1886/Mutant town by night

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Mutant town by night
Date of Scene: 28 May 2020
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Alexander gets saved by Clarice from being roasted by a mob. Then she learns his best skill is sleeping. It's a good one.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Clarice Ferguson

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It had started at first as a somewhat reasonable protest in a way. A stand set up along the sidewalk near the street, pamphlets being handed out. The slogan that was plastered on the information was a polite thing too, 'Help Us Help You!' even as those pamphlets were passed out to people. It was apparently all about Mutant Registration, and headed by a young woman in grey who was telling the people passing by, "We just want to get you on record, to be aware, so we can get you federal funding and help. Please!"
    And, to be fair, she had been polite enough that there had been some clashes. But nothing horrible.
    Yet as time passed people began to gather on both sides. Anger flared at points as a scuffle or two broke out between the two sides. One just wanting to be left in peace, the other wanting some aspect of safety for their lives. Otherwise possibly reasonable people whose tempers would flare and roil and then lash out.
    Yet when the sun went down, and the people handing out the pamphlets left, the debate ended, the discussion. But people still remained. And what is more, so did their anger. Until eventually 34th Avenue that led into Bushwick was partially blocked off with crowds. Sides yelling, people roaring, flash lights brilliant and voices loud. It caused a heavy tension in the air, and people wanting to walk from one end of Mutanttown to the other... weren't able to.
    That much Alexander Aaron realized as he stepped onto the street, to see the police vehicle nearby with the officers doing nothing for now. The crowd was large and unruly, and did not bode well.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Protests were becoming more and more common out in Mutant Town. That much Clarice knew after having woken up from her coma to the news of most of the people she had met now being presumably dead.

As a consequence she was spending more and more time here at mutant town, both to find her own balance again but also to do her own work for the brotherhood. Now more than ever those that were ready to fight for a cause were needed. And she was here to make sure that those with the potential for it found the right path for it. And that meant following Magneto's vision.

So here she was, out by the mouth of an alley, looking over the proceedings that were going on. Out here she didn't bother hiding her mutant features, the ears in sight, along with the vibrant green eyes and purple hair, casual clothing. She frowned at the tension that was cropping up among the protesters but yet for now there was little she could do.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    In the crowd an angry man with bull-like features was having loud words with another, each having their supporters in a half-circle around them. Nothing good would come of it likely, nothing positive assuredly. Their voices rose, lashing back and forth.
    "I didn't ask to be this way!"
    "Yeah, doesn't change the fact we have to deal with you that way!"
    For now the police officers in their cruiser kept a wary eye on the situation though it was clear they were talking on their comms, at times pulling the handsets to their mouths and murmuring but not taking any action for now. It was all tense, but not out of the ordinary for New York, though it was enough to seize Alexander's attention as he was walking... until his walking was stopped.
    "Hey! Derp! Keep on your side!" A brown-haired mutant youth with flickering reddish eyes steps in the way of the sidewalk, trying to stop the course of Alexander's stroll. Flames flickered to life in his hands as he menaced the blond youth, "Mutanttown's closed to your kind!"
    To which one of the nearby humans growls, "Fuck off, freak. You don't own this town!"
    When Alexander responds by holding up his hands and eyeing both of them. "Hey, I'm just trying to get home."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Yes, things were definitely starting to escalate. And sure, Clarice could stay back and just watch but that's not what she did anymore. If she wanted to do her part it meant not hiding out in the shadows. So with a sigh she moved out, hands out of her pockets, couple of taps on her face as if to say 'You got this', and then began to move her way in. And no, it's not as if she can pass as anything but a mutant. Or an elf if we were talking about another plane...

Stepping close she gestures to the mutant. "Just because some do not have telling features doesn't mean they can't be one of us." faint smile to her lips, "And they are the ones that want to shun us, we shun noone." well, maybe not exactly what Magneto would had said, but right she was mostly trying to keep things cool.

Then her deep green gaze falls upon Alexander. "Come on, better get moving out."

