2522/The Snikt Sisters and School

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The Snikt Sisters and School
Date of Scene: 19 July 2020
Location: Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: Laura & Gabby spar after seeking permission for them both to officially join Xavier's.
Cast of Characters: Laura Kinney, Gabby Kinney, Jean Grey, Logan Howlett, Bishop, Piotr Rasputin

Laura Kinney has posed:
There was always an opportunity to be productive, in Laura's mind. Gabby had stated she would soon be going to Hell, to reclaim Julian's soul. And, both Gabby and Laura had come to the decision, each on their own, they would be seeking to gain residence at Xavier's.

Laura had texted Gabby with instructions to meet her at the Lake at 9:00 am, sharp with no further information. She had also left a note under Jean's door asking Jean to meet both her and Gabby at the Lake because they had something Very Important <tm> to talk to her about and they would be working out at the lakefront.

Laura, thus having arrived approximately ten minutes early, was in the middle of a Half Moon yoga pose, streching, and preparing for the day.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was actually one of the few students that was up bright and early. It was ingrained into her: Get up early to work out. Even now she did so, going for jogs around the property though she steers clear of the area by the road after her abduction by Sinister. While she didn't remember the details, that was where she was told she had been snatched from. One mistake she wasn't going to risk again. So her runs went through the woods, around the lake, anywhere that she deemed 'safe' because it was probably an area hard to traverse and yet known well to the resident who lived in a cabin here. Logan. If anyone were lost in these woods he'd find them she had no doubt. Even if it was her.

Though thankfully that wasn't necessary. She was becomming rather familiar with the area herself. By the time nine came around she's already had a good healthy run and comes jogging around the bend to where Laura is. Grinning bright she lifts a hand to wave and call out, "Morning!" to her sister.

Jean Grey has posed:
    Jean received the note bright and early, of course, as she's always been a bit of a morning person. In this case, she decided against the typical morning run in favor of a flight soaring over the lake. Though, once she got close to the actual meeting spot, she descended into the trees, also telekinetically reweaving her uniform into something more typical of a passerby.

In this case, modest green skirt, matching blouse, and a straw hat to protect from the Sun, the mortal enemy of all gingers. That done, she emerges from the woods on the opposite side from Gabby, smiling to both Gabby and Laura, "Good morning, both of you. Staying out of trouble?" The latter mostly directed towards Gabby.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura holds the pose for a few more moments after both Gabby and Jean punctually arrive. This seems to satisfy her, and she nods once to Gabby in greeting before looking directly to Jean as she rights herself and gives one final strech.

It's the latter she addresses, first, "I have not killed anyone, recently," she states. That is the only 'trouble' she can think of, knowing Xavier's distaste for the deed. "Gabby has never killed anyone. We are staying out of trouble, yes." A succicent nod, firm, and final to punctuate that.

"Gabby and I have a question, for you Jean. After which, you are welcome to stay and observe. Gabby is going to attack me. With everything she has." This will, likely, be news to Gabby as well. At least on the latter account.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds up her hands in a defensive posture, or at least a 'I didn't do nothin!' posture at Jean's remarks. "The only thing I did lately was kick Julian's dad in the nuts and he totally deserved that at the very least." She nods emphatically knowing nothing else was going on. Oh. Wait. The guns. Dang. Her mouth opens, then closes, and she lets out a sigh. "Okay one thing but I was gonna get it taken care of and anyway--"

Laura's explanation causes her to glance over in surprise. "I am? Okay." That was news to her indeed, but she rolls with it easily enough. It's not like either of them would really get hurt after all.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean arches a brow slightly at that, "From what Illyana has told me, I'm impressed with that level of restraint, Gabby." She smiles faintly, and then takes a seat on a convenient boulder near the beach, looking at Laura and Gabby curiously. She's not entirely sure what to make of the request just yet, and she's not determined enough to pry mentally. Instead, she looks between the two calmly, a patient and somewhat curious expression on her face.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura nods again, to both of them. Then, simply comes out with it. Laura never beats around the bush, she is always ready to get straight to the point, for good or bad. To this end, she tells Jean, "I wish to gain residency at Xavier's. I would contribute in recompense by assisting in the protection of students, staff, and property, without lethal enforcement. If you find that satisfactory. I will let Gabby make her own request." Laura does not presume to speak for her sister, afterall, even if they've already talked, and agreed upon the courses each of them would take going forward.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods a single time at that only to flash a grin. "Well yeah, but it's not my dad. If anyone deserves revenge against him it's Julian. I just told him not to have anymore kids." It's shrugged off as she listens to Laura give her request. Oh it was her turn now. Lightly clearing her throat she considers, and the nods a single time.

