1983/A Sinister Plot: The Left Hand Holds All The Cards: Team Two

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A Sinister Plot: The Left Hand Holds All The Cards: Team Two
Date of Scene: 06 June 2020
Location: Sinister's Evil Hospital Of Doom
Synopsis: A hard fight, and the hostages are saved ! But they are not whole, and it may be some time before they are...
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Laura Kinney, Samuel Guthrie, Kurt Wagner, Alexis Carr, Roberto da Costa, Henry McCoy, Danielle Moonstar, Clarice Ferguson, Alex Summers, James Proudstar, Scott Summers, Gabby Kinney

Emma Frost has posed:
The rural, abandoned hospital still seems to be in pretty good shape from the outside, if not with some overgrown vegetation crawling up the side of the building and beginning to break through the concrete in the parking lot. The building is four stories tall, though schematics from before it closed indicates an extensive basement storage and facilities area as well. It's a large hospital as well, and likely that contributed to the costs of maintance being too high for it to stay open. Abandoned places always seem to get snatched up like there is some villain market for evil lairs.

The Blackbird had been landed outside of what Scott and Jean had estimated Sinister's range of scans might be, and the teams had largely moved in on foot before parting ways to reach their objectives. For the team led by Jean Grey, this was personal. Their friends were in there, somewhere. And they were tasked with getting them back out, alive, and hopefully (especially with what had happened to Julian) in one piece.

Jean's team was going in around the back of the hospital, sneaking in, hopefully, through the old emergency department. There's a light wind that causes the overgrown weeds near the no-longer-powered automatic glass doors to wave absently. Inside it's dark, the waiting area filled with dust-covered uncomfortable chairs and the check-in desk bereft of both life and function.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean took the time to do two things. One, establish a mental link with everyone on the approach. Two, she's mentally concealing their presence from any possible sentries. Which won't work against technological sensors, but if there's a living guard, then that's all she needs.

<< Alright. Laura, on point. Kurt, back her up. Sam and Alexis, stay close to me.>> With that, she sends out the mental instructions, then nods over towards Laura, letting her loose. But still monitoring everything on the mental link.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     This definitely wasn't Laura's first stealth infiltration. Her combat outfot from the first strike had returned, shirt replaced, with the addition of streaks of camo makeup on exposed pale skin. Not like they had to pretend to blend in as civilians, after all. The teen prowls her way over to the door, carefully slipping her claws along the edges to cut any latches or drive mechanisms that would keep it from sliding open freely. When everyone's ready she slides the door just far enough to admit them and moves into the lobby, senses on high alert for any signs of inhabitants or guards.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie keeps his eyes open moving with Jean and Alexis. He makes sure to keep scanning not only in front of them, but to the sides and above as well. He does not want them walking into a trap and it being closed behind them. He is ready to take guard or to the air if needed. He tries not to fret over Alexis but does probably check on her more than he needs to, but at least it is visual, not to noticeable.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Most of the time, even in the thick of danger and conflict Kurt can be counted on to bring a little bit of levity to the moment. Most of the time. Today is an easy exception with so much on the line, most notably of which is undoubtedly their friends lives. With that in mind the fuzzy blue elf only gives a grave nod to Jean as she issues their instructions, glancing towards Laura consideringly for a moment before he vanishes in a little cloud of inky darkness and the customary *Bamf* sound.

While he lets Laura strike out on a direct path for the rear entrance, he instead focuses on rapidly scoping out the obvious vantage points for sentries or camera, rarely lingering for more then a few seconds to get the lay of the land and feed back relevant information to Jean and Laura before moving on to next, sweeping the rooftop and ledges overlooking the team's target.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis Carr had to come. She had argued that her destructive powers could be put to great use in the aftermath, and was frankly utterly surprised she'd been allowed. On the way, she had tethered two silver charms to a necklace, and had drawn the chain around her neck -- the canny might have recognized them as saint's medals, which she buried beneath her shirt as she pulled her hair back. She wasn't experienced. This was a hell of a first outing.

    ... but she was there for Gabby, and for Emma. The dark-haired girl stayed close to Jean, her quick eyes searching. She lets Sam handle himself -- she fully knows he's capable. It's their friends she's far more worried about.

Emma Frost has posed:
The silence of the abandoned emergency room is broken with the faint sounds of quiet grunts and a very distinct feminine giggle. There's a pair of pairs of feet visible under the bottom of a privacy curtain for one of long-abandoned medical beds, one yellow and black boots, and the other very feminine black boots. The curtain rustles a bit, and there's another grunt and an another soft laugh but then suddenly silence.

The boots both turn to face the incoming X-Men, and the curtain rips aside. There's a snarl from the yellow-and-black booted one, but the other, feminine form simply snickers.

"Hm. I had thought I was going to have one kind of fun," Jean's doppleganger comments dryly. "But it seems instead of pleasure I get to do my preferred option: pain." Not-Jean is dressed in form-fitting black from head to toe, her red hair tied back in an elaborate braid. She lifts slightly into the air telekinetically. "And I'm very happy to see //you//, Prime. Now we can see who is truly superior... I think I'm quite the improvement, really," she snarks to Jean, before mentally sending a brief summon to the others.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
The owner of those yellow and black boots? Sabertooth, and he looks extremely unhappy that his happy fun time was interrupted especially by someone who smells like /him/. Still, the feral mutant growls, "Guess we can have that other kinda fun after, once we end this bunch."

Stalking forward he sniffs the air, "I can smell ya' Runtlette, come on out and I'll send yer head to your old man," he says arms spread waiting for his challenge to be accepted.

Jean Grey has posed:
And with that, Jean seems to appear, along with Sam, Alexis, Kurt, and Laura. She then intensifies the mental shields for the team as she says, "I'm not sure what's worse. Your absolute lack of ethics... or your absolutely hideous taste in men. Seriously, SABERTOOTH?"

Clearly, some things are simply unexcusable as she sends instructions in the link, << Alright, it's go time team. And don't be gentle, these two are the most violent of the bunch. >> She pauses, then adds, << And the most evil. Don't hold back. No quarter. >> Only Laura was with her for the last raid, but this one... well, it emphasizes something.