Not that the crowd seems too convinced yet, that bull-headed man moving to stand in front of them and point to the protesters. "No, they don't belong here, C!" apparently he knows Clarice.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    For Alexander it is all a curious roil of energy, of voices, and people, his gaze flitting from one to the other. Not that he's too distracted or put on his back foot, but more than when Blink comes over she can see the likely confusion there in those hazel eyes. He starts to say something, lifting a hand only for his words to be drowned out as the tall brown-haired human in the tight white muscle shirt rails.
    "That's right you don't tell people shit!"
    Which causes the red-eyed mutant with the flaming hands to growls, "I can tell you to shut the fuck up and you'll do it if you know what's good for you!"
    Then there's a click as a pistol comes out from one of the men on the side facing into Bushwick, the weapon being raised. "Stop that flaming hand shit!"
    "Put the gun down, motherfucker!"
    The cops start to get out of their car as they quickly speak frantically into their radio, the doors slamming with a quick double thump.
    "Put that gun away, Donnie!" At least one of the men tries to talk down his friend, and weirdly enough the tall man who had been arguing with the bull-headed man tries to actually help, "We're not shooting anyone, man, c'mon!"
    Alexander steps back hands held up, "Hey, I can... I can walk around." But for a moment there's a heavy tension there, as if things could fall out one way or another in any second.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Yes, indeed Clarice knows the bull-head man too because she has no problems in stepping forward, eyes still on the guy with the gun and pressing on Bullhead to step back with one hand. Which surprisingly the man does, even if begrudgingly, eyeing the weapon on the human's hand, "Hey, you don't really want to do this." she tells the man with the gun.

It had been part of her training. These talks, know your enemy, talk it out. Keep a clean, even tone, expression neutral. Show no fear or aggression. But weapons -did- trigger something in her, all that past coming to the fore..

"We are all just a bit stressed tonight, everyone's got a right to be here, and to cross into mutant town." her hand slightly lifted in the man's direction, as if in appeasement. Though in truth she was ready if the man tried to shoot.

"So lets all backoff, allow our friend here to continue his way, mmm?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It was strange how suddenly... suddenly the entire crowd was unified in a way, that sudden threat of very real danger bringing the focus around. Nothing like a nervous man with a gun causing everyone to take a step back. And now standing side by side, the tall brown-haired man in the muscle shirt with the bullhorned man beside him, they both back Clarice's play and tell him quiet mollifying words.
    "S'ok, Donnie. Nobody's doin' anything here. S'cool."
    "Yeah guy, just chill."
    And for a time Donnie looks wildly between everyone, around him, gaze flickering left and right. But then he slowly clicks the hammer back into place and lowers the weapon. Lowers his arms and he says quietly, "I'm... I'm sorry."
    Even as the police quickly move in and roughly take the gun from him, restrain him. Not as rough as they could have been, but definitely taking no chances. He's quickly moved off and the spell. Or whatever it was that had been cast across the crowd of people... it starts to fade. Leaving people with the feeling of all of this not being right, now that the momentum is burned out with the very real threat of violence.
    Like magic people begin to part, to draw back. The two leaders of each crowd sort of look at each other, and there's a small smile shared, embarrassed and sad. But then they part as the sides break up, begin to disperse. Leaving people heading their ways, moving off, some staying in the neighborhood.
    But that youth that had perhaps triggered it off in that crisis point. He stands on the sidewalk with his backpack over his shoulder, looking so entirely normal and a touch out of place. He looks to Clarice with a curiosity clear on those handsome pale features even as he says quietly to her.
    "That umm, was pretty brave."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice knows how this works. Sometimes it takes just a small trigger to bring a crowd whether to a frenzied mob or to disperse and be confused. She had met her own share of masterful orators that could play the crowd just the right way. She wasn't the type for that, definitely. But a shot being fired here would had turned this into a battle, and that she doesn't want.

When the groups begin to part she gives bullhead a light punch on the chest. Not that the man even seems to feel it. But he grunts and starts stepping away..

As for Clarice, she walks back out to the sidewalk, letting out a low exhale, attention finally on the youth with the backpack. "Tough place to live in these days." she says with some degree of sympathy.

"But things will get better, I can guarantee you that." an hopeful tone to her voice.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She's seen his type before, college kid, wearing the uniform that almost seems required for it. The blue jeans, the white sneakers, a t-shirt that's grey with red lettering that proclaims prominently, 'I Saved Olympus And All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt.' But beyond that, he seemed... normal. Even if his skin was a bit pale and his hair could use a good combing.
    But something about that open curiousity and the way he doesn't seem entirely phased by the events, the potential gunplay. Instead he looks further into the neighborhood, then back to her.
    "I hope so." He offers in that calm voice.
    Then he tilts his head and smiles a little, "Will you walk with me a bit?" His smile widens a touch as he murmurs, "I'd feel a little safer."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Those green eyes turn up and down the street as it begins getting emptied out and she making sure that she is well out of the way of the police when it starts to intervene. No point in risking it just in case they have their description or image on file. So it happens that Clarice steps to that sidewalk near Alexander, hands slipping into her pockets.