"Happy Harbor sucks. You got to hide who you are, but then some super smart idiot brings a rail gun to the science fair and punches a hole through half the walls in the school. I liked the chance to get to try to be normal but if I'm gonna be dealing with stupid stuff like that, I want to at least be expecting it," she reasons with a solemn nod. "Plus..." Here she falters. The silliness slips just a bit. "I think we all know I'm not going to live a 'normal' adult life. I don't want to be what was expected of me, but I do want to help. I want to fight for the right thing. It'd make more sense if I started attending here. I mean. If that's okay."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, and smiles a little at the request, "I think, considering what you have already been through, there's definitely a spot for both of you at the School, if you wish to have it."

She then chuckles quietly, "For most of our incoming students, we proactively make the offer... but in this case, we thought it best to wait for you two to ask, when you felt yourselves ready to join the school proper. Your experiences are definitely... different, than most we would receive here." Which is definitely saying something.

Laura Kinney has posed:
By Laura's expression, she certainly hadn't thought it would be that easy. Especially considering the whole 'gun in the mansion' fiasco with Piotr. But that expression only lasts a few fleeting moments before she's nodding to Jean, and seems to have enough mental acuity to remember some sembelance of manners by a way of, "Thank you. I will begin moving most of my belongings to the mansion today, then." The other parts of the 'most ofs', likely guns and other weapons that would be frowned upon at Xavier's she doesn't address. But it wouldn't be a difficult presumption to make that by that statement, Laura intends to keep a safehouse or two, or 'hiding spot' of some means of lethality off campus for her own use should it ever come to that.

Gabby's inquiry is given a nod of satisfaction that her sister, too, is accepted. "Is there anything further we need to do to make preperations, or when we relocate?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney taps her fingers together a few times only to huff out a breath. It wasn't that she was afraid of being told no, but... The other part. "So, okay great. Now ah... I was told you guys have an armory here for keeping stuff? I mean. I kind of have a few... bits of gear that might need storing." Guns. She means guns. But she doesn't rat out Laura on hers at least.

Logan Howlett has posed:
There's a rustle from the nearby flora, a snapping of twigs, and the frightened flight of birds. Logan emerges carrying a thick log over one of his broad shoulders, the stocky runt striking quite the figure as a lumberjack in a pair of thick canvas pants, boots, and a tattered up black t-shirt.

He sniffs the air, furrows his brow, and then settles his blue gaze on Laura, Gabby, and Jean. He snorts, "You kids aren't gettin' into too much trouble are ya?"

He tosses the log onto the ground and unleashes a single adamantium claw with the patented but evidently public domain 'snikt'. Rolling the log in fifteen degree turns with his boot sole, he skins the bark during a gradual process of rendering the wood into timber.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura looks over to Logan as he joins the 'party'. Or at least, the small meeting Laura had arranged away from the school campus for her own reasons. She looks to Logan, furrows her brow. "Jean asked us the same thing. No. We have not been involved in any illegal activities, or those that Xavier's would frown upon. In fact, Jean has just authorized both myself, and Gabby, to become residents of Xavier's. Gabby will be attending school there this next semester."

Laura turns, looking at Gabby but addressing Logan. "She has declared to me that she is going on a mission soon. But also made a statement that she doesn't feel right figting without weapons. So, I have brought her out here to have her attack me, with all her ability to both show her, and remind her, of her mistake in that thought."

