18022/=Gala Schemes and Little Secrets

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=Gala Schemes and Little Secrets
Date of Scene: 21 May 2024
Location: Tessa's Suite - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Emma surprises Tessa with a gift. Tessa offers a free exchange of information where Sentinels are involved.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Tessa

Emma Frost has posed:
It was a few days after the last encounter between the two. Emma had clearly been up to something the last few days if Tessa had been paying attention. The blonde had made some strange purchases through enough shell companies that even Tessa wouldn't be able to sort through them all if she had even been paying attention to them. It was for a small amount (by ridiculously wealthy CEO standards) so it may have stayed off her radar.
    So, some arrangements between the two to plan a bit had Emma entering into the Hellfire Club, and the old VIP squites that she used to stay in but no longer. Knocking at the door, with a large package slung in a bag.

Tessa has posed:
"Good afternoon Emma," Tessa said as she pulled the door open. The package got a bit of a raised eyebrow, but she held the door open for the other woman with a small smile. "I see you've been busy with something." She didn't normally follow the woman's spending, although she was aware of a few of her more active shell companies. She trusted that she knew what lines Emma would - or wouldn't - cross, and those were the only areas she really kept an eye on. Otherwise, Frost Industries was only her business when it came to areas where it intersected with Shaw Industries, and it was bad sport to spoil honest play with cheating.

That didn't generally stop her, of course, but she kept things with Emma sporting in the name of friendship.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Tessa, "Of course. I would have seen you elsewhere, but I presumed here would have the greatest level of privacy if I wanted to share with you." Yes, it was in the club, but Tessa's obsessive need for security in her residence (beyond everyone but Shaw, of course) would make the most obvious location she might be and public one the one to grant something to.

"And something that I'm rather sure you don't want anyone else to be aware of."

Tessa has posed:
"You know me well. Would you like dinner sent up, or have you eaten already? The Public House has a few new plates in rotation for the seasonal menu, if you'd like something on the filling but not heavy side." Tessa leads Emma to the couch, sitting at one end and gesturing to the other. There's no need for power plays between them in this room, just the quiet respect and unlikely friendship they've built up. She glances to the package and back to Emma. "Oh? My dear, is there blackmail material in there?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would muse, "Dinner is fine, though I don't want to impose on you if you're occupied. And has your palette extended beyond things for purely nutritional value and for formal events where partaking is required?" She would smile. "And something that perhaps you may or may not see that way, hence privacy." Emma goes to take out the package.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa laughs lightly. "You aren't imposing. I planned to get something sent up while I did paperwork. Tuesdays are terrible for mingling." She pulled the new dishes up on her tablet, setting it between them. "I like to think I've gotten better about that. My brain likes to analyze every flavor in the dish. Occasionally that makes enjoyment of a particularly complex one more difficult."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Of course. Then you're not limiting yourself to nutritient packs?" Tessa may never have been that bad to limit herself to MRE's. Likely. But one never did know.. "But, here you go then." It's a large package, tightly wrapped, with the 'clomping' within indicative of a large number of small things, likely rubber.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa scoffs. "I'll admit sometimes I make do with a protein shake or a meal bar, but that dreck they serve the masses while claiming to be nutrition? They have far too many strange flavors. And salt. Can other people even taste anything else?" She tapped a line on the menu. "Of the new dishes, the poached white fish with the seasonal vegetables is my favorite."

She takes the box carefully, letting it rest on the coffee table. Inside are several My Little Pony figurines, and Tessa takes one look at them before turning a dull pink. "You went on a hunting spree for rares again, didn't you? My thanks, Emma."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes dear, I thought you might enjoy completing much of your collection. I even properly purchased them. Do forgive me if there are a few doubles you already have, I wasn't sure how many you already had." How many people knew about Tessa's appreciation of 80's G1 Pony figurines? Or other sorts of things from that era's toylines and less than slick advertisement based cartoons?

Tessa has posed:
"You're far too kind, indulging me like this." Tessa hunts them herself, but it's always a treat when someone remembers her enjoyment of such small, silly things and goes out of their way for her. "If I end up with a double, I'll gift them to someone on the forums." The community for the toys isn't as large as it once was, but she genuinely enjoys seeing posts from people looking for a favorite from childhood or that last one they need to find for a certain set. She particularly enjoys the restoration posts, seeing people who work in other aspects of toymaking giving the formerly cheap toys new hair or carefully repainting their cutie marks.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over, "Of course. Are there any other things that I should keep an eye out for then?" If Tessa would of course admit such things of whimsy that existed. "And things have been well for you since we last discussed things?" She would take a seat back and fold her hands together. "Or are there any concerns that you feel you can voice on things uotside the affairs of the Club?"

Tessa has posed:
"I'll let you know once I've updated the collection."

