18925/A meeting by chance

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A meeting by chance
Date of Scene: 26 August 2024
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Jackie and Rien find reason to explore the potential of their chance meeting.
Cast of Characters: Rien D'Arqueness, Jackie Estacado

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
It isn't terribly often that Rien makes an appearance at the Hellfire Club. Until or unless there's something going on worth the effort of getting dressed up for, she prefers to spend her evenings chasing other pursuits. Tonight, however, she's in the mood for a bit of socialization and some excellent drinks. Perhaps even something to nibble on.

She steps off the elevator from the main entrance, pausing to flick a stray lock of hair from her face, then entering the VIP Lounge with an eye for one of the booths that hug the wall. The outfit is inspired by the Victorian era, albeit with modern flares in the deisgn and execution. A long sleeved blouse that hugs the body, with puffy shoulders and sleeves that end just above the elbow done in a nude sheer silk chiffon with black silk cord emroiderythat stops just shy of revealing all tucks into a high-waisted corseted skirt done in black leather that ends just above the knee, but with a powder blue velvet train that spills out from beneath the slit at the rear of the skirt to just barely brush at the ground behind her. A pair of black leather stilettos are decorated with crushed powder blue gemstones along the heel. She's gone with an elegant French twist for those wheat blonde locks, and a classic evening look for her makeup, a smokey eye makeup to highlight the bright blue of her eyes, just the faintest brush of a light pink across her cheeks, and a dramatically red mouth.

She moves with the deadly lope of a predator despite the high fashion, prowling towards her chosen seating area. Keeping an eye out for anyone that might be.. interesting.

Jackie Estacado has posed:
There are certainly far more evenings, whole days even, than not that Jackie is absent from the Hellfire Club, despite his VIP status and his purported acquaintance with more than a few of the staff. Tonight appears to be one of those evenings that he upsets the rule, rather than follows it, making his way into the lounge and offering the 'staff' ( bouncers of high quality ) at the entry an almost sardonic.. not _quite_ mocking little smile - to which he gets mostly stoically reserved if somewhat dyspeptic looks.

He pauses a few steps inside and takes a moment to look around, letting his gaze sweep slowly across the room and the people inside with the casually arrogant air of a man that knows _very_ well where he sits in the world and his relative position in it.

His dark 'shampoo commercial' black hair is tied back in a loose ponytail, black enough to match the onyx darkness of the suit he's wearing - of a cut and fit so perfect so as to make the thought it came off a rack somewhere as utterly laughable. A smoke grey shirt, a sapphire blue tie, and a pair of dark black leather loafers complete his choice in outfit for the evening.

His attention comes to rest here and there, but .. timing being what it is , it rests quite a bit longer on the sight of Rien as she makes her own way into the lounge ahead of him, a faint smile tugs upwards at the corners of his mouth at the sight, and with a shift of his weight he moves to follow her - with all the easy grace and power of a jungle cat.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien has a far more benign relationship with the staff. As long as they do their jobs and treat her as her VIP status would demand, they're tipped well and given praise. So there are polite nods and brief smiles for passing staff as she heads towards the booth. Nothing overly familiar, but respectful and polite.

Pausing in her path towards the booth, she stops just shy of it and, without turning, calls back over her shoulder. "I can smell you following me. You might as well come say hello, introduce yourself. Perhaps you'd care to buy me a drink." The voice itself is a husky purr, marked by a French accent that comes straight from the foothills of the French Alps. Still without looking, Rien finishes her journey and takes a seat at the booth to await the prompt arrival of the waitstaff.

"I prefer a good bourbon, preferably small batch, with an age of at least ten years, sixteen is better. But of course, I understand if your palate requires something a little less... refined. You are here, so wallet should not be an issue." Turning her head just enough that she can peek at Jackie from the corner of one eye, he can see one corner of that vividly crimson colored mouth sliding up into a sly smile. "I know, terribly unpatriotic of me. I suppose I should drink wine or champagne or cognac... but I admit, the flavor profiles I get from bourbon are far more interesting."