Yep. Logan's kids are going to get into a snikt fight. Or, some variant thereof. At least, if Laura has her way.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney rolls her head back to the sky while throwing her arms up melodramatically. "Why does everyone ask if we're being good!? I only kicked Julian's dad in the nuts!" Dude deserved far worse. Even so she lets her hands drop with a sigh, then flashes Logan a bright grin in spite of her dramatics. "Yeah everything's fine. We asked Jean if we can attend here and she said yes and..."

Then Laura spills the beans about her mission. "Just a tiny one. To Limbo. To rescue Julian's soul." Tiny. She even holds up her hand to pinch finger and thumb together showing how tiny it was.

To Laura she more seriously replies, "I know I have claws, but I had to hide them and pretend I wasn't a mutant. I don't really fight with them much. Besides they're not like knives like you both have," she explains as one fist comes up to have the single bone claw pop out. "Still good for stabbing but yeah."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan has a boathouse to repair so he keeps on task with working the timber, using a claw to begin carving off planks with long, precise strikes. He grunts and nods as he listens to the pair, "That's good, just make sure to play nice with the other kids."

He eyes Laura for a moment, squinting. "In particular, you... If you get a rage boilin' up, come find me, and we'll work it out of you. That's a standin' offer, ya?"

He makes quick work and stacks a few of the boards than sheaths the claw. His arms crossing over his chest, he steps over to the inevitable sparring. He doesn't say anything else, he just observes.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Agreed," Laura states firmly to Logan. It's not precisely a worry of hers, going beserk, but nevertheless she appreciates the offer, clearly. Still, there is a pause almost right after. She hesitates, then remarks, "There is one possible situation, if the Facility ever does come for me. In that situation, if I do become enraged and volitle, it is imperative you kill me." This last is stated with dead seriousness. Another pause. She seems about to say something else, but elects not to. Which - is not like her. At all.

Her expression shifts, mein changing from that deeper thought to focus, intent on the sparring match. She gestures for Gabby to come at her, telling the younger girl, "Your claws, whlie not adamantium and sharpened, are not only for stabbing." She does not provide further insight, forcing Gabby to think of other applications, or prove to Laura she knows other uses for them. Laura seems determined to ensure Gabby is prepared for this 'mission', regardless.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney still looks a bit pensive if anything with her lips pursed tight together. But she takes a deep breath while closing her eyes, and lets it out slowly. Just a moent to gather her thoughts, to focus, to get into the mentality that she used to have. When her eyes open again she looks far more like Laura than she had before. Impassive, emotionless, expressionless for the most part. It wasn't the same training that the older clone had gone under by far, but she still had similar. Happy bubbly Gabby was being set aside for now to focus on this.

Without a word, no cry of attack or yell or anything, she lunges for Laura. Keeping low she slams her hand down on the ground to use as a pivot point to swing her legs around in a kick for Laura's knees to try and take her down before going in again.

Laura Kinney has posed:
There is no doubt that Gabby is good, damn good. And in many respects, the training she and Laura recieved was nearly the same or close enough to make little difference. Is Laura better? Hard to say. Laura at least, seems to be taking the fight very seriously by the expression on her face. She had, afterall, instructed Gabby to attack her with everything she had.

Shifting her center of balance Laura plants one leg down, and absorbs the brunt of the the kick by raising her other leg and letting it slam into her calf, before retaliating.

She had learned long ago, in her training that had at first focused so hard on emulating Logan that she needed to take advantage of her own physical form - speed and agility rather than strength.

She encroaches on Gabby's ground, relentlessly attacking with a flurry of kicks aimed at her lower section with the intent of pushing Gabby back, throwing her off balance, and giving Laura the advantage rather than actually hurting her.

Bishop has posed:
The. big man from the future wanders out of the boat house, a styrofoam cup of coffee in hand that he sips from gingerly. Over the rim, dark eyes narrow as Bishop watches the sisters fight. His expression perfectly serene as if this is as normal as getting a glass of water in the middle of the night.

He does thing to not verbalize any critiques though, letting the young warriors battle and sharpen their, mephorical claws at least. Bishop finds the wood splitting stump and decides its the perfect place to stop and observe.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was small. Quick. Fast. Yet Laura had an advantage over her in the length of her limbs forcing her to hop back, jump over legs, and try to get in close again. Unlike Laura though she didn't feel pain. Timing it right she takes one of those kicks to her midsection only to lash her arm down around the leg gripping it in against her side in the process. The impact brought about the sound of bone breaking--a rib or two crunched--but she doesn't even so much as flinch at the damage.

