1842/A Sinister Plot: The Aftermath
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A Sinister Plot: The Aftermath | |
Date of Scene: | 25 May 2020 |
Location: | Medical Lab |
Synopsis: | Folks check on the wounded and the former captives, beginning the process of trying to heal and make sense of it all. |
Cast of Characters: | Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Henry McCoy, Clarice Ferguson, Julio Richter, Samuel Guthrie, Scott Summers, Rahne Sinclair, Danielle Moonstar, Alexis Carr, Gabby Kinney, Piotr Rasputin, Alex Summers
- Emma Frost has posed:
The former hostages are mostly settled into the medical bay to treat their injuries, their malnutrition and dehydration, and all the other physical aftereffects of their captivity, as well as perhaps some of the rescuers who had been injured in the process of the fights. Some sleep. Some are awake. Throughout the previous evening and the morning various folks with the medical skills to treat them have been looking in and doing so. Likely many of them will be released to convelese privately and in peace.
Emma Frost is looking forward to that. Even though the medical lab isn't as cold and unfeeling as Sinister's operating playground, it gives her the creeps. She'd rather be home in her own bed if possible. For her, at least, her wounds have been bandaged and cleaned out, and an IV with saline and antibiotics to fight the infection have gone a long way to bringing her fever down. But she's been largely silent, both verbally and mentally, since their arrival.
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean's present, of course, as she's looking after the various patients and making sure they were okay. Any qualms she might have had about "dealing" with her clone... well, after checking the condition of the hostages...
Let's just say that Meridith's death isn't going to cause her any lack of sleep.
Currently, she stays a bit unobtrusive, knowing what her clones did to torture the others and not wishing to cause people to relive those experiences. However, she does send a tentative mental contact to Emma, << Hey. >> Emma can see her flash a tentative smile, looking pretty concerned. Though Emma can also sense that there's something on her mind.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank had actually been... up and about. Hungry, yes. Malnutritioned, likely. But his physical injuries were mended rather quickly - his secondary and tertiary mutations seeing to that. There was also the need to help where he could. He had a hell of a lot of medical knowledge, after all.
There were problems, though - his hands were not the same. Not as nimble or dexterous. It was clearly a huge frustration to him - the Beast having to stride away quickly to avoid his anger overflowing. It seemed more of his skill was going to be offered over in the way of advice and instruction.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
After the battle Clarice had made her way over to the medical lab with the rest of the people even if she wasn't exactly one of the Xs. Though she had her own wounds to be look after, the scrapes after their encounter with Clone-Sinister and his thugs. So she had received her bandages and been staying the next morning, in recovery.
She watches the other patients with a sympathetic eye from time to time. Understanding perhaps. She had used one of those collars for a long time in the past, even if Sinister had his own ..., different methods than the Magistrates did. Though she also knew that sometimes silence and an hopeful smile were all one could offer.
And right now that's what she did, a faint smile given. They were alive, and that was what mattered.
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio pops in through the doorway, hands in his jean pockets, hoping to check on the recovery of the rescued mutant prisoners, and is nearly bowled over by Hank as he storms away from a frustratingly delicate task. His eyebrows shoot upward and he turns to look after the furry faculty member, then takes a few strides to try to catch up. He's not as fast as Dr. McCoy -- not by a long shot -- but the infirmary is only so big. He makes the sensible decision not to comment on the good Doctor's suddenly leonine appearance, instead just offering, "Hola... is there anything I can do to help?"
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has brought down some food, for the people here as well. Trying to make sure they have any comforts he can give them. The food might be a bit blander than normal, letting their bodies handle it easier, but he makes sure it is there. He moves over checking on some of the sleeping people seeming to hover a bit at Berto's side.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
The big man stops when addressed, shaking his head. "I.... my hands aren't the same. Delicate work is difficult." He turns to look at Julio. "I can't help with IVs or delicate suture work as needed. Surgery is right out." There's a definite frown on his face. "I can't help my friends properly." The pain is certainly in his voice - not being able to protect or help his friends takes a toll on the Beast.
"I need someone with medical knowledge down here, with working hands."
