18445/Astrometrics or Steller Cartography

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Astrometrics or Steller Cartography
Date of Scene: 26 June 2024
Location: The Danger Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Vivian Vision looks at possible places for GIRL to visit out in space. Bart helpfully suggests a few places they should avoid. But not why. Still it's a great excuse to put 'Here be Deathstars' on the map.
Cast of Characters: Vivian Vision, Bart Allen

Vivian Vision has posed:
It's pretty rare to see Vivian Vision using the Danger Room. What need has an AI for a room that creates fake environments when her imagination can simulate them directly?

But today at least she's booked some time. Not to run a deadly scenario. But to compile a whole bunch of data in a visual format!

Using data taken from GIRL, her access to Avengers data, Titans records and publicly available astronomy papers Vivian is making a huge, practically impossible to comprehend, map. Anyone entering the room will find themselves so of floating nebulously in the inky black. Watching as everything in the known universe (or as known as it can be using available data) compiles in bit by bit. There's a little bit of Synthezoid trickery as she zooms in and out. Rotates the view. Keeping things of interest in the centre. Otherwise all of that nothing would get pretty boring!

The Synthezoid herself is sitting cross legged. Floating casually over a vast and majestic nebula like it's a couch.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen decides to check in on things, and so has come to the danger room today. He looks inside, and will ask "Um, I aint interrupting you meditating am I?" Asking this of course means if she was, he is. He looks over the area around her, and says "You been comparing maps with Kyle?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision tilts her head. "Meditating? I wouldn't need to use external computational power for that," she points out. "I just needed... Well I am running a lot of calculations for a project in my mind. And I need a little too much..." She gestures around her. And with a wink adds "Space."

She motions for Bart to float in. The 'environment' controls have been adjusted so people can just sort of float about effortlessly. No attempt at realism.

"I don't really know Kyle very well. I've used all available records I have access to through my various positions and affiliations. Nothing confidential or personal. I'm just having a look at what is out there. Trying to find strange things which might justify the effort of visiting them in person using the GS Tereshkova."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmms and nods his head a bit and swims in a bit. He will move to the place the earth should be getting a bit of a you are here in his mind. He then moves to one of the more removed quadrants and says "I would avoid visiting here, I have heard bad things, mind you not sure if they have happened yet, but most folks avoid it, when space travel is more common

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Are you sure it's okay to tell me about the future?" Vivian asks earnestly. "Maybe not going there would allow an even worse situation to occur?" Then again what if they /are/ the disaster. Who knows What Valeria might do left unsupervised. Just because Nadia is busy with her work doesn't mean GIRL can't cause mayhem... "But still I wasn't thinking of going quite that far."

She waves her hand and an area of space changes to a faint green colour.

"This is what I consider to be safe FTL range. Factoring in a substantial safety margin and also... Practically how quickly the trip can be completed and not interrupt my college schedule." A very personal limitation. But she does rather have an important function on the ship. Connecting to basically everything that does anything. And a whole bunch of things that only do something if things have gone horribly wrong.

She's not /essential/ to the ships function but it sure makes it easier when she's on board.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and says "Thats why I don't go into more detail, plus I don't really know much about. Like I could probably point out a dozen or maybe two dozen planets your missing that are part of the united planets, but I won't bring them up unless your planning something where not knowing about them could be really bad.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I did consider we could have a look for Voyager One and get some selfies," Vivian muses. "It's not really the most important of missions. But I feel like it'd be good to build experience operating in space first. And it'd be a nice little publicity stunt."

She shrugs.

"With Tony Stark building a big space station and all the extra aliens coming to Earth it feels like it's the right time to go exploring though. Just... checking out an old relic doesn't feel very inspiring. It's... tough. I am naturally cautious and don't wish to put anyone at risk. But I should not allow this to bias my decision making."

"I suppose you must have similar dilemmas when it comes to your future knowledge," she wonders. "Do you share or do you hold back."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and says "Well, I have found that not all is the same here as what I know as history, so I think I am safeish as not everything I know is going to come true. Me being here is part that will change it, but also there seems to be differences from before I was here too. You looked to fiction for insperation?

Vivian Vision has posed:
"So what you're saying is... Go for the daring trip over the safe one. And trust that if I'm there I can steer things away from the negative outcomes," Vivian says raising an eyebrow. That probably isn't what Bart was saying at all. But if you extrapolate the logic to it's natural conclusion....

You probably still don't get quite that outcome. It's just a sign Vivian has become a lot more Human!

"I might have accidentally also included the entire contents of the recreational media library. So there are elements taken from all major science fiction franchises. At least in the trappings of the room itself. I have been able to remove all the fictional elements from the star charts."

Earlier versions of this map may have included a Death Star...

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and says "Well you know me, I would go in and see whats there and deal with it as I come to it, but then again, I am not known for being the most planning type." He offers with a smile and says "Fictional can make things interesting, heard of one planet out there that based it's society on old earth broadcasts.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"That seems very strange," Vivian muses. "You'd need to have advanced enough technology to pick up the signals, decode them, and then piece together all the context to make a society. And somehow in the process discard everything in your own culture and history before that." She frowns. "If not all of it at least /a lot/ of it. I've certainly read Human fiction where an alien society was watching Earth media recreationally. Just seeing all the things Earth sent out into space decades ago."

She mentally consults a whole list of related fiction.

"So long as no-one becomes so obsessed by a TV show which gets cancelled early and invade to force Humans to finish the show... Well I think that'll be fine." A beats pause. "Please tell me that isn't a thing which happened in your timeline. It would be mortifying if a sitcom caused an interstellar war."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head and says "Not that I know of at least, think more likely to think we blew ourselves up or something is why a signal might have stopped. I would think a world based around out tv shows would either be intentional, or someone who had went through a dark ages type thing and then found the recordings.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision nods. "I guess that is possible too," she admits. "It's not /likely/ but then given the amount of time involved plus the size of the area and number of planets... Well stranger things have happened." Like the time angels tried to destroy the whole of creation. "It does seem like rather a long way to go just to find out why someone cancelled your favourite show."

But... when you think of the lengths fans go to...

"Once I have narrowed my data set down to a few thousand possibilities I can begin work on putting together mission profiles for each of them. Evaluate the potential chances for success. Then begin cutting the list down to a more manageable number for organic consideration. I don't intend to just dictate where GIRL goes. I think the more we work together the stronger our choices will be."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and says "I am sure if you set your mind to it, you will have a full plan soon, figuring out who best to take a long will probably be the part that takes the longest. I am sure plenty will want to go but you want to spread your skill base out some.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Oh I'd never dream of /picking/ people," Vivian says. Almost shocked by the notion. "It'll be open to all GIRL members who are available. And in the event of an over subscription of people we will decide as a group who should go. Honest and open debate, followed by the application of a rigorous standardised skills matrix."

Besides if she's honest quite a few members of GIRL she would bring along are busy. SCIENCE is a demanding mistress sometimes.

"We could also use the gateway technology we have access to. Which would allow people to join the mission and leave the mission basically at a moments notice. Like home was just a step away."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmms and says "We should figure out how to put that as an emergency thing when something is moving to make an emergency exit for things

Vivian Vision has posed:
"It's not really technology I have the right to share," Vivian admits. "I might be able to repurpose the gateway left to the asteroid base used for Great Aunt Nadia's birthday party. But having an outer system outpost is very advantageous. Just in terms of parking. With all the drama about Earth based space ports.... Well no need to land anywhere that our ship might have the authorities attempt to commandeer it. Right?"

Plus it's really a lot more practical to dock and launch from further out. Less distance for the FTL drives to cover is less fuel used.