18530/Mental & Mentality

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Mental & Mentality
Date of Scene: 08 July 2024
Location: Oblivion Bar
Synopsis: Dracula, Rien, and Charles meet at Oblivion club to discuss a plan. The ground work is laid.
Cast of Characters: Rien D'Arqueness, Dracula, Charles Xavier

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Acting as an intermediary between two powerful men might make some people nervous. Those people aren't Rien D'Arqueness. After agreeing to reach out to Charles Xavier on Dracula's behalf, she goes to the school for her usual visit with Logan, taking him some beer and cigars, catching up, making plans for an incursion into a foreign country to take down a cartel lord. Then she makes her way to the school itself, requesting a note be delivered to the Professor. Waiting to make sure that he reaches out so she can inform him that Dracula (yes, THAT Dracula) would like to meet with him, and perhaps to set forth a proposal.

The meeting is to take place at the Oblivion Bar, the scheduling worked out quickly enough, and Rien even offers to teleport Xavier to the bar to save him the travel time. There's not a one of the trio that isn't able to enter the bar easily, all well-known individuals within their circles.

And so it is that the most unlikely trio of Vlad Tepes, Charles Xavier, and Rien D'Arqueness walk into a bar. Well, two walk, one rolls, but really, the joke stands.

For her part, Rien does go a little more formal than she normally would. An off-the-shoulder cocktail dress of black lace with powder blue and gold accents hugs her body closely, and peep-toe ankle boots bear a three inch heel. That golden-blonde hair left down, fanning around her in loose waves. A light touch of makeup. Just enough to make her look marginally less predatory than she normally would.

Dracula has posed:
It's impossible for Vlad to be nervous about anything, in and of itself. But he's not immune to the constant thorough think that accompanies grand moves on the chess board of life. Far from it, actually. He's half a millennia old, with a list of accolades that have been well documented for public consumption, and some that are as much legend and myth as the source of vampirism itself. Suffice that when he makes a move, he considers every move after it. It often means that the game itself can last for centuries, since the vast majority of his opponents are those with either long lives or long tradition.

The Vatican might not be the same every century, but there is 'always' a Vatican.

Same with the Helsings.

Charles Xavier is an interesting case.

While his X-Men were not 'directly' responsible for the Prince of Darkness' death, they were indirectly involved. Killed one of his children, weakened him, and inadvertantly set a collision course with the 'first' mutant... again. So it is likely with a great deal of surprise that an invitation is extended.

Where Vlad is waiting at the Oblivion bar after a lengthy conversation of Papa Midnite who is well aware of Dracula's ability to hold a grudge and even more aware of where exactly he's been for the last decade. Assurances are made, promises of debts if they are broken, and that's where we find him. Dressed immaculately, as is always the case. A black silk shirt beneath a crimson red vest and burgandy waist coat. He's forgone his tophat for the evening, but does have his cane with the serpants head. Where his hand sits, propping the stick up with a claw tapping gently at the Obsidian carved canecap. A dark smile for Rien, but his green eyes with the crimson circled iris sit waiting for their 'guest'.

Charles Xavier has posed:
So as far as Professor X knows, Dracula is dead. This is a hell of a thing to think but Xavier has also gotten this message from Wolverine's half-asgardian daughter from the future so like what are you going to do. There is, of course, a plan for this: when your X-Men say they've killed someone famous for coming back from the dead angrier and stronger, you take steps. But that's not what's really bothering Charles.

Because Cable's been active, and Stryfe as well, and now this. Professor X might just have to kill Nuir this time, to be completely honest. He empties his mind of such thoughts as he wheels into the bar with Rien.

Xavier goes for a silver-alloy wheelchair equipped with an emergency Cerebro node, personal teleporter and all-terrain shift features, and a proper evening tuxedo since it is after six and he is not a farmer. The Professor is a little surprised by the environment; the psychic emissions from this place are to put it lightly 'a trip', the defenses alone enough to start to give Charles a headache.

"Eclectic." Xavier says, frowning a bit at an Edsel chair being set next to some far-future monstrosity that floats and has Spotify. It's not a sneer so much as just observing the contrast neutrally. If the black hole that is Dracula's mind is doing anything to the Professor, his face doesn't show it, wheeling over with a professionally pleasant expression. "Your Lordship."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Smiling towards Dracula as they approach, she glances sidelong towards Xavier and chuckles softly, "I expect one has to expect a level of ecclectic when dealing with a club that provides safe haven for both sides of Heaven and Hell. There has to be heavy protections to maintain the peace." She lifts a shrug and turns the smile briefly towards Charles, "I find it's better to try and keep my powers tucked in so the backlash has nothing to rub up against."

