18448/A Pair of Vampire Bats
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A Pair of Vampire Bats | |
Date of Scene: | 27 June 2024 |
Location: | Batcave |
Synopsis: | Selina and Kate catch up while under vampire-quarantine. |
Cast of Characters: | Kate Kane, Selina Kyle
- Kate Kane has posed:
It's been a few days since Kate "turned herself in" for Bruce, since she was hiding in her penthouse. Not wanting to leave in case she lost control of the bloodlust now gurgling deep in her soul. So she traded confinement in her penthouse for... confinement in a cave. With her fellow bats.
Kate was, needless to say, not terribly pleased about it, but considering the family, she tolerated it, even as she longed to get some measure of payback on the one that did this to her in the first place.
At the moment, Kate was in her Batwoman costume, practicing some martial arts moves against a training dummy that was set up here. While she did have the vampiric strength, she was trying to avoid using it, if only to keep that hunger to a minimum...
- Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle hasn't been here quite as long as Kate, but she is in a similar house arrest arrangement. The burglar isn't in costume, being allowed to roam the Cave in leather pants and a tanktop. Which says even more than if she WERE in costume.
Boot heels are surprisingly quiet on the floor as she paces over to watch Batwoman practice. The woman is also quiet, at least for a few moments. "Remind me not to piss you off." she offers casually. "Whenever you're ready to take a break, I'll buy you a drink. Got a pint of O-neg and a couple of straws up here."
- Kate Kane has posed:
Kate snarls and suddenly snaps her leg out in a roundhouse kick, shattering the head off the training dummy. Then she pauses, taking a few deep and rather unnecessary breaths. "Sorry, Cat... it's just..."
She pauses, "Well, you know, I'm sure. And... yeah, I could use a drink." She thinks about what she really wants to drink, but pushes that down. Control. Control. Stay in control.
And then she takes off her cowl. And her hair... is real in its length, not a wig. Side effect of the vampiring, no doubt. Also, even though she's in costume, she doesn't have her utility belt. Security, clearly, as she walks over towards Selina, "Was keeping myself locked up in the penthouse, after my companies made a few covert acquisitions from local blood banks."
- Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle smirks at the response, cocking one hip and watching as Kate removes the cowl. She tilts her head as well. "I like the hair." she offers, turning to lead the way back to a table.
Selina wasn't kidding about a blood bag and two straws, either. The draws are pointed, like what kids would use for juice boxes ironically enough. Pulling a chair out from the small table... one that Bruce no doubt uses for meals when he's working late... she gestures to the other for Kate.
"I've already promised myself that I'm going to be donating blood regularly, once Bruce figures out a way to reverse this." She sounds confident that he will, also.
- Kate Kane has posed:
Kate nods, "Yeah, can you believe the first thing I did was spend way too many hours trying to figure out if blood is kosher?" She makes a bit of a face and sits down, "Side effect of the turning, I think. I guess it looks okay but..."
She pauses and sighs, "She got into my head and just messed with me so hard. I didn't think anyone could but it was... effortless to her. I want to kick her ass into the Sun, but I'm afraid if I see her again, I'm just gonna be her fawning little lackey."
She pauses, "And I do look good with long hair, but I want to be the one to choose it. This just... feels like what /she/ wants." She tugs the hair in a bit of frustration.
- Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle giggle-snorts at the mention of blood being kosher. Holding the bag on one palm, she offers it to Kate first. "I fought her hard, tooth and nail. Kept my goggles on and avoided her gaze, the whole bit." she shrugs.
"I've seen the movies, y'know." Then Selina draws an unnecessary breath and exhales just as unnecessarily.
"I'm fast, but I didn't expect her to be so much faster. Or stronger. I told Bruce that I want dibs on destroying her, when it comes down to it." A dark brow lifts, then. "But I'm willing to share that honor with you."
