rifle. Because she's learned good video game etiquette! Some people would get super upset by being interrupted mid-fight.
"I didn't say you couldn't do either of those things, I just said you'll likely get tired of me long before I get tired of you. I respect boundaries, if you want me to leave, I'll go." M'gann offers with a small shrug and a smile that suggests she's naive enough to not realize he's joking.
Laughing softly, she gives a nod, "I tried finding less problematic substitutes, but they either taste terrible or require enough quantity as a replacement that it wasn't worth it. So instead I leave it to you to know your own limits."
Folding her legs up underneath herself, M'gann laughs lightly and shakes her head, "I wasn't suggesting you need it to stay sharp. I was going to suggest it as a friendly activity. I'm not sure what your likes are, but I thought perhaps you'd enjoy it." She glances sidelong at him, "If you're still interested in hanging out, I mean."
The last bit has her nodding as she glances down to her lap, "I know what you mean. I try to stay out of Gotham unless I'm going here or specifically invited." Respect the rules of the Bat or suffer the consequences!
- Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd smirks. "So you did. And do." He doesn't want her to leave and he probably won't get tired of her. Much. He pulls the trigger on the controller and the poor digital avatar of the other player goes down in a blaze of pixelated glory. Then Jason is on the move in-game again. Staying in the same place is never wise.
He looks over, "You've got as much right to be here as I do. Probably more. I'm just an 'Ally' of the Outsiders." The Air Quotes are audible. Signing out of the game, he shuts the system down and sets the controller back in the charging cradle. He picks up the selected cupcake and begins to peel the wrapper off of it while he listens to her.
"Substitutes for sugar all taste terrible. May as well just use the real thing and be careful how much you eat. But self control isn't a strong point of today's culture."
He looks to her as he takes a bite of the cupcake. Once he's swallowed, he nods, "Paintball can be fun. Better with friends. Like most things." He studies her, "I didn't realize it was something you've discovered or enjoy. Sure, I wouldn't mind going sometime. We'll figure out a day that works. Maybe invite others if you want." Because he wasn't going to assume things.
He starts to say something about Gotham but pauses, "Thank you for the cupcakes. This is really good." The rest disappears and he goes for a sip of beer.
"Yeah. The Bat doesn't like powered people in his city." Complete with rolling of the eyes. "Frankly, if you're one of the good guys you're welcome here any time in my book." Another smile is offered. It's even genuine. It's just small.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann smiles as she watches Jason's online victory over another, sipping on her sparkling water as she enjoys just being around someone else and having a pleasant conversation.
When Jason turns the game off and starts putting things away, she glances over at him with a raised brow as if to ask if he's ready to head out or ready for her to head out. When he responds, she chuckls and lifts a shrug, "I'd say equal rights to being here. Possibly with scales tipped slightly in your favor. Gotham is your home. I'm just visiting."
"Exactly. And thankfully, the ones that need to watch what they eat tend to do so anyways. So it hasn't ever really been an issue." At least, not yet. Someday, someone might complain that all of M'gann's treats and sweets gave them cavities or the like.
Looking back to Jason, M'gann smiles, just a little one. Slightly sheepish. "I know of it, I've never gone. It's an activity that seems to call on a group, and with everyone so busy... well, I've not really had the opportunity to try. But it looks fun!" Nodding, her smiles widens, "Excellent. And we can certainly invite others if you'd like. I didn't want to assume that you would want more people along, but I am more than happy to see if we can get a few more people to join us."
Sensing the slight shift in him, M'gann watches him carefully for a moment, then smiles softly, "You're welcome. And thank you, I've put a lot of work into making better treats."
"I appreciate the sentiment, and I am always happy to help, but I understand the reasoning behind his preference for us to stay away." Pausing, she chuckles, "That said, if you ever want to invite me over to grab a bite or check out something fun.. well, I'll make sure to leave my number with you before I head out."
- Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd isn't going anywhere just yet. Just got bored with pretendy fun times.
"No one has rights even being from Gotham if you listen to Batman" he says with a shrug. It's stupid but there's no point arguing the matter. Batman doesn't listen.
"It hurts, paintball. Even if you're used to getting kicked and punched by criminals, paintballs hurt. They're usually calibrated for around 200 feet per second. Anything higher than two-thirty can break skin." He pause. "Human skin anyway." No idea about Martian. "If you get hit on a place without a lot of meat, it'll leave a good bruise behind. Shins, forearms..." He shrugs, "Not enough to scare me off but you should know before going." Fore warned and all.