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean speaks up softly, "I can... I can do that, Hank." She still sounds a bit tentative, but well, the nice thing about a psychiatry degree is that there's a level of medical training involved with that. She pauses, then adds, "If you're okay with that, that is."
Apparently she's conscious of what her clones were doing under Sinister's employ, as she's been an characteristic wallflower to this point.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's reaction to Jean's mental nudge and greeting is probably far less of a flinch than others. For one, it's incredibly hard for two telepaths in a mental link to fool the other as to being someone else. It just is. So, on that, Emma has no doubt that this Jean is definitely not THAT JEAN. For another, though there were times during the captivity when Jean's clone... or clones, Emma couldn't tell anymore, things were somewhat blurry since her turn on the operating table... had come into her cell to check on her or cause her a bit more suffering-- the bulk of her torture had been directly at Essex's hands and the hands of clones of Scott. While she might flinch at seeing him, Jean was a breath of fresh air, so to speak.
Plus, she had been somewhat fevered and not always cogent for much of the latter part of their experience. Though it nearly killed her, it probably helps.
<<Hey.>> Emma's response is terse. <<Guess your degree will be helpful.>> That is delivered in a hint of the somewhat snide and snarky tone Emma has been known to slip into, but it's not intended to be hurtful.
- Scott Summers has posed:
Scott was lucky to escape relatively unscathed from the fight. Just some bruises and scrapes from fighting his own clone, 37. Said clone survived and might have escaped the explosion that destroyed Sinister facility.
Because fate likes to mess up with Scott.
He piloted the Blackbird back, and then went to check the rescued. But the med-bay was full of busy people with more medical knowledge than himself and he was told to let them work. So he went to sleep. Which me mostly failed to do. Because seeing Sinister up close again was pretty unpleasant for Scott. He was Essex' 'guest' himself years ago, you see.
So, now everyone is properly bandaged and hopefully got some food and rest, he steps in the med-lab to visit and see what happened. Hank is, of course, his first stop. "Hank," he greets, adjusting his glasses. "It took us too long to find you. I am sorry."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
There was tension in the frame of Hank - all too clear when addressed by Scott and Jean. Anyone with a telepathic rapport can tell - his mind is on high alert. Where once he was trainined in protecting himself from probing and mind scans - his animalistic side had taken it up a notch. Sure, Jean or Emma could force through it - but it's still there.
Henry takes a deep breath, counting internally. When his eyes refocused, he looked to Scott and Jean - not captors, but friends he'd made a lifetime ago. "Scott, you did as you could - and you saved us. That's the part I knew was coming. That you, Jean, and the rest of our family would save us." The furry Beast gives a slight trembling sigh. "I had to keep telling myself, and the others that. Sinister did everything he could to break us down."
Another nod to Jean. "Please, help me?"
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio glances down at the teacher's now paw-like hands, then back up at his face with a sympathetic expression. He's about to offer to at least /try/ letting the Doc talk him through a simple procedure when, to his relief, Jean steps into the conversation -- seemingly from out of nowhere. Happy not to have to display his own total ignorance of medicine, Julio steps back and lets her take the lead.
As Scott joins the small circle, the student nods a silent greeting, quickly getting the impression that he's the odd man out among three close friends who have been through a lot together. He quietly steps away and approaches Sam, who's standing on his own. "Is your friend going to be OK?" he asks the taller mutant, his chin swinging out to indicate the stretcher where Roberto remains prone and unconscious.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and takes a moment before he answers "Alexis is ok she was hurt getting them back, and Dani seemed in better shape than most of them, but Berto, Ah don't know. Dani said he does not remember anything any of us or anything we have been through. He looks over to Jean and then Emma. "Hoping maybe one of the telepaths can help, but might need the professor to do it." He admits "Ah should probably call Steph let her know sorta whats going on."
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Sitting up on the bed she had been lying on Blink stretches her arms up. It was about time that she stood up and got mobile. So she does just that, hands pressing on the bed and she pushing herself up to her feet. A faint wince at the body pain, but nothing too serious at all. Nothing one more day or so won't heal up. Her eyes turn towards the Beast's hand briefly but she offers no comment, only a grim set to her lips.