Her back twinges as she stretches to set the box out of the way, and she's positive Emma has noticed the lingering discomfort. "I'm certain you're aware of the run in with the Sentinels recently. I ended up with your lot and mildly regretting my decisions." Tessa's smile was a little weary. "They did well, for being surprised and not particularly grouped to handle such things, but the quick reactions the machines have gained is incredibly worrying. I might actually have to make a visit to that quaint little school in Westchester to meet with your Forge and Mr. Ramsey, perhaps some of the other technologically inclined as well."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Unfortunately. There are an increasing number of threats lately. At least two distinct Sentinel operations, Purifiers, the Mutant Liberation Front.. That's merely things primarily targeting our own." The world is always full of threats. And mutantkind always seems to bare the brunt of them. "They don't seem to be coordinated, thankfully. And nothing has indicated the.. Local freak has come out." Sinister.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa nodded seriously. "If your people are willing to funnel me information on those two groups, I am willing to assist in drying up their funding and contracts. I know you have your own networks, and that Mr. Ramsey is quite formidable in his own abilities, especially after seeing them first-hand, but consider it an open offer for the Sentinel threat. I ask nothing in return except for the sharing of that specific information and perhaps a heavy hitter to volunteer as bodyguard should the situation arise. I do not expect it to, but there are places Sage can go that Tessa Fox, Emma Frost, or Sebastian Shaw cannot. My abilities are fine against most well-trained humans, but rather useless once physical enhancement is involved. I might ask your Mr. Forge about an upgraded tac suit as well, but I will pay for those materials myself. Mine was... not as resistant to fire as I might have liked."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "I'll keep in touch with what I gather. Your own resources are likelier to amount to more. You can approach Douglas yourself when it comes to things. He can be far more direct and effetive on sharing information." That also of course leaves Emma out of the position of having to decide what are secrets the X-Men prefer to keep to themselves. "The Purifiers equipment seems to be alien in nature. I've not read the analyses, but they were adapting to attacks on them rather rapidly. Coming up wtih new weapons, defending themselves against specific strikes.. Mid fight. That's rather disturbing."

Tessa has posed:
"That unwilling to let me avoid going to Westchester, dear?" Tessa nodded, unsurprised. It wasn't like she was easy to read, but she still avoided making the trip. "I planned on approaching him, but do not plan on keeping you out of the loop. Checking up on him and Marie-Ange at minimum once I've caught up on my paperwork." She turned her head to her desk and sighed. "Any time I put it off for a day it seems like the paperwork triples in size."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head, "That's not my call, darling. You can certainly make the request. But it's also graduation so you may not get a response for some time." The students get to have some normal celebrations after all. "You're always welcome to make a missive or send a message to Douglas of course, or I can get you in touch if you need it. And Marie-Ange is a dear. Do keep an eye on her if she gets involved here." Marie-Ange is one of the rare ones that Emma -will- handle anyone that makes the girl cry brutally.

Tessa has posed:
"Oh yes, the actual children. It can wait a few weeks, of course." She was still going through some of the data recovered from the raid she'd ended up involved with. Better to have that finished and ready to share as a gesture of good faith in this specific instance. "I will let her choose her path when it comes to the darkest natures that might be found within our walls, of course. She is a delightful woman. I have no desire to see such a beautiful soul burnt out." Tessa's smile turns into something sharp and slightly deadly. "Of course, you are welcome to finish destroying anyone that attempts to do so, and I will convince Sebastian it is in our best interests to not play games that might break the dear. She's far too useful whole to become a broken thing."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would sigh over, "Yes, dear. I'm not necessarily worried about Sebastian on that. He recognizes when someone is useful and what is the appropriate thing to do with them." That bluntly meant only one other preson in the Inner Circle that Emma loathed with a complete and total passion. That likely was very one way for the ancient witch. Someday Selene would overstep and Emma would be able to.. "Oh, never mind, I'm being rather theatric." She would quip.

Tessa has posed:
"Ah, of course. No, I do prefer to keep my favorites carefully out of those clutches," Tessa agrees. "She has her uses, but she is very hard on her toys. And of course, it is best I stay where I am at, or pieces would have been moved around already." Much easier to be efficient from the background, even though there had been times her calculations said the move was almost worth it. Always almost. Never fully. "I can only block her so much without being very obvious about it, same as with Leland. Carefully not pulling visible strings. You know the game."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head over, "I'm sorry for my ranting. This is a relaxing time for us donig minimal shoptalk, not having to plot things with one another." She would nod over at Tessa. "And yes, I understand. And do keep your eyes on Shaw. The man is a genius but can sometimes overstep his own capabilities at times. I know you care about him deeply so do make sure he doesn't bite off more than he can chew with things."


Tessa has posed:
Tessa is well aware of his shortcomings. "That's why he keeps me around," she says dryly. "I don't like it when he makes moves with bad pay-offs, and he's learned to mostly trust that. At least for the Club... you know how some people can get when their business associates egg them on or try to insult their manliness."

She has a whole fund for bad bets brought about by someone successfully poking at Sebastian's ego.