"Sure." She says, accepting the invite to walk some, a faint smirk coming to her elven features. "Might as well do the whole gallant knight thing and walk with you a bit." she begins wandering down the street.

"Been living here long?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Hands easing into the pockets of his jeans, Alexander tilts his head sidelong as he starts walking with a casual stride and a laid-back manner. His bright hazel eyes distancing as he looks across the neighborhood while they stroll.
    "About... less than a year. But, to be fair, I sorta live about a block past Bushwick, just..." The blond youth pushes a hand through his hair and tells her sidelong, "This is the way I go home from the subway stop and all."
    His eyes distance in thought, "Maybe if I took the long way home I wouldn't have caused some of that stress back there." He gives voice to the thought, perhaps assuming it's a thought she would have herself if he hadn't said anything.
    But then he perks as he says, "My name is Alexander, by the way."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Yea?" Clarice inclines her head in a brief nod, both to Alexander and to herself. Maybe it confirms that indeed he's not a mutant, simply a normal guy. She walks with a light, easy stride that befits the overall graceful appearance of the woman, silent for a few moments, unnatural green eyes focusing on the neighborhood around them. "Even with the hard times we are living now people should not be restricted on where they want to go." shoulders rising in a small shrug.

"They were simply looking for an excuse to spark things up. If it hadn't been you it would had been something else. Maybe the color of my hair or some other ridiculous reason." though the way she speaks it is clear she feels it was the humans on the wrong there, not the mutants.

At the name introduction she turns her gaze to inspect Alexander, "I am Clarice."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Clarice," He repeats as he walks, footsteps quiet upon the sidewalk. Alexander seems to mull that over as he perhaps reassesses his world view in what a Clarice would look like as she now becomes replaced with a Blink-like image in his mind's eye.
    But then his smile turns a little wry as he tilts his head back towards her, "I was about to say, very volatile fight-sparking hair." He nods again slowly, watching her reaction. For if there is one telling moment between two people, it's that first time a joke is given to see if their senses of humor might well mesh. A first footstep after all.
    But then he hedges as he smiles and looks away to add, "I like your hair." He confesses, and for a time leaves that there as they walk along. Silence from him for a few steps.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"And purple, to top it all." Clarice replies with a touch of a smirk and a roll of her eyes, "Suppose I could paint it but I just prefer it natural, and there's no hiding these.." she reaching up with one hand to touch the tip of a ear.

"But I am done with hiding now. About time that we take our stand." A glance back at Alexander and she smiles faintly. "Well, thanks."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ehn," Alexander says in judgment of the color purple, "I once went out with a gal whose hair was a rainbow." He offers that with a nod, "Not dyed, like a literal rainbow, and sometimes it would stream a bit and did funny things with the light." A tilt of his head is given as his thoughts drift back to a time long ago for him, before all of the craziness.
    "She got a bit of a hassle for it, but if you came into things without the whole... pre-conceptions, it was really pretty." That said he stuffs his hands back into his pockets, letting his eyes drift back over his shoulder as if pondering what they had just left.
    Then back to her he asks quietly, "Those guys back there, though." His eyebrow lifts, "They seemed to respect you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"A mutant?" Clarice questions, a brief glance over her shoulder to Alexander again but then her shoulders rise up in a small shrug. It doesn't particularly seem like she is too keen on hair-talk after what happened down at the protests, and how close it was to escalating.

She moves without speaking for a while until those last words from Alexander. She considers it for a moment, lips jerking to the side. "They know me." and some even know her Brotherhood connections! "But from there to respect, mmm, not sure I'd go that far. Sometimes they just seem to forget we are all on the same side." then she arching an eyebrow.

