18437/Baby Fever - Or Good Friend
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Baby Fever - Or Good Friend | |
Date of Scene: | 26 June 2024 |
Location: | Balcony - Second Floor |
Synopsis: | Rogue and Gambit share some lemonade, and discuss hot topics taking place within Xaviers School! |
Cast of Characters: | Rogue, Remy LeBeau
- Rogue has posed:
It is about 8:30pm, on a Tuesday night.
Out on one of the second floor balcony's, Rogue is leaned back against one of the flower potters, whilst lounging on the stone railing. With her knees up, her right leg crossed over her left, the Belle is dressed casually in denim jeans shorts, with a button-up flannel shirt on, sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and a tanktop worn beneath it. Her voluminous dark brown hair, accented with white bangs, frames her face in wavey locks of luscious strands, that gently wave in the wind about her face... as she scans her phone's screen!
She's humming to a quiet tune playing on her phone, as she sits beside a table pulled up to the railing, that has a jug of lemonade on it and a few glasses gathered around it. Her glass, rests just beside her place on the stone railing, and with a motion of her left hand toward it, she snatches it up to draw it up to her lips.
A sip is taken, as Rogue glances out toward the backyard below, where some kids are playing at the basketball court, and a few others strolling down the pathways toward the lake, one of them holding on to Jeepers' leash, the yellow lab happily wandering off on a walk with the students.
- Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Hey, Chere."
The voice is unmistakable, she probably knew who it was before he even got out the second word. Remy stands at the door that leads out to the balcony, arms folded over his chest and that smile that shows his gleaming pearly whites plastered on his face. He hasn't seen much of her since there last meeting. Maybe he was avoiding her, or maybe they have just two ships passing in the night.
"How you doin? Any news on that little problem we had discussed? You know, the headaches?"
He takes a few steps to move over to lean against the rail next to her as he reaches into his coat and pulls out a vape pen.
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue did not need telepathy, to know when Remy LeBeau was nearby. She did glance his way, though, when he announced himself, and with a small smirk, her eyes went back to her phone. Her head shook at his question, "Nope." she quietly told him. "I still haven't gotten any help for it. I need ta just bring it up with Jean, but I don't wanna... stress her out, like I already am about it. I've just been usin' the trick less."
She raised a hand to wiggle a gloved hand, indicating that she's back to wearing them most of the day, so it would seem.
"But... gotta face the music, that this work around seems like it's not a perfect solution."
As she spoke, and he reached for his smoker vice, he may note over her shoulder that she's shopping for what appears to be baby clothing.
Uh oh.
- Remy LeBeau has posed:
Pausing with the vape halfway to his lips, Remy is about to say something when he catches Rogue's screen out of the corner of his eye. He grows a little pale and looks from the screen to Rogue, then back to the screen, then back to Rouge.
"Anna," he says quietly as he slowly puts the vape pen back into his pocket and clears his throat. "Um...there something you need to be telling me, chere."
The Cajun focuses his red eyes on her face, brow slightly arched. "I mean....you know...."
- Rogue has posed:
The reaction that the Cajun's question gets from the Belle, has her doing a double-take from her phone, to him, and back again. It takes her a few moments to get to where he is, mentally, and before she gets there she has to let out a laugh. "Oh, no... no, not that." She says, as she holds her phone up to display the screen toward him.
With a glance over his shoulder, and then one to check who was on the patio below the balcony, she finally looked back to Remy and quietly told him.
"Jubilee has a kid now." She confides in him, likely causing a whole host of new question to come up within Remy's mind, who has spent a fair amount of time with Jubilee lately.
"I'm tryin' to be a good friend, an' get her a buncha stuff. I already sent her like four boxes of diapers, now I'm doin' the fun part..." She points at the screen, showing a lot of camo-themed baby boy clothing.
"Gotta get him dressed to impress, ya know?" She asks the Cajun, grinning toward him.
- Remy LeBeau has posed:
For a moment Remy looks like he might be a little crestfallen to hear a no, but it's a emotion that is quickly masked and replaced by a much stronger one.
The Cajun just looks even more confused now as he brow furrows, "Run that by me again, chere? I swear to Remy it just sounded like you said Jubilee has a kid. Which, you know, can't be possible since...I don't think that plumbing works anymore. Not to mention far as I know she doesn't really prefer the outdoor plumbing required for that kind of thing? I mean, I suppose there is always a donor, or adoption, sure...but again with the whole..." Remy puts up two fingers and curls them to mimic fangs.
He looks from the phone to the southern belle again. "Your serious?"
- Rogue has posed:
With a smile on her berry-hued lips, Rogue lets out another little laugh at the very idea of it being HER who was having a kid. She'd certainly enjoy it, but.... situations as they are, being as they are, she doesn't know how that'd play out. She still smiles at the thought of it though.
She drops her legs down flat on the stone railing, as she regards him again on her left. She smirks at him.
