1820/A Sinister Plot: Mission Assignments

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A Sinister Plot: Mission Assignments
Date of Scene: 24 May 2020
Location: Mission Center
Synopsis: Scott has Betsy scan for the missing. THere's not much to go on, but it's a start. The X-Men are on the trail.
Cast of Characters: Scott Summers, Betsy Braddock, Julio Richter, Alison Blaire, Alex Summers, Emma Frost

Scott Summers has posed:
The trip through the 'turbolift' is damn fast, because it is... well, felt like a sci-fi elevator. In fact a good chunk of the places on the way look straight out of a Star Trek movie. Because the Shi'ar build things that way. Don't ask.

They end in the Mission Center, where hopefully Betsy is already waiting. The holo display comes to live on Scott's command. "Computer, display last location known of the following people. Henry McCoy, Julian Keller, Emma Frost, Gabrielle Kinney, Roberto DaCosta..." brief pause, then he adds, "Danielle Moonstar."

The 'table' comes alive.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy is, in fact, waiting, having been tipped off on where to meet up by Alison. Purple hair is damp, slicked back in a braid, leaving her face bare. She looks serious, violet eyes dark with worry as she falls into step with the others. r
There's a quiet pause as Scott lists names. "Dani too?" There's a faint rasp in her throat, a surge of color in her cheeks. The telepath suddenly looks... angry.

Julio Richter has posed:
When he finally stood from listening for a buried observation post, Julio's vibratory aura was still bright. But as he followed the rest of the group, it gradually faded, the teenager harmlessly releasing a bit of seismic energy with each slow breath. By the time the elevator brought them to the sub-basement, it was gone entirely, and the student seemed to relax. He's caused enough potential property damage for one afternoon.

"There's a pretty long tunnel that heads off that way," he says, pointing toward New York City, "but it's been here the whole time I have, so I'm guessing it's just part of the rest of the stuff you guys have underground." He glances at Scott when he says this, half-expecting to be chastised for spying himself, but it's not like he can help what his powers have told him. Still, it's nice to be officially let in on the secret that he already half-knew, and he looks around with interest as Scott leads the group through the sub-basement. He watches the computer display for the information Scott has called up, wondering just how close to the grounds they'll turn out to be.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Following Scott down, Alison makes sure Alex is in tow. "Dani too? She's so sharp though." She sucks in a breath and looks to Betsy. "Glad you can make it." She murmurs and looks at her intently. "Can you-are you able to pick any of them up Bets?"

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott checks a few files on his console, "computer, add Jennifer Stavros to the list," he adds tensely. He nods to Alison. Dani and Gabby should not have been captured, at least not easily. Dani is usually very careful and therefore one of Scott favorite new recruits.

He glances to Julio. "You can feel that? Interesting," he doesn't seem angry about the young man being able to sense that kind of thing. "It was built by the Morlocks years ago and it leads all the way to Manhattan's underground. But it is not important now."

Alex Summers has posed:
Hislex is following a long, a bit distractedly...this isn't a part of the base he's really been to before. He'd remember it. But then, he hasn't really had reason to come into these areas much...he mostly goes straight to and from the training. As Besty starts scanning with the...thingee....Cerebro?...he watches anxiously, seeing what pops up.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy will look at Alison, violet eyes grave. "I can certainly try. It's not a power I've had much need to use often, thankfully. I'll get all the information here that I can, before I find somewhere quiet to sit and focus."

She looks towards the dots, eyes narrowed as she tries to find any sort of pattern. "Why these mutants, is the question."

Emma Frost has posed:
It takes a bit as the scans commence. It has never been instantaneous, after all.

There's a purple-pink dot on the screen, labelled Julian Keller, first. New York City. Manhattan. Closer... a nightclub, one known for being lax about checking IDs. <|LAST KNOWN LOCATION: CURRENT LOCATION UNKNOWN|>

He is strong with mental abilities, which might mean Cerebro has an easier time picking him up. So it takes a few more moments before in quick succession, three more dots appear.

Roberto da Costa. <|LAST KNOWN LOCATION: CURRENT LOCATION UNKNOWN|> The dark red dot appears in Westchester. Not too far from the school, just off the road before getting into the town on the NYC side of town.