Jackie Estacado has posed:
Jackie Estacado's approach continues even as Rien stops, her backward gaze will almost assuredly catch his gaze wandering its way slowly and without any attempt to hide it, from .. her hips upwards, and when he _does_ stop its with a hand that reaches out towards the small of her back - slowly enough to telegraph the motion and allow her to avoid the touch - and then he settles into a spot beside her, possibly with a hand laying casually at the small of her back, as he looks over at her.

A touch of a smile tugs upwards at the corners of his mouth, though it doesn't _really_ reach his eyes, "Smell me following, hmm? Wouldn't that be 'hear'? How does one 'smell' direction? Or was it just that I was getting closer... " Jackie muses, shrugs a bit, and gestures a waitress over, "Two of whatever bourbon she wants, on my tab of course. " There's _zero_ concern about the cost in his tone or, from the look of the waitress, in what she thinks might work costs wise.

"I'm Jackie.. and I'll buy the first round, at least, presuming that the company proves enjoyable enough anyway." A hint of a teasing note in his tone as he waits to see just what Rien'll order and for the waitress to move on her way.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien doesn't flinch away from the man, or his touch, more than assured that she can get away or otherwise take care of herself as needed. Chuckling at catching the angle of his gaze, she waits until his lifts to her, not bothering to hide her amusement over his ogling. The sheer silk chiffon is cool to the touch, a contrast to the warmth of her skin beneath it, easily felt when his fingers rise to the small of her back and settle there.

"I have an extremely... refined... sense of smell. I picked out your scent following the path I was taking, drawing closer. That longer stride worked in your favor." Rien chuckles softly and lifts a small shrug, then turns to the waitstaff. "Blood Oath. Pact Number 1. Straight." She winks at the girl as she goes to put in the order. Looking back to Jackie, she lifts a brow, "I do hope you're not squeamish."

Inclining her head towards him, her lips curve into a slow smile. "Jackie. I'm Rien. And I guess we'll see just how.. enjoyable.. the night will be."

Jackie Estacado has posed:
"Squeamish? Hmmm.. no, I can't say that's anything that I've ever been .. rightly called." Jackie replies with a low chuckle, shaking his head with some mild bemusement.

As the waitress wanders off to get their drinks Jackie returns his attention to Rien and just looks at her for a moment, watching what the smile does to her face, the way the light plays along her skin as she lifts her chin, and his hand at the small of her back shifts subtly - a slow exploration the feel of skin and muscle beneath his fingers through the thin fabric - this woman's confidence not appearing to put him off in the slightest.

He gestures with one hand towards the booth, inviting her to take a seat ahead of him, even if he _is_ standing in just such a spot as to make it so she'll need to brush close against him in order to take up one of the seats.. that or walk all the way around the other way to get there.

"I'll say it's at least starting off with some promise."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Good. I have no patience for the timid or squeamish. I prefer my companions bold, even brazen." Rien flicks a glance up at him, that sly, self-confident smile still firmly in place.

She basks in the attention of his attention, soaking it up and letting him look all he likes. Studying his own features in turn, sizing him up even as he's enjoying the play of light and shadow across her features. Reaching up, she adjusts his tie ever so slightly as his fingertips explore warm, smooth skin and firm muscle that flexes and twists under his hand with her movements.

Lifting a brow at his gesture, Rien lets out a small laugh and murmurs, "An old ploy... but one must respect the classics." Without hesitation, not so much as a flinch or wince of discomfort or unease, Rien turns and brushes past him, the arch of her back as she sidesteps between Jackie and the edge of the booth providing a wealth of contact for him. Then the moment passes and Rien is slipping into the booth to settle in.

Clothing pulls a touch tighter as her body folds into a seated position, one hand reaching down to sweep the velvet train on the skirt around one calf so as to leave space for Jackie. She glances up at him and chuckles, "Only some? I must be losing my touch. Clearly, I need to start going out more."

Jackie Estacado has posed:
There's a low chuckle from him at her comment on brazenness, "They're classics for a reason, are they not? And they give at least the _illusion_ of choice." Jackie replies with a hint of amusement coloring his tone, having not objected in the slightest to her slight pivot and turn to adjust his tie.