"We were in Budapest, stoppin' over after a fairly bummer of a mission outcome. Turns out there was a riot there, anti-Mutant types. One'a their sedans got blasted by some explosives, while the resta us were pre-occupied. Since it happened right beside where the Bird was parked, Jubilee made a dash for the car..."
She again looks over Remy's shoulder, clearly indicating some parts of this are meant to be a secret, if not all of it, but her blabber-mouth seems to permit Remy, giving him a green light to hear it.
"The kid's parents were... unalived by the explosion. But Jubes said the kid was just there, somehow shielded from it. So, she grabbed him, and dashed back for the plane..."
She takes a breath in through her pert nose, and shakes her head side to side, causing her white bangs to wave gently against the sides of her cheeks.
"I guess she's keepin him now. Says she wants the whole ... parental experience."
Rogue's shoulders shrug inside of her thin material flannel shirt. "I looked it up online, the kid had no other family. He'd be doomed to whatever Budapest has for a orphan system... which I doubt is anything good."
- Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy just looks at Rogue like she took one to many knocks to the head recently and slowly starts to shake his head. "So you're telling me that Jubilee stole a babe from another country and is keeping it here in the mansion? Under everyone's noses no less?"
Remy takes in a deep breath and sighs, shaking his head with a slow side to side motion, as if somehow the movement would make things better.
"I mean...I should report this, chere? Shouldn't I? At the very least for the kids' sake? Does Jean know? Charles? Scott? Anyone that has any say about the monkeys in this circus?"
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue is quick to sweep her legs off of the railing, and her gloved hand is quick to go out to place over his nearest wrist. She sets her phone aside, as her pale green eyes go up to his red own. "Don't tell anybody," she tells him. "I mean, I think she's taken care of it. I dunno if she's talked to Jean about it, but I'm pretty sure Scott, or the Professah know. I'm not positive about it, but ... I mean, she saved the kid's life. It's the most heroic thing I've seen her do." She draws in a breath, as she glances out at the yard, then back again to the Cajun.
"Really, it's makin' her a happier person, an' if the kid really has nobody else, then it's in good hands here with us. Right?"
She might be bonkers, whose to say.
Her shoulders slump, though, and she looks away toward the doors in to the house. "Maybe it is fucked up... I dunno. I just like seein' her happier. Focusin' on somethin' that isn't about suckin' blood outta weirdos she finds on the street, or whatever it is she does anymore."
Her eyes return to Remy's. "She was one'a my first friends here, ya know. Before she was a Vamp. She kept me sane, kept me stable, and kept me here... When everyone said I shouldn't be allowed ta stay, she insisted that I did. She gave me a person to trust. So... I dunno, she made me happier, and I wanna see it paid back. But, maybe I'm outta my gourd..."
- Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy just looks at Rogue and into those green eyes of hers for a long, long moment. Or it at least seems that way, but maybe it's only a few second that go by.
"Alight," he inally says with a slow exhale of breath. "I won't say anything, but I'm doing it for you, chere. If anything happens to that child...I'll never forgive myself. I'll just add it to the regrets I already got, what's one more, right?"
He manages a small little smile before he turns his head away. "But she can't keep it a secret forever, chere. Someone is going to find out if they don't already know. It's best she come clean about it sooner rather than later." He snorts, "But I guess we all got our secrets don't we. Shouldn't be tossing stones."
He uses his free hand to pat her gloved on and then give it a bit of a squeeze. "I be your accomplice in this little thing, just like I am in others."
- Rogue has posed:
The reaction she gets from him garners a pleased expression, a pretty edge to her that is accentuated when she's expression such positive feelings. "Thanks, Sugah..." She says in a quiet tone, before she draws in a breath, and looks again toward the mansion entrance. With her back to the balcony's edge, and the yard beyond, the Belle puts her gloved hands on either sides of her upon the railing.
"You can go talk to her, ya know?" She said toward him, her eyes returning to him, as her right hand went up to grace a gloved finger across her nose, to push aside some of her white strands of hair.
"She likes you," she informs him, as if he didn't already know. "I can't for sure know if she'd come clean with ya on it, but if she did, you could sway her a bit, if you feel it's necessary. Personally, I wouldn't mind swingin' back over to Hungary, an' pokin' around a bit more at the situation they got over there. Maybe find out who killed the kid's parents. But, I don't wanna freak Jubilee out, without her being involved."
She glances out at the yard over her left shoulder, watching the kids at the court celebrate a long range shot that apparently went in the hoop.
- Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy look over and manages a smile at Rogue as he shrugs a shoulder. "I'll talk to her. Since we both tend to keep the same hours I talk to her more than I talk to others these days. I promise I won't say anything about me knowing, she'll tell me if she wants to tell me."
"You want to go to Hungary? I'll go with you if you need someone to watch your backside. Jube doesn't need to know that's where we go, non? What she doesn't know won't hurt her, oui? Seems like that be a theme these days."
