18072/Emmom and Daughter Time

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Emmom and Daughter Time
Date of Scene: 26 May 2024
Location: Divine's Apartment
Synopsis: Emma and Divine catch-up, with topics ranging from D's new relationship to politics.
Cast of Characters: Divine, Emma Frost

Divine has posed:
Divine was dressed casually, flopped across her couch when she heard the knock. It was a distinctly Emma knock, and she bounded to the door, opening it with a wide grin. "Mom! I have gossip. Would you like a drink? I had strawberry lemonade delivered, and I have your water too." She wrapped the other woman in a firm hug as she talked, having decided that she wasn't going to dismiss the way she felt, at least not in private. In public where it might be a security risk, she could keep it as professional as her mom needed it to be.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would enter in then and laugh upon the enthusiasm from Divine, "But of course I'll take some. And please do, dear. I'm far behind the times. Do consider me intrigued in hearing what's been up?" She would take her arm up and over to give a tight hug to Divine. "And.. This menas the world to me." Her face flushes.

Divine has posed:
"You act like my mom. I'm not going to hide that from you. I understand why it might need to be quiet in public, because people are stupid, but I don't care who knows that I see you that way." They'd come a long way from just being minion and mentor. She let Emma go long enough to pull out the lemonade and a few glasses, pour the drinks, and grab some fruit and cheese she'd already had prepared to snack on during the day, setting it all down carefully on the coffee table before taking a seat next to her mom.

"So, Billy asked me on a date last week," she started carefully. "He found some kids trying to vandalize the elephant and brought them to me, so now they're doing community service at least until winter hours start."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Thank you dear. And yes, you're completely right when it comes to people. And so many have a hard time grasping that fact." Emma was a cynic. And as far as she was concerned she was nearly always right. And having others agree with her on the matter was something she found refreshing. "So do share your gossip."

She would quirk a brow over. "Oh, making an issue at the zoo? I'm glad that the situation was handled thoroughly. There was no inury to the animal or distress?"

Divine has posed:
"No, they'd just gotten inside the enclosure. Managed to spray one of their hooves a little bit, but Shazam carted them off and recognized me." Divine shook her head. "I don't understand them. Tagging the enclosure or the beams on the monorail? Sure. But they're lucky they weren't trampled by any of the animals. I would've hated for the elephants to get in trouble for protecting themselves." She took a long sip of her lemonade. "Now they're basically doing dirty work. Helping janitorial clean, doing trash pick-up with me, shoveling poop... they were regretting their choices by the time their parents arrived and agreed to the community service instead of police being called."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug, "Oh, I'm very sure. And even if they got away, they do say that elephants never forget. I'm sure that they would have gotten their revenge another time and soon, if the children were idiots enough to have done so in the first place." Whatever the age of the vandals, if they were dumb enough to do something to a beast weighing several dozen if not hundreds of times their own mass, they deserved what they got. "And good, all the better to drive the point home."

Divine has posed:
Divine agreed. "The elephants sprayed the person that came to get the canister away from it right in the shirt. At least it was just paint, and we were able to scrub their hooves clean. They're... 16? So they should know better. I think that's why the community service is so long. A little kid wouldn't understand, and that's why we're so careful about the petting zoo animals and keep the craft area completely separate." She was still baffled about that. She was super strong, but she wasn't going to attack any of the animals just because she could. That was dumb.

"So yeah, afterwards Billy asked me if I wanted to get dinner and a movie, but I suggested takeout instead and he showed me a few horror movies."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "And afterwords I'm sure that they'll have failt to learn thier lesson and will do something as juvenile again, but pay a steeper price for their inability to learn. Or they might take thier suffering to heart and grasp the concept of restraint. Humans do occasionally surprise it. And oh?" She would muse on listening to Divine go on.

"So are you seeing one another in a more romantic sense?"

Divine has posed:
She blushes and nods. "We're going slow, but... yeah. It's nice. He's nice. He isn't weird about being shorter or less strong, but he treats me..." Divine wasn't entirely sure how to explain it. "Respectfully? Not scared, but holding open doors, pulling out my chair. He doesn't mind explaining things if I don't understand them, but he doesn't treat me like I'm stupid for not understanding it either. Does that make sense?" She leans against Emma. "Kinda like you, but there's kissing. It's nice kisses."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Good, I'm happy foryou. You're maturing. I'm glad that you're easing into something that will make you happy. The times I've met him he's been extremely polite. As is his sister." That was dating another girl Emma kept close tabs on, Marie-Ange. "Not the same thing, but it does make sense, dear."