Henry McCoy. <|LAST KNOWN LOCATION: CURRENT LOCATION UNKNOWN|> This bright blue dot jumps back and forth between the building housing Warren Worthington's penthouse apartment... and the nearby parking facility in NYC.

Gabrielle Kinney. <|LAST KNOWN LOCATION: CURRENT LOCATION UNKNOWN|> The yellow dot sits on the edge of the Xavier's grounds, along the further location on the trail she usually runs on.

The screen wavers a bit, and finally a lavender dot pops up. Danielle Moonstar. <|LAST KNOWN LOCATION: CURRENT LOCATION UNKNOWN|> Outside of Xavier's grounds, in a distant wooded area. Not unheard of for Dani to go out away from the bustle of the mansion, to be fair.

Finally, two last dots, one white and one bright pink, appears.

White: Emma Frost. It wavers between off the map entirely, and the Hellfire Club building. <|UNKNOWN LOCATION. WARNING: UNKNOWN LAST KNOWN LOCATION.|>

Pink: Jennifer Stavros. It wavers between Xavier's mansion and off the map entirely. <|UNKNOWN LOCATION. WARNING: UNKNOWN LAST KNOWN LOCATION.|>

Alison Blaire has posed:
Putting a hand to her stomach, Ali looks ill seeing all the dots. "That's all over. Do we have a time line of who was taken first?" She asks and looks from Betsy to Scott. Alison isn't an X-Man either, but now she's regretting not having joined. Maybe she wouldn't feel so helpless now. Her eyes slide over the different dots.

Julio Richter has posed:
"Yeah," Julio replies to Scott, then points to Alex. "It was his idea, actually. Different places feel different to me, depending on what's underground. I haven't got to the point where I can tell what kind of rocks I'm standing on, or anything, but I can get a feel for where there aren't any."

He glances over at Betsy, and points out darkly, "They're all connected to this school, aren't they? I mean, I don't know this Stavros girl, but" -- he points to the map, where she's shown as potentially being inside the school -- "there's the pattern."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex nods to Julio. "Glad it's helpful...but this doesn't tell us where they've gone...only where they were...so what, we split up and go to all the places they were at yet, do some CSI shit?" he says with a frown.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy looks at Julio, one brow arching sharply upwards. "I meant why /these/ mutants. Is it just because they're mutants? Is there some other plan for them, based on powers or connections? Jenny, I believe, has money. Frost certainly does. As does Julian, I believe." She pauses. "Hank has one of the most brilliant minds in the world. Gabby.. poor girl, is an experiment people may want to exploit and recreate."

Scott Summers has posed:
"Yes. Emma's connection is distant, but... yes," which in Scott's mind means they are under attack. However, he does a mental note to check with contacts in Mutant Town to see if more mutants are missing.

"Something is peculiar with Emma and Jennifer's signal, something else to research," he looks at Betsy. "Would you please search for them using Cerebro. I will contact the Professor, but we should start with the resources we have."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Alex and I can go look around the locations near the school for clues." Alison offers. "While Betsy uses Cerebo. What is that?" She adds after a second with a looks to Scott. "Better than sitting around waiting."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy will look at Scott, a moment of teeth catch her bottom lip, a rare sign of nerves. She will close her eyes and incline her head. "I will. It may be better if I look unassisted for them, first. Who knows that they're looking for. They're watching them, right?"

Scott Summers has posed:
"We don't know they whys and whos yet," remarks Scott. "And to be honest I am pretty sure they will be shielded from telepathic location. The people that captured them showed a great deal of competence. They didn't not fail once. Not with Danielle, who is very careful. Or Hank, who is a veteran Avenger. Gabrielle and Emma had enhanced senses and telepathy and should have been able to detect the attackers. Yet not even them could call for help."

He sighs, and nods to Alison, "but we will try. Everyone makes mistakes, and we will find where they made a mistake. Our people are alive, I am sure. They made this seemingly flawless operation to capture them, killing would have been much easier. Lets get moving and find them."

