18603/Pause for the Cause
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Pause for the Cause | |
Date of Scene: | 21 July 2024 |
Location: | Josie's Bar |
Synopsis: | Enough money was raised to nearly rebuild all of Hell's Kitchen between Illyana's rocks in the tip jar and hefty checks from Morrigan and Joan - but the most important thing learned? Stephen Strange should wear jeans more often. |
Cast of Characters: | Luca Bandoni, Sam Wilson, Joan Wright, Morrigan MacIntyre, Illyana Rasputina, Stephen Strange, Sara Pezzini
- Luca Bandoni has posed:
They're always there, running into the fires, running toward the gunfire - the every day heroes of the FDNY and the NYPD. It's a lot stress, those jobs. What does that mean? Those boys (and girls) sure know how to throw a party. At barely eight in the evening, Josie's bar is already almost standing room only. Those that got off shift a little earlier are probably already about half way toward one too many. Lots of yelling back and forth, friendly taunts - it's loud. But not quite louder than the music. Maybe it would be better if it was louder? Sgt. Matteo Bandoni of the NYPD does not share his nephew's pips. In fact, an angry cat in a room full of pigs being frightened by squawking parrots would sound better than Matteo's rendition of 'You've Lost that Lovin' Feelin.
But Matteo is nothing if not persistent. Even with all the boos and hollers and 'get off the stages' being tossed in his direction, he just keeps right on singing.
It's a little surprising that his nephew isn't his biggest critic. Luca's in the back, at the pool table, nursing a beer and watching his opponent line up a shot.
Ten dollar covers are being collected at the door. Tickets for a silent raffle are being sold at the bar - along with drinks that are just a dollar or so above their normal price. All of the proceeds, every dime from every drink, the cover charges, the raffle tickets - it's all going back into the community to help offset the destruction of property and the injuries caused by recent gang violence in the Kitchen. All that aside, the place is still just Josie's. There hasn't been any real effort to spruce up the place. It is what it is and always has been and that's fine with the city's finest and bravest. The only thing different is a large plastic jar on the bar with a picture of a young boy - maybe twelve. It's the tip jar and all of those proceeds will go to the family of Diego Rodriguez who's fighting for his life, still, a month after being hit by a stray bullet.
The cause speaks for itself, it doesn't need fancy decorations or a shiny bar - it doesn't need tables that don't wobble a bit from time to time, it doesn't need bathrooms that don't run out of toilet paper half way through the night.
All it needs is that picture of that one little boy.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Admittedly, Sam Wilson is trying tio be incognito tonight. While he wants to support the effort, he also wants to have a light night out with his girlfriend and just have a few beers. "Maybe we'll catch a pool table open." comes his comment to Morrigan as he grins. He's dressed in a USAF 'Parajumper' polo of blue with grey piping and a pair of blue jeans with sunglasses resting on his nose.
Taking out a hundred dollar bill, he presents it for cover. "For me and my date. Consider the rest an extra donation." he says with a slight smile.
Then his attention turns to Morrigan. "So Mo, drinks or pool first?" he starts to ask before a figure approaches. "Wilson, that you?"
"Hey Bandoni." Sam responds, shaking his hand. "Mo, this is Matteo Bandoni, he knows me from back in the day. Matteo, this is Morrigan. She's the special girl in my life."
Matteo glances over at Morrigan and whistles. "Quite the catch, Sam. But careful calling out the Bandoni name tonight, we're thick as thieves."
- Joan Wright has posed:
Joan is not a firefighter. She is also not a police officer. But with her job with Damage Control, she does end up working alongside them at certain disaster sites. So that perhaps explains her presence at the event.
Unlike the last event she's been at, she is noticeably without Ted at the moment. One key thing the on again off again couple have in common beyond the love of LEGOs is the tendency to be swallowed up by work. Looks like it is his turn tonight.
After paying the cover charge. The architect moves in and to the side so as not to block the doorway. She glances around the scenery to see if she spots anyone she recognizes.
Ok fine. She recognizes a LOT of people from the random disaster sites. But someone she's actually interacted with.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's dressed in jeans and a button down shirt given it's not an overly dressy function. Which is a relief somewhat. Too many snotty dinners tends to wear her out these days. Morrigan was always looking for new causes to donate money to and honestly, why not this one?
"If we've got a sizable donation who would we leave that with?" she asks someone. Then Sam is introducing her to people and there is a smile, "It's nice to meet you, Matteo." she tells the man.
Then there is a look to Sam, "I've played pool...once. So always willing to try again." she chuckles.
- Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Fifty dollars gets handed over without comment by a blonde Russian old enough to drink and show gratitude to the underappreciated servants of the city's fire department. In her line of work, the firefighters play an essential role to check trouble from getting extensively out of it. Not that the FDNY has much reason to recognize her on sight, though the same might not exactly be said for her husband.
Stephen gets the time-honoured job of scoping out space to stand in the throng of people crowding the bar. He can decide on additional donations or the likelihood of getting drinks without teleporting them off a shelf.
"We want to brave a game?" she asks, flicking her Arctic-pale eyes to the pool tables probably already hopping. A game mightn't be on the cards, but one never knows. "Or circulate?"
Entrance fees for admission to the party at least get them through the door, but the real work happens on the other side. Illyana doesn't stick out terribly much except for the licensed FDNY t-shirt knotted against her midriff, the crest for Engine 34 on the left side stamping a devil right over her chest. The red, horned figure holds an axe midswing and stares blindly outward, another non-sequitur not to be explained tonight. Black jeans and boots might be nearly indistinguishable, her low-slung belt cleverly printed with "Do Not Cross" in a facsimile of police tape, or the actual thing. It's an honest warning from the other near-Devil In Hell's Kitchen.
Either way, she gets to meander to the tip jar, very likely passing Morrigan's path in doing so. A nod without interrupting conversation goes in that direction.
- Stephen Strange has posed:
Speaking of Stephen...
In comparison to his usual ensemble, Stephen Strange is downright incognito. Sporting a pair of jeans (Stephen owns jeans?!?) and a dark blue t-shirt, he does his job well, managing to secure a spot just wide enough for the two while Illyana passes along her donation. As to drinks? Stephen did promise Illyana beforehand that it was going to be a minimal-magic night...which means that teleportation of drinks is right out. Which means that Stephen is bellying up to tbe bar to procure liquid refreshments.
But, not before he casts a glance over towards the pool tables, then back to Illy. "You want to play?" There is a bit of amusement in that voice. "We can if you want."
But first....drinks.
- Luca Bandoni has posed:
Now that Matteo is off the stage and engaged in friendly chit-chat, Luca calls out over the crowd. "Hey Teo! Is that what Christine sounds like when...?! But he cuts himself off before the thought's completed. He might be one of the ones that's halfway to one too many. That's his /Aunt/ he was about to...
No one steps up to replace Matteo at the microphone, so the juke box kicks in to cover the silence. The background becomes a mix of eighties and nineties stuff. It leans more toward the classic rock and grunge end of the spectrum with so many Big Hair bands. It's a huge improvement over Sgt. Bandoni anyway.
Pushing away from the stool he'd been half sitting on, half leaning against, Luca hands his cue off to - gasp - a probie. "Here, take my shot for me," before squeezing his way through the crowd toward Sam and Matteo. Before he gets there someone in an NYPD t-shirt points toward the karaoke booth that's been set up just for the night, "That woman up there, Chief's wife. Don't let her rope you into singing though, she's good at that." Assistance offered, random NYPD stranger wanders off yelling for another round before he reaches the bar.
Luca passes Illyana along the way. With one eyebrow climbing a little he says, "Nice, straddle the line, everyone likes purple - 'least you won't get dragged into the pissing contests later." He ends the sentiment with a friendly wink before moving on toward Matteo and Sam. His gaze moves slightly past the couple and land on Joan. "Hey, I think I've seen her around before," he says loudly. Everything he says is /loud/ because it has to be just to be heard - but his voice carries further than most.
"Yeah, her name's Joan!" Matteo says - yells back. The he's loudspeaking at Sam. "You remember my nephew, Luca?!" Before he can continue, his name's being shouted from the direction of the dart boards - apparently he's up. Really? A bunch of drunk, rowdy cops and firefighters and /darts/ - nothing could possibly go wrong there.
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
Better late than never, Sara pushes open the doors to Josie's and makes her way inside. It's obvious she's just come from work, dressed in casual business attire, with her badge still attached to her belt.
For a moment she remains near the front door, having offered up her entry fee, and just looks around at the people present. She knew a few of the faces in the crowd, some better than others, and a couple of those faces outright surprised the hell out of her for being there.... so much so one brow lifted right up to her hair line.
Steven Strange... in jeans... at a bar.
Shaking it off like one does, so as not to be staring, she makes her way through the people milling around toward Luca. She not going to interrupt him, she merely gets close enough to offer a wave and be out of the main throng of people. Sam gets a wave when she spots him, but he seems to be talking to someone, so eventually she'll slip over to the bar and get herself a drink. A coke, no alcohol, without ice.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"We clearly have competition for the pool tables." Sam says to Morrigan with a smirk of amusement, his hand moving from her hand to the small of her back so that he can stay close to her. "If we see an open one, I can show you how to play, I loved doing it at the NCO club at Wainwright." Then Matteo is getting his attention again, and Sam nods. "Your nephew?" he asks, over the crowd noise, and it will take a couple of moments for him to dredge up the memory.