Though she eventually addresses Scott when the man walks in. A nod of recognition but also respect, "You did what you could. If it wasn't for your leadership would even half of us be standing here today?"
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods over towards Hank, "Just tell me what you need, Hank." She gives him a warm smile, stepping over towards him, though she does cast a wry look over her shoulder towards Emma.
<< Zo, vould you tell me aboutz your mother, fraulein? >> It takes some talent to get the really bad accent into her mindspeech, but Jean manages it in her communication with Emma. Settling in to help Hank with what he needs, she keeps talking mentally to Emma, << I think, though, we definitely need to arrange for another spa day. Or perhaps week. A spa week. >>
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio looks down at Roberto again, shocked. "They erased his memory?" he asks Sam, finding the prospect hard to believe. "I... didn't know that was possible," he says, hesitant. There's a strange, ambivalent note in his voice, as though this new possibility has sent his mind elsewhere, but he dismisses whatever his train of thought might be with a quick shake of his head. Refocusing on Sam and Roberto, he finishes, "Lo siento -- it must feel like you got a friend back, just to lose him again."
He looks over as Clarice sits up. He doesn't recognize her, and she's pretty distinct in appearance, so at first he assumes she's one of the prisoners whose names he didn't recognize. "Who there -- you OK?" he asks her.
- Scott Summers has posed:
"Thank you, Ms. Ferguson. But it is my job to prevent this kind of thing to happen," if only because he has self-appointed in charge of security. "It was a lucky break we would track down Sinister teleportation systems," he says to Hank. "I think he is not, or was not aware we have alien technology." He says this to Hank to get his brain working. They got a partial signature of Sinister's Tesseract teleporter. A first step to find the mad geneticist real hideout and neutralize him for good.
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The door to the medical lab opens and closes, rather quickly...quietly. If anyone was paying attention, they might have caught a little slip of a girl enter, with bare feet and short, cropped hair as red as could naturally be possible. There isn't any sound from the petite Rahne as she enters...but there is definitely a purpose. Those green eyes are wide open...and searching. There is no mention as to what, or more likely who, Rahne is looking for...but she is looking, nonetheless, remaining close to the back of the medical bay.
- Danielle Moonstar has posed:
Ever since they got back, Dani has been... reclusive at best. Oh, she's awake and alert... but she's not talking to anyone. She's barely looking at anyone. At the moment, she's on the bed she's been put on to rest, be given fluids, and monitored (as she lacks the healing abilities of others) and is just lying there; curled on one side under her blankets, staring at a wall.
When she hears Jean and Scott's voices, the physical flinch is obvious. At least she's got her powers and enough of her wits back to keep the psychic shielding up to avoid any other flares.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a cant of his head, looking to Scott. "I ... think he may be unaware of that, yes. I don't know the extent of the information he drew from us." He says, somewhat irritated at that lack of knowledge. "Or his clones." Another shake of his head. "I ... can start trying to track him, if we have the signature. Others might be better at it, though." He says, self-doubt creeping in.
"I will do my best." He finally decides. "Was anyone else injured in the rescue?" He knows all too well about the injuries the prisoners suffered.
- Alexis Carr has posed:
Quietly making her way into the infirmary, her left arm in a sling to keep it from aggrivating her shoulder, her dark hair tied back in a simple, wavy ponytail, Alexis Carr pokes her head in. Today, she's just clad in jeans, colorful mid-heels and one of Sam Guthrie's T-shirts, knotted about her stomach to keep it from being a dress.
"Ah... h'lo, all. Figured I would pop over to the market to maybe get something to lift spirits." she states gently, holding up a few paper shopping sacks. The British mutant looks a little pained to be carrying it all on one arm, and other than some obvious tiredness doesn't precisely look worse for wear.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
With Julio addressing her Clarice's attention goes to the man. A new face to her just the same. "I am. Just some scrapes really." being dragged around by Sinister. Ufff. "I am Clarice. Or Blink if you prefer." she says, a faint smile to her lips even if it doesn't quite reach her eyes due to all this is bringing back to her in terms of memories of the past, her demeanor mostly a sad one. But not much of a surprise there.
