18052/Fantasy Flights

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Fantasy Flights
Date of Scene: 25 May 2024
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: A minor Danger Room scenario has twists and turns.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Noriko Ashida, Ororo Munroe

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The training simulation is of a different nature than usual. Darkness turns into light, and existence flickers to reality. What the group arrives in is a null gravity field. Something like space and vacuum, stairs going every what which way. Like someone had taken inspiration from an Escher blueprint. And in each twist, each pathway, each set of stairs and paths and corridors.. Each had thier own gravity. Up became down and then side to side. Weightness became weightened as it would unpredictably shift from corridor to corridor. Tight confines.
    On top of that each step, each stair, each corridor taken caused the entire facility to shift. Making for a dizzying pathway.. As Monet, Storm, and Surge were given a not so simple task.
    Find the way out.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko is poised on a weird low lying small bridge that is vertically mirrored by a catwalk.  She jumps experimentally, holding her arms up and remembering to bend them a little as she shoots up toward the catwalk.  When she crosses the gravitational threshold, she lets out a little unsolicited, "Aahhh!" followed by laughter...

Since the speedster is now doing a handstand on the catwalk.  "Jubes would love this place in her heelys."  She starts to lose her balance.  The gauntlets aren't really made for flexing nicely against flat surfaces, and Nori's not exactly paying attention.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
It wasn't the most open, comfortable combat experience Storm had encountered, after all everyone knew the 'Mistress of the elements' was at her peak when she had room to move and to wield her powers in full.

But fate and the opposition were rarely so considerate...

A hand reaching to tug Noriko back to balance and the darker skinned woman frowns. "We must think this through, lest we end up seperated."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Everything is spinning around. Monet can fly, but the way the paths and gravity change with each twist and turn has her disoriented. "Yes, let's also remind ourselves not to get eaten by this thing if and when it starts to try to crush us." Space wasn't tight - they had plenty of room to maneuver.

"I'm sure that your fiance would risk biting off more than she could chew here."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko uses her arms to shove herself back.  This isn't zero G, but she makes it look so easy with her bursts of velocity.  She lands back on her feet and her eyes flit to Monet.  "The engagement isn't-anymore.  We're just girlfriends again-so, anyone have string?"  Nori knows no one has string, but it's the first thought that she allows to hijack her brain away from the topic at hand.

"I feel like we need to test this place safely somehow," says the mutant who is...now starting to bounce back and forth between the bridge and the catwalk like the whole room is a fidget spinner...or she's a bouncy ball.  Somehow, she isn't getting sick.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
String? No. But Storm did have more than one trick up her sleeve. No comment to broken engagements, after all Ororo's own love life had been...colorful at times, instead she simply lifts a hand and conjures a small cloud of rain above, watching the water twist and fall in a strange sphere of fluctuating gravity before her hand extends forwards and the wind sweeps towards the door.

"When I am lost, I try to remember: follow the breeze."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet goes to keep in line wiht the others while trying (and failing) to follow Noriko's train of thought - it helped that she knew not to try and read the girl's mind, it lead to bad places. "Whatever it is that makes you both happy." Jubilee and Noriko were somehow two of the people that she considered her closest friends at the Mansion.

The breeze would lead along a path, even as the maze would go to more twists and turns. The group constantly having to shift up and down!

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko stops when she sees what Storm is doing.  More accurately, she is in midair when she decides to stop and watch the forming cloud and wily formations.  She lands on the 'ground' in time and slows herself back down to the others' levels to hear Ororo's advice.

The speedster chases after the feeling of the wind, or rather, the feeling of /not/ rushing past rushing air molecules.  She has to stop and feel how everything is affecting the hairs on her arms, but it doesn't work, and when she stops, she doesn't realize she's alone till she yells out, "Send the storm system through too!  I can feel it easier," and turns to find no one.


Ororo Munroe has posed:
The idea was simple enough, keep the breeze blowing in on direction and they'd know they were always moving in that direction. Follow it to the end, see if that led them out.

Of course, the -first- thing she'd said was yo stay together, but it seems Noriko had forgotten that bit.

"Noriko," she calls out, hoping her voice will carry. "Do not move while we catch up...hopefully."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Whether or not Noriko runs in place while waiting for them or sees something shiny jangling in front of her leading her on, she has fallen on the smoothest path along, as if guided by electrical currents. Zigging and zagging, twisting through the eternally convulsing nooks and crannies of the place, perhaps doing loop de loops through it.

"Ah?" Monet tries to latch onto where Noriko is telepathically. Perhpas the slowpokes should move along?

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Sorry I didn't realize I went that far-Okay, I won't.  I could use a nap!"  The speedster's voice echoes out to the others.  Noriko curls up into a little ball in the curve of a turn that looks like it should be for a bobsled, yawns, and wishes she had a hoodie she could cinch down over her face and eyes.

Nori's naps, and even actual sleeping, never lasts long, so this is a good way (in her mind) to pass the time.  Hopefully she doesn't roll off the side or something.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Curling up for a -nap- in the Danger room was generally not recommended, something that Ororo would likely point out to the younger mutant later. Heading forwards, Storm's pace was even, cautious, comfortabley making sure Monet stayed close lest they be seperated completely. The mark of a more experienced X-men member perhaps? Or merely that her own flight was less reliable in here...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Did Storm fly via empowering herself or via taking control of the air currents to guide her? Did she like many of the others have some sort of psionic-aided propulsion or generation of the winds? The staircase ahead of the group where Noriko napped was starting to turn upsides down, gravity reversing with it. The snoozing Noriko still there, like a magnet hanging.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The group goes to rapidly track the sounds of Noriko snoring evne as the girl would wait for them at the exit. was it a tricky run? Yes. A particularly challenging one? No.