Jean is done being nice.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura tenses a little, familiar scents reaching her nostrils. She stops, claws near silently sliding out of her knuckles. <<The clones are here. Jean and Scott. And... someone else....>> The telekinetic immediately rules out use of her throwing knives. She shifts her weight from side to side, lining up each foot long enough to pop the toe claw as well. If this were an action movie, she'd probably say something like 'I beat Logan. I can beat you.' But she's not that kind of person.
    She'd studied Victor Creed, though. Same adamantium skeleton as Wolverine, so joint techniques were out. The healing factor meant that the only sure method of disabling was to go to the brain directly. He's big, and the adamantium adds extra mass that makes him slower. She's got the speed and agility advantage here. <<Blind him if you can. His enhanced senses make him extra vulnerable to disruptions like that. His healing factor means you will have to keep doing it until I can disable his brain.>> And with that, she launches herself into a sprint. If he goes high, she goes low, He goes low, she goes high. Have to get around him, keep him off balance.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie heads toward fake Jean. He kicks in his blast field to cover the distance as quick as possible, This Jean seems to be able to fly like their own, and he plans to put her down quickly with a flying fist to the jaw hopefully. He runs the techniques the Professor taught them through his head over and over, as he works on helping good Jean's shield keep bad Jean out of his head. The young man heads into combat like, well a cannonball.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
With his scouting done and the necessary info relayed back to Jean and the rest of the team, Kurt rejoins them on the ground, walking into the long abandonned emergency room. And kinda wishing he didn't. Ew. And probably ouch too. This is not likely to be very much fun and so as their squad leader relays their orders he ponders the two combatants. His decision, at least for the moment is made for him as the team leaps into action.

Once again the fuzzy blue elf reacts immediately and as Laura and Sam launch themselves at their respective targets he again disappears with that customary *Bamf* and scent of sulfur hanging in the air. When he reappears he is behind Sabretooth, over his shoulder and levelling a kick at the back of his head. *Bamf* A second later he is down on the ground on his left side, lashing out hard at his ankle. *Bamf* a second later he is actually perched on his shoulders, jabbing fingers towards his eyes. *Bamf*

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Speed, agility and a good friend with a spark.

    Alexis pairs off with Laura, going after the terrestrial-bound Sabretooth as Jean and Sam take on Fake-Jean.

    The room lights up with a brilliant red tone as Alexis restrains herseilf, drawing into being a pair of palm-sized fireballs, singing the edges of her jacket sleeves and to either side of the quick-moving Laura, there is a pair of hot-glowing fireballs aimed at Sabretooth's chest, to give the very angry man something else to consider!

Emma Frost has posed:
Meridith-- the Jean clone-- sneers as Cannonball blasts towards her, agiliy shooting sideways in midair to avoid his frontal assault, hurling old hospital beds and the miserably thin curtaining that surround them at him as he flies to tangle him up. <<Scrambler, get your ass in here,>> she snarls through telepathy at him. <<Disable the blue freak. The boss will want him intact if possible. And Riptide, weren't you supposed to be on watch?>> In a rage, she telekintically hurls a single IV stand, top point first at Jean at top speed. Well, mm. A single one isn't enough. Two more follow right behind, though the third aims for Ignyx.

An Asian young man with an equally hateful sneer slides around the corner, obviously having been booking it when he was summoned. He looks at the pile around Sabretooth and for the moment nopes out of jumping into that. His powers, though, just take a momentary touch, so he waits for his moment warily, for one of the intruders to drop their guard so he can get a hand on them.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Don't knock it till ya try it, Red," Sabertooth growls through a leering grin at Jean before his attention snaps to Laura when she rushes towards him.

"Got to hand it to Alchemax, didn't think they could make a runtier Runt, but here ya are," he turns then, grabbing the stretcher he and Meredith had been using before he can heft it there's the smell of brimstone and Kurt's kick lands and jerks Sabertooth forward, he whirls his claws slicing through smoke before he feels a kick to his ankle and then the sudden weight on his shoulders as the Blue Elf goes for his eyes, Kurt gets one, the feral mutant howling in rage before he reaches up a clawed hand to grab and hurl Kurt at Laura.

That's when the fireballs hit. If he has Kurt in hand he tries to use him to block but regardless at least one hits sending him back, chest sizzling.

Dogpiled like this, Laura has her chance to strike.

Behind the X-Men dirt begins to swirl and a strong wind buffets Alexis' dark hair as a Riptide enters the room like the mutant whirlwind that he is, but it's not the wind that's the danger with the whirling mutant it's what he throws, as Jean and Alexis get a trio of throwing stars each flung in their direction!

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean looks at Meridith with disdain, and guides the IV stands over her and Alexis, boosting their speed with her own TK to send them right into Riptide, the spiraling stands deflecting the throwing stars as they soar in. She keeps her focus on Meridith, at least visibly, "I mean, Scalphunter I could see... Arclight, maybe. But Sabretooth. I would have thought Sinister would have installed at least a basic level of standards in your twisted little head." Sure, she's hitting below the belt, but she's hoping to get her copy into getting careless.

<< Sam, feeding you a course correction, Riptide's here and you can take him out. Alexis, blast Scrambler before he can mess with our powers. Laura, Kurt, keep Sabretooth out of this. I'll handle my cheap copy. >> Emphasis, apparently, on 'cheap'.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     years of training had given Laura a near encyclopedic knowledge of human anatomy and the best ways to destroy it. Most of them don't particularly work when someone's skeleton is made of adamantium. However, there are /gaps/ in the skeleton, where the only thing holding it together is flesh. That is something that the teen can deal with. Launching herself upwards she scales sabertooth, kicking her toe claws in like crampons, before aiming a stabbing slice right between the mutant's C1 and C2 vertebrae.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is tangled a bit with the curtain and hit with a bed or three, but Sam is neigh invulnerable when he is blasting. He will end up blasting through the wall/ceiling into the floor above him, before getting the curtain off, and making his U-turn. As he does. he will become a jean guided missile , heading towards Riptide "Hey lets see who is faster, as he tries to catch the man around the waist area, and get him out of range of the others.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
All things considered, being in close quarters with a killer like Sabretooth is not a place you want to be. In point of fact it is a good way to get one's self disembowled or have one's throat ripped out. But when Kurt lingers juussst a little too long on the evil, feral mutant's shoulder and finds himself grabbed he doesn't panic. He doesn't seem concerned at all, instead grinning fiercely at Sabretooth, clinging to him when he tries to hurl him towards Laura, only *Bamfing* again to move out of the way of the fire burst sent their way, latching on to the other side of the man. "I think you need to change your perspective some. See the world in a new way..." he suggests and when Laura lands her blow Kurt *Bamfs* again.