He nods, "It shows. Now I know who to go to for sweets. I burn water" he mutters with a smirk. Then he looks to her as she talks about her number and he picks up his phone with a bit of a smirk while swipe texting. In a moment her phone will alert her to a message - << I already have it because I Have Ways.. ;) >>
Looking a little smug, it fades as he gets honest again, "I'm terrible about inviting people over. But I'll work on it." With Phoebe gone, most of the Bat Family has gone back to leaving him to his solitary ways mostly.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Mmmmmmmmmm, I don't think it has to do with 'right' to be from Gotham.. there's... something *wrong* with the city. Not the people, the *city*. The... the land, the water, even the air. It's.. it's like it's all tainted somehow. And I think he understands that, but not *why* and assumes it has something to do with the people. But it's not the people that are tainting the city, it's the city that's tainting the people...." M'gann frowns softly, then shakes her head and looks back to Jason with a half-smile, "Don't mind me. The psychic and emotional resonance in Gotham is... loud."
Then he's explaining about paintball, and she nods along, listening carefully. But then she smiles, "I certainly appreciate the warning... but I don't really have skin in the typical sense. I do right now, I mean, because I chose a human form, but... it isn't like.. hm. It's complicated. But I should be alright. Still, thank you for the warning. Had I tried to fully emulate a human form, that could have been a very painful first experience."
Laughing softly, she smiles at him, "It isn't for everyone. And hey, it isn't like I'm the greatest or anything. I still mess up. I just... enjoy the activity."
The buzzing of her phone has her brows lifting as she pulls it out, then laughs again. Waggling her phone at him, she smiles, "And now, I have yours."
Nodding, M'gann chuckles, "So am I. But.. I am great at offering to come over. So, if you don't invite me, don't be surprised if I ask."
- Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd considers her insight. "You're probably right. But we're here now. We're not going away. Eventually the city will clear itself up. Or Batman will." His money is on Batman honestly.
"We're all complicated" he notes with another smirk before finishing off the last of the bottle in his hand.
"I figured. Also figured I'd let you know what to expect since I've done it before. It is fun and challenging but it can sting. Best thing is to wear proper clothing. That's something I can hook you up with for sure." He knows about armor.
"Cooking and Baking isn't an exact thing. There is a method and there are rules obviously. But everyone can make mistakes." Even Batman but Jason isn't going to reveal that Alfred has banned Bruce from the kitchen for a hundred or more reasons.
He grins, "Well we're all capes and cowls. You've had access to it as long as you've been part of the Outsiders..The League.." He shrugs because it's matter of fact and he really isn't bothered by it. There are plenty of other people he would have issues with if they had his number.
He shrugs again. It's probably a defense mechanism or something. "That's fine. Generally I don't mind someone coming over." He has perimeter alerts around the entire block in addition to being tied into Oracle's monitoring of the city. Spoil sport.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann smiles faintly and gives a nod, "I'm certainly rooting for the people to win in the end."
Laughing softly, she glances to him and grins, "Agreed. People are very complicated. I just meant trying to explain the morphological quality of my body is complicated. We have a natural form, but we also have the ability to shapeshift, so it gets... interesting."
Shifting her posture slightly, turning on the cushion to better face him, one arm goes over the back of the couch as she smiles, "My clothes are part of me. Or more specifically, they're organic and respond to my will to be what I want them to be. Part of the benefits of Martian shapeshifting. Though I've dabbled here and there with actual clothing. Mostly for dates."
"You're right! They aren't. Cooking is an art. Baking is a science. There's art to the decorating of the baked goods, but the cooking itself is a science. Precise measurements and times and consistencies." M'gann flashes a quick grin before adding, "Oh, believe me, I've made plenty of mistakes. It took me years to really get the hang of social outings... and socializing in general. I was so terrible at all of it."
She chuckles and shakes her head, "I don't pry unless it's offered. Not my place to poke into anyone else's business. ANd that includes their phone numbers. But I will make sure to keep in contact now!" He may come to regret that 'permission'. M'gann does love to text.
Speaking of which, her phone buzzes again and shechecks it, her expression falling a little, "Aw." Looking back to Jason, she offers, "I'm sorry, I have to go. There's something going on with a portal between Earth and Mars and J'onn was goint to give me some information. Looks like he's off-shift and ready to talk."
Rising up, she smiles at him, "It was great talking to you, though. And I'll reach out later so we can set up a good time for paintball. And maybe just to chat a little, if you're up for it." She moves around the couch, then impulsively leans in and dots a kiss to his cheek, "Thank you for sitting and talking with me. Help yourself to whichever of the treats you want. I'll text you soon!" Then she's off and running, or flying as the case may be!