2219/Genosha Burns! Sharing Information
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Genosha Burns! Sharing Information | |
Date of Scene: | 24 June 2020 |
Location: | Virtual Meeting and Communications |
Synopsis: | Multiple heroic groups gather to talk Brainiac strategy. |
Cast of Characters: | Lorna Dane, Daisy Johnson, Tony Stark, Pietro Maximoff, Victor Stone, Neena Thurman, Karen Starr, Shuri, Martinique Wyngarde, Damian Wayne, Scott Summers, Franklin Richards, Hal Jordan
- Lorna Dane has posed:
The heroes and allies that the X-men knew how to contact had been phoned in, greeted and given time to settle in. Each in their own secure places, however that might be. Some via purely voice, others with video. But the heroes had been called, and many had answered. Brainiac was a global threat, and Earth's heroes were responding. In the X-men's base of operation, Lorna Dane sat front and center, a visual projection of various people in front of her and other X-men that had come. She leaned forward and offered a terse, if polite smile.
"Thank you all for responding and investigating the threat that Brainiac poses to Earth and especially to all people. At the start of his campaign against Genosha, I was left reeling and unable to cope. I hope with the people gathered here that information can be shared to save lives. Not just those from Genosha and Mutant Town, but far more beyond. What information the X-men have, we will get into later. For now I want to pass along the chance to speak. I know that the Avenger's have their own sources," She glanced at the projection of Tony Stark.
"You in particular have intel that I think is pertinent to what others might have to say." She nodded to him, gesturing to Iron Man as she sat back in her seat.
- Daisy Johnson has posed:
Being one of those called to represent team SHIELD Daisy is standing to one side of the room, dressed in her black and blue uniform along with the telltale gloves that mark her as Quake to some. Arms are folded and for now she listens in silence, lips pressed to a grim line.
With the shift of attention moving from Lorna to Tony she follows her gaze there. Some rather familiar faces around indeed!
And yes, she has a donut.
- Tony Stark has posed:
Tony Stark is visible as a projection at first, in sharp detail, though some of the background beyond him is included, too: making it feel like he's in a strange alcove of tech. He's backed in a mixture of moving robots that are rearranging a wall. When the meeting starts, he clearly tells them to take five, though he's muted, so it isn't heard over the communication. There's also a quick alteration where he obviously enhances his projection, meshing his own tech better with the X-Men's, to fix it into making his hologram proper, and the background drops out.
Unmuted, Tony reclines in his holo-chair a bit, and offers a quick, flippant two-fingered wave to everyone. There's a relaxed, confident manner to the Avenger leader. He's tired but Tony's presenting, which means he's just fine.
"Yep, lots here. Satellites are back online, and I'm going through what we can learn from those: which has been plenty," Tony begins. "My summary is that I've got Brainiac's ship tracked, some great headway into his coding language, and more of the message that Magneto sent. Let's set the mood by playing that first," Tony suggests.
"They have been taking individuals from the cities and putting them back here. His drones...been modified with our DNA. *fuzz* Jupiter from the window."
"Which matches the most recent pickup of the location, which is near Saturn; looks like an orbit over there." Tony gestures towards Power Girl, "From some other intel we have, we should keep hope that this is a grand kidnapping. Meaning... this is a rescue mission." He gives Power Girl a more direct look, to see if she wants to add anything to that point.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There is no donuts over in the X-Men's base of operations. There is, however, the presence of an Avenger that is not Stark. Pietro is seen sitting next to his sister, leaning back in a somewhat relaxed position as he listens. He seems to not be listening, but really, the quick glances towards the Stark hologram in front of him betrays that Pietro is truly paying attention.
The sullen frown when the message from Magneto is played is quite clear upon all displays. If there was ever any doubt of the veracity of the source of the message, it is dispelled with that look. Pietro was never completely enamored with his father.