This time though when Nightcrawler *Bamfs* he tries to hold on to Sabretooth. One second they are right by Laura. Then he reappears by the emergency room entrance. Then he is back amongst the gurneys. Then over by the nursing station. Over a span of ten seconds he appears and reappears at least ten times, finally emerging right back where they started.

For Kurt it is a nice trip. For those he takes with him, those not used to the rapid shift of perspectives and spartial awareness, not used to the rapid exposure to the dimension he travels through each time he teleports, well, it tends to be vomit inducing.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    <Knew right away you were a lady of quality, Jean.> Alexis thinks, and she turns, her hands lighting up again as she exhales and turns from Sabretooth and Riptide, bringing her fiery hands upwards, her gaze narrowing at Scrambler as the stands whizz by her, making her shudder, just a moment, enough for her to mis-step and nearly trip over flotsam and jetsam left by the fight already, which she tucks, rolls, her jacket singing a little more as she turns her attention to Scrambler, and she lights up, sending another pair of fireballs in his direction -- if she can keep him at a distance, this should work out nicely.

Emma Frost has posed:
The Jean clone smirks at 'Prime' Jean. "You assume I haven't," she sneers back. "Though sometimes they need a little 'convincing'. You should try it sometimes. It's //fun//." She throws a hard TK barrier behind herself in Cannonball's path, uncaring if he breaks his neck on it, or manages to stop before hitting it. "Only Prime and the blue freak are worthwhile specimens," she says. "Feel free to kill the rest. Especially the... weak copy of Wolverine, hmm?"

Scrambler scrambles to avoid Alexis's fireballs, using whatever he can in the quickly-demolishing emergency room to evade them. "Eventually, princess," he grins at her, "I'll get a hand on you, and put you right to sleep," he croons.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Sabertooth howls as the blade sinks into his flesh, then with powerful legs he slams himself back into the wall, once, twice, three times, laughing as he does. Turning he snatches one of Laura's legs, "What'd ya wimps call this? A fastball special?" he laughs through his fangs, then hurls her at Kurt uncaring if she breaks on the wall or not. She's Logan's blood, she'll get better. Well, if he gives her time for that, a heartbeat after she's thrown he springs after her, ready to tear her and Kurt to pieces.

Riptide curses and ducks as the IV racks come his way, though that TK wall Meredith throws up for Sam buys him at least enough time for another round shuriken thrown at Alexis as Riptide moves to cover.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smirks, "You should be the last person to talk about 'weak' copies." With that, she starts moving closer to Meridith, intending on getting up close and personal as she takes to the air, flying at her clone. "And believe me, you want to see my dark side, Faker? With all you've done, it's going to be all directed right at //you//."

Well, with maybe a side of justice and revenge for Sinister, but this abomination is definitely getting Jean's visible attention. << Sam, watch out for her barrier, guiding you accordingly! Time for Castling! >> She doesn't seem to be too concerned about where Scrambler has run off to... and gives Sam directions for a new target.

That being Sabretooth.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is pretty good at following directions and finding the edge of the barrier Meridith put up. and uses it to help him make a much more sharper turn than he might normally be able to do. And with it, he aims himself at Creed. He hopes to catch the killer from behind knowing he heals, Sam is aiming for the middle of the man's back, to se how far he can send him flying.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
It's getting a little chaotic in here, isn't it? Of course that is usually to be expected when the Marauders are involved of course. No sooner has Kurt finished his assault on Sabretooth and *Bamfed* away then he finds himself in the crosshairs once again. This time with Laura being thrown at him. That might hurt a little, or it would if it caught him unaware. As she is about to hit Kurt jumps in the air, snagging hold of the young woman and before they can impact anything he simply *Bamfs* yet again.

For a moment he is about to teleport right behind Sabretooth and let Laura take another shot at the beast's spine. But that seems like a very bad place to be with Sam heading for the same spot and instead the pair emerge about five feet above Riptide, letting her fall as he swipes a pair of throwing knives from her. "I am just going to borrow these frauline," he says, gripping the knives in both hands. They're not swords. But they'll do.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Battle is always fraught with Chaos.

    The flame-baring girl narrows her eyes a moment before she grasps a hold on the arm of a chair to try and fault over it after Scrambler -- but one of Riptide's shuriken strike at a sensitive place ; another hits against the leather of her jacket, but the first shreds in and slices through the leather just right, and the dimunitive firestarter gives a yelp and a hiss of pain, curling her other hand tightly, setting the chair itself aflame and in a fit of temper, the young woman kicks the chair woards where Scrambler went, gripping her good hand tightly to keep control over the flames, trying to get them to spread around -- a regular firewall!

Emma Frost has posed:
Scrambler frowns as the spinning, flaming chair heads his way. It's an easy dodge. <<Meri, give me a boost into little hothead's fire circle will you?>> He requests a TK assist-- which is quickly granted, the smug young man flying over the flames with Meridith's assistance and landing inside the firewall beside her. "Pretty," he muses. "But not my type," he adds as his bare hand clamps down on Alexis's shoulder, his Scrambling abilites flexing as he shuts Alexis's 'system' down, knocking her unconcious with a touch. He snorts as the slumps to the floor, her firewall sputtering out. "One down, boss," he ducks behind a chair to dodge some of Riptide's whirling sharp bits.

Meridith snarls with laughter. "Bring it, bitch," she says to Jean, hurling a TK wave at Prime Jean as she flies towards her... and seeming confused as it simply washes through Jean with no effect. Still she recovers fairly quickly, ready to trade blows with her genetic donor.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
To answer Sam's question? Pretty damn far. Smelling Sam coming Sabertooth turns at the last moment before Sam makes impact, he braces as he's hit and thrown tumbling back through the inside of the hospital until he hits a wall, a piece of gurney jutting from his shoulder. Sabertooth gets up, spitting out a piece of broken fang, the tooth already healing as she says, "Not bad kid," he yanks the piece of twisted metal from his shoulder then too tossing it aside.

He shifts a little, standing in front of some oxygen tanks, "C'mon kid let's see you do that twice," he taunts arms out in a 'come at me bro' stance.
Riptide for his part wasn't expecting an attack from above, only just glances up as the pair apparear hurling a wild burst of shuriken their way, as he tries to regroup and withdraw.