- Rogue has posed:
That response about 'watching her backside' has Rogue showing a small smirk, before she laughs softly. "I don't think that is the right expression..." She tells him, smiling his way anyway though. Following a shake of her head, she pushes off the railing, and gathers her phone up off the side of it. She steps over to the table with the lemonade, and raises her glass up for a sip from it. "I could not have even pointed to Budapest on a map, until this thing went down. I've been readin' about it ever since, an' I kinda dig the place now." She glances his way, and shows him a lopsided expression.
"It's a city known for its elite spas. Big, beautiful, bath houses. Resorts, an' the like. It has a bit of a dark edge to its underbelly too, sorta like Gotham City, I guess. Honestly, I'd like ta spend more time there some day, if it didn't involve cars blowin' up an' babies nearly gettin' burned alive..."
There comes a grimace from the Belle at her own words, before she motions toward the drinks. "You thirsty?" She asked him, "Otherwise, I'm gonna take all this stuff inside, I think..."
- Remy LeBeau has posed:
"I said what I said," says Remy with a wink before he follows suit to push off the rail and wander over. "Yeah, I'll take a glass," he admits with a nod as he moves to fill a cup with the lemonade, lifting the glass up to take a sip.
"I've been there," Remy admits. Of course he has. "I'd be happy to show you around sometimes. I know of this real nice spa, nice and private with nice warm water. Worse ways to spend the day, chere.
He sips again from his glass, "Hey," he says with a slight change of tone. Less flirty and a bit more serious, "You doin' ok? For real, chere. "
- Rogue has posed:
The flirty comment earns another smile from the Belle, who stands beside the table, glancing at her phone at the baby clothing upon it. She gleefully taps the 'Buy Now' button on another piece, taking her total purchase north of a hundred bucks at this point. "You tempt me with bath houses, an' the promise of a romantic far away city..." She fires back, knowing full-well how to play the flirt game, when she wants to also. They're both masterful at it, afterall.
At his last question, she looks up from her phone, the screen leaving her face back in the shadow of the dying day's light around them.
A more serious expression touches her features, as she shrugs her shoulders inside her grey and black plaid patterned flannel shirt, and the dark red tanktop she has on beneath it.
"I mean, I'm stressed out about a few things, like the touch workaround ... fadin' in effectiveness. I can't figure out why it's doin' it, but it seems ... I dunno, like my Mutation has just figured it out, and is adaptin'."
She clears her throat then, and indulges in another sip of her sweet sugary drink, before she settles it down upon the tray with the jug.
"The whole family stuff is on my mind too, with my dad tryin' to get his Native American friend to come out here, an' perform some kinda mysticism ritual to maybe get in to that place I told ya about, where my mother is... He's gettin' antsy now that we're seemingly close to bein' able to get there on our own."
She purses her lips together, and glances out to the yard where she sees Jeepers still with that pack of three students, on their way back to the house down one of the winding garden pathways.
"Stuff is just wild, as ever, ya know?" She asks him, glancing his way again, and shooting him another smile. "It's nice havin' ya around though, to bounce all this borin' stuff off'a."
- Remy LeBeau has posed:
"You made me a promise, chere. You were going to talk to Red or the Prof about that..." Remy says with a slightly cross tone of voice as he folds his arms over his chest. "And least you think I am only concerned for selfish reasons, that is far from the case. I just want to see you happy, mon amore, and I know how you get. How withdrawn you become. I don't ever want to see you back in that place if there is any chance to prevent it. Please, talk to someone. Because if you don't, maybe I just go talk to Red about it myself."
He lifts the glass of lemonade to his lips for another sip, "As far as your folks, you know I got you back. You need me, you got me. I go with you, no questions asked."
He'll follow her gaze for a moment to watch the dog before he turns to look at her, "Oui. Nothin ever simple around her for us, but at least we have each other in some form or another. Can't argue with that."
- Rogue has posed:
That kindness goes a long way with the Mississippi Magnolia, and as such, she steps over to him to place a gloved hand against his cheek, before she leans up on her tip toes to place a kiss against the back of her knuckles. It's a symbolic gesture, one that they both know well, during the times where she was completely unable to touch anyone at all. "You're the best. Sometimes." She says to him, showing a grin, as she moves back to the tray with the lemonade jug upon it.
"I'll try to talk to her tonight, when she gets back from whatever she's doin' right now." Rogue states, her back to him as she cleans up the table from whomever had presumably been out here with her earlier.
The glasses are put upon the tray, the napkins that had cookie crumbs upon them all wadded up and stowed in a spot upon the wooden tray, as Rogue glances over her shoulder toward him.
"I think I'm gonna go see if the Danger Room is occupied, maybe run a robot attack course, if you're up for it." She says, showing him a sweet little smile. "Wanna smash robots with me?" She inquires, as she gathers up the tray, holding it in front of her, clearly ready to step back inside the house.
- Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Like you even have to ask," Remy says as he drains the last of the lemonade from the glass as he moves to fall into step behind her. "I'll even give you a head starts in points, chere. Just because I'm a gentlemen." He winks with a bit of a snicker.