Sam notices Stephen, and there's Illyana... both get waves, as does Sara when she notices him as he gets a beer for the moment. He's neither firefighter nor cop, but he is a highly trained paramedic, so that has to count for something, right?
- Joan Wright has posed:
Ah the art of loud speak. It is a crafted art form developed over loud situations which is a commonplace thing exposed to firefighters and police officers. Joan practices more of the construction and FEMA dialects but she is quite capable of interpreting what is being said.
As her name is uttered, she turns her head, looking over to Matteo, and then to Luca. Oh yes! Familiar faces AND previous formalities exchanged. Giving a smile, Joan lifts up a hand and waves.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's not used to going out and socializing, but she's going to try! She pats her pocket and then frowns. Then when she does it again she feels the envelope she managed to leave at home. "Ugh, thought I'd lost it." she mentions as she pulls it out. It gets handed off to the people at the bar that are helping out, "Just a donation." she tells them.
Then it is back to Sam, "I think there's more than enough room." she chuckles. There is a nod of greeting given to those that she knows, but she is as usual the quiet one.
- Illyana Rasputina has posed:
What they don't know mostly won't hurt them. The tacit motto of spellcasters everywhere happens to be shared by mutants, uni-aged students, and those caught in the overlapping Venn diagram like Illyana. She isn't quite up to sashaying through a place as crowded as the bar, and she's not going to climb over people clinging to stools or crowding around more populated tables where Engine This and Ladder That gather the locals in spades. She waves to Sam, a raised hand signalling that greeting, sword-callused fingers unusual for someone of her age. A meandering journey of the likes of Ilya Muromets circles past them and threads the needle through a makeshift line headed for the bar, swallowing her up only to spit her out again among a clutch of officers busy turning to wave at Sara.
The same Sara double-taking at the incognito Strange over there also wearing jeans, a coincidence surely not without recourse. A smirk registers -- yes, she caught Sara's reaction too -- before she can even halt the expression, and that's turned into something more socially acceptable in turning to Luca for a moment when his statement drifts to her ear. "Too early tonight to be sure," she fires back. The pure unadulterated accent of the Russian Far East isn't the sort regularly heard even in Little Odessa or Brighton Beach, crisp and dissolute consonants like to catch the ear just so.
Light-footed in her progress to the memorial, she opens and closes her right hand reflexively, fingertips stretched out and curling into her palm. Nothing untoward about someone prepping their dexterity before grabbing a cue. Stephen gets the perennial joy of socializing before anyone can stop her ghosting by the jar honouring Diego Rodriguez. Another flex, and fingers dip through an angled portal, feeling among the various gewgaws. Two seconds only are needed for her to scoop up a few and drop them as a donation. Small, heavy stones nest among bills and coins as she carries on.
- Stephen Strange has posed:
Yes, Sara. Your eyes do not deceive you. That is Doctor Strange, dressed neither as a doctor nor a master of mystic arts. Hey, the man is allowed. But yes, it is rare.
Perhaps not as rare as those gemstones that Illyana dropped into the donation jar, but rare, nonetheless.
Sam gets a nod in greeting as Stephen steps away from bar, with a drink in each hand. And even Sara herself gets a wry little grin, and maybe even a wink, so quick that one could reasonably have missed the gesture. The surgeon weaves his way through the crowd to join the Russian by her side, handling her a glass of something colorful, while he holds a similarly vibrant concoction in his other.
"Did you leave the opals?" Apparently, Strange was in on the plan of the donation of precious gems. "I do believe they should fetch a rather decent amount."
- Luca Bandoni has posed:
"I stand accused and have been convicted of being the nephew of the /worst/ karaoke performer in the entire state of New York - maybe even the world." Luca informs Sam, still in that loud voice. The man knows how to be heard if nothing else. He extends a hand in Sam's direction, "Luca Bandoni." For the moment, he's pretty clueless - he was /six/ when he last interacted with the man. "And you are? Other than much prettier than him?" he asks of Morrigan with a jab of his thump in Sam's direction.
Is it possible for the man to get any louder? Why yes it is. He certainly didn't miss Sara's arrival and everyone can blame the loudness that comes from him now on /her/. "I see how it is Pez! Walk on by like I'm not even here! I think apologies are warranted! I'm drinking Jack and Coke!" Not shots, so yes, he's over halfway to one too many. He always shifts to mixed when the straight has everything fuzzy around the edges.