Jean Grey has posed:
<< Kurt, take Scrambler out *NOW*, Laura, handle Riptide, Sam, keep playing pinball with Sabertooth. This is enough. >> Jean sends out instructions, as she decides to just send a hospital bed flying right at Meridith, foregoing subtlety... though she does notice that the copycat couldn't affect her with TK. However, a heavy object is something else.

And she does toss it at the proper angle where an inexperienced TKer would dodge right where Jean could punch them right in the face. Being an X-Man for nearly a decade has certain advantages from a tactical perspective, after all.

And that's precisely what happens, as bed comes in, Meridith dodges in... right into the path of Jean's fist, as she says, "Your problem, is you're too much in love with the power of the mind." Also, you might have a broken nose, copycat.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie does come around to come at Sabertooth again, he sees the tanks behind the larger mutant. Instead of avoiding it, he kicks in the speed, trying to Hit Sabertooth as fast and hard as he can and drag the tanks with them away from the others. Hitting the other he will try to hold onto him, counting on his field to keep Sabertooth from gutting him, as he starts heading straight up.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura hangs on tightly throughout the teleports, claws embedded deeply in Sabertooth's flesh. Unfortunately, the delay in re-engaging leaves her vulnerable for long enough to get snagged and thrown. She wiggles her arms and legs to avoid going into Kurt pointy side first, and allows herself a moment of relief when she's redirected to drop towards Riptide. And his whirlwind of bone shuriken. This... is gonna hurt. Hopefully Kurt can dodge on his own, since she has to keep the pointy end forward...
    The weapons thud into Laura's flesh including one that blinds her left eye. Riptide isn't going to get out of it unscathed either though, as twin claws cleave through his left arm just below the shoulder. The teen assasin tucks and rolls, some of the shuriken snapped off and others driven into her flesh deeper, spinning around to rip the star of bone from her eye and hurl it back the way it came.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Even in midair, or perhaps especially in mid-air KUrt has the grace of an acrobat and as those shuriken are hurled up wildly, the fuzzy blue elf twists and contorts. Of course, sometimes it is those wild attacks that are the most difficult to anticipate and adjust for and while none of the throwing stars embed themselves in him blood marks that soft indigo fur as he begins to fall towards Riptide in Laura's wake.

But Riptide is not his target. While some of the X-Men have a true ruthless streak, a willingness to do almost anything it takes to get the job down, that's not really Kurt. Not unless he has no other choice. Still, he is not unaware of the stakes here and while he might not willing to simply slice open the troublesome Scrambler, that doesn't mean he is adverse to making the obnoxious man bleed a little.

Wary of his abilities, but less concerned with his reflexes when Kurt *Bamfs* again he again goes low, reappearing in a crouch right behind the incapacitating mutant. And while the blades in his hand might not be swords, he shows no lack of familiarity with them, slicing at the back of the man's legs, seeking to hamstring him. Again he takes no chances, teleporting away almost as soon as he's struck. "Stay down. I would rather not be... more viscious in my targets," he says lowly but sincerely, perched on the nursing station desk, blood dripping from those blades in hand.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    There is a price to pay for inexperience.

    The firestarter keeps her flames under control, and she had tried to make them jump higher to try and discourage Scrambler from making that jump. She hisses a moment, pain shooting up her shoulder as she watches Scrambler take a leap, her eyes going wide as she tamps down on her flame control, letting the flames lick at the walls as she bares her teeth in mixed frustration and pain, grasping her good hand in a fist as a fireball gathers and with Scrambler's snide comment, she had drawn herself up, but left an opening for his hand.

    And the young firestarter is taken down, her knees collapsing out from under her as she gasps, unable to appreciate Kurt's acrobatics and warning.

    Alexis, though, was controlling that fire. Without her control, the fire might just begin to grow.

Emma Frost has posed:
Meridith lets out a shriek of rage and pain. "No one makes me bleed my own blood!" she shrills, wiping away at her face, shooting backwards in the room in midair. But the tide is turning: Scrambler is down, hamstrung, and Riptide is not far behind him. Creed... is Creed, and is damned near impossible to kill.

So the clone does what you probably might expect.

She runs. Rather, flies straight up through the hole Sam had left above leading to the second floor.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Sabertooth growls as Sam hits him again and the air's knocked out of him, but he still manages to grab one of those tanks on the way up through the roof "Let's see how tough you really are!" and he slams it hard into the others Sam had dragged with them to get it out of range of his friends.

There's a shattering boom that blasts the floor above and sends lighting and roof tiles raining down on the floor below it. Sam's blast shield is practically custom built to survive that kind of blast, as for Sabertooth, he's blown half to bits, but the solid half is already knitting itself back together. Easily contained or yeeted as needed.

As for Riptide? It's not his best day ever, he shrieks when his arm is severed and his own shuriken hit him next, but he barely feels them, falling to his knees and trying to stop the blood from pouring from his severed arm.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean keeps tracking the battle, even as she flies off after Meridith, looking to interrupt her path with tossing random debris at her, slowing her down and forcing her to dodge and weave. Remember when Vader was lobbing random trashcans at Luke in Empire Strikes Back to batter him and wear him down? Yeah, it's like that.

Only this time the trash is the target.

<< Kurt, I'm going to chase 'myself' down here and make sure she's not going to be a problem. Make sure everyone is safe and keep moving forward. Alexis should be okay to move forward, I don't think Scrambler got a long grip on her.>>

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie goes up with Sabertooth up up with the broken thing out of the firy explosion and then once they are hitting nose bleed heights, he turns and jets down towards the earth pulling up at the last moment, but letting go of Sabertooth so momentum should put the regenerating murder machine into a crater . Hearing about Alexis and her dropping from the link for a moment he moves to land near her to check on her.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     With Riptide disabled Laura rises to her feet again, accompanied by the clatter of bone shards on the linoleum. Her eye is now whole again behind the shattered lens of her goggles, the teen smoothly scanning the area for additional threats. The Jean clone had fled, Sabertooth was off with Sam- Oh, there's Sabertooth. A knife is smoothly drawn and with a flick of the arm disappears into her 'uncle's eyesocket, only half of the handle sticking out. "Sabertooth eliminated." Laura pulls up her mask enough to snort and cough a glob of blood and mucus onto the ground before continuing to track, nasal passages clear again.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
With it apparent that neither Scrambler nor Riptide having any fight left in them, Kurt gives a little nod and *Bamfs* away from his perch on the desk, teleporting to the side of Sam and Alexis and giving her a quick once over to make sure that there is no sign of more serious injury. "She should be coming around momentarily. If she doesn't I will teleport her to safety," he promises the man with a brief, reassuring smile. "Let us go find the rest of our friends. Carry her until she's is awake and aware. She'll be safe enough in your shield," he urges.

