18398/Pain and Screams and Cyber
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Pain and Screams and Cyber | |
Date of Scene: | 22 June 2024 |
Location: | Warehouses - Hell's Kitchen |
Synopsis: | Logan faces the things that nightmares are made of when he once again faces one of the greatest monsters from his past, the man known as Cyber. One of the few that can give even the brave Wolverine nightmares. Trigger Warning, scene is extremely gory and includes graphic torture and dismemberment. |
Cast of Characters: | Logan Howlett, Monet St. Croix
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The past week or so has been fairly quiet for Logan. Upon his recent trip to Gotham City and subsequent ass-whipping at the hand of Cyber, he has been laying low at Xavier's Institute. It took him a few days to fully recover physically, but he hasn't quite completely recovered mentally after having been thoroughly beaten.
Tonight he finds himself wandering the dark streets of Hell's Kitchen. A faint odor of booze tagging along behind him as he trudges down an empty street, a thick cigar poking out from his mouth. A haze of foul-smelling smoke drifts along with him like a foggy balloon.
The scowl chiseled across his leathery features suggests he isn't in the best of moods. But when is he ever in the best of moods?
A lone car slowly makes its way down the street, only one headlight on and a sputtering engine that sounds like its on its last legs. Hell, if it makes it to the end of the block, Logan will be surprised.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Logan is one of the best. But so is his opposition. On this day, someone is stalking him. Downwind, scent hard to pick out in the city, the background noise and his ability to walk in total silence making it difficult to pick him out. But Logan is one of the best for a reason. So he might very well be able to pick up Cyber tracking him down through the darkness. But the man moved like Creed. Darting from cover to cover, having decades of knowing how Logan's enhanced senses worked.
But that was eighty years ago. Logan had gotten much better since the Second World War. But he had also lost his memory and gone through immense mental trauma, losing a great deal to himself. Against an enemy that might not have known him at his best but known him when he was whole.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
As the puttering vehicle approaches Logan, the one dimly-lit headlight slowly illuminates the X-Man's form against the darkness of the neighborhood. His eyes narrow as the brightness floods his vision, making it difficult to see. The action makes Logan look even more unsettling than he already does, and if the sorry revving of the car's engine is any indication, the driver doesn't want anything to do with the man.
Probably a smart move on the driver's part, considering who Logan is and, even moreso, who is tracking him currently.
The car's engine rattles and manages to pull the car further down the road and beyond Logan, the light finally gone. His eyes blink a few times as he recovers from the light in his face, still unaware of the person on his trail.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Cyber is stealthy, and has experience only slightly less than Logan's own - perhaps even then, given who knows when he was born. He's hunting Logan - unlike most, there's no last minute taunts, last minute monologues, or blatant ambushes. Cyber will play with his foot after he has Logan's guts dangling over his claws.
From the side there's a flash of movement from someone with speed and strength on par with Creed as the familiar figure in a way from nightmares goes on the attack, moving to try and slash at Logan from the side with adamantium claws dripping with poison!
- Logan Howlett has posed:
his eyes finally adjusted to the lack of light in them, Logan blinks at a brief glint of light reflecting off of the metal-laced arms rapidly approaching him from the side.
Dammit, old man, you're slackin'.
Spinning to the side opposite Cyber's attack, Logan manages to narrowly avoid the initial attack of the poison-soaked claws. Only just.
His momentum carrying through the spin enough to bring him back around, his claws are already popped out with a SNIKT by the time he has turned to face Cyber. He wastes no time and lunges forward, throwing a clawed fist forward, aiming to stab Cyber straight in the face.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Cyber has quite a size advantage over on Logan. His wrist would snap up, deflecting the strike of claws on his own adamantium gauntlets. His heavy boot would go to kick up once Logan had committed his full power to his strike, intent on smashing it hard into Logan's gut if he could.
"Why Corporal, I thought you had learned better from this." He would laugh and sneer, even as he would try to use his significantly superior range to stomp onto Logan hard!
Even though with blocking the strikes he wasn't able to use his own claws. But fighting against someone that could handle Logan's adamantium blades was still something that Logan probably didn't have a lot of combat experience with.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
It's true. Logan can more or less count on one finger how many times he's fought against someone who can more or less negate his adamantium claws. That makes dealing with Cyber infinitely more complication and dangerous.
His claws deflected and harmlessly scraping across the adamantium gauntlets, Logan's arm fully extends as the momentum of his punch carries it forward. He doesn't have time to react and pull his arm back before Cyber's heavy foot plants squarely into Logan's stomach, sending him backwards through the air.
