18426/Hellfire Date Night

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Hellfire Date Night
Date of Scene: 25 June 2024
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: For their latest date, Blake finally takes Mary to see the Hellfire Club. Mary, of course, becomes very, VERY interested.
Cast of Characters: Mary Seward, Blake Riviere

Mary Seward has posed:
It's another date night for the two Vampire Queens, and to keep things interesting it seems, there's been something of a switch-up. Apparently, Blake had decided that for a change, they would feed on someone, first and go out after this time. To a place of Blake's choice, a place she had just insisted was perfect to be.

Hence, why Mary Seward, Queen of Blood, was currently wiping some blood still left on her face as they arrived at their venue. It'd be a social faux-pas to walk in a mess. Especially when she was wearing such a lovely v-neck Halter gown, in red of course,...Still she was shameless enough to lick some of the blood now left on her palm. She's not one to let good blood go to waste...and their prey this night had been some very good blood.

"...So. This is the illustrious club you're in?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
Blake wasn't ignorant to the fact that Mary almost certainly still wanted to turn most of the city and convert it to a vampiric kingdom that may well attract the ire of every government, superhero and who-knows-what-else that might detest their kind...and so the focus of many of their debates had been one of moderation and consideration. After all, as the evening's dining had suggested she was far from prudish in indulging, but well...the long view seemed to be where they had their differences.

Perhaps that was why Blake had brought Mary into the Hellfire club. Of course, she wasn't ignorant to the dangers of bringing the Queen of Blood anywhere near these powerful mortals, mutants and more but...well, if they were so easily disposed of, that might well just offer more opportunity in it's own path.

"Of sorts...it is a collection of mortals, mutants, the odd 'Demi-god' perhaps, of wealth and influence. Connections, resources and more..."

Blake's hair was down, her own choice of dress once more one of black to compliment her hair and offer the accenting to those red painted lips against her pale skin.

Her dress was cut to bare her back, a tasteful cut offering a glimpse of her hip in a diamond shape before the gown continued on.

She turns, leaning close enough that she might well be whispering some grand secret to the other woman as they moved into the VIP lounge, her station as a member of the inner circle clearly enough to open the door for the vampiress and her 'plus one'.

"Why waste your own resources, when you can oh-so-easily have your finger on the pulse of others."

Mary Seward has posed:
"I like the sound of that." Mary grins wide. Of course, she was no stranger to the benefits of getting friendly with a powerful group and piggybacking off of their resources. That was basically what her relationship with the Brotherhood of Mutants was. If anything, this was just an extra thing to add to the list of everything that made Blake all the more attractive to her.

"A showing of New York's finest, then? No wonder you're a member..." When she was mortal, Mary was a lwoly maid. Working for nobles, and even having a secret relationship with one...but not getting to live their life. Always being the server, never the served.

Now, here she was, an immortal vampire queen in the halls of the most prestigious club in the entire city, with a beautiful date in hand. A dream come true. "...Are you the only one of our kind in here?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"They're all so proud of their resources, their breeding, their standing..." Blake offers lightly as they walked. "Generations of the richest, most connected, blue bloods...and they all gather here to alternate between preening, ruling...and indulging in excess..." Blake offers as her own fingers offering a grasp to Mary's to take her over the threshold. "And they bring themselves right to you..."

The compliment brought a chuckle, a smile from the vampiress who in her own mortal life had been lesser aristocracy, intended to be traded for some minor alliance in a house that would be all-too-easily consumed by larger kingdroms. She'd never made it to that marriage, claimed by the night...but well, fate had worked out far better for her once 'life' had ended.

"Within the inner circle? Certainly. The odd rogue element once tried to consume some of the resources tied to my connections but...well, they proved the lesser..."

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary had just fed, yet her gaze was no less hungry as she looks across the club. Vapid mortals with connections to their feeble titles. Ones who could be putty in her hands with the lightest bit of prodding and manipulating? She only wishes she had known about it sooner. She's like a kid in a candy store.

But, the offer of Blake's hand was enough to break her out of her ongoing window shopping. She takes it into her own.