With that he turns towards the passage leading deeper in the hospital. "We have our mission. Laura and I are still on point. Lets go," he says, again disappearing as he leaves that inky black cloud of brimstone in his wake, reappearing twenty feet down the corridor. They are hardly out of the woods yet.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Hardly out of the woods yet, and Alexis shifts about, giving a wince. "M'alright, love, just -- bit wobbly." she replies gripping her hand back into a fist and feeling its heat. "Didn't have long enough... thanks to--" she begins, but Kurt is already on the move. She gives a soft huff, holding to Sam a moment before giving a soft admission of:

    "That was bollocks."

Emma Frost has posed:
The lower reaches of the hospital first floor are unlit, and look abandoned. But once getting into the second floor, signs of use and life are obvious... and the building itself seems to have been altered to suit a new purpose. Where cheap tile and drywall once were, steel and concrete have replaced. Instead of long corridoer and nurses stations, there are long, windowless corridors and heavy metal doors. When windows are found, they are drywalled off with faux interiors pressed within to give the impression from without that it is still an abandoned hospital inside.

And it's cold. So cold. Noticeably so, the kind of cold that is just uncomfortable enough that being under or undressed might cause hypothermia in time.

Meridith hurtles down one of those corridors, running from her clone, trying to find a solid place to launch a counter attack from. She knows that the Doctor doesn't want Prime Grey killed, but Meridith is salty enough that she doesn't care.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean keeps harrying her duplicate, not giving her a chance to rest or respite, debris flying out to harass her and bat at her. Just enough to annoy her and really drive her crazy as she looks to run her down. She'd probably send a mental taunt, but doesn't bother since, well, their powers don't seem to work on each other.

Though, probably for the best. It felt really //good// to punch Meridith in the face.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     <<I can smell the prisoners. Going that way.>> Laura picks up the pace, retracting her toe claws again so she can shift her stance to a still surprisingly quiet run. ...Her shoes may be squishing slightly from blood though. Hand claws are staying out. NOTHING is getting in her way. She's not going to lose another family member. Not again.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will put an arm around Alexis to help her steady herself for a few moments, leading her to follow the others and keep the search going "You aint done to bad hon, you aint been fully briefed on their powers, and your not used to the hero thing. Thats why we train," He walks along with her keeping an eye out for more "We got the first round down but there maybe more as we go."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
<<Prisoners are the priority. Get us to them. We have your back.>> Kurt asserts as they move through the creepy, abandonned hospital. Why do the bad guys always seem to find themselves in places like this? Well, maybe SInister he can understand.

He keeps on Laura's tail, splitting the distance between her and Sam and Alexis as they bring up the rear. Any obvious attackers should be scented out by Laura first, so he focuses more on any other irregularities, any signs of trap, or cameras and the like that may be keeping tabs on them, working to take out any eyes on them so that they can more freely move without worrying about that movement being tracked.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis leans lightly on Sam, and murmurs "A few moments, should be fine. Not the worst thing that's ever happened to me." she replies dryly, but she loops one arm around Sam's waist, and continues on with Sam at her side, straining her arm a bit to try to light a fire in her palm. Her teeth bared.

Emma Frost has posed:
Meridith finally reaches the end of the corridor, with no choice but to turn and fight. She turns around, grabbing a heavy metal door with her TK and ripping it off the hinges to hurtle back down the hall at Jean. But besides that, there's nowhere to go. And, frustratingly, no one left to call for assistance, except one... who is ignoring her pleading mental summons.

The man is...

Doctor Nathaniel Essex. The real one, not the imperfect clone ruining Scott and his firend's day out in the front of the hospital. A fourth sending of raw material and equipment shimmers out of existance through the Tesseract in his laboratory. "A true pity..." he muses. "I rather liked this lab."

He gathers one last selection of materials, looking back over his lab. "But the work must continue apace." He pulls a small, Rubix-cube sized box out of his lab coat and twists it twice, then tosses it absently on a table. "Such a waste," he shakes his head, and steps into the Apocolypse tech transporter himself. As he does, he sends a telepathic message to everyone on the grounds. <<I do apologize for the inconvience, I'm afraid... but I cannot possibly allow my work to fall into the hands of those who cannot grasp it.>> He tilts his head, taps the side of the Tesseract, and shimmers from existance.

Meridith roars in rage. "YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!!!!!" She screams to no one in particular-- it seems. But terror hits her face now.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean catches the door with her telekinesis, looking at the Road Not Traveled with a dark expression. "If you were just a Marauder, I'd consider taking you in. But as it is..." She then narrows her eyes, and sends the metal door flying at her clone, with all the telekinetic speed and force that she can muster.

"This, is for Roberto."

In this distance, the rest of the group might hear, or feel, a distant *THUD* of a particularly heavy impact.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     The thud is acknowledged, but ignored as that voice echoes in her mind. Laura picks up the pace, shifting into a dead sprint and pushing off corners and walls as she follows her nose towards the prisoners. <<He has a self destruct. I do not think I will be able to find it or disarm it in time if it is high tech.">>

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Lets get to the prisoners, and get them out of here, that did not sound good. "Find the people Kurt can teleport those he can out, I will protect the others as best Ah can, but we need to be with them, for me to protect the."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
<<Don't worry about the self destruct. Focus on finding our friends.>> Kurt urges through the mental link, racing through those hallways that all look the same. That definitely doesn't help. He begins to teleport more frequently, relying on that to cover more ground in their search instead of simply running along.

Of course, if any self-destruct was small enough he could get it out, but that's rather risky. And he suspects that Sinister is more likely to have rigged the entire place to blow.