- Victor Stone has posed:
As Victor 'Cyborg' Stone connects to the videoconference, there's only a brief glimpse of his bleary-eyed, partially artificial face before the image is obscured by a squat, stylized 'T' logo, and a gratingly cheerful chiptune theme song starts to blare. His voice can be heard, muffled beneath the bleeps and bloops, shouting at someone. "Gar?! GAR!! How many times have I told you to RESET everything after you use the main terminal for PR calls! How hard is that to remember?? You are EMBARRASSING us in front of the--"
Abruptly, the theme song ends, the logo vanishes, and Vic leans back into the frame, his demeanor having shifted from his initial exhaustion through comical fury and now settled on wide-eyed false normalcy. "Hi, everybody!" he says, in a tone that won't really convince anyone that he wasn't just Bart-Simpson-strangling a teammate offscreen. Behind him, two palm trees drift in the breeze with a hammock strung between them. Apparently someone also left their Zoom background enabled.
Vic takes a deep breath, rubs both metal hands over his face, and decides to just skip all of the preamble he had planned. Why even bother trying to be taken seriously, at this point. "I've got the full decompile of Brainiac's programming language," he blurts out, reaching out of frame and then bringing in a crystalline datacube, shimmering with cascading, three-dimensional representations of code. "It was... /not/ easy to get."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena, for her part, remains under her given name 'Domino'; a moniker best known in the mutant world as a darned lucky merc. Why is she here?
Self preservation is a strong thing. She's part of the visual projection, her black lips matching the black mop hair in striking contrast with her albino skin and big ol' dark eye-spot (very much like the TV dog, yes.). She's leaning back in her seat, dressed in black leathers, zipper down just far enough to know that it is't face makeup.
She listens politely to the opening salvo, her arms crossing against her chest. Blue eyes narrow in the sound of Mags' voice, and there's a certain chill to hear about the DNA. A quick look is given off camera, before she returns front and center, her words distinct, "I just want to know how to get close to it," A shrug lifts her shoulders, "After that?"
Obviously, she's 'muscle'. After a fashion.
- Karen Starr has posed:
Power Girl had arrived some time ago, something akin to a friend of a friend, as it were, in relation to the X-Men. While she wasn't necessarily -not- supposed to be here, the only person of anyone in the room that she does know in any proper sense is, currently, an Arguably Sentient Zoom Meeting.
Surrounded by strangers, Power Girl is leaning back against a wall off to the side, but near to the front of the room. Her arms are folded, and her resting expression is one of a consistent simmer. For the paranoid, that isn't the kind of face you want to see on someone like her.
When Tony gestures to her, Power Girl nods a couple of times, and slips off of the wall. Her arms unfurl from one another, and she speaks, able to project her voice to the room without changing posture or, seemingly, exerting any effort.
"That's right. This thing is a collector. The transmissions we've received tell us that the attack on Genosha had some survivors, but if what I know is even only -mostly- similar, then the attack had minimal casualties, the same with Mutant Town. There are going to be more. Scraps of planets, cities stolen from their homeworlds... There's a lot more, but the truth of it all is that this is probably going to be the biggest rescue mission ever pulled, even if it only has what it took from Earth."
- Shuri has posed:
Casually sitting in a chair in her projection, Shuri is casually working on something in her hand, a tool that might make someone think of a sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who in her hand as she adjusts something in her hand. She has a donut, too, but she's really not seeming to pay much attention to others as she works. She hasn't been called on yet so she is not really speaking up but she's there. She idly releases what is in her hand and the small thing looks like a snitch from Harry Potter, flying up for a moment before one wing seems to not fly right and it starts going in circles and she snatches it back and starts working on it again.
When Tony speaks, she glances briefly in his direction and then back to her device. She waits for a pause and states, "I know a bit about the metals he uses but I'll say more when it is my turn."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde sits against a wall. well behind Lorna. Unusually unarmed, she folds her hands together, listening, looking. She knows her reputation, and so the less she says in a group like this, the better. But she's here, and she doesn't care what anyone says about her. Not now.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Robin chimed in from his own quarters in Titans Tower. Luckily these settings had not been altered. The background behind him shows three swords on the wall and not much else.
"There is also a structural weak point that one of the Titans has found. Around the base of the neck, the joints of the vertebrae are arranged in a way that makes the structure easier to break the spinal column, thus rendering the subject incapacitated."
"This is not an Achilles Heel though, it still takes significant force to engage. These drones move faster than a normal human as well."