He smashes through a fence consisting of rusty panels of metal plates, taking a few of the panels with him as he tumbles to the ground.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Cyber goes to charge after Logan, his own claws gonig ot slash downwards to try and strike Logan hard! Coated with acid and brutal hallucinogents, intent on crippling Logan with nightmares the same way..
"Hello Corporal. I've got some fond memories of you screaming. It's been so long I thought I should give myself a refresher and a reminder."
Blades going downwards, trying to just get the slightest slash in.
"Drowning you in the mud at Ypres.. That was really fun."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Shoving the metal plates off of himself, Logan starts to push to his feet when Cyber is closing in on him. He reflexively throws an arm up just in time to block the attack, however the tainted claws rip into his flesh and deliver the poison to his bloodstream.
With a growl and a curse muttered under his breath, Logan plants his foot firmly on the ground and pushes his body forward, trying to drive both of his fists at Cyber, once again stabbing at any exposed part of his opponent's body. "Yer a sick bastard, bub."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Cyber would grin, "Why thank you. I never got tired of hearing you scream." Cyber has a solid reach advantage on him and equal strength. Cyber goes to circle around Logan, going in for quick feints and strikes to see how quick Logan would react. Waiting for Logan to overcommit to a strike which would leav ehim open.. And on him aggressively enough to try and limit his maneuverability.
Cyber *knew* how to fight him in ways perhaps anyone short of Creed did.
"lovely to be appreciated." Overhead slash. Kick. Strike.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
When Cyber circles around behind Logan, he turns to match his opponent's location. The feints and strikes are met with a solid defense at first. The decades and decades of combat experience show as he reacts to the attacks with a speed that Cyber most certainly expected.
As the drugs begin to work on Logan's body once again, his healing factor slows and his mind begins to be affected.
In an effort to end the fight before it can get worse, Logan commits to yet another swipe of his claws at Cyber's face, aiming to slice the bottom half of the man's face off of his skull and end this shit once and for all.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
As Logan goes to charge his way on in, Cyber would grin. His hands would snap out, catching each of Logan's wrists to stop them cold. His knee would slam up, gonig to brutally crush into Logan's gut. Then Cyber goes to slowly twist Logan's claws, going to turn them inwards. Intent on forcing Logan's own adamantium blades towards his own neck. Hands strong enough that if Logan's bones were not covered wtih adamantium he could crush them like paper mache.
"Corporal.. Corporal.." This might have flashbacks with it. Tied up. Hanging from something. A brutal beating tearing chunks of skin and flesh off. Himself? Someone else he failed?
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Goddammit, Logan.
The short, hairy ball of muscle snarls as his wrists are caught and his gut is smashed by Cyber's massive knee. The air rushes out of his lungs from the impact and his face contorts in an expression of pain as his wrists are twisted and his forearms are turned inwards towards his own neck.
He sneers as he struggles to push back, but the lack of air in his lungs forces a coughing fit that, while brief, is just enough for him to lose the strength battle.
His claws push through the flesh of his neck, slicing into his throat.
The pain combined with the repeating voice 'Corporal, Corporal' sends his mind elsewhere. Perhaps as a defense mechanism. Perhaps as a nightmare flashback. Either way, he sees a body with rope securely tied, arms folded by the sides. Strung up on a rusty metal hook. Cyber's old self ruthlessly beating it.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Cyber grins, "Good little pig. Scream for me, Corporal. Howl and shriek." He goes to slash his claws into Logan's neck, and Logan is choking on his own blood - until his healing factor can fix it. Then his claws go down over to Logan's stomach as he goes to slash through it. His hands would twist down, grappling Logan's own wrists to push them through it. Logan's internal organs protected by adamantium.. But his guts not.
What follows then is some brutal cutting, dismemberment, and ripping out of Logan's intestines. Then going to twist them around in a knot about Logan's neck, Logan's own claws left dangling helplessly.
"Now, Corporal.. I know this isn't going to kill you. But it will make you WISH you could die."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The blood filling Logan's mouth and throat cuts off his ability to breathe. His chest and stomach clenches, forcing air up through the bloody passages, expelling a red spray from his mouth and nostrils in a choked cough.
The disembowling sends an immense wave of pain throughout Logan's body. He's felt this pain before, but with his weakened healing, it's worse than ever before.
He is barely able to hear Cyber's taunting as he's left hanging by his neck, his own internal parts wrapped around his neck and the blood that his body struggles to rid from his throat all combine to make it damn near impossible for him to breathe.
His eyes drift shut. and his body goes limp.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Logan's left there, the mad cackling of Cyber filling his ears as he's left to choke. Eventually, his healing factor will stabilize him, get the poison out of his system, and let him get his guts in. But the nightmares will no doubt strike him even harder. Memories, hallucinations..
That laughter. That mad, mad laughter. That choking bit of things that can perhpas make even him quake in fear.