18446/Contemplating the Stars

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Contemplating the Stars
Date of Scene: 26 June 2024
Location: Frost Enterprises
Synopsis: Emma has Karen's help with looking for good alien toys to buy
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Karen Starr

Emma Frost has posed:
It's a quiet evening, and Emma Frost and Karen Starr are reviewing data files. Alien technology that has over the years come up on Earth in the hand sof various groups. Roxxon, Project Pegasus, Damage Control.. Among the others, all legitimate ones. "So dear, you're the expert.. Help me find the best ones to put in a bid on." Emma's taking advantage of Karen's knowledge on what is the most useful alien technology that can be legitimately bought on the market.

Karen Starr has posed:
Karen considers. "You realize, we can always just use Starrware to bring more Kryptonian-derived tech to market." The blonde says, amused. She has a glass of wine in her hand, and her heels are off to the side as she's relaxing some. "But, if I'm picking...I think these three are the most promising." She highlights three of them so that Emma can see. "I'm surprised you're moving into that end."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Karen, "It's the way the world is moving. With the Starport open, there will be more of an influx of goods. So getting ahead in teh market gives a step up. Having things which have already been cleared by the authorities means a faster turnaround in incorporating it to the business model. Even a few months head start can mean a jump forwards in the market."

Karen Starr has posed:
"True." Karen says. "Though I doubt the governments of Earth are going to authorize the import of alien technologies anytime soon. But making some extra revenue is never a bad idea." She nods to the three choices. "Planning to self-produce, or are you looking to just fund someone else, to make the technologies viable?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would muse, "That depends on how simple they are to reproduce. If they can only be made to work with off-planet parts and expertise, then that's a bottleneck. I'm seeing what's most cost effective that can be integrated and lead to increased efficiency. At the very least, that has offshoots that are patentable."

Karen Starr has posed:
"So we're going to be looking more at evolutionary technology than revolutionary ones. And I'd assume we want to steer clear of weapons and the like." She looks amused, and bumps Emma's leg with a foot. "Or we could table the tech talk for the evening, and try to do something a little more entertaining."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would let the foot slide in and smile, "Yes, revolutionary will take a few years to get on the market, and require an immense amount of paperwork and testing. I'd rather not have to wait several years for the government to approve things. Step by step takes less development." Squeezing Karen's shoulder back.