Moving forward a few steps when they get nearer to Dracula, she leans up to brush a kiss across his cheek and murmurs, "Is everything settled with Midnite? We'll be undisturbed?" Then loosk to Xavier, she offers, "Charles Xavier, this is Vlad Tepes. Vlad, this is Charles Xavier." With the introductions offered, she moves to a seat, taking it and crossing her legs. She glances to Charles, "Would you care for anything to drink? They make a wonderful mint tea if you aren't inclined towards alcoholic beverages."

Dracula has posed:
Seeing the pair enter, Vlad's gaze is drawn instantly to the silver chair. The sheer amount of the metal required to make the transport effectively repellant to him is impressive, no simple gilding would be enough in this case, and it is... quite frankly... rather charming. Amusing for sure causes that level of response, but then he is notorious for his pesky refusal to remain dead and cause wide spread chaos and agony when he returns. As he sits there, he watches, but once Rien has arrived at thet able he stands. Only a fraction, of course, as politeness dictates. Until the lady has seated herself, then he returns to his own and sets his cane aside.

"Professor." Said to the honorific bestowed him by Charles. His accent has deminished over the centuries, but it's still easy enough to pick the origin of his birth to the educated linguist. "While I understand the need for assurances, I have always found the Oblivion Club a bit drawl for my tastes. Rubbing elbows with high society is one thing, but pretending that polite conversation and friend ship might exist between Angels and Demon? That's bananas."

Rien leans in to brush a kiss on his cheek and he raises his hand to lay against hers, "My dear. Thank you for organizing this." His attention, while temporarily on her, diverts back to Charles. "Shall we address the elephant in the room, then?" His death.

Specifically what his plans are for that.

"I bare you nor your children any ill will. Another time, another place, perhaps you and I may rectify the situation in a more forthright manner, but given the gravitas of what it is I wish to discuss, and with guidance from the lady D'Arqueness, I am willing to let bygones be bygones."

His hand, each long finger home to a sharp nail, extends out across the table. Immediately sizzling just slightly the closer it gets to the silver chair. It is, perhaps, a show of respect... but also a measure of his resolve.. that he doesn't flinch away from what is clearly agonizing.

Charles Xavier has posed:
Xavier raises an eyebrow at the kiss, but decides it's probably a European thing. There was the faint worry that Dracula had left some kind of psychic command inside of Rien to arrange this, but the-wait, not half-asgardian, he's getting Logan's affairs mixed up. Embarrassing. The man needed a hobby.

Xavier's mind is immediately focused by the king of the damned going 'That's bananas'. It is a struggle (a minute one, but if we wrote Xavier's internal world as structured and controlled as it actually was things would get dull real quick.) not to laugh, which is likely the point. And then Xavier's mouth sets into a frown as Dracula moves his finger towards his chair and it catches fire.

This man, Xavier realizes in a way beyond the academic, is dangerous.

"I certainly appreciate your saying so, Lord Tepes." Xavier says, not able to take his eyes off of the burning digit and some dark part of his psyche wondering how it all worked. The alloys Xavier uses are primarily psychoactive, collected through his contacts terrestrial and otherwise. Perhaps that had something to do with the silver being 'pure' enough to hurt Dracula. He'd have to consult with Stephen. "From what my students tell me of your encounter they had a misunderstanding. You are, I've found in the years since, perhaps familiar enough with Apocalypse's tactics that I do not need to go into detail."

"I'll try the specialty of the house, yes, Rien, thank you." Xavier says courteously, "I prefer not to drink spirits when I'm driving anything with a hover feature." The truth is Xavier borrowed some of this chair's design from Deadpool the last time the mercenary tried to kill him and he's not sure all the kinks are out of the technology.

"Please, go on. I'm on something of a back foot here, I wasn't aware you two were so well acquainted."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Turning the smile towards Vlad, Rien dips her chin slightly, "You are most welcome. The Professor was very accommodating, actually." The smile tips towards Charles briefly, "And thank you, for putting forth the trust that this is, in fact, a good faith meeting. I know reputations can be daunting."