Instead she swings in bringing her free hand to punch toward Laura's solar plexus. It would be a strong hit just by itself but she does take into account Laura's earlier remarks and at the last second the single bone claw on the back of her hand pops out to stab. Unless stopped or deflected she was, indeed, going to be stabbing Laura right in the guts.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Not feeling pain - while you have a healing factor - is a definite advantage, to be certain. And it's a contingency to which Laura hasn't faced before in combat. Her leg is caught, and before Laura can twist away, Gabby's own speed - matching Laura's has a bone claw neatly inserted into Laura's midsection, deep.

The oldest of Logan's clone lets out a little gurgle, and blood seeps over Laura's t-shirt, and no doubt coats Gabby's claws.

Here is where training gets tricky, because Laura's agreed with the sacrifices that Gabby's sisters made. Gabby -shouldn't- kill. She has a chance to be more normal than herself, or even Logan, because she hasn't. So instead of scolding Gabby for not going for the kill shot, she hold herself there, facial expression firming.

"Effective attack. On most people." But Gabby can't feel pain. And, well, they had a mutual understanding. Didn't they? Larua's sure they did.

She uses the leverage that Gabby's provided her with her leg pinned to jump off her remaining leg and twist her body - succumbing to the pain and further damage the bone claw in her stomach is doing as a foot claw 'snikts' out, lashing across Gabby's kneecap to literally slice the tendon apart, and disable her leg entirely -- if the attack works. Laura knows Gabby will heal, if it does. Either way, it proves Laura's point. "Everyone. Everything, has a weakness. Exploit them to your advantage. With speed, and precision."

Bishop has posed:
Bishop is generally non-plussed by training exercises that bring with them a certain level of Authenticity in how they simulate the violence of life battle. Still the claw coming out makes his eyes widen and reflexively he stands, as if his instincts to intercede get a headstart on his rational brain reminding him that the ladies heal quickly, maybe even quicker than their genetic father, and they would likely not approve of the interrupt.

And so Bishop stretches up on tippy toes and takes a sip of coffee, trying to look like all he meant to do was stretch. Thatâ??s all. Of course then Laura slices for a knee tendon, and itâ??s a little known fact that big men like Bishop are like horses. Very vulnerable at the knees. Attempts to be stoic fail as that causes him to wince.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Well yeah but my aim was a bit off, that'd be a bit lethal..." At least without immediate medical help. Gabby can see that as well causing her to hesitate with a frown. "Sorry." She knew it hurt Laura and that upset her a bit. Enough that when Laura moves she's easily caught up in that return attack from the foot claws. THAT she had forgotten about admittedly.

The tendon is cut, and she goes down like a bag of potatos. Even without the pain it was just not something she could put weight on right now so she's left to rolling onto her stomach to push up on her hands, with her good knee brought up to balance. "Right, feet claws, forgot that," she utters to herself quietly even as the ribs she'd already broken make her breath come a little shallow, and quick. Looks like Laura won this round.

Jean Grey has posed:
Fortunately for someone on the front row, Jean does have a telekinetic field screening her from any errant splatters of blood or the like. Also comes in very handy at raves and the occasional Evil Dead: The Musical viewing. She does, however, wave absently towards Bishop, watching the 'spar' with a degree of interest as Laura asked her here for this reason.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura steps back, and her footclaws retract. She gives both herself, and Gabby, a small window to heal even as she reaches to the new dagger, the Scottish dirk blade; a conquest from her visit to the recent Ren Faire.

"You also forgot about my hand claws," Laura points out. "Yours was not a deathblow. Both your hands were occupied. If you ever leave your throat open like that again, I will not hesitate to slice it open." Laura does -not- sound like she's kidding, either. This is another aspect of her protectiveness of Gabby. Make sure her little sister doesn't make a fatal mistake.