Divine has posed:
"I met her! And his parents. We fell asleep watching movies. I didn't realize Marie had a girlfriend, but they're very sweet together." That was another bit of catching up she needed to do, now that she was back and a little settled. "Ms. Rosa is... really nice. But also a little stern. I'm pretty sure that's why they're both polite, she wouldn't tolerate bad behavior being done on purpose."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "That sounds lovely, dear. I'm glad that you enjoyed yourselves. I've not met much of his family beyond his sister and him in passing, but I've heard lovely things. They're truly.. Nice people." SOmething Emma rarely complimented on. "So earnest and sincere."

Divine has posed:
Divine lets out a loud laugh. "They are that. Well, Ms. Rosa is. I think his dad wasn't sure what to do with me, honest. It was a little funny." Probably the tall factor. When you have a good 5 inches of height on everyone in the room, it's generally a funny time. Or a rude one. "He wasn't rude, just very quiet, maybe wondering why an Amazon was dating his son?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "It can take some time to adjust, darling. Also he's a parent. Finding out his son is in a relationship takes some adjustment period. At least that's what I've read from my psychology books."

Divine has posed:
"Probably more shocking for me to answer the door still half-asleep," she admits. "Billy slept right through the knocking and my attempts to wake him up. It was pretty awkward, I ended up half-hiding behind him most of the morning while I tried to wake up." Divine shrugs. "They did invite me over to dinner next Friday though, and I'm a little nervous about it."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "I'm sure that it will go well. They seem rahter kind. And I'm sure that you know well enough to behave yourself. And I'm sure that his family will welcome you but also threaten you to ensure that you treat their brother right."

Divine has posed:
Divine nods seriously. "I was going to bring a small gift? Not alcohol, but maybe a drink to share or passes to a zoo event? Something that isn't so expensive it comes off as rude." She smiles at the thought of being threatened. "His sister already did. It's admirable."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "That sounds perfect. I'm sure they would appreciate something personal more htan something purchased. They would know it's from something you appreciate that you went out of your way to get."

Divine has posed:
"What have you been doing lately? Aside from work, of course. That's eternal." Divine is teasing, but there's a kernel of truth in it. Running a business isn't hands-off, not when you're as great at it as her mom is. "Did you hire that intern?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "I've had the intern working for me. We're on somewhat limited time as she is a full time student, and she has her own side projects. So only one or two days a week for limited hours. I've heard her plans and they're rather thorough. And I've psent much time on my business, and much time over on.. Other affairs of an unfortunate nature." She would smile sadly.

Divine has posed:
"Would you like help with those things? Share the burden?" She squeezes her mom's hand in one of her own. "I don't like seeing you sad. How can I help?" The news about the intern is good. Hopefully with time she would pull the secrets from the other woman that they had both sensed during the interview.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head, "No, darling, that brings a heavy cycle of.. Escalation. Bringing you in means that in turn they bring in things which can hurt beings of your scale. And it is a war that will not be won by simply being the strongest." Changing people's minds was impossible on such a scale.

Divine has posed:
"But if there is anything I can do to help, you'll tell me? And I am always happy to listen, even if I don't understand." Escalation she understood, and she trusted Emmom to have the best understanding of if a situation needed her or would become harmful. "I can't hide being tall, but I can always pretend to just be your errand girl," she offers. "Just in case."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would squeeze Divine's hand. "Yes, I know dear. But this is politics. And how people hate. It's a reality that you don't need to be involved in yet. But if it does come down to that, you will be the first to know." She would smile, ever so sadly.

Divine has posed:
Divine nodded. She hated politics, and she was living proof of what people would do for hatred or power. "That is true, I cannot just punch them until they gain sense," she jokes. Half-jokes. Punching some of the people she's heard on the news would surely improve what came from their mouths, even if those things were just drool and moaning. "But when you do need them punched, I will be there. I've been working hard on adjusting my strength to fit the other person's ability or crime. I do not think I will ever be the sort of person that can let someone really terrible just walk away with a small hand slap."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over, "Yes. You will be there. But you also have the chance to figure out your own life, dear. You're an adult and taking the time to grow up. That means dating, being an intern at the zoo, and going about spending time with friends. You're on hand if needed, but you don't have to edge yourself fully into this world." Of mutants, of metahumans, of aliens.

Divine has posed:
"But I'm already part of it just by existing," Divine argues. "I want the normal experiences I can have, but I'll always have to be careful with using my abilities. I don't think I want to wear spandex or go out looking for a fight unless I'm in the mood to spar, but I also don't like ignoring people who are being hassled just because they exist. And I'm willing to step up for things that are too strong for average people to fight."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would laugh softly, "Of course. And I'll be up front that most of these outfits we wear are hideous. And help as you see fit to. It is part of your gifts. To use them to make things better. But also don't feel like you have to dedicate all of your life to it simply as you have them."