The request for the mint tea has her giving a small nod, "Honey, lemon?" She turns to flag down a server, glancing back to Xavier with a chuckle, "If you do wish to indulge later, I will make sure you are safely returned to the school. You've extended me courtesy there, I wouldn't see it repaid with callousness." There's an order put in for the tea, with whichever accoutrements Xavier wishes, as well as a neat serving of Buzzard's Roost Batch No 2 bourbon for herself. She doesn't order for Vlad, for obvious reasons.

Brushing a thumb along the edge of Vlad's hand where it covers her own, she turns her attention back to the matter at hand. Her smile widening a touch more at Xavier's comment. "Recently, but yes. We are quite well acquainted." She dips a glance towards Dracula with a chuckle, then adds, "But beyond that, I have already offered my own help to his cause as I believe it's something that needs to be dealt with, and quickly."

Dracula has posed:
"It was.. something." Of a misunderstanding, Vlad says with a twitch at his pale upper lip. "En Sabah Nur and I have a sorted history, so I cannot put the full weight of the incident upon your team.. they mistook me and mine for agents of an enemy, and while that may well be true on some level, we shared a common foe that day. Suffice that, as I said, I am willing to overlook this and chalk it up to the fault of youthful exuberance." His smile returns, cold as it may be, as Rien indicates that they are familiar with one another. "The lady and I have become acquinted over the course of severl interesting meetings to which I owe the pleasure to fate."

His hand, with flesh peeling back from the proximity to what amounts to true silver, is retracted. The injuries immediately begin to mend, flesh knitting back together as he settles it down upon the surface of the table. Once more nodding with Rien. He doesn't bother ordering for himself, either. While the Oblivion bar does cater to vampiric tastes, he seems more inclined towards letting the pair indulge as they see fit.

While explaining the particulars of why he required this meeting at all.

"With these unfortunate dealings behind us, I suppose it behoves me, and you, to get to the meat of the matter." Where he can be charming, even downright unpredictably versed in modern history, his demeanor shifts to seriousness as he angles around to what brings them all here. "As I said, I bare no ill intent, but for the sake of the matter I have to point out the involvements of yours in the matter... Upon my demise, most recent, something of great importance was lost to me. Something which I require returned... and I'm certain you may be thinking that this is not your problem, but.." He holds up one long finger with it's darkened claw, "I assure you that there is, at the very least, one amongst your brood who may beg to differ."

Dramatics, he takes a breath which he's not needed for centuries, and shakes his head. Again tapping that claw upon the serpant head of his cane. "My Castle, you see, has fallen into the hands of a rather particular villain. One whom, at this very moment, is attempting to breach ancient wards to reach the heart of the manor. Should they do so... well, I am uncertain how well versed you are in the lore surrounding my residency, but it would bode ill for all the world.. if not multiple worlds."

His smile widens, oh so devilishly, "Castle Drakul does not exist permanently in any plain and it is important that it remains that way. What pacts and deals I've made in my long history aside, I assure you that if it were to every become a permanent fixture in the mortal realm... The results on everyone would be quite disasterous."

He tilts his head, dark hair dangling down across the front of his shoulder, "Which brings me back to 'us'. I am putting together a very specific group of individuals, with talents necessary to assure that this does not happen. That my Castle, now in the hands of a being far more evil than I, is cast back where it belongs beyond the boundries."

Charles Xavier has posed:
Finally, to business. Xavier makes a mental note to talk to Logan, and then focuses on the matter at hand.

The castle, the focal point of Tepes's power. And he wants it back. What's more, he wants Xavier's help, in some way, either directly or through use of an X-Man. And his offer is.

Xavier's eyes narrow further. "Are you saying this castle has some effect on Jubilee?" Professor X says directly, his body language oddly still as he takes in the conversation. "And what exactly is this force, and what does it seek to do by causing this damage?"

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Chuckling softly, Rien smiles warmly at Vlad before looking back to Charles, "We first met when I teleported onto the balcony of his penthouse. I was going to treat myself to an osso bucco at Carmine's in the city. I wanted to change clothes somewhere quiet, and I'm afraid I don't keep a residence of my own. Mostly hotels or with friends. In this case, I had interrupted Vlad's date. He was gracious enough not to hold it against me." She glances back to Vlad and her smile brightens, "Things have progressed apace from there."