Ultimately it comes down to: "Focus. Do not be afraid to study, watch your opponent. Wait for them to make a mistake. Or, understand their attacks. Then, exploit."

And with that, the 'resting' period is done, as now Laura charges at Gabby with the added extension of her short sword. And once again, Laura isn't holding back. Well, maybe a little. Because she's not pulling out her hand claws. At least, not yet. But she is certainly out for blood as she deftly moves in to slash at Gabby with an expert awareness of the blades length, balance, and her own speed - her body position as primed for attack as it is to switch immediately into defense.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop dips his head to Jean, â??Dr. Grey, it is good to see you as always. I have a fresh pot of coffee brewed up in the boat house if you would like some?â?? he offers as he moves over next to her and the presumed telekinetic shield. He still watches the sisters. Studying both of them carefully but safing his military analysis for when they are done.

â??They hold nothing back do they? I will admit I have always been unclear on if their healing just gives them the tolerance to get master the pain of injury or if they simple donâ??t feel it. I worry if they become completely numb to it that it could be dangerous. THe brain needs pain to be able to fight at itâ??s most effective.â??

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr had been over on Pugsley Creek doing some painting, and hauling back his easel under one arm, with his free hand holding onto the a tube holding the painting safely in it. His other hand is dragging a toolbox behind him, filled with painting supplies and is covered in random paint splotches.

It is not the only thing covered in paint as Piotr's t-shirt and shorts are flecked with fresh-ish stains of blue, green, orange, and yellow, among others, in a haphazard fashion. He is whistling to himself until he catches the sight of blood and begins running forward, dropping the easel and toolbox. The sprinting Russian hurries forward, the cardboard tube like an oversized relay baton.

When Piotr arrives at the scene he asks, "Is everybody all right?" his tone incredibly sincere and full of worry until he realizes /who/ is bleeding and then he sighs. "Don't scare me like that again," the Russian says slowly, the worry still evident in his tone, "But are you both all right?" He then notes who else is present, giving Bishop a nod and Jean a nod as well, but also a reflexive warm smile, "Well, at least there are adults here to supervise." He rubs the bridge of his nose as the worry subsides.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean glances over at Bishop, "Oh, hello, and some coffee would be delightful, thank you... and no, they don't. Laura asked me out here to watch, and also to join the school, both of them." She looks at Laura and Gabby, "I imagine sparring is a little different when you know you'll heal from the hits pretty fast."

When Piotr runs up, Jean flashes him a bright smile, "Yeah, it's okay Piotr! No healing factors have been taxed in the conducting of this training, as far as I can tell anyway." She gives him a curious look, then quirks a bit wider of a smile, "Up early painting, I see."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flexes her foot a time or two as it heals to ensure she can do so. Once she's assured it's fixing up properly she risks putting weight on it while taking the opportunity to heal. The ribs likely are healing as well though that was less obvious. "This is why I usually ear bodyarmor," she points out. Healing or not it never hurt to not have to do so in the first place. But her focus is back on Laura when the dirk comes out causing her to scowl a little. "Sure, you get to use weapons," she teases lightly.

Piotr's concern is met with a cheery, "Hi Piotr!" that would normally have a wave along with it. Not this time though. Both her claws pop out to use as a means to deflect the dirk if she needs to, and she apparently does.

The slash is met with claw to deflect, and rather than leave herself open, keen to Laura's warning, she povits on her heel at the same time to send her leg out. It's up high trying for a face strike, but either way she's going to try and get out of range immediately after.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop nods to Jean and tells her that heâ??ll be right back as he goes to the boat house to fetch the coffee. He dips his head to Piotr in greeting as well, just before dissappearing into the boat house. Heâ??ll reammerge in a few minutes with a try with cups a fresh pot of cofee, cream and sugar and even a few bottles of water so people can get water and coffee to their liking as the pair spars.

When he sets down the tray, two of the water bottles are plucked off of the tray and each is lobbed, gently to either girlâ??s side of the make shift fighting ring.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop says, "Realism is wonderful but donâ??t forget to take a break to hydrate."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Good," Laura says, no focus lost in either tone, or feature, but there is satisfaction as Gabby uses her claw not only to stab, but to defend. "They are a part of you." That, perhaps, was the entire point of her attacking with the knife in the first place.