- Scott Summers has posed:
Scott is here as leader of the X-Men, clad in the blue and gold outfit. He read a pile of tech reports form Hank, Kitty and CUBE (where the hell is Doug?) that went mostly over his head. He is more interested in hearing how to fight Brainiac than about the nuances of Culuan super-tech and computer languages.
The information will be shared, of course. "Do we have anything new on the background of this Brainiac creature from our Alien allies?" He asks. "By the way. The Sentinel might no longer be a problem. The X-Men have destroyed the Wild Sentinel factory in Ecuador and Master Mold is no longer under alien control. He will still be a problem, but not for the current crisis."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded as each person that was invited either chimed in as the meeting began, or made some manner of acknowledgement that they were there and listening. "We'll talk about the drones later and how to face them. Right now I want to focus on the basics of what we're facing in terms of Brainiac, his goals, and what we know about those." She pursed her lips together.
"Stark has given us a basic location of where he is, and where the people he's taken are. As it's been said, this is a rescue mission. There are possibly several million Genoshans that were taken. Both human and mutant. He's taken Mutant Town. The best we figure for these motivations are what he told us already in his broadcast. Does anyone have anything further to add that we've found out regarding that? The programming codes are going to be important for the sake of protecting our defenses and technology we'll doubtlessly need to use when we face him. As Cyclops said we have our own copy of some of those data points, we'll get them uploaded and shared. Though at this point I think it's redundant."
- Tony Stark has posed:
"Yep, agreed, Polaris. Lots of people have stuff to share, in a lot of areas; let's organize a little bit," Tony says, with an encouraging grin. "Making sure I got it all..."
Tony's hologram gestures to each resource as he goes through the items. "From Shuri, we've got something about drone metal, maybe metals used for his ship, which is relevant to fighting him. Programming language stuff from Titans, which is more broad, that might link well into one of the things I'm doing. More about Drones themselves from Robin there. History and motives on Brainiac from Power Girl," Tony identifies. "And an update about Sentinels from X-Men, that they're a non-issue. I like good news." Tony smirks.
"Sticking to Brainiac itself right now... We know he's taken two populations from us, and did it in a very secretive way, lots of attempt to look like he wasn't himself. You wouldn't be secret squirrel unless there was a threat to you. He spent a lot of resources to mask what he was doing, up until now. Pretty sure he thinks he's still hidden right now, which is an edge I don't want to waste."
- Victor Stone has posed:
While others were talking, Vic frantically got his settings under control, and now he's shown seated in the middle of a Titans Tower conference room, with the code cube on a desktop in front of him. The exhaustion that was crowded out by his chaotic entry to the conversation has seeped back into his face.
"I have a theory about its motives, yeah," he says, glancing over the grid of superheroes arrayed before him, and maybe pushing back a bit of impostor syndrome. "Every one of the drones whose brains we picked through contained the same unbelievably massive program. Trying at that same chunk of code again and again is how we /got/ our Rosetta Stone." He reaches out to tap the code cube. "I'm starting to think that code might /be/ Brainiac. Like a single egg, cloned into a million baskets. In that case, by improving his drones, he's trying to propagate, improve, and perfect /himself/."
- Karen Starr has posed:
When Victor speaks, Power Girl nods.
"I mentioned this to the Avengers not too long ago. You're correct. The truth of it is that this is partly its way of being omnipresent, and partly its way of surviving. Every drone, every piece on the other side of this board, even if it doesn't -seem- possible, they are ALL Brainiac."
Taking the back of a chair in her hands for a moment, Power Girl is silent. "This means that every one of those things knows anything that Brainiac knows, and vice-versa. If one of them finds anything successful, they'll all imitate, and adapt."
She takes that moment to look around the room, "That doesn't sound pleasant, but, trust me- it's worse."
- Shuri has posed:
A look over at Robin and then at Victor and Shuri blinks, sitting up a little and stopping her work, "You have a live one? I'd very much like to see that." She states, "All I had was dead things and they quickly turned to goo after a time. They were not exactly the most useful of things to study." She then turns to Tony and nods to him.
"As for the metal they use? Just Tungsten and coltan. Nothing super exciting but still very tough. Just keep it in mind. As for protecting our gear? I might have an idea at least for our communication."