Emma Frost has posed:
One of Kurt's *BAMFS* does the trick, as he pops behind one of the heavy metal doors in the corridor into a large, white-tiled circular room. Force-field shut cells circle it, the middle of the room having a bloody operating bed and a nearby set of computer equipment that has had the hardrives ripped out. Within the cells, however, is a horrific sight to Kurt: at first he might wonder if they are dead, because each cell has a single hospital bed within with a body laying on it in some way. Each body is wearing a smooth white collar similar to Magistrate technology. And for the moment, none of them are moving.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    The firestarter has a grim expression on her face as she squeezes against Sam. She looks up to him and says "If it's just fire, I can handle on my own." she replies quietly to him, with a wince as she works up the gumption to face what might be behind the door, looking at it with concern.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
As he reemerges Kurt's senses adjust almost immediately -- one of the reasons he can teleport so quickly without suffering the ill-effects he tends to bring others. In a flash he takes in the scene before him, and while his eyes might be able to take it in, it is much more difficult for his mind to accept that these are indeed his friends before him. The wave of sorrow that washes over him is almost palpable through the link and he forces himself to look away, to turn back towards the door, unsealing it and getting it open. <<I've found them. They are... in rough shape. We will need to carry them out. This way.>> he offers up, providing mental directions.

With the message sent he turns back towards the cells, looking for a way to deactivate them, to bring them down, eyes flickering over every panel or display, poking at them in an effort to get them out of those cells.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     It's easy enough to follow Kurt's sulphurous trail, and see the way it dead ended at the door. And even a steel reinforced fire door is no match for an angry Wolverine. With a screech of metal on metal, claws emerge from the door and trace a rough rectangle around the latch and locking bolts, followed by the door itself being shoved open. A bloodsoaked and yet no less intense Laura enters, running along the line of cells slapping touch panels as she goes. The teen ducks into Gabby's cell, and checks to make sure that she won't cause some horrible injury by transporting the younger Kinney before scooping her up. "I am here, Gabby. You are safe. I am going to get you out of here." ...It's as much for her sake as the unconscious Gabby's.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's noise. Motion. A large looking man blinks his eyes awake, though it's clear he's barely aware of the world. "Do your worst..." He half-grows, expecting another round of 'experimentation'. He is in bad shape - cuts, likely made my scalpels, adorn his form. The hospital gown he's sporting has dried blood on it, and is near in tatters. The voice may sound familiar - but the face isn't. Big hands and feet, are a good sign.

As he rolls onto his side, barely, he peers out into the hall. Spotting a Laura, spotting a Kurt - he almost lets his hopes get up again. Then a frown. "More clones." He sighs.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie comes in and moves to check on folks as well. Berto, and Dani being the first two he would move to. "Get them all together, If nothing else, I might be able to blast a walkway out of here we can climb out and get them out and others can get to us.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
While Dani could be worse off, she's also one of those in the group that lacks any sort of natural toughness or healing abilities. That means the way she had been thrown into the cell after her torture session absolutely knocked her out. Thankfully, the fact that hers was more emotional than physical damage means that once their rescue team comes in and starts making noise, she'll start to stir.

But it's probably not what they're expecting. She wakes with fear, uncertainty. She doesn't rush towards the opening in her cell. She pushes back and away from it and from anyone who might come near her. "Haven't you done enough?!" The shout seems to be at and not at them.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma opens her eyes, shifting slightly to look out into the room of hell. There's a blue demon out there. That makes as much sense to her as anything else might. She slumps back, closing her eyes again. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen, and she didn't have it in her to fight it anymore.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Moving about the room, Kurt punches at each of the cells in turn, bringing down the force shields, teleporting from one to the next to get them down as fast as possible. Hands clench at his side, fighting back emotions as he looks over those both familiar and less so and giving a small shake of his head. "Rest easy my friends. We are getting you out of here. Your captor has already fled," he offers up, briefly laying a hand on Hank's shoulder. "As Sam said. Gather them up. Blink is coming in to get us out," he adds, quickly moving to the cells of the less fortunate to check on them. It appears too late but he has no intention of leaving anyone behind.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto hears noises outside, he turns his head peering through the forcefield at the people invading the doctor's lab. There's no recognition on his face to any of them, even Sam. He stays put, expecting some new trick of the Doctor's, he was too tired to fight them. "Just get it over with," he murmurs with cracked and dry lips.

Alexis Carr has posed:
The injured Alexis shuffles in, but she becomes far more livened when she sees the atrocities that have been visited, adreniline pumping as she spies what arguably would be her best friend laying in one of those beds. And she gives a soft cry of 'Emma!' as Sam tends to Berto and Dani. She curls her good hand and punches the panel.

    "Come now, Emma," the crisp Brit replies, "this isn't the right place for you, and Alex is over the moon mad about it." she states gently, "We're getting you out of here."

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Not putting Gabby down, Laura prowls through the lab, looking for anything that might be linked to the collars. "Not clones, Dr. McCoy. They are all dead or disabled. I made sure Sabertooth will not bother us again." It has to be /somewhere/. If she can get the collar off, Gabby will heal. And she won't lose a sister.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to Berto "The bad guys are out of commission Betro, we are here to play T.C. to your Magnum and get everyone out." He will start freeing his friends and getting them into the center room.

Henry McCoy has posed:
At the touch from Kurt, there's a bit of a flinch - Henry clearly expecting the worst. And then there's Laura. There's a blink, tears forming in his eyes. "Told you'd they'd come..." He says, loud enough for all to hear. Henry does his best to sit up - anything to help. He's in no shape to walk or run, but he's got to do his part.

"I... don't know if cutting them off will help." He says, honestly. "But if you need to try that, I am willing to ..." He motions to the collar at his neck.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
For a good, long moment Dani doesn't seem inclined to trust them. But she's the one in the best shape (for what it's worth), so she's the one that ventures out of her now-opened cell on uneven feet. She couldn't fight if she had to, but it looks like she's willing to try if any of them start anything. "He can't remember anything," she tells Sam in an all-too-sharp voice. "That Jean-clone took it from him. All of it. All of us. Just... leave him alone."

She looks pained for Berto's sake, for all of theirs. There's a look of uncertainty to Henry: she's following his lead that these -are- their friends and they -can- be trusted.