Her eyes then trail over to Scott again and she offers him an understanding nod. Leadership was never easy.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was quiet. She had no more physical injuries due to her healing factor, but she was quieter than she ever had been before. It would take a bit to warm up again so she just sits with a smile plastered to her face to look the part of being brave even though... She was rather hurt inside. More for her friends, she would like to tell herself, but her own torment had been unexpected. And worse than she would like to admit. Finally, after a bit of just listening to the others chat and update one another she slides off the edge of the bed she'd been set on keeping a blanket around herself. A real, actual honest to god blanket and not that flimsy thing they'd been allowed. It was a comfort to her now to just pull it tight around her shoulders and arms. She just looks around at the other survivors starting to get their bearings, and work, and ... A little huff of breath comes from her as she's forced to reach up out of her blanket to rub the heel of her palm against her eyes.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will look over and as Rahne comes in, he knows where she is headed. He will look back to Berto a moment and then when Alexis comes in, he moves to her, to take the bags "Could have told e you were going, and I could have carried things hon." He says to Alexis.
- Jean Grey has posed:
Jean looks over at Hank, "Alexis got hit by Scrambler, nothing too serious, but wouldn't hurt to check in on her at some point. She seemed alright, though." She notices Dani's reaction, and sighs a bit to herself. Not that she blames the younger mutant. Quite the opposite, really.
Jean then looks over at Scott, not saying anything, though she seems to have some thoughts percolating in her head as she shakes her head silently at something. Then she goes back to helping Hank out, being his hands in a manner of speaking.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma snorts aloud at Jean's bad joke. But she doesn't respond otherwise, only moving enough to scratch at her IV location. And then slightly at the bandages over her bicep. Everything itches, and while she recognizes that she probably will benefit from the treatment, she really just wants to be home in her own bed. Besides, after all that time without the buzzing mental noise of other people, everything seems so //loud//.
- Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Thump, thump, thump, goes the floor as a familiar face is heralded by his lack of subtlety. Coming into the Medical Lab is the somewhat unexpected sight of Piotr still in metallic form. He has changed into dark gym shorts and grey Columbia t-shirt. The Russian is mildly surprised to see as many people here as there are, or at least his face makes it seem he thinks that. "Ah, I hope everything is all right? Apologies if I am being a bother, just came to see if there was anything I could do." In his hands is a tray with coffee and donuts.
- Scott Summers has posed:
"Not as badly as during the Morlock Massacre," replies Scott, "but both Alex and James had broken ribs." And then he spots Piotr's large frame, "I need to talk to you both soon. For a detailed after-action report. We need to update our data on the Marauders."
And the med-lab is indeed getting crowded. But he still wants at least to check out how Alex is doing. Assuming he wasn't kicked out after someone bandaged his ribs. After all he has a room upstairs.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank can smell the food before Piotr arrives, the scent of real food bringing a rumble to his belly and a slight smile to his face. "Food... food is good. I think most people here will be good with solids, though perhaps more nutritious meals going forward." There's a bit of the ol' McCoy spark! "Thank you, Piotr."
As Jean mentioned Alexis, he looks in her direction. "I'll ... be more likely to talk after a bit of reflection. My injuries are internal." He offers over to Scott, before heading towards where Alexis was.
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Those green eyes widen as Rahne spies who exactly she was looking for. Yet, there is hesitation there. Should she walk over? Would she even be welcomed? Rahne...wasn't exactly the best when it came to social interactions. But....there are friends here that need her.
And...that's what drives Rahne finally. Her arms, latticed with thin white lines that will soon disappear, the only evidence of her part of the rescue, are held down...behind her back, as she approaches Danielle's bed. It is a slow walk and there are a few times in which she almost turns around and leaves...but eventually Rahne makes it to the side of the bed.
"Dani?" Just one word spoken, in Rahne's recognizable Scottish drawl. Just one word....but the way it is spoken speaks volumes. Fright. Concern. And care. Nothing more...no threat to hug, no overt show of emotions. Rahne is testing the waters...