"And I make sure to remember them. They are good people though." then a sigh. "Getting harder everytime.."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    To her first question he nods, his head bobbing along, "Juliet, she was my date to homecoming aggges ago." All of four years ago since he's /so/ old now. He grins a little and his eyes distance, those curious bluish-green irises slipping away from her. "My friends and I were kind of... not the cool kids, let's say." Considering back then people at his school knew about his weirdness. And that did not end well.
    But then she speaks to how the others there knew her and he nods again. When she gives voice to that small sigh he eyes her askance and there's a hint of understanding there, perceiving the weariness that might be preying upon her. He lets the quiet return for a little as his eyes slip away, then back.
    "They're just afraid." He tells her, another glance spared for that corner they had left, though now he takes a turn to head further into the neighborhood. People watch them as they go by but with Clarice there the mix of glances aren't the same as he usually gets. Respectful of all things.
    "Like, everyone there I figure. Afraid of change, or the 'other' or whatever. Sorta best to usually try and figure out what part is causing that fear and maybe then you can address it."
    Then he perhaps considers he said too much and adds quietly, "Not that I'm an expert or anything."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Homecoming..?" Clarice's brow stays arched, but now more in curiosity than anything else. The tone seems to convey she doesn't really know what that is. Most likely never having gone through any of the sort considering her upbringing. "An highschool thing?" the few people that pass by her receive a nod out of the girl, her attention straying for a few moments, they taking a turn down another street, darker. But then again it's not as if there's much light out in Mutant Town.

When Alexander starts talking about fear it brings her attention back to him, she watching him thoughtfully until she finally offers a nod of agreement. "They fear what is and isn't there. Afraid of the difference, or not being accepted. But now those fears are becoming very real. With both the attack on our home and the rising zealots. And it's not as if we can simply negate our fears, is it?"

The mention of not being an expert makes her smile more widely. "Maybe not an expert, but you seem to know what you are talking about at least. That's good. What do you do, Alexander? University student?" she ventures a guess.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The answer to her first question is a nod, a high school thing. "It's a... dance. Awkward people asking other awkward people to dance thing." His smile is there, remembering the weirdness of the night and the experience, but when he looks back to her she can see the smile is warm, at least it was a good memory.
    But then he nods as she gives her thoughts about fear and his nod mirrors her own. For a small moment they stop at a crosswalk that is flashing at them telling them it's not ok. But then he leans forward and sees no traffic so he casually half-jogs across the street but makes sure to wait for her to catch up before he continues. "Well, you have to think, is negating fear a good thing in the big scheme of things? Imagine how it would be to... you know, not have fear in your life. It could be great in a lot of ways I can imagine. Easier to let people live and let live."
    Which might make the fear of mutantkind much easier for people to deal with.
    "But negate fear? And you lose the capacity to connect I think. Can't really... you know, love, without having a fear of loss. Maybe best to get people more used to each other, understanding of each other. But yeah. Like I know anything."
    It's clear he's given thought to such, deep thought assuredly, but then negates it with his own last few words.
    "And yeah, ESU. Just started this Summer semester."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
The small shake of her head is all Clarice has to say about the high school thing. Clearly, a good thing she had no such experiences. The stop at the crossing makes her lift her head up. It's not as if she's used to stopping on these yet she does so when Alexander stops, moving from foot to foot somewhat impatiently. But she is quick to walk to the other side too.

"Maybe not negate, but at least be able to control those fears would be a good thing. For a great deal of people." her shoulders rising again. "I fear what we may be forced to do if things continue the way they are."

"What are you thinking on studying? Psychology?" A natural assumption considering the way the young man seems to speak of some topics!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I'd agree with that," Alexander says, about easing fear. And for a time his brow furrows as a thought occurs to him. A thought that has him stopping in mid-stride for a moment as it strikes him like a quick crack of lightning that blasts across his features. His head turns to the side as he makes a small 'hm' sound before he looks back to her and seems to realize she might be looking at him funny. "Sorry."
    He resumes his stride and only then seems to get back onto track, his mind returns to the norm as he lifts one hand to rub at the back of his neck thoughtfully as his eyebrows rise.
    "Mmm, was vaguely thinking of archeology. I'm not sure what though. I am..." He scrunches an eye up and looks at her curiously, "Sorta just going because I told my dad I would. No idea what I want to do with my life."
    Until, perhaps now, with that small reflection of thought

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
For Clarice it's just as fine that people get epiphanies out in the middle of the street. At night. Best places and times for those! Until a mugger comes around.. So instead of staring at him funny she busies herself spinning about a lamp post with one hand and one foot on it, slowly, her natural flair for these kind of acrobatics showing. Yet at the 'sorry' she comes back to the present, hopping back down to the sidewalk.

"What got into your mind?" She asks, but then the mention of archeology makes her grin widely. "Archeology? I do a lot of digging around and exploring actually. I have been trying to get a souvenir out of every place I have visited so far." which considering her powers..., that's a lot..

