18086/The Nickle Tour

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The Nickle Tour
Date of Scene: 28 May 2024
Location: Roof - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Mark and Sunny go on a tour of Titans Tower.
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Sunny Harlow

Mark Grayson has posed:
Titans Tower - the large beacon that stands out in the bay and casts a shadow towards Metropolis and Gotham. Flying in from above, Mark advised Sunny to come in costume unless she was comfortable with sharing her identity. "So, they know who I am, because I told them during the whole Omni-Man mess." he admits as they come closer to the rooftop.

"But this was the first group I joined after Teen Team back in Baltimore. I should take you there some time. The others are still there. Robot, Rex Splode, Duplikate and the like." There's a thoughtful pause. He hasn't checked in on them in a while. He should do that.

Landing on the rooftop, he gestures around. "Welcome to Titans Tower. As you can tell... a lot less formal up top than say, the Justice League or wherever the Bats go when fluttering around."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Even I've heard of the Titans," Sunny offers as they touch down, herself indeed wrapped in her costume as Indestructibelle, but very much aware that it didn't take a genius to put her identity together given Mark's known suspiciously blonde and 'similar figure' girlfriend. Looking around the space, she gives a little smile and crosses her arms under her bust.

"Still, a pool on the roof and a whole building is kind of awesome. I know you've introduced me to a few, but I mean...someone like Starfire, a superheroine -and- a supermodel is kinda awesome. You should introduce me sometime!"

Look at Sunny, networking on her mind!

Still she moves in, claiming his hand in hers. "So where to first?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Do you have aspirations of being a supermodel, dear Indestructibelle?" Mark asks in mock amusement. It's no secret, she could easily be one. She's definetly a New York Nine, and a Baltimore Eleven. "Or just seeing how little fabric you can make her a dress from?" That is asked with a tease as he nods.

"Yeah. It's usually more lively. I guess folks are just busy?" he shrugs his shoulders. "I really haven't been keeping up with the comings and goings, I was trying to pay attention to the Young Avengers, and well, you saw how that went." A brief frown as he heads for the elevator. "We can head down to the common area, that's usually where most tour starts, but well... we're fliers, so we start up here." A wink.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I mean, I'm a fashion design student -and- I design super-uniforms...isn't she kinda the -perfect- model for someone like me?" Sunny offers lightly, a little grin as he makes his comment about Kori's costumes. "Maybe you're hoping I'll take some style choices from her..." she grins. His comment on them being busy? Well, Sunny nods as he speaks. "I mean, if they're busy it means they're doing stuff. Hopefully that doesn't mean that there's another supervillain doing something crazy."

Down to the common area? She nods. "Lead the way!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I dunno, I'm not sure how I'd react if I saw you in one of the costumes she wears. The villain may not be the biggest threat to you." Mark teases right back as his hand slips into Sunny's. "But I'll drop her a line and let you know you want to meet sometime. She's pretty friendly and I think the pair of you will get along famously!"

And with that, he's leading Sunny down to the first floor to start the nickle tour, showing her the common areas of the Tower, the kitchens, the large gathering area. Nothing secret or the like, just a feel for how Sunny feels about the place.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A blush spreads across her features, but she grins back before their hands were taken together and she was lead onwards. With his promise to make the intro she nods and then it was onto the lounge, the social areas, the kitchen...it was like a university share house on steroids...but with far better rooms.

"I like our appartment, but I get why some people might just decide to live in a place like this. Surrounded by people who know your stuff."