He's still almost obnoxiously loud when he calls out to Joan, "You gonna get up there and show Matteo how it's really supposed to be done?"
As for Stephen Strange, he's probably one of the only people in New York that have no clue why some dude in jeans in a bar would be a Big Deal. The robes? Those would have had him gawking.
"It's never too early, until it's too late," Luca says as Illyana walks away. What it means? He probably doesn't even know at this point.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"I'm a friend of your uncle's," Sam began, his voice carrying a warm familiarity that resonated in the room. He paused, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he turned towards Sara. "And a friend of hers as well," he added with a friendly nod. "Sara, always a pleasure." Sam lifted his sunglasses, revealing a friendly grin as he extended his hand towards Luca. "I'm Sam. And this here is Morrigan," he gestured towards her with a playful smirk, "definitely the prettier one, but I'll claim the title of the better singer any day."
Glancing around at the gathering, Sam's expression turned thoughtful. "I didn't expect this many... acquaintances," he corrected himself diplomatically, knowing full well the identities hidden behind the casual term. "You're Giovanni Bandoni's kid, right?" he continued, a genuine respect coloring his voice. "He was a good man. Part of why I decided to become a Parajumper." Sam gestured for a drink, his eyes glinting mischievously as he teased Morrigan. "I know you're too refined for the usual stuff," he quipped. "What'll it be?"
His presence exuded a blend of camaraderie and respect, effortlessly bridging the past with the present in a manner that made everyone feel at ease.
- Joan Wright has posed:
Hearing the inquiry from Luca, about taking over for Matteo, Joan blinks, looks over to the stage area and then looks back to Luca. Construction voice on it is.
"Oh no!" She replies back, managing to be audible to those in the path, "I think I'll play to my strengths and singing's not one of them."
Not really wishing to be on shout mode all night, Joan takes this opportunity to move over to the direction of Luca and Matteo. Closing what gap there may be.
"Good to see you guys. Seems like a bit of a turnout."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
When Luca asks who she is there is a smile, "Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre, nice to meet you, Luca." she states. Though Sam's comment about being the better singer makes her smirk, "Okay then." she states. "Bold assumption for you to make." she points out.
Then back to Luca, "Thank you for putting this together." she tells him.
But she looks back to Sam and there is another amused look, "Darling, I drink green beer on my birthday, I am fine with whatever they have." she tells him.
There is a dip of her head to Sara when she greets her, "Detective." she states. "Nice to see you." she adds.
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
With coke in hand, Sara begins the process of making her way through people again, toward Luca. Before she even gets close another NYPD officer calls out, "She's too good for you anyway, Bandondi!" Which is met with a lot of laughter, from firemen and cops alike.
Sara just snorts a little laugh before making her way through to Luca, but since he called her out, she'll respond in kind... in his ear. Slipping her arm around his waist she calls out, "I'm not as rude as you Bandoni, had to get a drink and gauge just how drunk you are before making my approach!"
Sam gets another nod and a smile as she adds (still in Luca's ear), "Indeed, I do in fact know him. He's good people, so no one try any of the usual crap on him. We're watching."
Morrigan gets a nod and a less loud (no longer in Luca's ear), "Good to see you Doctor MacIntyre, we all need a chance to blow off some steam."
- Luca Bandoni has posed:
"Yeah, I am." For just a fleeting second, there's a window into the man behind all the bluster and bravado, all the charm and smiles. For just a moment, he's a teenage boy that lost his father way too early. "...he was the best." It doesn't last long though, the curtain gets pulled over that window quickly when he redirects to, "I dunno, if you sing anything like your friend Matteo, I'm thinking the lady has you beat." Then to the lady in question, "It wasn't just me, ma'am, it was a group effort."
Almost in unison, around a third of the Blue and Red in the bar call out, "Hey, I'm not rude!" Just how many Bandonis does it take to completely take over the NYPD and the FDNY? Probably not too many more. Can't throw a stick in either direction without hitting Bandoni blood.
Luca? Well, he's the first one to jump into the fire and get burned. "Not what she was saying last night!" Before Sara has a chance to even blink, let alone react, he's leaping from the fire back up into the frying pan - or at least he hopes? The kiss he gives her isn't something that needs to happen behind a hotel room door, it's nothing like that at all. It's sweet and tender.
"Did someone say turnouts?!" one of the FDNY present bellows. "Everyone lets hold one up for all our brothers and sisters that are making sure the city isn't burning down while we're all here having a good time!" Oddly enough, most of the bar quiets as they all hold glasses up and then... down the contents. Just like that, the noise is back again.