"The way you talk doesn't seem the type that doesn't know what they want to do in life, but fair enough."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Oh just," Alexander waves it off, hand gesturing to the side as if brushing past the words, "Sort of a vague idea about life and all." His lips twist up a little, "Since we're talking about majors."
    That said he continues on the troll, and his smile widens at her enthusiasm. "I sort of have a leg up with it since my dad was big into antiques and history. Figured I could go into that as a major, world history or something. But I like being outside and, you know, /doing/ things. So I thought archeology."
    But he's drawn up short by her souvenirs and he tilts his head, "Do you have a collection of cool things? With stories to tell about all of them?" His expression is curious, inquisitive but at her last few words he crinkles his nose.
    "Mmm, more I think that I sort of don't feel that what I choose to major in will have a huge impact on my life. I mean it'll be nice. Just... feel like ultimately it'll be like at most some bit of trivia or whatever. Like oh hey, that Alexander Aaron kid, he was pretty cool right?"
    He grins sidelong at her, "But the idea of 'oh hey he was also into archeology!' seems like it'd be a lil far down on my wikipage. If I get one some day."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Vague idea about life?" It makes Clarice lift one curious brow at Alexander, her expression twisting into a more amused one before she lets a small laugh to leave her lips. "I am not exactly known to bringing epiphanies to people but I am glad nonetheless if I was able to be of help." she leaves that to the Royals normally!

Blink pauses to look down an alley they are about to cross into, gesturing. "Mmm, lets go this way instead." continuing on the main street. It's quiet this time of night but there's still a few figures seen here and there. They do not approach but there is a dangerous feeling in the air. This is, afterall, Bushwick, a center of crime, corruption and drugs.

"The stories are the important part of it. There's little worth to a souvenir without what brought you to it in the first place, or where it's been." she then looking up at the night sky a moment and snorting. "Actually, now that I think of it maybe -I- should had went to archeology. But I didn't go to college." not easy for visible mutants to do so! But there seems to be more to it than just that.

"You should pursue something you are passionate about. Thought that was the objective of college. Or am I wrong?" because hey, she isn't the type to have much experience in those things!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Taking her advice he takes that small detour as they walk down the alley, his footsteps quiet as he moves and casually steps around a few people leaning against the walls of the alley. He doesn't seem to fit the feeling of the area, the vibe, something about him speaking toward the too too cultivated normalcy even as his curious eyes lift up to consider their surroundings, then shift sidelong to her.
    "I think," Alexander lifts a hand to rub at the back of his neck thoughtfully, "That yeah, you should pursue the whole passion thing." He glances ahead before looking back to her, "But I think a lot of people are there in some ways because they've been told all their lives they need to aim for it."
    He stuffs his hands back in his pockets as he strolls, "And don't get me wrong, I know that college is an important step in some ways. But for some people life tends to... not encourage you to remain in any one place for a long time. I dunno, I get the feeling I'm heading toward something else and college isn't entirely a part of it."
    A shrug as he strolls then scrunches up his features, "Then again, my dad would kill me if I dropped out."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Maybe they are because they were told to do it, sure." Clarice lifting her shoulders in a careless shrug. "Does it matter though? Other people, I mean." she brings her hands out of her pockets, breathing on them due to the cold being felt on the streets, a light mist of her breathing up in the air. "We all got our reasons. Just because do it for a reason does it make your reason lesser?"

She considers then, looking back at the young man. "Where do you think you are headed instead of college?" The curiosity still there on her expression.

"So you are at a place you don't exactly want to be but you don't really know exactly where you want to go either? Did I get it right?" Leave it to Clarice to be direct! But she ain't the type to leave things unspoken.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Not necessarily I suppose," Is Alexander's response to her first few questions as his eyebrows lift thoughtfully. But then his lip twists up a little as he looks sidelong at her and crinkles his nose a touch. "Family business? My dad's a union boss for a bunch of construction workers. Not exactly my cup of tea but it's like... normal." That seems to appeal to him on some level.
    "Normal and steady and like... I know I could do well at it. But."
    There's a moment where he looks at her and bites his lower lip as he ponders as if whether or not he should tell her this, but then he seems to give a mental shrug with his eyes lifting up and to the side before he continues.
    "But I've sort of seen how they do things. And unions are good and all. But... they're also kind of corrupt. Not like nyahahah evil laugh corrupt. But they give each other favors and you see them covering for each other as they sometimes goof off or like... sign five guys up when really only four guys worked the job."
    A small shrug is given, "I don't know, that sort of thing bothers me. But yeah you're pretty much right. I am feeling a little in limbo now. And not the good kind with the margaritas and the dancing."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Welcome to the real world..?" Clarice replies when Alexander speaks about the 'corruption' going on at the union. Her shoulders rise briefly. "Does that particularly matter in the grand scheme of things? There's a lot more going on out there than some people putting an extra couple of bucks in their pockets. Our world is changing." She tells Alexander, looking ahead to the street now.