Alison Blaire has posed:
Nodding, Alison leans against the table. "Ok. We'll hope for mistakes...even if they couldn't call for help maybe they left a sign?" She hopes and gives Alex a nudge. "Come on. Say you'll help me look. We can't just wait." Alison looks at him and lifts her brows.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex sighs out and nods tightly. "Sure. That parking place, if it's where she was last, maybe someone saw the cab or whatever too, whether it let her off there. We can go do that while you're doing....whatever this is.." he says, waving as Cerebro.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"My tracking doesn't exactly use my telepathy. It's like Cerebro - looking for mental signatures. But Cerebro is like a turbo booster." She says with a sigh.

She's silent a moment. "I don't know that Emma is much of a fighter, and while I know Hank and Gabby are, are they resistant to telepathic influence?" She's thinking out loud, more than trying to pick a fight, sounding thoughtful.

She will take a deep breath, before she pulls her shoulders back. She'll go strap into Cerebro, trying to forget her own misgivings about it.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott stands up, following Besty to Cerebro. "Hank has extensive training; he is not easy to deceive or control with telepathy. But truth is there are some telepaths that could do it, if they are strong and skilled enough. I am sure Jean would be able, for instance."

But the list of powerful telepaths that could do this is not long. The first name is the Shadow King. To be honest Scott almost prefers to deal with Stryker.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Ok. So, we'll go sleuth it up and Scott's like...central command, and Betsy is going to do her thing. Any news from Piotr and his group?" Alison asks and takes a couple slow breaths. "I guess...if Alex and I run into trouble I'll put on a light show. It's hard to miss." She offers, the singer making a face. This is so far out of her comfort zone, but she's not going to just do nothing either.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex frowns a bit, shifting from foot to foot. "...of the two of us, if it's some guy kidnapping famous mutants, you'd be the target." he says slowly to Alison after a moment. "No one much knows I am one. I mean, /I/ didn't know I was one until a few months ago. It might be dangerous for you to go."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy will frown, as she tries to shut out everything and everyone else. Her eyebrows will pull together, as she concentrates, pushing harder than she has yet dared since being 'returned to herself'. She can't seem to feel them, find any of them. So she'll single out, going for a familiar mind first - Dani.

There's a gasp, a jerk throughout her body, before she will clamp her jaw tight. Then she switchs to Hank... and her hands clench.

She will stop, afraid that more of the same will erode her willpower. When she opens her eyes, the look she gives Scott is bleak. "I can't.. when I find where they were..the echos.. terror. "

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott frowns deeply. Still, Betsy got -something- and that means the stronger and most skilled Xavier might be able to get more. "At least it is not a perfect shield, and they are alive," he offers, trying to focus in the positive.

He turns to Alex and Alison, "don't go alone. Alex, almost assuredly the kidnappers know about you. So be careful out there. I will send more people as we mobilize, but call here every hour. If you miss two calls, I am sending a rescue party. Good luck."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"I'm not harmless, Alex. I might be slow to this-this proactive stance, but I can do this." Alison protests. "We don't know they're after anyone famous. Besides..." She gestures to Betsy. "They're afraid. I'm not sitting out." She crosses her arms and stares down Alex.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"I'll keep in touch." She says to Ali and Alex, meaning without phones, of course. Because phones can lose service. Telepathy... not so much, as long as she's safe.

There's a long look at Scott, a moment's hesitation. "Dani felt betrayed, even as she felt terrified." She whispers. "This had to be someone she knew." Which makes it even more... anger-raising, and dangerous.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex sighs, running his fingers through his hair quietly. "...fine. not going to stop you. Let's go see what's there then, I'll drive." He nods to Scott, then mms. "Got a tracking device or something we can take, just in case?"

Scott Summers has posed:
"Yes, actually," Scott approves Alex idea. Not something that happens every day. "Lets go to the lab for a second to get a couple microtrackers," subdermal, if they are daring enough. "I am going to contact Piotr to see what the others are doing. I imagine Illyana will be trying magic. It is something our enemies rarely expect."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Can they track my fitbit?" Alison asks. "It's right upstairs. I can grab it." She offers and gives Alex a triumphant smile. "Warren would be super put out if I let anything happen to you. So...you know." She flexes a bit. Looking at Scott she makes a face and sighs. "Ok..." She looks down and scuffs her foot.