She shrugs, "I have not seen or heard of him doing anything with Wakanda. We are hidden. We do a good job being hidden. He might have an idea we are there but he also might not have any idea what we can do. Our technology differs from anything anywhere else on this world. Our communication devices are different, too." She nods and gives a gesture.
Then she turns and looks to Karen before she looks to Victor again and she hmms, "All connected?" She debates internally, "Sounds like both a strength and a weakness. You can't connect to anything without opening up a two way street..."
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There is a slight roll of the eyes as Robin chimes in stating that the drones are faster than normal humans. There isn't anything else out loud, because Pietro does have manners when he cares to use them, but the message is loud and clear nonetheless.
The drones are not faster than him.
Still, with the mention of the metal used, ice blue eyes shift over to look at Lorna. "You can do a number on those drones, couldn't you? Which means that if you could, Father could." Pietro turns away, just seemingly talking to himself now. "So, if Father couldn't handle this, then that tells you something, doesn't it? Not going to be a walk in the park."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino is listening carefully to each, blue eyes narrowing at points before she hits upon one that seems to really bother her. "Wait, wait..." and a pale hand rises. "You're tellin' us that they're all connected, and that they talk to each other." There's a pause before, "And they learn from each other, right?" She doesn't bother waiting for an answer before continuing, "So, if we go at them, picking at them, they learn all the tricks we're using. Or," and she waves her hand to erase that statement from the air and continues, "They learn some of the tricks. What's to keep 'em from adapting? What it sounds like is that we'd need a wildcard to take 'em out in order to keep 'em guessing."
- Franklin Richards has posed:
Linking into the videoconference is Franklin Richards, clad in white and black with a leather jacket thrown on, in one of the Fantastic Four's labs. He offers a mumbled apology for being late before leaning back into a chair. There's a maze of stretchy limbs behind him, indicating that he is not alone even if he'll be the main face of his team for the purpose of this meeting.
Blue eyes follow the speakers as they all share various bits of information, and he has half a mind to find a notepad or something. The young man instead asks, "Since we're talking about motivations, do we have any clue as to where he'll strike next?"
- Daisy Johnson has posed:
For now Daisy had been listening in silence, eyes going over each person as they talk yet as questions time comes around the hacktivist dislodges herself from the wall.
"Shield will welcome any and every information that is being shared about their technology." a nod given. "Though I do have a few questions. Namely about their tech." a nod is given towards Shuri. "Because if they are connected it's indeed a two way street. Could it be feasible hacking through those sentries to reach the Master?" a pause. "How more advanced exactly is their technology in comparison to ours?"
A finger then being brought up to her chin, thoughtful. "And as for returning the people, assuming we can assault their ship, what means could we use to bring the people back to earth?"
- Scott Summers has posed:
"Are you sure Brainiac is a machine?" Asks Scott, leaning forward on his seat. "He came to Earth to capture mutants, did so in secrecy and with great success. He might have millions in his ship. Hammer bay was a very large city and he might have taken a good part of it."
In comparison Mutant Town was small. Bushwick has roughly 120,000 inhabitants, but Mutant Town was not all Bushwick. So, a few seconds to digest that. "The second attack was blatant. He announced his plans to destroy the planet. Hit Washington to kill a few people, and maybe to draw there some of our most powerful heroes. And then took a few more mutants. He said 'mutants will add their X-genes to my drones'. Are his drones alive? Cyborgs?"
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna sat back, listening to the intel and silently typing away on a tablet keyboard to take notes and to make her own questions. She simply nodded to each person in turn that shared their information, and to those that asked questions. She pursed her lips at Pietro's observation. "Both metals are finicky in terms of their alloys and how they react to magnetic forces. It depends heavily on the base structure of his ship. I can't say one way or another how that might impact my powers or father's without a sample for me to inspect." She glanced to the gathered projections and video screens in front of her.
"Genosha had at least 16 million people prior to the attack. He used the Sentinels as a smokescreen while he bubbled up and captured key places, including the Palace. It's difficult to get a guesstimate on how many might have lived because the Sentinels that Brainiac used--" She broke off and swallowed thickly. "Disintegrated a great many people and we've found during reconstruction it's hard to get a final body count. And we have yet to touch Carrion Cove. But at current estimates we have several million mutants that might be saved. Again, that's based on our current guesses. In regards to the information that one drone is effectively Brainiac himself.. That might explain what the X-men encountered when we hit a Sentinel Factory." She glanced to Scott briefly and back.