- Alexis Carr has posed:
"Sam, I would have figured by now you knew precisely the type of stubborn woman I am." Alexis points out, stepping to move out of Piotr's way and suddenly feeling very... out of place. There were a lot of people here, and they would take plenty of time to heal up. She sheepishly looks to her left arm a bit, then up to Sam as she gives a wan smile.
"It's fine, really. It's not as if I purchased for the whole mansion." she protests to Cannonball as she turns over the bags, and picks up her own cup carrier, and slips over towards Emma Frost.
- Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr gives polite nods to the various people and sets down the tray with the stuff on it and begins distributing them. When Scott looks to him, the Russian gives a nod, "Da, plenty of work to do, but that is what we call Tuesday." He gives a nod to Scott and takes a donut for himself and stands next to a wall for the time being, as he realizes he takes up a lot of real estate when he's in the middle of the room.
- Danielle Moonstar has posed:
It takes a moment before Dani responds. If there were anyone that would break through the shell she's built up in the aftermath, it's Rahne. They've got a level of connection beyond anyone. Still, all she does is turn towards the redhaired girl and let out a slow breath. However, anything she might have said gets caught in her throat and she lifts the arm without the IV to press the heel of her palm against her eyes.
Once she's contained herself again, Dani says quietly: "I tried reaching out to you. I couldn't. I couldn't feel anyone."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney finishes her little snuffling moment as she gathers her wits again. No, no, crying in front of adults is bad. They get all upset about it. So she turns toward Emma's bed to walk over and flash her a smile. "Told you we'd make it out," she offers half-heartedly before just leaning into give the normally cold socialiate a one armed hug careful of her stomach. She'd done what she could to help and tend to Emma before her own torment had begun. As well as the others.
A little sniff of the air causes her head to raise and she blinks at the smell of coffee. "Ohhh." Well that might be a thing.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Food, friends, and people being taken care of. That's a lot of what Hank needs right now. He stop by where Sam and Alexis were, nodding to them both. "Everyone all right, here? No injuries needing looked over?" He looks to both. "Thank you... both for rescuing us." The big blue man offers over. "You were both most timely."
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Ah tried. Ah...Ah tried so hard tae find ye." An arm, criss-crossed with those thin white lines that already appear to be fading, reaches around, so a hand could wipe at her own eyes, to stem the flow of tears that threaten to fall. "Ah kept goin' out, over an' over, tryin' tae sense ye, smell ye...anythin'. Ah....Ah should've been there for ye."
Rahne's voice somehow shrinks....barely a shell of herself. She is beating herself up pretty hard over not being there. But then, a small ray of hope. "But. Ah finally felt ye. As Ah was fallin' inta Limbo, from that basement of 'orrors. Just before Illyana sent us out....Ah felt yer presence." Rahne's eyes remain downcast, while her arm drops. "Ah'm sorry Ah wasn't there."
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio nods at Clarice, introducing himself: "Julio Richter. Or Ric, if you're in a hurry. I'm glad you made it out in one piece."
He tosses a smile at Piotr as the big metal Russian enters, and gratefully accepts a cop of coffee, then turns to Gabby, who he notices is up and about now. "It's good to have you back, Gabriela." He frowns a touch guiltily. "I wish I could have been there to help."
- Alex Summers has posed:
With all the injuries, the medbay has been pretty packed...and thus, some have left the area so there's room. And because at the time Emma was asleep recovering, and hovering over the injured while they try to rest doesn't really help anyone.
That said, after having taken a few hours of sleep out on the lounge couch, Alex comes limping back in a bit stiffly, slowing as he sees the crowd inside, then starting to make his way across towards one particular resident. "Hey everyone..." he rasps softly.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma winces as Gabby hugs her, giving Alexis a half smile. "I'll be fine," she reassures them both, trying not to grimace. When Alex comes in, though, she seems to relax somewhat, though. He will feel a slight mental touch through the link she hasn't dropped since she placed it the day before.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney winces herself from Emma's reaction and offers a small, "Sorry," about causing her more discomfort. At least there were others here to greet Emma, too, so she steps away to let them have room. Julio's greeting to her earns a smile in return. "Thanks. That really sucked. How long were we gone for anyway?" It was difficult to tell time in the cells with no windows or clocks to be seen.