- Kate Kane has posed:
Kate nods, "Deal. I tried to fight her the first time. Succeeded, mostly. The second, she was... waiting for me. I didn't even have time to fight before she got the hook into me." She takes the drink, looking a bit sullen, then gives Selina a wry look. "But there's nothing I want more right now than to take her down. Or maybe introduce her to Carol." With that, the redhead's lips curl into a positively wicked grin.
Vampires probably wouldn't do well against a woman who's basically a living star, right?
- Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle sticks her draw in as well, leaning in to take a sip along with Kate. Just like a couple of teenagers sharing a milkshake, right?
"I'm patient." she replies, between sips. "And I've had a lot of time to think, too. Bruce and the kids destroyed one of the vampire nests here in Gotham, but the one who turned us is older. Much older. And she didn't get that way by accident."
- Kate Kane has posed:
Kate nods, "Right. At this point, I want to figure out a way to get back to normal so I can get loaded up on some proper anti-vampire armaments and go /hunting/." She smiles faintly, "I have the feeling a 50-caliber silver hollowpoint stuffed with garlic and holy water delivered to the back of her head will work as well as a stake to the heart."
Because Kate always regarded the No Killing Rule as more of a rough guideline, and to be honest, vampires don't count. At least in her mind.
- Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle returns the smile with one of her own. "They used some really bright flash-grenades to wipe out the nest." she replies. "I'm thinking a liberal application of fire wouldn't go unnoticed, either."
Selina takes another sip, considering. "Flash grenades are also a good idea. Maybe thermite. Something really bright. But the real trick will be to take her on OUR terms, not hers. Set up a kill zone and lure her in."
- Kate Kane has posed:
Kate nods, "Maybe some UV lights too. Though we'd need to be careful if we haven't gotten the cure yet." She grins, thinking about it, "Because especially if we /do/ get cured, I get the feeling she's egotistical enough that she's gonna want to try and come after us again to fix that situation." She flashes a bit of a smile to Selina, looking more like she's back to being Kate than any other moment so far. "You know I've been hanging out with the Avengers, right? I'm pretty sure they have some nice anti-vampire tactics..."
- Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle smiles lazily at that. "I figured as much when you mentioned Carol." And there's something playful in her smile as well. Suggestive, perhaps. "I'm pretty sure they have techniques and gear for all -sorts- of situations..."
She just leaves that hang in the air for a moment, sipping quietly before getting more serious. "Bruce came to my apartment, albeit after I left him a nice trail of my obsession to follow."
- Kate Kane has posed:
Kate nods and smiles, "Well, Carol is... something else. One of a kind, really." She chuckles ruefully, and gets a bit of a pensive look at that for some reason. "And yeah, Bruce came by my place once he realized Kane Industries was siphoning funds to acquire blood banks..."
- Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle wrinkles her nose at that, then. "I never killed anyone, but I *hurt* a lot of people." The smile touches her lips again. "And I got really obsessive about stealing, too. More than I have been in many years." Selina shrugs. "I wanted to get caught, and he knew it."
- Kate Kane has posed:
Kate shakes her head, "I was having thoughts about... bringing over the Birds. Bringing real /order/ to Gotham." She winces, "I like to think those were /her/ thoughts, but I didn't trust myself. So I just did my best to avoid all the temptation."
- Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle purses her lips and nods at that, taking another sip before surrendering the rest to Kate. "I didn't trust myself around people. Any people. At first I bit security guards because I knew that I'd be focusing more on the robbery. I obsessed more on the art I was stealing, chaneling the hunger."
Shaking her head slowly, Selina leans back in her chair and lets out another unnecessary sigh. "But I was just fooling myself."
- Kate Kane has posed:
Kate nods, "Right. I set up a kill switch so that I couldn't access the network or anything if my life signs went to zero. Because I like to be prepared, and without some serious firepower, there wasn't much I could do to try and stop her at that time."
She narrows her eyes, "Now, I know better."