"There was well, to be frank, a struggle between the two, and it seems Master Mold was able to copy himself into a body and escape. If that helps gauge the intellectual power of Brainiac at all, they managed to hold Trask's creation for however long since Genosha was destroyed." She pursed her lips together.
"Is there anything else to add to his possible motives or means right now before we move to another topic of discussion? As it's been said, he has attacked two key locations where mutants gather."
- Tony Stark has posed:
"Based on what I've gotten from his ship, it looks like the information we have that he's shrinking things to store them has to be true at least to some degree. Our resident expert on all things itty-bitty is currently out of communication; I'll update more when Dr. Pym's not being a hermit, about restoring ideas. I have a good amount on my own to get started with, but tracking the ship was - and is - the priority; can't restore them if we can't find them, and as mentioned before, things keep /changing/, so it's like trying to follow something while the lights are strobing. A bit of guesswork and intuition." Tony scratches near his eye, distracted by something 'offscreen'.
"Honestly, hearing Wakanda spoke of like that? Sounds like a big target for Brainiac. We should consider this attack could also be a distraction away from taking more things that he may want." Tony winces, shaking his head. "A big reason to get a way to nullify that beam he uses. We can meet about that later, maybe, I don't want to derail this into a technical chat about the beams."
"I'm good to move on to talking drones, unless there's more about his history," Tony adds.
- Victor Stone has posed:
Victor grimaces at Shuri's question. "Oh, sorry -- they're dead. They're real, real dead. The Titans just happened to have a whole jet on site so we could load a bunch of them immediately and keep them fresh. There's no way we could keep a living one contained."
He glances off to one side -- in the unhelpful way that people on videoconferences do, because you can't actually track what they're looking at -- and continues, "From what Power Girl says, if we tried, it might just metastasize into a whole 'nother Brainiac." As if one wasn't bad enough.
"They're cyborgs. Lower-case," he confirms for Cyclops, flashing a tight smile as he maintains his trademark. "In order to even get at the whole code I had to figure out their techno-organic interface, but I had a little bit of a head start there. Genetic computing: confirmed. Which -- Agent Johnson, was it? -- also makes hacking them on the fly in the field..."
He trails off, purses his lips, and glances around the grid again, before finishing: "Not necessarily impossible, not for this group of people, but it will be really, really hard."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde raises a hand, like a student in a classroom. "I have a question. Can you shoot cyborgs? Or is the metal too tough to be shot normally, meaning some more upgraded firepower is required to take them out?"
- Hal Jordan has posed:
The Lantern had been quiet...which is uncharacteristic of him, really, when he finally speaks up. "Sorry, I was hoping the Guardians would reply a little quicker. Still...you'll all be displeased to know we are not the first planet that got hit. Or even the first Space Sector. The Guardians have been a little slow about finishing their Dosssier for whatever reason, but this is a galactic level threat we're dealing with."
- Shuri has posed:
A frown and a nod is given to Victor before she looks to Tony and Shuri adds, "Sure, Tony. We can talk." She then looks to Lorna with a blink before she looks around the table and says, "Is that really a question? What his motive is? He took mutants. He didn't take aliens. He didn't take technology. He didn't take our intelligent or our metahumans or anything else. He wanted one thing. The x-Gene. I can say it is doubtful that that occurs anywhere else in the known universe. There may be other mutations like it but I doubt it occurs exactly like this elsewhere. He took a unique organic thing, is working with it to make sure he doesn't need anything else to use it...and then he'll destroy the source so he is the only one with it." Shuri nods, "Seems pretty straight forward to me." She then idly returns to fiddling with the little snitch thing she has been working on.
- Karen Starr has posed:
"I wouldn't qualify them as alive. Sure, they're organic, but whatever was there before isn't there now. As for Brainiac itself... It's an AI. It was developed- at least, from what I remember- it was developed to preserve. It collects things that are unique. It doesn't have to be powerful, just something that's rare or on the verge of extinction, or of interest. It will... Scoop these things out."