Even as she asks this her stomach gives a noisy rumble alerting her, again, to the fact that there was food nearby. Looking just a little sheepish she takes a few steps over to where Piotr had set up the goodies to reach out intending to snag a donut. "Kinda starving, sorry."
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
With a nod given at Julio her smile then turns a bit wider. "I am always in a hurry, so Ric will do. Good to meet you." Though as Julio moves on so does Blink's gaze wander over to the rest of the room, again the grim look returning..
And then she begins walking over to the exit, perhaps to go look for Lorna. On her way out she nods at the entering Alex. "Good to see you up and about." Yes, it hadn't been an easy fight! But then slips out of the room.
- Alexis Carr has posed:
"Oh, ah, no thank you, Dr. McCoy, I'm very well bandaged up as much as can be, given the wound. I'll be right as rain in a few weeks. I'll just make Sam do all the heavy lifting." she jokes lightly to Hank as she pauses, stopping her approach to Emma as Alex makes his way in. Proper order of operations, there, letting Alex get first dibs as she one-arms setting the drink carrier on the counter, and gives Emma Approximation of Expensive Coffee Drink of Preference. Iced, of course, and Alexis busies herself handing out fancy cookies to go along with the coffee and donuts, the kind named after various cities and that remember the olden times.
To Gabby, the short Brit pauses, and she purses her lips. "A while..." she answers gently. "How are you feeling there, poppet?" she asks, and offers her *two* chocolate chip and peacan cookies.
- Danielle Moonstar has posed:
Dani shakes her head, then winces. She's still dehydrated enough that her head is pounding. She hisses a bit with it and lays back in the bed. "I'm glad you weren't there," she tells Rahne in a quiet voice. "It's good. No one should ever deal with that." She shudders a little. "You came. You all did. Hank and Gabby kept telling us you would, but-"
She looks away then, ashamed. "I doubted you'd be able to find us at times. It was so hard in there."
- Scott Summers has posed:
And there he is. Scott nods at Hank and heads to meet Alex. "Alex, how are you feeling?" Scott looks well, but he got it easy compared with his younger sibling or James. Or even Clarice, who got tossed around telekinetically by Scott's clone and then dragged by the hair by Sinister's double.
Mostly, Scott looks as if has slept two hours. But that is a Tuesday. "And... how is she," he asks quietly, gesturing towards Emma with his head.
- Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Couple of blasts to the chest," Piotr says to Hank, "Couple of days in this form," he gestures to his metal skin, "and I will be fine." Gabby gets a nod and a, "Go ahead, they're for everybody. I doubt anyone will deny anyone a donut at this point." He takes a bite and is pleased, because there is no such thing as a bad donut.
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio waves to Clarice as she heads out, then turns the gesture into an inviting Vanna White toward Piotr's tray. "He's right, no one's going to mind you pigging out all you want," he tells Gabby. Then he gives the metal man a somewhat stricken look. The Summmerses' broken bones, Alexis's sling, and Clarice's scrapes and bruises are one thing, but: "What kind of blast do /you/ need two days to recover from?" he asks the Russian in disbelief. "Maybe it's not a bad thing that I wasn't able to come along." He sips his coffee and silently reevaluates his life choices.
- Alex Summers has posed:
Alex mmphs to Scott. "Like I got hit by a pickup. Other than that, okay. Just ribs, they'll heal." Hell of a bruise too, which is just visible under the grey t-shirt Alex is wearing as he moves over sweatshorts, which are worn loose. He doesn't really want to put pressure on the bruise if he can help it. He pauses to give quiet shoulder touches and back touches as he winds through the crowd to the injured, nodding to them, before he ends up by Emma's side, then reaches out to take her hand, squeezing it carefully. He can't actually touch back mentally, but his presence is there. He nods to Alexis as she brings over the coffee, snagging a cookie himself. And just lets out a breath as he relaxes slightly, , leaning against Emma's bed.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney does have her eyes light up a bit as she not only snags a donut, but is offeed two cookies. They're accepted with a quick nod of thanks and she takes a bite of each to indulge in the flavor without waiting. It's all chewed and gulped down before she responds to Alexis. "I'm okay. I've been in situations like that before... Though this was worse," she has to admit with a little shudder. Alchemax at least took care of them even if they considered them property.