Luca circles back around to Sam again, but it's Sara that he leans in to speak to. "Yeah, I know he is." Somewhere between joking about Matteo's singing and the toast to his brothers and sisters on shift tonight, the lightbulb went off - the memory of a six year old little boy playing all alone with a toy fire truck and the one man that took the time to just talk.
"Well, if no one else is getting up there, I guess I will." His tone is so incredibly put upon, poor thing! "And it's all your fault," he informs Joan.
- Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Stephen passing over a drink counts as an excellent reward for a job mostly well done. Illyana accepts the glass and only stares into the bright, weird colours for a few seconds. Good enough time as any to put the rim to her lips and take a chance, taking a more than exploratory sip of whatever he chose to order her. It might be somewhat fruitier than the usual cocktail but she doesn't hiccup fire and her ears don't turn red, so that's a distinctive advantage over the norms of weird mixology where they normally go.
Her brief lapse into drinking means less overt chit-chatting. Small talk may or may not be a strong suit, though she's pulled into conversation by a shorter man with bleach-blond hair pointing at her belt. "I bought it online," she explains. "See, very yellow. It is also in green."
Do not cross has never been so popular, at least if one person asks about it. She swirls the glass around again and might just stand on her tiptoes to watch what's happening among the cops and firefighters, paramedics and other assorted visitors. Old habits, probably shared by others.
She nudges Stephen probably accidentally in the glance at the busy-as-can-be pool tables, and then peels away for a second to go be a social butterfly. Or in her case, social preying mantis? Social anything. Awkwardness is for the birds. "Did I hear green beer? Is that even real?"
When in doubt, ask about drinks.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Hey, I'm sorry to bail as things are picking up, but I am work out. We'll meet up later." Sam says to Luca and Sara as he takes Morrigan's hand. "I hope your event goes great, you deserve it." And with that, he's guiding Morrigan out.
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
Others may not know that Bandoni clan was slowly taking over FDNY and the NYPD, but Sara did, and in reality that's why she said what she said. A huge smile comes to her face at the response, as if it was rehearsed, when in fact it was just knee jerk reaction at the same time.
Regarding Luca's response however, she gets just long enough to lift one brow before he saves himself with a kiss, one that is returned, but she'll be adding the comment to the list of reasons to smack him. She has never hit him, she makes the list instead. She obviously doesn't respond to his comment, there is no need to egg on that behavior, even if it's the usual kind for firemen.
For the moment of silence she closes her eyes, thinking of all the fire personal and police out there on the streets tonight, and the many who lost their lives doing so in the past. She can't down the coke, but she does take a large drink of it. Luca is likely the only one who knows why Sara doesn't drink any more, and it will likely stay that way, so for her tribute to those on the job, the coke will have to be enough.
"Go on Luca, go sing... you might sound better drunk than you do sober," she teases. He's an excellent singer, has his own band, she knows this, but you have to get in the jabs where you can in a relationship, right?
- Stephen Strange has posed:
Truth be told, Stephen has no idea what is actually in the drinks he has in his hand either. He just asked for the house special and that is what arrived. But, hey, Illyana didn't seem to mind, so it must be okay. If people were paying attention, Stephen did wait until after Illy had a ship before he ventured. Maybe it was chivalrous. More likely it was practical. Either way, she is okay with it, so he ventures his own taste.
Yes...definitely fruity. That's...an interesting flavour. But again...not bad, so he takes another sip.
The nudge is taken in stride, even as Stephen takes a divert on his own to better watch the pool game. Unlike his companion, Stephen is not quite the social butterfly. He is out, in public, on purpose, so that is more than his usual sequestered evenings. But, when nudged by a rather boisterous patron about exactly what the shooter should do to sink the particular shot in question, Stephen is not above gesturing with his drink and adding his own take on exactly where the cue should strike on the cue ball to give it the proper spin to hopefully make the somewhat difficult shot.
Apparently, someone has played before. Who knew?
- Luca Bandoni has posed:
"Yeah, see ya later!" Luca calls after Sam and Morrigan. The wink he shoots in Sara's direction is coupled with a grin that reveals the tiny gap between his two front teeth. Somehow it works for him, somehow it makes that grin just that much more endearing and that much more mischievous. What /is/ he up to? He works his way through the crowd, lays down a twenty for the five dollar song - once again, all proceeds to the community - speaks quietly to the chief's wife and picks up the microphone.