Pulling the chair back and then slowly setting herself into it, Power Girl speaks once she's settled. "Once it has what it wants, it destroys the source. Not so that nobody else can have it, it doesn't care about its individual power as much as it cares about its mission. If its mission requires more strength, it gets what it can to become stronger. Otherwise, it's purely about preserving."
She brings one hand up, and waves it quietly in a circle a few times. "It may not yet consider any of us a threat. That's good. It may not yet have everything it wants from this planet. That's also good. Once it -wants- to destroy the planet, it can, and it will. We have to take that capability away before that happens."
- Scott Summers has posed:
"Not alive, I see," at least that would be kind of good news for the X-Men that 'killed' the drone in the Sentinel factory. Scott sighs. "How likely is the drones attacking us are actually transformed mutants? Because that is what the one we met hinted."
But if the drone was actually Brainiac, maybe it was his version of psychological warfare? It certainly rattled most of the team quite a bit. "We weren't able to make a proper genetic scanning of the organic-like pieces," he adds, "did the Titans manage?" That is for Victor.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There is a slight shake of Pietro's head, the white locks of hair bobbing from the effort. "When will you all just learn to get to the point, already?" The speedster sits up straighter, looking straight ahead at the different holograms in front of him. Pointing towards Power Girl, Pietro intones flatly. "She is saying it's a comic book nerd that wants the unique issues for himself and damn the rest. A damn geek with his finger on the trigger to destroy what he wants."
Then, with a glance over towards Scott (because Pietro *is* in the same room as Lorna and him), he directs a shot to the X-Men leader. "What does it matter about getting a 'proper genetic scan'? He just said they didn't get much of a scan. He said they got the programming. Just figure out the language and isolate the main unit from its little drones then take it out!"
Obviously...someone is tired of sitting around listening.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"You said," Domino points a black gloved finger at Tony, "it's out there, that ship." A wave is given off camera before her hand settles. "How do we get out there, or are we gonna do something stupid, like try and lure it back? Is it moving at all?" Logistics!
"I mean, knowing is 3/4s of the battle, but we actually gotta //get// to the battle in order to use the intel." Domino shrugs her shoulders again and looks around, brows rising before sitting back in her seat. "S'all I got."
- Tony Stark has posed:
"Okay, yeah, clearly we need to go after the head of the snake, and get the hostages away from it. But it's entirely valid to organize teams to deal with the drones so that there's still something left here to save," Tony grins a little bit.
"So let's split a little: those that can focus on space, we'll continue to trade our information and see about if we /can/ bring the fight out to him, or if it's a better battleground to try to decide where we want to pitch a fight and lure him somewhere. I don't want to host a big battle on planet if possible, the losses are just going to be too high. But those that are able to get into space, maybe we can launch a counter-attack that can include both a rescue and an attack."
"And those that are focusing on protecting those on planet, against the drones, get all on the same page there. Seems like this meeting, though, is ready to be split into those subgroups," Tony says, drumming his fingers on the console in front of him.
"Any last items for the whole group, anybody?"
- Victor Stone has posed:
When Cyclops asks his question, Victor taps at his wrist to pull up a readout, the red light of his artificial left eye flickering as he scrolls through it. "None of the drones we studied had the X-gene present," he answers, "but they were from the D.C. attack. I can't say whether X-gene drones have been introduced since then." He gives the X-men leader an apologetic shrug of his metal shoulders. "If we get our hands on any newer samples, I'll be sure they get tested and let you know what we find, though."
He sits back in his chair when Pietro has his outburst, but has enough self-preservation instinct to stay well clear of any internal conflicts among the mutants. Brainiac drones are one thing, but that's quite another.
- Tony Stark has posed:
Scanning the room visually, it appears most of the others are breaking into smaller groups to talk about sub-topics: whether the drones can be shot and how, whether the satellites are all in order and what happened to them, the genetic makeup of the enemies....
"I've uploaded what I've got, and sent access to your teams...." Tony checks through his items, distracted. Yep, that's everything.
"Anything comes up, reach out. We're all heroes here. Teamwork it up."