"Even if I understand you not wanting to work at your father's business." But then the mention of margaritas and dancing the limbo makes her grin deviously. "You know, that's not as grand as the movies would want you to believe." she speaks almost as if she would had been in those kind of paradisiac destinations where they do such!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I know, I know. The whole world is corrupt." Alexander chooses to interpret it that way as he looks a little sad for a moment, eyes distancing as he looks off ahead of them. Another turn in the alleyway as he gestures with a nod to indicate his house is over in yonder direction.
    "I've been struggling to maintain my idealism but it's been hard lately." Considering that such always does lead to a downfall. He takes a deep breath and crinkles his nose. "Just hard to find something to believe in, you know. Or... find something greater than yourself. I've sort of narrowed it down to the simple tribal thing of take care of the people that matter to you. Right?"
    A glance is given over to her and he shrugs. But then a slight smile flickers back to life as she offers the comment about the island life. A small chuckle escapes him as he shakes his head, "No you don't have to sell me on that. It can be kind of fun for a bit I suppose. Never really got too much into drinking."
    But then his eyes light up as he gives her a warm smile, "But dancing, I enjoy dancing."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Yes, it is. Doesn't mean we have to be corrupt though." Clarice continues moving along, nodding when the man mentions the house being close by. "Sometimes you don't find it but instead it's that greater goal that finds you instead. But yea, that's a good start." she says about the tribal thing of caring for people.

"But are -you- old enough to drink right now?" A bit of a tease on her voice though her smile also warms up a touch at the mention of a touch. "At least that we have in common. I do enjoy it too, it's liberating."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Teeeechnically," Alexander's smile is a wry thing as he looks away, "I am not old enough to drink, no. But." He says pointedly, and does even indeed point at her. "But, I have had Asgardian Ale." His voice takes on a haughty tone as he pantomimes straightening his tie as if he were some dapper millionaire, "So I'm kind of what you could say, a big deal, on the drinking scene. Super cool."
    But he can't maintain the facade for long as his grin returns and he shakes his head, "Though seriously, it just doesn't appeal to me too hugely. Altered states and all seem like maybe an excuse to act in a way you're normally not confident enough to act in? Or aren't as afraid of things with a head of liquor. But not like I'm an expert."
    Though when she connects with him on the idea of dancing he cocks his head to the side, "Do you go anywhere regularly to dance? Or just in the shower while you sing off key?" His lip twists up a little as he teases.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Asgardian ale..?" That makes the elven one squint her eyes, watching Alexander in a rather doubting manner. She seems unsure whether he's just messing with her or what is going on. "I will bite. How does it taste and where can we find it to drink?" because that's the important question to be had! But not as if she seems to be the heavy drinker, she shaking her head briefly to herself.

"What are you an expert in then?" She asks back at Alexander, reaching up to move some purple hair out of the way of her face, back behind one pointed ear. "And I will let you know I don't sing off key, because I don't sing." a smirk then showing up on her expression.

Yet the question makes her mmm, "Not a regular place..., but I got a few. We could hit up one of them some day if you want. Unless you got a problem hanging out with a mutant."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "It's rich, with this like sweet aftertaste, sort of heavy and brisk at the same time." Alexander's brow furrows as he tries to describe the Ale from the great golden city of Asgard, "Though I'm told it's not as good as the mead? But I haven't had that."
    He stuffs his hands in his pockets and smiles a little wryly, "I have a friend who sorta has a connection. I could give her a call I suppose." He chews his lower lip thoughtfully as his eyebrows lift, actually maybe two friends he could call.
    But then he looks back at her, "However!" He points at her, "It's super strong. Like a lil bit knocked me on my butt." And as he says that they reach the end of the alleyway and out onto the street, near the edge of Bushwick, though still a few blocks from his home. He doesn't seem to be in any hurry, however so he keeps strolling.
    "An expert though," She keyed on him using that phrase several times so he sort of smiles, "I umm. I like to fence?" There he gives that small insight. "I like to run around, exercise. My dad made sure I learned some martial arts." Understatement.
    He rubs the back of his neck thoughtfully, "I like reading old bad action novels from the 60s so I suppose you could say that I'm an expert in that."
    But then his eyes brighten as he murmurs, "I'd love to go dancing with you, Clarice." Then a pause as he draws back a little as if to make sure he's not misinterpreting. "I mean, if you're asking."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"That's good to know. I will make sure to avoid that asgardian ale when I get friends in high places too!" Clarice replies at the description on how strong that ale can be. Yes, certainly not for her. She doesn't have the physique! "I only get drunk for friend's birthdays." but that's a tale for another time! Instead she focuses on what Alexander describes as being his interests. It makes her lift her brows.

