1935/Into the Fire
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Into the Fire | |
Date of Scene: | 01 June 2020 |
Location: | Bushwick <Mutant Town> |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Alexis Carr, Samuel Guthrie
- Alexis Carr has posed:
Allegra still didn't feel at home in any place that she slept. The Brooklyn apartment was open and exposed, but had Sam. Most of the time. The well-appointed apartment at the Club was secure to the point of ridiculousness, but lacked Sam... and she didn't feel safe at The Mansion. Not yet, anyway. Not with the way some of those 'in the know' looked at her.
She was beginning to think that she might not ever feel safe again. Good job throwing yourself out a window, kid.
But at least, as Alexis Carr, she could walk around and help others. Today she was 'patrolling' -- which meant, realistically, she waas walking with Sam around Bushwick, wearing an old T-shirt and jeans, trying to fit in.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has his arm around Alexis, and looks to her "You look like something is on your mind hon." He comments as they walk. He looks up to a hotdog stand a bit ahead of them considering a snack "Oh, went over to Gotham to check out some places for ya if a wanted to play at, not sure of any decent ones though to be honest.
- Alexis Carr has posed:
"Oh, well, just... giving some thought to what I want to do in the future." the brunette replies, giving a slight smile up to Sam as they walk, and then her eyebrows rise up. "In Gotham? I've not been over there yet... been trying to stick to New York but... it's a little difficult when I can't use my real name. I never realized how much has ridden on it."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Ah have heard some rough stuff about it, but got a chance for a ride along over there so figured check it out while there ya know." He rubs his hand along the small of hr back, and says "So, any ideas about the future coming to mind?"
- Alexis Carr has posed:
"Not much, admittedly. Just... since admitting it, I don't really feel like I belong anywhere, you know?" she replies, "Did you go through this, when you kinda... came about on it?" she asks, trying to be coy about her statements as she walks.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and says "Well to be honest, I got more am I good enough to be here, why am I not improving as fast as the others, but then I also had the others to try to help look after so helped distract me."
- Alexis Carr has posed:
"... I see." the girl replies quietly, and she considers Sam's words quietly, looking about at the others out enjoying the nicer weather. She takes a deep breaths, and looks u to Sam before she rubs the back of her head. "So you're still pursuing the academy then?"
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Still keeping it open." He pauses and takes her hands in his and says "Do it really worry you more than the other stuff I do hon?" He looks into her eyes with love and concern
- Alexis Carr has posed:
Alexis shifts her weight, and she rubs the back of her neck. "Well, yes and no. When you're... when you're superheroing, regular rules don't seem to apply to you, isn't that right? There's a different code of conduct.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shrugs and says "Both are dangerous to be honest, Ah figure my original training will keep me safer than most of the others. Will admit, Ah personally have seen less small gunfire than a cop has, but have seen some and some heroes see more.
- Alexis Carr has posed:
"... and what about other mutants? Will they see you as a traitor?" Alexis asks quietly as they walk, turning her eyes up to Sam. "What if it comes to an 'us or them' situation? I just... I worry."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and says "That is part of what Ah am working to prevent hon. Ah am sure Ah will get some push back, but we fight mutants who are doing bad things now, at least if Ah get on the force here, Ah can make sure folks are getting treated fairly by the local cops.
- Alexis Carr has posed:
"... Sam, they're never going to treat people fairly. Do you know how many officers out right are afraid of mutants? How many come and buy out tickets for my father's shows? The Law hurts. That's part of the reason eople can do such cruelitie to th-... to us."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her and says "People said the same of African American people in the past and while Ah know we aint where we need to be we are closer than at my grand parents or even my parents generation. If we do not work to try to make the goal a reality when it won't know, If we just continue the way we are going the fear will only grow, we need to show people there are good people out there as well as the bad. Be it mutant, human, cop, civilian or what not.