"Oh, you'll have to tell me more. I'm a sucker for gossip."

Blake Riviere has posed:
Those with power and those hungry for more so easily intersect and were indeed often easily manipulated, but as they were escorted to the private lounge and the booth Blake suddenly turned on her heel, her hand coming up to brush Mary's own cheek as she leaned in close enough 'hint' at a kiss without making contact yet.

"No turning them lover...they lose much of their use the moment they're so easily identified as bound with fangs of their own." Well, at least that explained why Blake hadn't simply converted the inner circle and pushed herself into the throne...maybe. Compared to Mary's own, Blake's mention of anyone Sired had been notoriously absent.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary snorts. "Oh, come on. I'm not thinking of turning everyone I see...Other times, I'm thinking of just feeding on them." With that joke, Mary leans in closer as Blake puts them at just the edge of a smooch.

"...But, fine. If you say so. I'll leave em for now...Like you said, they might be better off the way as they are, at the moment." She grins. "Glad you're here to think of these things for me."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"I choose to believe that is genuine gratitude, and not merely you making fun of me dear Mary..." Blake mumers back, a quirk of her lips to a smile and a brush of their lips before she releases the other woman to slip down into her seat. "There are some who know of what I am, dogged as they are in their investigations enough to realise that I am not merely the daughter of the previous incarnation...but it does not get in the way. Accomidation or overconfidence on their part, it all ends in the same way."

Mary Seward has posed:
"Me, make fun of you?" She over-dramatically scoffs. "Oh, who do you take me for?" She laughs, as she sits herself down.

"Might be good to just...silence them, just in case. No one likes a persistent human enemy."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"One grows the garden to where she wants before she prunes it," Blake offers before she considers, tilting her head to the side. "Even this side, this club...it is the glimpse of the curtain, not behind it. You'd find the attire and actions deeper in far more...indulgent that simply alcohol and fine clothing but..."

She lifts a hand, a little gesture of a sweep. "One might at the very least consider some of this 'top shelf' as it were."

Mary Seward has posed:
Now, she's even more interested. "...I'd like to think that I have higher tastes. But, you know that, already..." She licks her fangs.

"What is it exactly, behind the curtain?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
A chuckle, she offers a little lift of her fingertips to stroke against Mary's cheek again. "Of course...and I think you'll understand quite easily. What do people truly want when they seek power?"

She pauses, lips pulling to a smile as that crimson leaked back into her irises. "Freedom, to do what they want, however they want...To revel and support in excess and pleasure, indulge and celebrate..."

A shift her hand drifts back from Mary's own cheek back towards her own throat and down into her own plunging neckline. "Understandable, no?"

Mary Seward has posed:
"Absolutely. I think those are our civil rights and what we should all strive for as immortals. It's the core of my revolutionary ideals..." She smiles, her eyes not so subtly following the trail of Blake's hand.

"...Have you found any of that here? Does it give you a suitable amount of power?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Now and then..." Blake muses quietly before making to gently chuckle. "We all seek our own amusements after all, and distraction or entertainment add some spice to life...especially when it's a long one." She considers for a moment, a light lean forwards and smiling softly. "Is that your curiousity, a desire to play behind the curtain?"

Mary Seward has posed:
"Of course. Spice. That's why we work so well together..." She hums. "It might be...All that matters is what we do with it..."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"And you have suggestions? Plans?" Blake questions, lips pulled to that lightly fanged smile. "I am far from suprised...somehow I'm sure you're thinking more than spinning a web like a spider and living contently, or am I mistaken...?"

Mary Seward has posed:
"No, I'd say you described me exceptionally well." She places her hand on Blake's waist.

"...Maybe, I'd like to stop by this place...more often. Get to know it's people. Your friends."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Friends..." Blake muses, a quiet giggle beneath her words before she leans in once more. "I'll make some introductions...curiousity is perhaps a weakness I share...and I am oh-so-curious as to what you have in mind..."

Mary Seward has posed:
"I hope I meet your expectations..." She chuckles, before giving Blake that much desired kiss.