He pauses briefly, however, when someone near the bar bellows, "Holy shit, who put the crown jewels in the tip jar?" It's probably a good thing the place is swarming with New York's Finest and Bravest - no one in their right mind would try to snatch those jewels here. Regardless, good old Josie snatches them up and they're quickly shoved into the cash safe behind the bar - along with the cash that was starting to overflow said jar.
Now, back to the show.
Anyone that's heard the song knows the tell-tale sound of breaking glass as the intro. As soon as that sound happens, the crowd parts to allow Luca a straight shot path to Sara. These microphones, they're wireless these days. "This one's for you, Sara," he says somewhere between the little stage and her. He probably could not have chosen a better song to sum up the entirety of Luca Bandoni and Sara Pezzini if he'd asked the heavens for the right one. 'You May be Right' - Billy Joel.
Because he /is/ a little crazy - sometimes even a lunatic - and he is just what she's been looking for, even though he's been right under her nose since they were little kids playing cops and firemen in the backyard with pop guns and water hoses. And he really can carry a tune - not polished, but enough natural talent to make up for the lack of it.
While Sara is suddenly been made the center of attention by her lunatic man, the men of FDNY Rescue 1 seem to be sizing up Stephen and Illyana and one of the murmurs, "Think this guy could de-throne Bandoni?" ... as reigning billiards king?
- Joan Wright has posed:
Joan turns her head as Luca moves towards the stage area. "Hey, don't blame ME for your own actions." Considering the amount of persons who downed their drinks, Joan looks over. "Excuse me." She comments to the others who had been gathered around Luca before walking over to get a drink.
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
Luca was known for his karaoke, so Sara didn't think anything of it when he headed that way, she'd even encouraged him. For that single brief moment she was looking toward Illyana and Stephen, having another moment of surprised, before she heard the glass break and turned around just in time for...
They say that fight or flight is a natural instinct, that in moments of extreme your body will decide which thing is the best reaction. That would have been true for Sara as well in this moment, but this was no ordinary situation. Surrounded by peers, and many who knew she wielded Witchblade, the idea of running from the song being sung at her passed by so quickly that she couldn't grasp it.
Instead she stood there with wide green eyes staring at Luca, cheeks flushing to a color that matched tomatoes, and a small desire to wring his neck... with witnesses.
It was true that he was crazy, he was a lunatic, anyone who knew him knew that, but it was just as true that he was exactly who'd she'd been looking for her entire life. If she'd known as kids together, teenagers, even young adults, that what she felt for the man was more than she allowed herself to feel...
They were together now, after years of both searching, but at the moment he was testing her limits. If she didn't love him, she would have walked out so it was a good thing for him she loves him. Later tonight however...
- Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Somewhere in the din, there's no reaction from Illyana at the discovery of a modest donation not even stained by a brief jump from one dimension in the shape of a blonde Russian woman to this one. They can't even be called blood diamonds since their provenance comes from an entirely unrelated source. But all good deeds go punished, and she takes a boisterous step onto her toes by some somewhat sloshed detective steering his buddy for another table over there. Her hiss of breath carries a vaguely ophidian edge coupled with the "Ope! Sorry sorry!" of a born Minnesotan transplant along with the slurry of "Damn it, you too busy watching for Murrow over there? Yeah, sorry, he's a klutz" to go along with smarting toes and a bootprint on her shiny knee-highs.
So much for 'ow.' Her face scrunches up for a moment with contemplation of terrible things, all of which get compressed to the bottom of her psyche with some difficulty. Too late then to wave off Morrigan and Sam, she can only smartly beeline-ish for Stephen again. Her drink in hand rattles in a low slap of liquid to glass, not brought fully to her lips because absolutely no one in Hell's Kitchen wants the reigning Hell Lord of Limbo drunk and piqued. Squeezing past Sara and Luca may be a lost cause considering how little distance they have to cover, but swivel and squeeze she will to get back in beside her consort.
"I'm not getting between those two. They could bake a cake with all the electricity flying around," she asides to Stephen, probably, with the wisdom of her Not Many Years. Rescue 1 might have to contemplate their loyalties given she's thrown in with the ladder company of the Kitchen, and her shadow is absolutely NOT evil. Nope.
- Stephen Strange has posed:
No, do not want any drunken Hell Lords or Sorcerer Supremes here. It might be the reason why there is only a little partaken from Stephen's own glass. Great minds and all. He does seem to settle in to watch the pool game a little more closely, seeing if his particular gambit would be used. Which...it does not...and the cue ball ends up being buried. Oh well..