Beneath the his shirt, much like with her, there's the warmth of skin and the play of muscle - and little hint of anything at all soft, the physique of a one percent body-fat body builder without the unnatural looking bulk of muscle.

Both his hands find her hips as she shifts past him, both wander over curves that aren't for the usual casual acquaintance to .. enjoy within but moments of meeting. All done without hesitation, an assertive air of .. entitlement about the man - whilst allowing _just_ enough room and telegraphing his movements far enough ahead to allow , at least, the illusion of ability to object or avoid.

Settling into the booth next to her, Jackie shifts into the seat enough that it's only natural for him to slide one arm around her shoulders and rest his hand on her far hip - bold was what she said she preferred...

A flash of a smile, "Practice does make perfect. "

As their drinks arrive he takes up one of the two glasses and lifts it, "Boldness, practice, and .. promise."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Oh believe me, Jackie, I have a choice... but I do try to not spill blood on club grounds," she runs one fingernail along his jaw and winks at him, with a confident little smile. Rien finishes the minute adjustment but doesn't retrieve her hands just yet, letting them linger as she smooths the lapels of his shirt.

Letting her hands roam down the front without so much as a hint of shame, feeling the skin and muscle moving in tandem until her hands fall away at his hips. FOr her part, she has all the right lush curves, but the muscle underneath is steely, the result of rigorous training and fights rather than a gym's influence.

Rien lifts a brow at him as his own hands roam, one corner of her mouth lifting upward as she murmurs, "Finding what you were looking for? Or should I say... liking what you've found?" Still making no attempt to stop the roaming of his hands before passing by.

Nor does she object when his arm settles around her once in the booth, just a sidelong glance up at him with that knowing expression on her features and that sly little smile on her lips. "I couldn't agree more..."

Lifting her own glass after they've arrived, she tips the rim of the glass ever so gently against his and winks, "Boldness, practice, and promise." Bringing the glass in, she takes a swallow, letting it linger briefly on her palate before swallowing, tongue darting out to catch a stray drop before it can fall from her lower lip. "Mmmm, that is an excellent bourbon."

Jackie Estacado has posed:
"Choices.. we all have them. They're not always what we think they are, though, are they?" Jackie muses after he takes a moment to sample the drink she ordered and allows his eyes to half close in enjoyment. "And _that_ is one hell of a drink. A nice pick there.. and might make this move from 'some' promise to _definite_ promise if it keeps only like this."

With one arm around Rien, now, circling her in that half embrace, his far hand below the line of the table and resting quite visibly on the curve of her rear, Jackie's significantly larger frame has her tucked in against his side and makes a few things clear: He's at least as fit as he looks, and felt, from her previous touch. He's not got a gun or anything holstered under his suit coat. He's more than at ease with the situation.. his breathing is easy, his heart not beating at any sort of significant pace - a 'relatively' young man more than comfortable with the current situation.

He shifts his attention from her eyes for a moment, lets that gaze do some more wandering to drink in the sight of her he gets from this angle and what her altered position's done for her dress and eventually returns his focus to her.

"Seems that I've been a bit too infrequently here, myself, having not run across you before, Rien."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Oh I wouldn't say that... my choices are generally pretty clear and easy. It isn't often that I'm surprised in what my options are, though I do enjoy when someone is able to surprise me," Rien watches him savor the drink with a slow smile, winking at him after. "My palate is as refined as my nose. I think you'll find that I can always manage to pick out he wheat from the chaff."

If she has any issue with being manhandled or otherwise maneuvered into the position she's in, Rien gives no sign of it. Her features remain smooth, vascillating between interest and amusement, her eyes show heat but not anger, her body is completely relaxed against his, her breathing is slow and even, her heartrate is steady. If anything, Rien looks to be enjoying herself enormously. Much like Jackie himself, she appears to be a young woman that is perfectly at ease and comfortable with the situation.

Tilting her chin to look up at him, watching him watching her, she drags her gaze away eventually to look him over in turn. Drawing his scent in, letting it flood her senses, lingering enough for that sense memory to create a marker for him. Lifting her gaze back to his, she chuckles.

"I'm somewhat infrequent as a visitor myself, though perhaps I should endeavor to change that. I tend to travel a great deal."