Emma Frost has posed:
A flicking handful of portals appear as Blink exerts herself to place them in the room so additional calvary might arrive to help. The room; a circular operating room with while tile and too much light, and not enough heat, has the sharp tang of iron smell to it. Surrounding it are cells, and forcefields used to keep them shut but team two has already disabled them. Laura is carrying Gabby's unconcious body, hunting the operating room for anything to remove the collars from the hostages' necks: smooth, white collars with no obvious clasp or link. Magistrate tech, for those who know it. The cells have beds, and many of those still have either the bodies of their friends or the bodies of the dead within, though Dani has stumbled to her feet and made it just outside her cell door. Jenny is still unconcious in her bed, not awakening. Emma is barely cogent in hers. Roberto is laying in his bed, unrecognizing of anyone. Hank is awake, and his hopes, and what he has promised the others, has come to pass: they are saved. None will be able to move far if at all on their own-- weeks of little food or water and torture has brought them to a sad state.

Alexis is trying to coax Emma up, and Sam is with Berto, while Kurt is assuring Hank that they are, in fact, real.

But there's not much time before Sinister's final send off destroyed the place entirely.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Thanks to Kurt giving her the mental image of the room those portals open up. And then stepping out of one of the portals is the purple-haired mutant, along with what she hopes as the rest of the cavalry. And somewhat battered up too. Blink appears to have been beaten about, hair in disarray, some blood on the side of her lip, a sleeve of her overcoat slightly torn..

But her expression turns into a grimace as memories flood to her about those collars. Magistrate tech indeed, and ones she wore during years.

"These collars.." Yes, she saw many times the magistrates turning them on and off with specific control mechanisms. A gesture. "There should be a way to turn them off in here. The range is very short for the controllers." she starts searching around the near the computer cart, opening and closing drawers until she takes out a small device. Hopefully that should do the trick

Alex Summers has posed:
    Behind Blink, Havok steps through the portal. He looks worse for wear, with bloody scrapes along his body and from the way he's moving, probably some broken ribs. But the moment he's through, he's looking and then makes a beeline for Emma. "Emma! Alexis..." He moves to help Alexis with getting Emma up. "Emma, I'm here..."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a blink as the collar deactivates - Hank looking over to Blink as she finds the controls. It's a look of relief, followed immediately by a roar of pain. The injuries on the good doctor begin healing - not as quick as Gabby, Laura or Logan, but fast enough. More so, dark blue fur begins sprouting from the man. His face, feet and hands begin warping - seemingly returning to his Beast form.

With some differences...

The face... it's not all that familiar. Yes, it's blue and furry - but there's more. There's no jovial grin, no simian features. His face is decidedly more feline - lion-esque. The canines are far more pronounced, evident as he writhes in the painful transformation. Hands and feet are likewise more feline - no more apeish features for this Beast.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Who?" Berto asks looking at Sam blankly. Though when Dani speaks he turns his head, seeming to trust his fellow prisoners at least, even if he can't remember them from before this place. "Are you seeing them too? It's not Meredith, playing with our minds?" he asks her.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will continue to get Berto free, and offer him aid "We are friends, we are here to get you out of here," He is frowning some worried about hsi friend, but Jean, or the Professor can help them, they have to be able to.

James Proudstar has posed:
Warpath comes through one of the portals, and much like some of the others, is looking like he's definitely seen a scrap. He's heavily favoring his right side and doing a not-great job of suppressing those grimaces of pain as he moves, as well as the shallow breaths he's taking.

"I can...still carry one or two out, as long as they can make the trip."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott comes next, just along with James. He looks rather pale and seems to have lost his visor at some point, as he wears his red 'sunglasses' instead. The grim scene before him gives him some pause. Then he addresses Sam, "Blink will handle the evacuation. Her portals are far smoother transit than Kurt or Illyana's means. We need to leave right now. Lorna said she might have found the self-destruction mechanism, but I rather none of us is here when she tampers with it. We can return later if the place is still standing."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "If it doesn't explode, I promise there won't be anything left to examine." the utterly ineffective Alexis growls under her breath in a promise, gently bringing Emma up to a sit, looking to Alex as he arrives. She gives him a wan smile, and a soft "I told you we would find her. She's alive... in rough shape, but she's positively stubborn." she states to the younger Summers. "Help me get her up, I can't carry her too far on my own," she says, blood down her back as she winces.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"We can trust them," Dani finally tells Roberto when she sees Clarice appear with yet others. When the collar deactivates and the world comes rushing back in (at least as she knows it in regards to the emotions of those around her), Dani breaths a sigh of relief. It would be in this moment that Rahne would likely sense her and vice versa: at long last.

But it comes with a risk. There may be a moment in which some of those fears-made-manifest begin to come to life around those without psychic shields. She's been so long without and to suddenly have her powers come rushing back, it's like a long drink after wandering in the desert. Thankfully, however, she's not strong enough to actually fully manifest anything. People might see something begin to manifest, but it'd be a flicker and then gone. Enough, perhaps, to distract or cause them to think something is there or coming...

...and then Dani falters and stumbles, the weeks without proper care getting to her. She might not be walking out on her own two feet.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
With the unfortunate casualties in the other cells checked on and the apparent confirmed, Kurt sorrowfully returns to Hank's side to lend him a hand as required. When the collars are deactivated, as the change rips through his friend's body the fuzzy blue elf looks absolutely aghast for a moment, wondering just what it is that his captor has done to the brilliant, affable mutant. But it seems to stabilize after a moment, the pain apparently passing some and he helps his fellow blue mutant back to his feat. "Gather together," he says, nodding towards Blink and their easiest escape from here. Anything to make the task a little more sure and convenient.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will nod to Scott, and says "Ok, everyone grab someoen and get them through the portal, we need to go asap people." He Will move to try to help Dani as well, Berto on one side Dani on the other. The two of them are the young man's family as sure as his blood are.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex nods curtly to Alexis, resting his hand on her shoulder briefly in acknowledgement, then looks down at Emma. "You...are a hard woman to find, Miss Frost..." he says quietly, reaching down, then carefully sliding his arms under Emma to simply scoop her up in his arm. There's a faint grunt as it stresses his ribs a bit, but damned if he's not going to help her out of this place. AS quickly as he can. He leaves the colalrs to others...and it's rewarded when Emma's opens and falls off, a look of relief crossing his face, before he looks over to Kurt, thens tarts carrying Emma thataway.

Emma Frost has posed:
The collar at Emma's neck pops open almost as if under its own force, falling into two pieces on either side of her neck on the bed. There's a sudden... noise... in her head where for the past couple of weeks nothing but pure silence has reigned. The dozens of whispers and buzzing of the thoughts of people around her, ever-present just knowing of the minds of others. For a moment, she sits there where Alexis had dragged her upright, unmoving, not reacting.