The server arrives with the tea and bourbon, with Rien making sure the tea and everything is within easy reach of the Professor, then lifts her own glass for a mouthful of the bourbon, savoring the flavor of it before swallowing. She looks to Vlad as he states his predicament and asks for Charles' help. None of this seems to be a surprise to her.

Turning her attention back to Charles, she lifts a brow, "You think the power seat of the Prince of Darkness would have no effect on other vampires? Other undead?" Rien glances to Vlad, squeezing his hand gently before letting out a breath, "The sheer amount of magic and power that that particular piece of real estate holds makes it a very, VERY tempting target for any creature with enough ability and know-how. Most of us aren't stupid enough to attempt it, the magics are a very delicate balance that Vlad has maintained and added to across 500 years. You can't just... walk in and snatch it up and expect everything to stay the same. And if the being that seeks that power happens to be unutterably, rampantly selfishly evil... you could perhaps see an actual Hell on Earth begin."

Dracula has posed:
Hearing the tale of their meeting, Vlad extends his hand out to the side, turning it over near to Rien, when she mentions things progressing apace. His attention, while seemingly diverted betwixt them, is focused mostly upon Charles. Though he offers his cold smile to the lady at the table and nods agreement to what she's said, besides his simple gesture with his sharp nailed hand.

"I have a vested interest in the continued safety of your people, Professor. I count one of them as very dear to myself." That, obviously, being Rien. "And I understand one of yours is now one of mine." Jubilee.

"Is that her name?" He hadn't known that. His smile doesn't widen, there's no dark manipulation at play in this regard. "It effects her because everything that involves me effects Vampiric kind. I am not some... child.. playing pretend in the streets with a cloak draped upon their shoulders, screaming 'I vant to suck your blood', Professor. I am a check and balance. Whatever darkness for which you no doubt know me to be responsible in our checkered past, I assure you that... at least in this matter... I'm being forthright with you. Someone 'has' taken command of my Castle while I was deceased. And while they are not in danger of full command of the Realestate-" He rather likes speaking of it as something that could be bought in such a manner, "-They are powerful enough to figure it out."

Who, that is, however is a question Charles has asked.

And Vlad tilts his head slightly, "There is a vampire whom you probably have never heard of, but he is created from the same blood as I. While he has had only half the years to master the capabilities, I assure you he is more than capable given enough time. Now, he is not as tempered as I am.. my brother. He is not as... learned.. in what it means should that Castle become permanently fixed in the mortal realms. No, he is a creature of pure spite, who would use it to strike at everything living or dead. Take command of hordes of undead legions using the artifacts contained within those walls, which I've safe guarded for centuries. Use them to amass an army of Vampires the likes of which haven't been seen since the last time I 'conquered Europe'." While that 'might' be a flex.

It perhaps is intended to point out the gravitas of how powerful the magics there can be.. in the wrong hands.

"I have long held that secracy is a matter of personal preference... I, don't care for it.. but I have no interest in bringing all the worlds heroes upon my doorstep in some power grab that would last months. He will kill hundreds of thousands using what I have amassed.. and perhaps you will win the day, the good guys standing triumphant... hurrah..." His expression does not match the dry congratulatory expression.

"It will be on a pile of mortal corpses. And your 'Jubilee'? She will be coated in that blood. She was never... turned... I understand. Simply created. Imagine, if you can, how potent a revelation that might be to a man who now has the power to command the unfettered Vampiric hordes? Am I the devil? That's debatable.. but I'm not a liar." He extends a finger.

"And that is how we come to what I can offer you. Besides the obvious.. You help me, by helping everyone, and I inturn help you. You simply need to tell me how I can."

Charles Xavier has posed:
Time stops.

Well not really, that'd be silly. But the mind controls perception of time, and the mind is controlled by Professor X. His mutant brain alters his perception of time, living like Quicksilver for a moment as a heartbeat turns into hours. A projection of Professor X, walking, a blue-white ghost with real presence in a bar abutting the astral plane, roars into being. He raises an eyebrow at Rien, and Draucla, rubbing his chin. He paces. He looks over at the bar and reverses time through the borrowed perceptions of the bar patrons, someone's always looking in the kitchen here, borrowing a waiter's half conscious dreams of escape from this life of drudgery to make sure his tea was prepared with tea alone.