Jackie Estacado has posed:
"Travel does get in the way of a lot of of, when it's not fun in and of itself anyway." Jackie replies, setting his glass down after another sip so that he can lift his other hand, bring it towards her, fingertips touching lightly just below the hollow at the base of her throat and pausing - purposeful weight that shifts.. will they go downwards, or trail up... a teasing pause before rising upwards, following the line of her neck upwards until finally pausing just under the tip of her chin to bring her eyes and attention up to him once more.

At the same time his arm around her shifts a bit, his body working to encourage, demand even, an arch to her back that will have her chest thrust outward and afford him a more than enjoyable view as he looks down at her.

"You are .. an intriguing woman, Rien. Attractive as hell, but then you know that already. Strong.. confident.. but still wanting, hmm, enjoying, some direction - of the right type."

The tip of his thumb lands lightly along one side of her jaw as his hand underneath her chin pivots, fingers moving so that he's got one finger bent under the tip of her chin and his thumb can sweep upwards to brush lightly across those red lips of hers while he watches her with considerable interest for her reaction.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Oh, I very much enjoy the travel, for the most part. I go where I want to go, I do what I want to do. But after a certain amount of time, even jumping around the world can be.. tedious. I've found that it's more fun with a companion," Rien responds, chuckling in that husky little purring tone. Her head tilts, chin upward slightly, as his fingers start beneath the hollow of her throat. Her eyes on his, steady, dancing with amusement and curiosity over which path he'll choose. His fingers eventually do trail upwards, however, and find the shelf of her jaw while his thumb finds the petal soft lips painted over crimson.

Shifting, she stretches, arches, offering him that view he craves, chest thrust forward against the sheer fabric of the blouse, very nearly making an indecent show before she settles back in against the booth. A tease, a preview of what might come.

"Mmmm, there is a measure of.. release.. in allowing another to take the reins, at least a little bit. For a short time. And it would seem you enjoy exerting that control, Jackie. This is proving to be a most enjoyable evening after all. I do hope it lasts."

Her lips part slightly beneath his thumb, a warm breath washing against his skin as she smiles ever so slightly at him.

Jackie Estacado has posed:
"Having someone around to provide, or demand, distraction does have its benefits, that's for certain." Jackie replies with a knowing chuckle, allowing hints of mixed approval and .. satisfaction to show in his expression at the way she responds to his touch and guidance.

The thumb that brushes across her lips completes it's sweep then returns back the way it'd come before resting for a moment upon the spot just in line with her nose. Quirking a smile he withdraws his hand, fingers falling away from her only to drop downwards and dip into an inner pocket of his jacket, retrieve a few bills - hundred dollar bills in fact - and drop them on the table.

"We _did_ just get settled here, but I think that while it might be .. far more entertaining if we took this conversation to a place less .. constrained by convention."

The Hellfire Club - constrained by convention. What _is_ he referring to?

Then the arm that he's had slipped around her withdraws, that hand running up her outer hip and flank before lifting up over her head and he starts to shift away and around from behind the table, clearly expecting that she'll follow.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Most of my companions tend to be... short-term. Some have had other responsibilities and duties that got in the way... some just couldn't keep up. It's been a sad state of affairs," Rien lets out a small sigh, briefly forlorn before that saucy little smile reappears. "But I always make sure it's fun while it lasts."

While she doesn't tend to be a beacon of wealth, it doesn't surprise her to see him dropping hundreds of dollars for a pair of drinks that were barely touched in the face of the intriguing social interplay. She simply looks up at him and curves that smile, as if aware and in full agreement with what he's about to say.

"Mmmmmmmm.. I can get good drinks most anywhere. I think I've fulfilled my purpose for coming to the club, I see no reason why we shouldn't withdraw to a place more suitable to the plans for the evening," Rien winks at him and shifts her center of balance, preparing to exit the booth.

Once he's up on his feet, she'll slide along the seat before reaching her feet. There's an amused look as he simply heads towards the exit, the clear expectation that she'll follow. And he's not wrong! Rien chuckles to herself before moving after him, catching up in a few strides and tucking her hand in at the crook of his elbow.