"He found a way to make me feel pain again. I haven't since I was a kid." Wait isn't she a kid to begin with? Then again someone who has been through as much as herself may not consider herself one. Really. "I'll be okay though. Just gimme a few days."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma eyes the coffee dubiously... not because she suspects it will taste bad, but because she is moderately skeptical of her ability to hold it down. However, she mouths 'thank you' to Alexis as she heads off to deliver a sugar rush to Gabby, reaching over and picking up the cup and sipping a tiny bit of it. Nope. Not a good idea. She puts it back down.
About that time Alex makes his way to her side and squeezes her hand. She squeezes back, letting out a small sigh. <<You move like you're hurt...>> she sends to him, frowning a little.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Smiling to Clarise and Sam, Hank nods. "All right, let me know if I can help, all right?" He offers, glancing over to Piotr with a nod. "We can take a look if it goes on longer, with being a problem?" A suggestion. Never let injuries sit without being tended to.
He glances over to Alex and Scott, shaking his head. "No heavy lifting, you two." Broken ribs and all.
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio looks at Gabby, his expression sickened. "Yeah, Julian mentioned that had happened to you," he says. "I can't imagine what kind of pinche monstruo would be that determined to torture a kid who can't be hurt, but I hope they knocked his head off." He crosses his arms and shrugs one shoulder toward the X-men who were involved in the rescue mission. As someone who has never fought Sinister before, Julio isn't aware yet of just how unlikely it is for such a battle to end with any such closure.
- Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr looks to Julio and points to the two spots on his chest, currently covered in a shirt, "Here and here, took direct hits from Harpoon. Vest ate a chunk of it, but disintegrated a bit of my skin," he shakes his head, "Won't be fully healed in a couple of days, but at least safe enough to go back to normal skin, which is nice as I would like to leave the building at some point."
The Russian then looks to Hank and nods, "Will do, hopefully it won't take too much longer to heal. Not a big fan of those bolts."
- Scott Summers has posed:
Scott smirks slightly when Alex rushes to Emma's side. Well, of course. He follows, but keeps some distance and crosses his arms across his chest. "Sam? Oh no, I am fine. Alex is the one who got punched by Blockbuster. He needs more training, although he did well otherwise." Then turns to the blonde woman, nodding in greeting. He expects she will be busy with Alex, though.
- Alexis Carr has posed:
"I can't even imagine what you've been through, Gabby." Alexis replies quietly, "You must be one of the bravest girls I know, taking all that in stride." she replies gently to the young one, and she purses her lips slightly, looking around to the assemblage as she sips her own beverage. Tea. Of course.
"And that's no small compliment. I know an awful lot of brave women." she gives Gabby a little smile.
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
A nod is given. Tiny, barely visible, but there. "Ah wasn't about tae be left behind. Ah was comin'. Ah'll always come tae find ye."
Rahne lifts her eyes up. Finally. And...looks upon Danielle now that she is closer. The ravages of the ordeal are clear, even to Rahne. The tiredness, the evidence of dehydration, the sheer weight of it all. Those eyes flicker downward, as a faint flush of red colors the Scotwoman's cheeks. "Ah...Ah should let ye rest. But...Ah'll be around. If ye need me."
Then, without too much more to say, Rahne turns to leave the bedside, to allow for that rest. And also perhaps to contemplate what is going on in Rahne's own head.
- Alex Summers has posed:
"Was kinda expecting the first shot would take that guy out." Alex grumps a bit. "Wasn't expecting cheaty evil goatee boy." He eyes Scott. "Also, that totally wasn't a good look on you." He sighs out and nods to Hank. "Yeah, I know...." He sees Emma's look and her mental question and nods to Scott's explanation. "Broken ribs and a lot of bruising and scrapes. It's not bad." He pauses. "...vaporizing Sinister. Or was that a clone thing?" he asks after a moment to Scott. He's still...mulling over how he feels about that.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma visibly flinches as Scott approaches, her hand gripping Alex's tighter. But this one is wearing those infernal red glasses that she's mocked more than once, while the others had not. So. That's somewhat encouraging. Still.