Professor Xavier's ghost touches his physical body, the tips of his fingers sinking into his own head as he alters his surface thoughts. Neither witch or vampire would be stupid enough to directly assault his mind here, but indirectly? Xavier shapes his own subconscious-consciousness tunnel to allow his worry and fear about Jubilee, who just abducted a baby for some insane reason, letting it leak out at a slightly more exaggerated rate than he normally would. Not the sort of thing most people would notice, but two social predators? He alters his own memory, creating the impression of a greater alteration, a source of shame, scars for a wound that never existed. His hands are folded a bit frailer than he usually sits, a finger on the vein in his wrist, feeling his own slowed pulse. An old man, foolish and human.

Time resumes.

"I consider the whole of the earth my people, Lord Tepes." Xavier says softly, looking into his tea and having a sip, poisoned or no. It's not like the chemicals can effect his brain unless he lets them. "And you certainly paint a vivid image. The purpose of the X-Men, above all else, is to preserve the Earth in the face of oblivion. It is why we make the choices we do, no matter how difficult."

"But why me? We do not have all that much to do with each other, really, outside of what has happened to Jubilee. I am not a sorcerer and surely the mind of such a vampire would be resistant to my powers. What can I even to do help you in preventing this atrocity?"

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien's gaze flickers briefly, darting here and there, as if chasing the sight of a fly around the room, brows knitting together as she sips her bourbon and looks between the two men. Settled neatly at the table, comfortable in her posture and relaxed. She shows no particular concern or worry, as if assured that things will work out as they should be... and that will be in her favor. Looking towards Vlad with clear fondness at his admission, then looking back to Charles to watch his reaction.

The tea is just tea. Mint tea, from Morrocco. Filtered water was used for the boiling. The honey comes from a well-known brand that can be purchased at exorbitant prices in the grocery store. The lemon wedge is pulled from a container of cut lemons. Sugar cubes poured from a commercial box of them. Just tea. Well prepared, but certainly nothing mind-altering.

From the other side, Rien certainly notices something.. strange.. happening. But while she's darting her eyes around in the attempt to catch up to a figure moving lightning-quick around the room, Charles will get to notice something himself.

On the other side of the astral, Rien is an interesting sight, blazing with light, the magic of her mother's side of the family, extremely powerful. But also outlined and bearing a core of roiling shadowy darkness. An older magic, much, MUCH older. Casting a shadow from her that is most certainly NOT Rien. A tall, voluptuous figure of a woman with writhing tentacles in a corona around her head. Rien is more than she seems even on the surface.

Sipping from the bourbon, she sets the glass down and reaches out, fast as a flash, catching a fly by its wings and teleporting the tiny bug somewhere more hospitable. "Do you really need to ask that, Professor? Truly?"

Dracula has posed:
Is Dracula aware of how time had been manipulated in such a mental manner?

There are several constants in the flow of time, regardless of how slow or quickly they exist within any given scenario. Watchers, they call them, but many names have been given. While Vlad is not amongst their number, he has stood before them in so many ways, simply by existing outside their designs. An anomoly of darkness, chaotic, in a sea of tranquility. Discord where there should be harmony.

The Prince of Darkness.

While he was never the first evil, he certainly is a less than arbitary representative of it.

Because he's made deals with Devils. Satan, by whatever name he goes, knows Vlad by first name. And because of that, he watches Charles.. Even in the slow paces of time, his green eyes with crimson red circled iris', follow the spectral figure with a slow shift that preceived with no actual perception. Magic is a complicated business, as it turns out. Perhaps on another night, when he was stronger in his own powers, there would be vastly less differential between reality and the astral, but tonight?

He reaches up to rub a nail down the corners of his mouth, thumb and index finger to either side of his pale lips. "That." He says, slowly extending his clawed finger in Charles' direction.

Does he know what happened? No, there's no way he could.

    But he knows something happened.

As does Rien, he can tell it in her expression, but that's not nearly as important as what she asks. Vlad points in her direction when she speaks.