Then there's a panicked wave of telepathic... noise. Mostly the feeling of overwhelming terror and pain, with a sense of words that don't quite make sense. Its a loss of control, and thankfully for all those around her subject to it, it only lasts for a moment or two before abruptly cutting off as she shaily regains control despite the fever thats raging in her.

Her eyes blink open again, her already pale skin unusually so, hair lank and damp from sweat. Alexis's presence gives her a moment of confusion. "<<Allegra...?>>" she asks, both mumbling aloud as her question is posed in Alexis's mind.

Then she sees Alex, and there's almost a 'click' in Havok's mind as he can feel her... latch there, telepathically, as much as she might have if she had much of the stretgh to do so with arms around his neck. "Alex.." <<You're real.>>

James Proudstar has posed:
Warpath starts, tensing into a fighting stance for half a second, then shaking his head violent as that wave of negative emotion cracks his telepathic resistance training...and then it's gone. He blinks a few times, still breathing shallow, then shakes his head, and moves over to the unconscious Jenny Stavros, carefully reaching down to lift her, and carry her through the nearest portal out of here. Clearly, he has no intentions of sticking around.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
From Gabby? She'd just been worn out. Exhausted. Pushed far and then farther and then... Well. Sleep was always good and with the myriad of tiny pokes and cuts all over her form it was likely needed. When the collar falls away there's a quickly sucked breath of air that is then exhaled with a sigh of obvious relief as the pain vanishes. The aches. The soreness. The stiffness. And her injuries begin to heal with her renewed healing factor.

She may have even blissfully stayed asleep if not for the jumble of mental lash out that causes her to jerk into a tighter ball with eyes widening. There's no stabbing thankfully as she jerks her head upward, "Emma? It's okay..." Wait, if she's... then... It takes a moment for her to process everything. Then she hugs Laura tight clinging to her. "Julian, he vanished, where's Julian?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
     The collars drop off, and Laura sighs with relief, holding Gabby close. Dani's paniced broadcast is mostly brushed off by her training, but Emma's wave... That staggers the teen. "Gabby. I am here, it is okay. Julian was let go, he is at the school in the medical bay." Laura smiles. It's weak but there, belied by the blood soaking her clothes and staining the left side of her face where the shattered goggle lens is. "I am not going to lose you again. We are going to get you out of here, and take you to him."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
When the collar clicks off, Roberto reaches for his well of energy and finds there's some there despite all odds. That should be impossible but there it was, he channels some of it, to his arms pulling free of the last restraint, before he tries to stand and sags to the floor.

Curses flow from his lips in Portugese, before he sticks out a hand to Sam. "A little help," he still doesn't know who he is but Dani vouched for him and they popped these collars that was a good sign.

He makes no effort to fight his rescuers on the way out of this hell.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Looking at those collars took that extra toll on Blink. But she still has one last thing to do here. She takes a long breath and then brings her hands together, a portal starting to form up in the middle of the room, it leading to the outside for those that take it. She is sweating now, teeth gritted, her eyes often going to the collars clinking down to the floor. A bittersweet feeling of both the people here being close to being saved but also at all the memories that came back.

"Go as you can. I will step in last when everyone has gone through." Always the last one to go through!

Alexis Carr has posed:
"It's me." Alexis confirms quietly, and she winces. "What kind of 'assistant' would I be to leave you in such a state?" she questions gently, though she's plainly relieved to see Emma recognizes her -- hearing Berto not recognizing Sam? Heart breaking enough. The collar falls away, and leaving Alex to tend to Emma, Alexis turns and flings the parts of the collar into the wall.

    "I beleive I speak for all involved that it is in fact time to get the hell out of here." she states simply, clasping her hand on Alex's shoulder.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott stand watch until all the others are through the portals. "Put me close to the Blackbird, please," he asks Blink just before the purple-head leaves. Someone has to pilot it back to the school after all. Then through the comms he adds, "try now, Polaris," as he steps out of Sinister's lab-torture parlor.

The Blackbird is likely close enough to see the explosion, if there is any. If the self-destruction is averted he will send a group back in a few minutes. Well, if anyone is not too badly injured.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
Even if a part of her is still -terrified- that this might be another trick, Dani is just glad to be getting out. She accepts the help from Sam, still unstable on her feet. At least she's managed to lock her powers back down. "It'll be okay," she tells Roberto, staring through the portal toward the outside world like someone starved.

Which she is, but this is a different kind of starved.

"We'll get you to the professor. He'll... he'll find a way to get your memories back. I'm sure of it." She's trying to put on a brave face for him, best she can.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Helping Hank through, Kurt steps through the portal with a nod for Blink, vanishing from that too cold room of horrors -- and emerging on the far side with the rest of the team that has past through already, far enough way one hopes to not be unduly effected by the seemingly inevitable explosion. A sense of relief passes through him and the tension, the little aches and pains -- and the wicked headache from unintentional psychic assaults -- hits as the adrenaline passes.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney relaxes when she's informed Julian is okay. Much as can be at least. Not HERE was a benefit though she would have to wonder later at why he was sent home. Maybe he'd passed whatever stupid tests Sinister had intended. She just nods a bit at Laura for now still looking quiet and sad as she regards everyone. A faint smile is offered. "Least we made it," she mumbles quietly. "I knew you'd all come."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Havok flinches as the storm from Emma's mind washes over him, swaying for a moment, then it cuts off. <<Really real.>> he confirms. "We're getting you out of here..." he says outloud, turning to head towards one of the nearby portals Blink is maintaining, though he slows enough that Alexis can lean on him as much as she needs to get her out too. "It's over...we're getting everyone out..."

    But he isn't going to forget this. Sinister...he's /earned/ a vendetta today. Hatred like Alex rarely feels the need to resort to, just a knot of rage and hate for him that's going to sit there. And fester.

    Because he wants Essex /dead/ for what he's done here.

    With a flicker, he moves through the portal, heading for evacuation.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "I would never abandon you. I have lost too many family." Laura hugs Gabby tightly, probably getting some blood on her, but she doesn't care. Gabby is safe. Clarice gets a greatful nod, and Laura's heading towards the jet, sister safe in her arms. ...And food when they get back. Lots of it. And as much ice cream as Gabby wants.