"Yea? But liking to fence makes you an expert at it?" She then letting out a small laugh, "Didn't take you for the fighty-type." she states. "But that's good, means I can relax and not be the protecting one anymore. Not that I am too much into martial arts..." which she might be lying, considering she spent years being trained to be an assassin! But no need to scare people off.

"And sure, we could go sometime. As I said, there are some places which are cool." which she most likely means being cool as in accepting of people like her.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A small exhalation of breath, perhaps hinting at exasperation as he tells her, "Yes, I'm an expert at fencing. I was on my school's fencing team at one time or another and we did pretty well." His eyebrows lift in that faux haughty manner again, "We even made it to state." Since that's true. So nyah.
    "But I'm not exactly fighty, I don't like... go looking for fights." Alexander rolls his shoulders a little and then pauses at the side street they're on, hitting the button to trigger the cross walk light, but for now having to wait. "But... if someone comes at me in a very specific way with a very specific kind of knife and attacks me with a very stiff-armed overhead swing that's super slow, I might know how to like, get out of the way."
    There, he nods a little, not reaaaally lying is it? It's true after all. Perhaps a lie of omission. But then again... he doesn't want to scare her away either.
    "Though yeah." For a moment he tilts his head as he looks towards her, standing there with his hand on the pole of the crossing light, "I'd like that." The dancing thing. And then with a wry grin he asks her, "When?" So rude.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"For some, fights just come to them.." The smirk showing that perhaps she has been the target of such in the past. But hey, mutant and all that. Seems like a normal occurrence. Clarice smiles faintly. "But well at least that we have in common. If there's something I do well is getting out of the way...!" which, hey, it's true! Even if she is omitting quite a lot. Like some Blinking. But noone needs to know yet.

"I am around so .., let me know?" she takes out her phone to do the exchange numbers thing. Once that is done she slides the phone back into a pocket. "Hopefully without Asgardian ale so we can actually dance and not just lie down on the floor." a smirk.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "That's... like, yet /another/ thing I'm totally an expert at." Alexander says as he pockets his cellphone after exchanging information, though he did take a few moments to type in some information about her before he holds the button down to turn off his phone and slips it into his pocket.
    "Lying down and not moving." He gives her a nod and then lifts a hand to wave it to the side as if he had all the skeelz, "I practice that like, almost every night." He tells her with that oh so arrogant tone as he again adjusts the invisible tie.
    There's a pause as they cross the street and then he tilts his head at her with a smile that's open and with a touch fo affection in those hazel eyes, twinned with a curiosity.
    "But hey. I'm... I'll totally call. Ok?" He lifts a hand and starts to take a step back, "I live over there." He points to one of the brownstones down the street, "So I'm like, safe now I guess. Thank you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"So many skills to you.." The purple-haired mutant says with a raised brow, the corner of her mouth curling up in a faint smile. "Thought you were going to say playing dead, but guess you just meant sleeping. Well, I have news for you ..., lots of people good at it you know..?"

Unnatural green gaze follows the man's arm when he points towards the brownstones down the street. A nod of her head in understanding and then her smile grows a bit wider. "It was good to meet you, Alexander. Even if it was in those circumstances. But some good always comes of the bad, that's what I like to believe.." even if that belief comes from what she often has to do for the Brotherhood. But that's not a conversation for the now.

When Alexander begins moving down the street towards the house she calls out to him. "Better practice those dance moves if you want to keep up with me.." but then there is a strange noise, and if Alexander looks back he will see that Clarice is nowhere to be seen anymore. Maybe she took off down some dark alley nearby! Weird.