"I need your mental abilities, Professor. Your ability to pinpoint individuals across great distances, because my castle exists in so many places at once. Your ability to shield the minds of those around you..." At this, he reaches out and rests his hand upon Rien's forearm. "Your ability to alter the minds of the weak willed, by the undead or otherwise. There are a great many fail-safes in my Castle, some of them I will be able to trip easily, others less so.. I require a very specific series of individuals. With very specific abilities. To do very specific things.. at a very specific time. Otherwise... Well... I will do my best to assist in the apocalyptic fallout, but I assure you, it will be all inclusive."

'All the world is his people'.

Vlad grins at this. A dark expression. "Mine too. Food chains being what they are."

Charles Xavier has posed:
Xavier's face is impassive as he sips his tea, feeling like he let himself be a little rude to Rien and whatever shadow monster's hanging out in her brain. "It is an excellent blend, Rien." Charles says, his hand not shaking but tensing as if repressing a shake. He makes a mental note to have a talk with an occultist about this whole situation. "Thank you. As a point of fact, I instruct my students to ask clearly even when things seem obvious. Assumption is the foe of reason."

Xavier's face twists into something at Dracula's little witticism. Disgusting creature. "So fundamentally what you are suggesting is that we install a more socially conscious butcher and hope he retains his good manners. A civic minded Sentinel."

Xavier sips again, looking exhausted. "Who else did you have in mind for this team, then?"

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Thank you, but it isn't my blend. Midnite himself likes it," Rien lifts a small shrug and shakes her head, demurring from the compliment to deflect it back to the bar. She runs her tongue along her teeth and looks back to Vlad with a soft smile, her hand turning over to clasp with his. Finishing her bourbon and setting it on the table to return to the business at hand.

Her eyes narrow, however, when Charles' expression shifts. "Don't you start moralizing and passing judgment, Charles. You house has an awful lot of windows for you to start casting stones. Loooooooooooots of glass." Her gaze shifts towards Vlad and her features soften, "He is a predator. Predators eat to survive."

Taking a moment, she draws in a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

"We are *asking* that you help us restore Castle Drakul to its rightful owner to prevent a tidal wave of blood and death. To protect the people you claim are yours." Rien looks back to Xavier, her face a stoic mask now, "I will be going. I have a... unique.. understanding of the more interesting properties of the magics that are part of the castle." She shoots a glance to Charles, "And a willingness to end the life of the would-be master."

Dracula has posed:
"I am not suggesting anything, Professor. I am stating facts. My Castle exists and knowing it exists it requires a master. That master of the manor can be someone you know, whose qualities are proven, and whose intentions are clear... or it can be my brother. Whose purpose is fundamentally the death of everyone, using one of your own students as the weapon, for the purpose of total war against against humanity akin to the child out there now, turning every female with a pulse."

Vlad says this, his tone matter of fact. He motions with his free hand, the one not laid upon Rien's, "Am I a beacon of hope? Certainly not. I am not going to sit here pretending that I mean to usher in a world of light, but I do have a vested interest in the continuation of humanity. For one... I realized long ago that a world beset upon by a coven entirely comprised of my kind, is a world of advisaries. I have no interest in competition. Second, there will be 'no food'. If all the humans are 'dead', then I am at an impass. I may as well reside forever in my towers, residing over a throne extending out upon ash... There are many prophecies about me, but I have always balked at that one the hardest."

It's true, there are a great many stories about how he will usher in an age of total destruction.

It's here that Rien presents her counter point and Vlad regards her with a leveled, if dark, grin. His hand rests upon her forearm, "So spirited." He murmurs quietly, reaching his hand up from her arm to scrap a nail along her jaw. Leaning closer to kiss her cheek. "But she is correct.. there's a darkness beset upon the world. A cloud cast that needs to be cleared.. Either way we intend to do so. With the resources at our disposal, we may even succeed, if your morality casts too many shadows with regards to allying with me." He lifts a finger, "My intentions, as they were. Are to call upon Selene Gallio. Whose calls upon ancient magics. Older than mine and the castle itself... Rien, my love, of course." He pats her arm at that, "Whose brings a unique perspect of on the grand design. Myself... and you... but.." The finger remains elevated, slowly pointing towards Charles.

"Third, and perhaps of smaller importance to you longer term than the immediate death of hundreds of thousands of humans, is what I will 'owe you' for your assistance. Is it in your best interest? Yes.. If I've not convinced you of that, then I am afraid I've grossly underestimated your ability for foreward thinking..." At this he raises a finger, "It is of importance to me for selfish reasons and I accept the position it puts you in. Besides the fact that it is hardly the first time you've shook hands with the devil.. I, at least, am a devil who honors their deals."