As Illyana rejoins him, Stephen looks up, casting his own gaze back to where she was referring to. There is a soft chuckle as Strange nods in agreement. "I must agree. Sparks are certainly flying." Another one of those small sips is taken, the level barely dipping down. "Seems that they found the gems. Crown jewels, indeed."
- Luca Bandoni has posed:
Once Luca's song comes to an end, he bows with the flourish of a Broadway star after a fine performance. When he straightens again, he's grinning in that charmingly disarming way that, most of the time, gets him exactly what he wants. Right now what he's wanting is to not get slapped in the face. He winks, snatches a random beer off a table and downs it - much to the surprise of the beer's prior owner. "Hey, Bandoni! I just paid for that you asshole!" It's all in good fun though - all grins and laughs despite the insults being slung.
Luca offers the microphone to Sara, "Your turn," he prompts, that brilliant grin never fading.
Thank God, he's completely oblivious to the antics of Roscoe and Benton back by the pool tables. He'd either join them or slap them both upside the head, it's really a toss up with him.
"Joan'll go with you!" he volunteers. "Right?"
He's already figuring the answer will be a resounding no from the both, but a boy's gotta try.
Somewhere in the vicinity of Illyana and Stephen, someone laments, "Awww man, my battery's dead."
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
It's over. The song is over. Sara survived what most wouldn't find embarrassing, but instead would think it romantic. For the NYPD Detective however, having attention draw to her was something she loathed, which made for a major issue when Witchblade chose what armor she would be wearing in a fight. This was different however, the embarrassment was there, but at least it was romantic embarrassment.
That grin, what was he... and the mic is thrust in her direction. Her right eye twitches slightly as he calls her out once more, another item added to the list before she grabs the mic. "You will pay for this later," she breathed at him, then looked toward Joan. "Come on, let's get this over with or he'll spent the rest of the night nagging with that gawd awful adorable grin of pure wickedness."
If Joan chooses to not join her, that's fine. Sara will drop a twenty for the chance to sing. Its not that she was a bad singer, in fact she was good enough to be considered a 'background' singer for the lead singer. All of this went back to that 'don't draw attention' part of her, which it was obvious that Luca was either trying to assist in getting her over it, or loving poking at it with a pointed stick.
"Someone pick a song!" she called out, taking a moment to adjust her jacket to ensure her side arm remained concealed. Yes, may cops have their side arms here, but they don't need to be hanging out. "Any song, and for every five dollars donated while I sing, Luca will match it!"
- Joan Wright has posed:
Joan's getaway was pretty unassuming. She got her drink without hassle. And while she waited, she put into the jar a number of bills, crisply folded together with a one on the outside to conceal the full extent of the donation. Sure, there's no way that'd beat the gems being oogled but it is what it is.
Donation made, Joan sets out to finish the drink she purchased. Hearing the suggestion that she goes with someone, Joan turns her head, looking to the source of the voice and then to who they're talking to. "The answer's still 'No'." Joan replies, looking to Luca before looking to Sara, "But do have fun."
While Sara makes her way up to the stage, Joan feels inclined to drink faster. Once the beverage is finished, she sets it down and heads out the way she came.
- Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Karaoke or singalongs are a staple where Illyana latterly grew up and no chance in Heaven she's walking up there without at least three drinks or a dare to make it worth her while. Instead she angles to lean against a table in the vicinity and the romantic storms brewing on the horizon of a stage pass by without any implosions or explosions that they all have to take cover from.
"Save the grand gestures like that for game night with They Who Shouldn't Be Named," she warns through her teeth in a low tone probably not sure to travel. With that firm threat to Stephen probably defanged, because is she really threatening the Sorcerer Supreme on home turf? She crosses her arms and looks up to the stage where Sara dares to rise to the occasion.
Song suggestions? Her expression settles as she waits for someone to throw out ideas. Not nearly enough are spat out, so she pitches her voice higher. "Bad Moon Rising!" Hey, CCR isn't outside the range or reach of *some* of those choices in the music selection and it beats Bon Jovi or whatever 1980s hair band options might be around.
A bit of a wave sees Joan off, or takes the blame, or orders another drink. At this point, she isn't sure.
- Luca Bandoni has posed:
See, now Roscoe, there's a reason everyone looks at him as a favorite uncle. He's the guy that gives great advice, has a knack for listening, can be stern when it's needed but can also have fun with the best of them. It's him that pipes up from the back of the bar, countering Illyana, "Let Me Be There!" -by Olivia Newton John, in case anyone didn't know. But even as he's yelling, he's standing to wind his way through the crowd. Benton gets up to follow. They aren't going to make her go through it alone. That song has at least one baritone male voice in it here and there. Well, Sara's going to have two. Or, they'll go with Bad Moon Rising, if that's the choice.
