18031/Over the air flirtation

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Over the air flirtation
Date of Scene: 22 May 2024
Location: Mel's Roadside Diner
Synopsis: A new couple checked in with one another over text, flirts a little
Cast of Characters: Millennia, Patty Sloan

Millennia has posed:
Millennia has gotten home and it's been a crazy day. She has her first girlfriend! The redheaded Millennia moves around the 1 bedroom apartment dressed in a long pink pajamma shirt 3/4's buttoned, long sleeves with dark red hearts all over, that falls down to her mid-hips as it's a sleep shirt.

She takes her phone flopping onto her dark leather couch, legs slung up over the back of the couch. Clack clack clack, she texts Patty.

Milly: Hey. How's my girlfriend? It feels pretty exciting to use that word. Think it'll ever stop being magical?

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty is feeling pretty good. She had her run/flight around the lake and of course she had a talk with Rogue while enjoying some ice cream. It was a good evening. Now it was time for bed though. She was dressed in a short purple tee shirt and a pair of white panties. Her wings are out and she is quite comfortable. Quietly she lays down on her bed with a bottle of water to sip on.

Thats when her phone chirps. She quickly takes a look and her eyes light up with joy. She reads the text and just smiles.

Patty: I am good! I was thinking about you earlier tonight. Personally I hope it doesn't stop being magical. I can't think of a better word for you. My beautiful girlfriend.

Millennia has posed:
Milly: Your the one considering being a model, doesn't that make you the beautiful one? - *chocolatebar emoji*

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: Oh no, I think you're the beautiful one! I was talking about you with one of my teachers tonight.

Millennia has posed:
Milly: Oh? Do they have a solution to the 'hot pants' problem?

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: I've got a few leads to chase down to potentially get you some unstable molecule fabric. I also need to ask how much control you have over your powers?

Millennia has posed:
Milly: Well don't put yourself into trouble or anything over it. If I use them in the day it's pretty difficult to control them. At might it's harder to get them going. I don't typically start on fire by accident or anything. But if it's a stressful day..

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: I see. I will have a chat with some people. I heard a rumor that one of the people who helps fund the college is looking to open a training facility in Manhattan. That might be a good place for you to train your powers once you get the clothing problem solved.

Millennia has posed:
Milly: Having somewhere to train would be pretty sweet. Only half as sweet as you. Are you so sweet from all the chocolate?

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: Only half as sweet as you! I do enjoy the chocolate though. I had cookie dough ice cream tonight. That may make me a little sweeter than usual! :p

Millennia has posed:
Milly: Your anything but doughy, but your very sweet! How do you feel about smores?

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: Smores are soo good. I like them when there is a fire going. Its really relaxing and always yummy.

Millennia has posed:
Milly: It might be kinda weird but..I wonder if we could make them if I lit my hand on fire?

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: Anyone else, and I would be questioning sanity on that one! ;) You probably could! Or maybe we can go camping sometime?

Millennia has posed:
Milly: Is there somewhere near the city? Wait. Whoa.
Milly: If we went camping we would be inside the same tent!

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: I suppose we would! Unless we brought two tents. There are some places outside the city.

Millennia has posed:
Milly: Who wants to set up two tents? Who wants to set up ONE tent?

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: I know how to set up a tent! My moms took me camping a few times.

Millennia has posed:
Milly: Really? I've never been camping. Your really like a secret agent aren't you? Secret agent: Patty, agent of shield!

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: LOL! I am so not a secret agent! I just know how to do a few things. Of course I was camping before my wings came in. After that no more camping.

Millennia has posed:
Milly: I wonder if you'll be okay in a sleepingbag?

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: I dunno unless I try. Plus I can fold my wings easy enough.

Millennia has posed:
Milly: Didn't you say that wasn't that comfortable though? Maybe you'll just have to wrap up in a hug with me?

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: That sounds like a really nice night. I am able to keep my wings folded. What is uncomfortable is using belts to tie them down >.<

Millennia has posed:
Milly: I bet you have cute PJs too. What I'm wearing is comfy, but a little embarassing.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: What PJs? I'm wearing a tee shirt and panties to bed. Its comfy!

Millennia has posed:
Milly: Oh! That does sound cute. I'm wearing a long pink PJ sleep shirt with hearts on it, and uh - let's say I'm wearing panties.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: Hehehe! I bet you look really cute too. My top is purple. I think I am going to turn in very soon though. I am exhausted. The run and flight around the lake wipes me out.

Millennia has posed:
Milly: Okay, you have a good sleep. Bonus selfie before bed: *Selfie pic with a kissy-face of Milly in her PJ top*

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty: Good night beautiful. Here is a Bonus selfie for you too. *A Selfie comes across with Patty blowing a kiss.*