The devil being whatever Charles may read into it. The truth is still the truth.

"I will 'owe' you."

He cants his head, "Your adversaries have a hand in the vampiric world, Charles Xavier. Mary Seward. Are you familiar? Well she, too, is a devil. And her intentions are not so balanced as mine. She has allied with the 'Brotherhood'.. I, in light of this fact, offer my services in this regards, to you."

Charles Xavier has posed:
Every time, Xavier thinks, hearing every wide eyed sneering supervillain rant he's ever had. The thought, the flash of fury at Rien's condescension, is quickly suppressed. They're expecting a doddering old man willing to do anything to avoid fighting his friends and that'll be crucial for navigating this.

Another note is that Dracula avoided giving the full team. He doesn't have one yet. And he wants HIM badly enough to offer a major card barely provoked.

"The woman behind all of that awfulness in Gotham?" Xavier says, playing the expected part with the expertise of a man literally in control of his internal monologue. "Erik sided with her? Lorna sided with her? My God."

"Tell me when you have your team assembled." Xavier says, looking away. "I suppose I have no choice in the matter, not really. The world is more important."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Looking back to Vlad, Rien murmurs softly, "If he wants to balk, there are other options, love. Ones without such a high horse from which they look down upon the rest of us." Tilting towards his touch, smiling at the kiss to her cheek, she lets out a sigh and murmurs, "The things that I get myself into for you." Dropping a brief wink at him before straightening to look back to Charles.

"You put on a good act, Charles, but it's getting old. I've watched you, seen you around the school, with your students. Lets please not play these games, hm? You are neither frail nor weak of mind. If you were, we wouldn't be having this conversation," the last words said pointedly regarding his response to the mention of Mary Seward. Rien chuckles low in her throat, "I've been tempted to seek her out. Gods but the surprise she'd be in for."

Looking back to Dracula, she murmurs, "It does make one wonder though... if vampirism is a curse as much as an affliction... could it be cured by breaking the curse?"

Dracula has posed:
Vlad spends a length of time watching Charles.

A quiet observation of one whom he thought would be worthy of the great game of chess he's playing. He considers the moves, what he'd noticed, without realizing exactly what was being placed on the board. He also hears what Rien has to say on the matter and offers her an inclination of his head, though it isn't necessarily a agreement. No more so than it is dismissal of her own observations. "No, my dear, he's entitled to his apprehension." He gives her a gentle pat on her forearm. A cool smile playing across his pale features when he looks to the witch seated beside him.

Green eyes turn back to Charles, again regarding him.

"I can appreciate your hesitancy, Professor. I have never been known for my altruism. While I felt strongly that I had not been deceptive in these regards, it still behoves you to think of the greater good. So I cannot fault you for the very fundamental strength by which I am attempting to sway you. I offer that I am the 'lesser of two evils' and I can see how that might sit poorly. Why pick an evil at all? It's a complicated quandry and not so simply solved by discourse. You must make your own decisions on the matter and I will afford you that time. Because I'm certain you are pragmatic enough to realize the truth in what I'm saying.

"YES, I am the devil, but I am the known devil."

His smile flickers and he turns it to Rien, then back again. "My darling is quiet spirited, but it is one of the qualities about her I find most alluring. She's right, of course. There 'are' other options, but none that could achieve the aims with immediacy that situation dictates. Every moment I search for another powerful telepath, and work to come up with something worthy of their talents, is another moment my brother has to bring about a total darkness. I, for all my long life, am running preciously short of time."

So concessions must be made. The implication is clear.

"I have told you who the team would be. You, me, Rien, and once I've secured her assistance, Selene Gallio. A quartet of heroes who shall beset upon my own Castle for the... benefit of me and the good of all. I am no more a good man now than I was seven years hence, but I am certainly the better of the options."

He dips his head to Charles and pushes up from his seat with his cane. Hand laid across the serpants head. "Consider what I've said, consider what I'm offering. Consider the implications of a vampire sided with the brotherhood and the disadvantage that places you in.. Consider everything. I hold you in very high regard, Professor. So, do me the service of at least considering, for just one second, that I am not lying.

"Thank you for taking this meeting, Professor. I look forward to hearing what your decision will be."