As far as the matching donations? That causes Luca's devilish grin to fade for just a moment, but it's just a beat. Never let them smell fear. He'll probably have to sell of his dad's baseball cards, but he'll manage. "Yeah! Open them wallets boys!" he bellows after hopping up onto a nearby table so that loud damned voice of his carries even further.
It's Benton that pauses as he passes by Illyana, "You'd look a whole lot better wearing Rescue 1, in fact you'd look Outstanding." Benton continues on but turns to walk backwards a step or three as he adds, "You know, if you pick one song, you gotta sing it ... or pick another. House rules and all."
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
Good song choice offered up by Illyana, then Roscoe offers up another and Sara has to take a moment to decide. She knows she can't hit Olivia Newton John notes, so she calls out, "Bad Moon Rising!"
Not expecting the others to join her, one brow lifts for a moment, but she looks back to Luca and offers a wink. Clearly the woman has a plan, but it was all about opening up more donations.
Others might dance around the stage while singing, but Sara prefers to play up to the audience without moving around. She could dance, she can dance, but not when everyone is looking at her. Internally she's grateful for Roscoe on the stage as well, gives her someone to help pull attention away, so as she sings she sticks close to him and does her best to harmonize.
When the song comes to an end, she passes the mic back and offers a slight bow before hopping off the stage to b-line to Luca. "You didn't think I'd do it, you were so wrong," she states with a wicked grin, then leans to kiss his cheek and whisper something in his ear.
- Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Who can hit Olivia's notes except Olivia and a handful of people with Vegas residencies? Sara oughta be forgiven for even contemplating the possibility of Ms. Newton-John's more exciting vocal tracks.
The Russian isn't going to turn down the opportunity for crowd-watching or clapping along to CCR. Even in her back woods neck of infernal nowhere, they know the lyrics to Bad Moon Rising. Or at least they can hum along to help the general flow of the song get started, since nothing's worse than some smart aleck singing over the person with the mic or not contributing at all.
Don't be so surprised that Luca joins in. She points finger-guns, still holding onto her glass, and nods along to the music. But nope, no singing out of her. Let the baritone and the alto weave together, since the only contributions coming from her are in a language that would drive more sensitive minds to madness or possibly cause frothing at the mouth, bleeding from the eyes, or a scream of primal terror. That's just High Demonic for you.
Toe tapping, clapping? Par for the course as the audience gets into it, though!
- Luca Bandoni has posed:
When the song comes to an end, Luca proves that he can wolf-whistle even louder than he can yell. All the dogs in the neighborhood probably start howling. When Sara makes her way to him, kisses his cheek and whispers he replies, "Wasn't worried, I had it covered." That is such a straight up /lie/. For a job that entails running into the burning buildings, firefighters actually make - well, not enough. It's not just a job though, it's a /calling/.
He presses a kiss to Sara's forehead and murmurs, "Be right back." Luca's not an overly educated man - high school and the FDNY are the sum of his education. But that doesn't mean he's not smart. He's sharp as a tack really. It doesn't take a triple PhD to put two and two together and come up with Stephen Strange and his girl being the only ones here that could possibly be responsible for the Crown Jewels ending up in the tip jar.
He makes his way toward Illyana and slides in beside her. "So, gonna tell a blue collar boy that's never been further than Atlantic City how much the rocks in the tip jar should fetch?" The man /screams/ 'white hat', true blue with a heart that beats FDNY red. He'd no more ask that question for nefarious reasons than he would pass up a free drink or - leave even a criminal to die in the streets. Man just has to make sure they don't get totally screwed over by whatever appraiser they have look at them is all.
- Sara Pezzini has posed:
A smile blossoms on Sara's face as Luca looks her right in the eyes and lies, then kisses her on the forehead. She new the truth, long before she started dating him she knew the truth. The fire fighters and police officers both were not paid nearly enough, in fact if it weren't for her connection to the Avengers, she'd still be shopping at Goodwill for new suits for work... stupid dress code.
Letting him wonder off to Illyana, she officers the woman a nod before picking up her coke. Out of habit she takes a sniff to ensure no one added alcohol, then takes a sip.
Looking toward Illyana and Luca, she doesn't hear what the conversation is but Witchblade does, and shares. Gems instead of cash, that sounded about right from everything she knew, which wasn't a lot, but it still matched. That was generosity at the highest level.
"Drink up people, someone get up on the stage, and if you're all good... I'll throw a bucket of water on Luca to start a wet t-shirt contest!" she calls out over the crowd, holding her drink up. "We got more money to earn tonight!"