She gives Scott a tight smile, and Hank a much less tight one. She looks up to Alex for a moment, then actually speaks out loud, though her voice is a bit roughened from not being used for a bit. "Mm. So I guess all that... fooling around in the training room here helped," she mutters. Maybe she won't give him flak about it again in the future.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances between Julio, and Alexis offering the pair a smile in response to them. "We all survived and were all brave, but thank you. That's the hardest part with those situations. Making sure you stay alive to get out." Looking over her shoulder at the others who were injured far worse, and didn't have healing factors, she nods. "We all managed it. I'm glad." Because not every single one of Sinister's kidnapees had made it. They'd seen a few die in the process.
Another bite of cookie is taken and she suggests, "I think we're all going to need some time though. And maybe.... Maybe we can do a little memorial for the others who didn't make it. Even if we didn't really get to know them."
- Scott Summers has posed:
It was a clone thing. "Afraid so," mutters Scott. "Still vulnerable to our powers, at least," that is something else for the reports. Which he should start before he forgets anything important. "I'll come back later. Good to see you all will make full recover." That is a win when dealing with Sinister. He heads out.
- Julio Richter has posed:
Julio is taken aback when Piotr tells him who was responsible. "Harpoon? But isn't that the guy I..." He trails off, holds one hand out horizontally at about eye level, then smacks the other into it from the underside. 'Squished against a cave ceiling' is what he's trying to say, in a manner fit for mixed company. "I remember talk about clones, but I didn't think they could be cranked out /that/ quickly. Does he just have a bunch of spares sitting around?"
Must make for awkward conversations at the henchman water cooler.
He lifts one hand in a partial wave as Rahne leaves Dani's bedside. He hadn't wanted to interrupt her and Danielle, as they were obviously having a moment, but his heart goes out to both of them.
Then he turns back to Gabby and, after a second's hesitation, gives her a serious nod. "I've been imprisoned before -- not by a psychotic fake scientist, of course -- so I sort of know what you mean." Her comment about staying alive and getting out stirs mixed feelings in him, but he keeps those to himself for the moment.
- Alex Summers has posed:
"Didn't hurt. Didn't try to fly though." Alex says, a faint edge of dry humor in his tone as he answers Emma. He frows more at Scott's confirmation, just nodding at that. Well. Killed someone. A clone counts, he's pretty sure, but...as a Texan friend of his used to say, he needed killin', your Honor. "Time. And people to talk to, when you need it. Trained people." Alex says quietly. "If there's anything I can do to help all of you too, you let me know.I know I'm not the trained operative a lot of you are, but I can get pizza and supplies and whatever you need for that..."
- Alexis Carr has posed:
Alexis, at this point, is at a loss. She gives a soft breath out as she looks to Gabby.
"You're right." she replies in a quiet, gentle tone to the girl, and her lips purse a moment before she slides the rest of the bag of delicious dark chocolate pecan cookies over to Gabby, and she sets out the rest of the cookies to the side, fumbling a little with the one hand before she straightens herself up, and looks over the assembled X-Men and allies... and she gives a small nodto herself as she goes to make an exit.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
The doctor has made the rounds, and the world seems to be wearing on him. A nod to those, one last cursory check on those injured. "Just, let me know if anyone needs anything." He says, offering a tired smile. "I need to get some rest myself. Sleep in a proper bed." He says, wistfully. "Be safe." And then, he's heading for the exit.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney watches Alexis go, and then looks back to Julio with a small shrug. "I..." She hesitates a moment, considering, as she chews on another bite of cookie. The donut was already gone. So gone. "I think I want to go take a reeeally long shower with hot water. Lots of hot water." She decides with a firm nod. Hot sounded good afer all the cold chilly cells they'd been in. "Thanks for checking on me," she offers with a grin. "We can catch up later. I just... rest is probably a good idea," she adds quieter.