Laura blocks the high kick with the flat of the blade near the pommel, and as Gabby moves to retreat, Laura throws the blade directly at Gabby's center of gravity, directly at her midsection.

Live action Danger Room, anyone?

This is probably why Laura wanted Jean to watch them fight. Make sure no students came in on accident, as well as - well, made sure the fighting wasn't misunderstood by others, either.

Aware of the newcomers, she keeps her eye on the fight instead.

Laura follows up the throw of the blade with a sudden burst of speed, directed at Gabby. She moves past Gabby - whether the knife hit, or missed, and then her hand claws are popping out, and slamming into the ground. She uses this as a fixed pivot point to turn her momentum into her advantage and swing out a high-force kick to Gabby's legs in an instant, showing Gabby yet another 'use' for her claws.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"This is the second time, Gabrielle, that you have scared me like this," Piotr says as he observes the sparring and then looks to Jean with a grin, "Da. Had a special project to work on that only has limited hours to get what I want." He nods to Bishop and, if allowed will take a bottle of water, which he sips from, "Thank you, indeed, hydration is important, especially in these blasted summers." He looks up, not directly at the Sun, but enough to sigh, then back to the fight, joining the other adults, and asking "Why are they fighting again?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean hmms, "Well, Laura asked for it, literally. I'm just here to observe." She telekinetically lifts one of the offered coffee cups to her, sipping a bit as she grins back at Piotr, shifting on her rock to allow for some extra space. A clear invitation for the Russian to join her, as she hmms, "Laura also asked to join the school, for both herself and Gabby. I agreed to it, naturally."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Sorry!" Gabby calls out about worrying people. Even now with Laura coming at her with a knife, and flat out throwing it at her, she is keeping half an ear on the conversation. Much as she can. The thrown knife causes her to twist to the side making herself a smaller target, and just as before she slices with her claw to knock it aside further. It gives plenty of time for Laura to close the distance.

She slides her leg back, ducking down, preparing to take whatever frontal attack... that doesn't happen as Laura goes by her causing her to pivot as well. But too late, as the attack takes her by surprise and knocks her back off her feet skidding along the ground till she ends up half in the water on the edge of the lake.

"Okay," she croaks out, "Snack break." And she did have some thinking about how to use her claws in different ways now as well. That was the ultimate point of this entire sparring.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop pours himself another cup of coffee, using his other hand to offer the cream and sugar to the cofee cup Jean is floating past him, trying to see if sheâ??ll have either. <Indeed Mr. Rasputin, these summers are... it was surprisingly colder in my future. I am not used to this. Also I am very glad to hear the Sisters Kinney are formerly joining the school. I think Xavierâ??s dream is important and all the greatest fighters need to find their cause worth fighting for.>

He looks between Jean and Piotr, <I should perhaps when I am not in Genosha make efforts to help with the school more.>

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura picks herself up, nods, once, and resheathes her claws. SHe moves, then, to retreive her dagger, wiping it on her pantleg and then sheathing it precisely. She, too, seems convinced the purpose of this lesson has been conveyed.

Laura has only one more measure of advice for Gabby: "Do not let yourself be distracted on the mission, and you will return successfull, Gabby. We will spar more when you return." Though, perhaps, not so fiercely. It's clear that Laura feels satisfied with the results, and thus moves to look at the newcomers. SHe nods both to Bishop, and to Piotr. She answers the latter questions first. "The reason we were fighting was to show Gabby that her claws have a wide range of uses apart from the obvious. And to make sure she was ready for her mission." Simple.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr joins Jean on the rock and nods, "I see." Though the mention of them joining the school gets genuine approval from the large man, "Excellent, it will be good for both of them, though I am curious if they will take art or Russian," he chuckles, "If you do I will be glad to have you as pupils."

Gabby gets a nod, "It just worries me, that is al." He then observes the end of the fight and says, "Well, at the very least either of you can hold your own. That is good..." He sighs. Then he looks to Bishop and nods, "I could do with colder, never have been fond of the hot summers, here."